God's Spirit is sent to us, to comfort us!
God wants to take us out of bondage, The Truth will set us free, yet in this Godly Wisdom is being written within us.. heart and mind... so we Become Beings who truly can discern the Truth, from the falsities.. it's not that God's message is unclear, it is that there are principalities working 24/7 that would cause us to fail if they could in this learning process. God is completely aware of all the schemes, and in HIS PERFECTING TIME >.. we will come out of 'them' (falsities) into the Everlasting Presence of all that God is... in the meantime... God is with us, counseling ....His Spirit is being poured upon all men! Jesus overturned the tables in the thinking patterns then, there, He is continuing in the here and now as well... Tables are *thinking patterns", mindsets, heart sets. He said many things, one that touches me daily, is the message that *he will never leave or forsake us, to have no fear* ~ God is on this, above... the Blessed Spirit is at work as well... removing the splinters and logs out of many an eye. It's wise not to get ahead of God, to Wait ... being mindful of His Providence.
Please note that Jesus Christ said: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63) He also said... "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." (John 16:12)
the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63) > hence, the Bible is a 'must needs' for all mankind... for Jesus is The Word! please note that he states "the words that I speak to you, are spirit and life!"
The Spirit is in union with God The Father Who Art in Heaven, and Jesus Christ... working together against all that would keep us in bondage, or as children, tossed to and fro!... working in Agreement and One Accord for us, not against us Jereme!
`it is the god of this world who confuses... governing those lessor spiritual entities who collectively try continuously to rob God's work, Word, from being done in us...
In this so great a Salvation; God is pouring out His Spirit unto all men; so this work Will be done in us; God's intention has not changed; (John 3:16)... is clear... Luke 3:6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
The pouring of God's Spirit:
"I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." The word shaphak, employed by the prophet to express the outpouring of the Spirit, implies the bestowal of the gift in great abundance, shaphak," "does not mean merely to give in drops, but to pour out in great abundance. A beautiful abundance!
Another beauty in this, is that we will come into a much deeper awareness, of how Good God is! As we come out of the ideals that are not significant, for The Spirit counsels us... reasoning with each and every person.... personally... drawing us all into this so as to create bonds as well, and unity as people who come in the spirit of togetherness... who KNOW THE TRUTH< until that time when no longer will the questions need to be asked...exchanging the weapons of war for the plowshares that build true peace and love! This is what God will take us to! Mercifully... As Beings who know the Love of God! When God said: "Let there be Light: He spoke His Light into our lives... As the morning spread upon the mountains.
Furthermore Jereme:
"The Treasury of the Scriptures"
will be plainly spoken of... through the Comforter...who will make KNOWN in us, all that God has intended... so there is no confusion, In God's Time, through special anointing and appointments with us... as God's Spirit deems fit... preparing us in all our sessions, seasons, *see sons, and daughters*!
God did not pour out the Holy Spirit so abundantly or copiously under the Law, as he has since the manifestation of Christ."
The Spirit was indeed communicated in Old Testament times, but that communication was restricted in two ways in quantity, and in the number of recipients; the former was comparatively scanty and the latter few, whereas the word here applied to its communication implies a rich supply, like a copious rainfall.
After the specification of the time, and the mention of the blessing, with its implied plentifulness, comes its wide diffusion, or general distribution - "all flesh," or "all mankind," as the Hebrew expression denotes; and that without regard to age, or sex, or state.
There are two verses:
which promise this pouring out... that I am aware of, more than likely there are many that shine and radiate God's Light as well!
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: (Joel 2:28)
"And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit." (Acts 2:17)
Sons and daughters
.... without distinction of sex; old men and young men without reference to age; servants and handmaids without regard to social position. Thus it is with the Spirit of God as with the Son of God, of whom the apostle says,
"There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uucircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."
The blessing of salvation through the Son of God and by the Spirit of God is wide as the world in its offer, and free to all who accept it - without national distinction, for there is neither Jew nor Greek; without social distinction, for there is neither bond nor free; without sexual distinction, for there is neither male nor female; without ceremonial distinction, for there is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision; without intellectual or educational distinction, for the barbarian and even the Scythian, the lowest type of barbarian, are free to share the blessing. (part of a pulpit commentary)...
You know Jereme: It's wonderful for me to see you asking these questions and it's so True, for the Spirit is reminding me and bringing these words to me, so I can share these gems with you and others... from
the Abundance of God' love, sharing with us that, we are God's earth and hearth...... for these afford us such blessings as we look to God's Spirit... for the Truth, and God's Spirit gathers us in and to abundance:
One last verse for us: for we are being wooed by God's Spirit! In the Scriptures the Spirit is also beautifully spoken of as Wind....
"Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits." (Song of Solomon: 4:16)... and Jereme, it's good you are bringing forth these concerns to light, even in this we have a change to focus .... on more! God is willing to send the Spirit; are we willing to listen to the Spirit so we can receive the Sound (sound n ess)?
Maybe a pertinent question to ask yourself, might be, "Do I have any faith that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all Truth out of error? " For it seems, no word (answer given) that says a yes for God, works for you...if that is the case, then ask God to help you out of state of ‘unbelief". Just Ask if you want the help!