You are a good soul, no doubt and your wish is commendable.
Secular countries like India can have leaders of any faith with following in other communities. Turkey, Tunisia and some other mainly Muslim nations have secular constitutions and there is no problem for the non Muslims to come to the center stage of politics in these countries. Some Muslim nations have adopted constitutions inspired by Islam and call themselves Islamic nations. They cannot be lead by non Muslims, those who don't subscribe to the ideology upon which the state is formed.
There is a great need for interfaith dialogue between the people of different faiths to understand others better. We have to be careful of the fanatics among all communities as any such move will not be in their best interests. Creating anti Muslim and anti Christian frenzy helps the Hindu fanatic leaders to keep sway upon their masses and also polarise the Hindu vote in favour of the right wing Hindu political parties like the BJP. This atmosphere has already been created in certain states of India where violence against the Christians and Muslims is being systemetically unleashed.
Even the recent upsurge of terror attacks in different cities appear to many like me a planned conspiracy by Hindu right wing to polarise the votes along religious lines. Are the Indian Mujahideens really Muslims? Why have they started their dirty attacks only now when the General Elections are so near? Why so much eagerness to stress upon their 'Indian' origin? Blaming lashkare Toeba (?) and other organisations across the border doesn't anger an average Hindu against Indian Muslim as they know these organisations are all from Pakistan. They don't help polarise the Hindu vote. It is only a hate campaign against Indian Muslims and creating a fear complex against them which can unite the Hindu votes for certain political parties claiming to champion Hindu interests.Which political party is going to reap this harvest of hate?
Many sensible Hindus think on these lines but don't express their doubts publicly.
Meanwhile, I appreciate your views. However, it will need a group of people like you to educate the people and create an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual harmony.