I disagree with your predictions.These events from Revelations are the same as the secrets (or messages) that Mary is revealing at Medjugorje.
2009...War among Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East and northern Africa will unite these nations under the leadership of Iraq and Iran. Iraq will invade and occupy Syria and other Arab nations.
2010 to 2019....A long and bloody war begins. It is World War 3. After the small war among Arab nations, the Arab nations will join forces. They will threaten and attack the United States..They will explode a nuclear bomb in New York City.( "YOU WILL MAKE THEM LIKE AN OVEN OF FIRE, IN THE TIME OF YOUR PRESENCE. THE LORD WILL STIR THEM UP WITH HIS WRATH, AND FIRE WILL DEVOUR THEM")
Next they will threaten and attack Europe. They will attack France and Italy and other countries. The Arab nations will be unstoppable. They will eventually conquer all of Europe, parts of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, and the northern part of Africa.This war will be a war against nations and also a war against the Christian Faith. They will burn churches and prohibit public Christian worship in the occupied countries.(This war is the FIRST HORSEMAN AND THE FIRST SEAL OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION)
The 2010's....Civil violence and disorder, caused by the war and by the confusion and fear of the people of the world during the tribulation. This violence is world wide, resulting in police and court systems being overwhelmed. People will need to exercise their right to self - defence. (this violence is the SECOND HORSEMAN AND THE SECOND SEAL OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION)
Mid 2013 to mid 2020....The Great Famine of the 21st Century begins.It lasts for seven years. It will increase in severity and extent from mid 2013 to 2015. The famine will be most severe in Europe and in the occupied territories, and still relatively severe in wealthy nations not under occupation. Even the US will be severly affected. (this famine is the THIRD HORSEMAN AND THE THIRD SEAL OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION )
The 2010's....Death from a variety of causes, most related to the three previous horsemen. (this is the FOURTH HORSEMAN AND THE FOURTH SEAL OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION.
There is a lot more suffering to come after 2020.