Why is islam so blind?
William G
2007-01-24 23:41:09 UTC
it's the total control of a whole population, they will cut their heads for blessings, blow themselves up, these people are under complete mind and physical control, they may not question any of the errors in the koran(logical errors, scientific errors, grammar errors etc,) because their law forbids it. Why is there errors when the koran is supposed to be perfect(the word of God)?

e.g: sun sets in murky water,
paradise is two thirds islam, one third jew and christian. Why share paradise with jew and christian when on earth you kill them and may not befriend them?
Kill the infidel - yet you share paradise with him.
Sura 65:12 reads, "It is God who hath created seven heavens and as many earths." We would love to know where the other six earths are. If these refer to the planets in our solar system, then they are short by two (and now possibly three).
Where did muhammed get his information from: Allah.
where did allah get his information from - because it is incorrect.
21 answers:
John D
2007-01-24 23:57:10 UTC
You ask an educated question and therein lies your answer... It's the simultaneous lack of education and the teaching of indepndent thought in the Islamic nations of the world that allows militant and extremist Islam to flourish. The world has seen this kind of behavior before... The fall of paganism to Christianity under the Byzantine Empire, and the Crusades of medeival Europe.

When people's minds have nothing to turn to but the Koran, Bible, etc., passion and emotion displace reason and rational thought. Faith is one thing, I do not promote atheism. Faith without independent personal thought and rational judgement is dangerous and can result from an uneducated populous.
2007-01-25 00:19:35 UTC
Sorry to tell you brother that it is very obvious that you are a very ignorant arab christian . The Sun sets in Murky Water is a metaphor figuration which you have not comprehended .

How could the Quran have Grammar errors , when all arabic grammar is extracted from the Holly Quran ( Grammar as knowledge was not existed before Quran ) .

Muslims believe in all prophets in the bible ( including Moses and Jesus) and so all the true followers of those prophits according to the original message ( not your refined one ) will share paradise with them.

The seven earths are the layers of our earth , not the planets in our solar system .

And Finally , Islam does not spread hatred, All major wars in History were waged by people claimed to be Christians , check the history without prejudice and you will find the truth.

We are against RADICAL MUSLIMS , but please think carefully who created them and who filled their heart with such radicalism? Don't you blame the oppression and the unjust placed by super powers of nowadays .

Jews and Christian amongst muslim societies enjoyed freedom of Faith through out the history when Islam was powerful, but look now when others are the dominants , what is happening to muslims . You claim that you are following Jesus to spread love in the word . just see the news, read the newspapers to see how painful is the love you christians and Jews are spreading .
2007-01-25 00:16:41 UTC
Obviously, you need to learn how to read the Koran, I do not know where you get your quotes from, u probably made them up yourself. In the Koran, there arent any errors. The Koran mentioned things, that are just have been proven to be right, and there are many things that we do not know about till now. The Koran does not mention anything about third jew, two thirds muslims, blah blah, you are just one of these people who want to make the religion look bad because you are fraustrated with your own religion and u probably have doubts about your own faith and so you take out on other religions.
2007-01-25 00:16:07 UTC
How many Muslims have you seen/known/heard of that cut someone's head/blew themselves up?

Compare that to the 1.5billion strong population of Muslims.

Whats the percentage?

Sun setting in murky water? Its a metaphor, not an error. Is Japan the land of the rising sun?

Thats wrong, Muslims can have Jewish and Christian friends, just not allies, or protectors (if possible).

"Kill the infidel"

See the context.

[Qur'an 65:12]

"Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like of them..."

The sky has layers, and so does the earth.


Muslims believe that the Psalms, Torah and Bible were from Allah, but were changed by man. Its a known fact, there are many versions of the Bible.
2007-01-25 00:03:53 UTC
Sun sets in the water?

86th verse from the 18th Surah addressing Jewish folk lore... it does not SUGGEST that the sun settles in murky water, it speaks of a traveler who reportedly saw that and it says "Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness."

Paradise is two thirds islam, one third jew and christian?

The Quran does not say that at all.

Kill the infidel - yet you share paradise with him?

Going to heaven does not necessarily require that everyone be Muslim, go read 002:62. As for killing infidles, an infinite number of times we have tried to get this through your thick skulls that these verses were related to specific wars in history.

"It is God who hath created seven heavens and as many earths."

