Many religions simply exclude the element of prophecy, knowing it would only discredit them. However the Bible not only doesn't avoid prophecy, but it also repeats the matter over and over again with absolute accuracy.
One mark of divine revelation is fulfilled prophecy. In the Scriptures God has prewritten the events of history with absolute precision. Such accuracy demands a divine authorship because only God could have foreseen and recorded events before they occurred. So this is essentially an argument based on the omniscience of God. The Bible is the product of One who knows everything. Try as they may, men cannot predict the future; only God can. The Bible alone gives us history in detail--before it happens.
Since the fulfillment of prophecy is always in the future from the standpoint of the prophet, many of the prophets did not fully understand their own predictions. That is because many of the prophecies seemed unlikely at the time to occur, such as the destruction of mighty Babylon. As in the majority of cases, that prophecy went beyond human comprehension because it was so foreign to current circumstances.
You never met a Hittite, an Amorite, a Hivite, a Jebusite, or any other "ite", right? They were all around at the times the bible was written, but no...they have long since morphed into the melee and the mix of the races. But we do still have pure Israelites! That in itself is an indication of God’s preservation for their future. Seventy percent, by the way, of Scripture is the story of Israel, start to finish.
Just the fact that they’re still a people, recently back in thier land (as B says), and duly constituted as a nation (as B says) proves the bible has to be of a supernatural being - or of a time traveler. Surely men could not guess SO PRECICELY all the future details that have actually hapend as the bible has predicted for the Jewish people.
Luke 21:23-24, Jesus says "How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." What an amazing thing to say when, during the first century of this era, the Jews had considerable control over the city of Jerusalem, even though they were forcibly incorporated into the Roman Empire. They had a Temple in Jerusalem and were able to carry out various Temple functions associated with Judaism. But, about 40 years after Jesus prophesied about Gentiles trampling upon Jerusalem, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple and forced Jews into exile. Even today, nearly 2,000 years later, the Jews still do not have enough control over Jerusalem to rebuild their Temple on the Temple Mount.
During the first destruction, Josephus, an historian who lived during the first century, claimed that 1.1 million Jews died and that hundreds of thousands were forced out of the country and into exile and slavery.
During the second destruction, Cassius Dio, an historian who lived during the second century, claimed that 580,000 Jews were killed, and that 50 fortified towns and 985 villages were destroyed.
The exiled Jews were taken to countries throughout the Roman Empire and eventually scattered and re-scattered throughout the world, just as Jesus said.