2011-10-20 08:50:23 UTC
But anyway-
It can't be photos, anyone can say Photoshop.
It can't be videos, anyone can say Vegas/After Effects. Look at movies like Transformers, do you believe there are giant robots which can transform into trucks etc?
It can't just be text or general data plotted/recorded as they can be interpreted any way you like.
Plus it doesn't accustom the separate languages + numeric systems in the world.
Look at English, it's not the same as Mandarin. The two languages, but, are very popular. However, the principles are still there.
Look at (I don't know what it's called) the Western numeric symbols, it's not the same as the Arabic numeric symbols. However, the principles are still there.
What would evidence be for God?
If God is infinite, there cannot be ANY proof for God. Perhaps to an individual, but that individual will NEVER convince anyone else as we can just utter 'hallucination'.
You can't prove infinity.
But this doesn't mean infinity doesn't exist.
The clause 'absence of proof = proof of absence' can only apply to things in this dimension, in this nature.
Infinity isn't part of this world/dimension.
So, we can't prove it. We can't disprove it.
We can't even comprehend it.
So why worship it? Why say it's evil and bad?
Just ponder about it, it's pointless, but you'll be closer than any other obnoxious 'scientific' atheist or foolishly strict religious person will ever be.
The greatest scientists were also sceptics, even of their own theories, look at Albert Einstein.