Who told you this refers to planets? Are you closed the possibility of science eventually discovering something that will validate this claim? It does NOT mention planets at all and it is your own surmise, however normal, intelligent people ascribe it to mysteries of the universe which might be uncovered in the future.

Interesting that brain-less followers like user Mirium are latching on to your silly claims.

Try and respect all religions and refrain from commenting on them if your knowledge is limited to a religion-hating bandwagon.
2016-05-24 10:46:06 UTC
they believe that he was a prophet, and actually attribute him with miracles... Their faith is based a lot on works, on their prayer life. Imagine yourself in their shoes, if you had been brought up with their religion then you would think much the same. The good thing is, though, that God is revealing Himself to many muslims today. The only way that they would believe is if they had visions and revelations, and many people report this, that islamic people are having visions of Jesus. A good read about this is Secret Believers by brother Andrew, read it, you'll have a better understanding of Islam when you read it. It is a story of muslims who convert to christianity, a true story, very brilliant :)
◄MuslimRiverحبيبي رسول الله►
2007-01-25 00:44:57 UTC
Hey You Islam Hater, You Didn't Study Some Geo-science.?

How Many Grounds There Is In Our Earth From Surface To The Boiling Heart Of Earth..? God(Allah) Knows Better What He Creates Not You Liar, Facts Changer.
2007-01-24 23:50:58 UTC
William: Why are you persecuting the Muslims and attempting to change them for? Can't you just disagree without being so disagreeable ? I hope you are not a Christian taunting the Muslim faith because this is not an acceptable behaviour not does it show love to one's neighbour. Change yourself - not others - it is God's prerogative to do the changing with who He will, on His timetable.
2007-01-24 23:53:02 UTC
you sound a bit frustrated there William!- remember there are many Muslims who feel much different then some of the Idiots who blow them selves up! not all of them are that way and any one can believe what they wish ! if they want to believe in more planets then so be it. but don't get frustrated as they are not worth it and most of them just want to make us mad !
2007-01-24 23:49:16 UTC
So What?

What ever you give to others, you either take the same from here or others will give...but that " 'thing' belongs to me"...I am the one who made to you give and I am the one who made other one to take.."

Lord Krishna in Bhagavath Geetha
Nat Turner
2007-01-24 23:47:49 UTC
the same reason why christians like Hitler and the KKK are. Even though christians will deny this but the both admitted they were christians
2007-01-24 23:50:17 UTC
religion is mass-insanity. i wonder how long before some muslim gets this question deleted (and the first ammendment repealed.)
My name is not bruce
2007-01-25 00:54:33 UTC
I'm going to say this as the muslims believe it...

First of all...islam believes god didn't make mistakes with jews..

Judaism was the true religion.

All religions ..over time..the majority deviates from the true path and god then sends another prophet. Many times god destroyed the deviants (many examples in the bible).

Finally jesus came....the jewish population deviated as a whole..... He preached judaism to them and some followed him realizing their previous ways were wrong. These were "christians". God did not destroy the deviants in this case.

Now jesus was only sent to the jews. His only purpose was to tell the jews they were wrong and they need to get back onto the right course.

* christians and jews may not agree with this.....and i wont' get into it...*

Not islamic.....but paul is the one who brought "christianity" to the non jews.

So muslims say the christians......who are essentially following true judaism eventually started deviating. There may have been prophets sent...(islam says there was over 1000 prophets......."messengers" are differnet'). Finally we get mohammad.

Mohammad was sent ot hte world and there was jews and christians in mecca, but mostly pagans.

The teachings of the Koran are 70% the same as those of the old testament. The 30% difference is from what man has changed...and the little things god made to differentiate the religions.

Lets say christinaity is right....but who is right.....the prodestants..the catholics..the mormons....episcapaleons....lutherans...etc God didn't want this situation happening and so he changed the minor things.

Point is...Islam is judaism ..... draw a striagt line on a peace of paper .......Start with Abraham for sake of argument and end with mohammad. Draw a line that shoots off at jesus and another between jesus and mohammad. We say the first line is judaism and the second is christinaity........

"jews and christians believe in the same god".....but are not following the religion as god prescribed it....islam

Also take into account ...again this is the islamic view...but the amount of people that followed the "true religion" from adam to mohammad....probably 100,000 years of people....take into account how many pagans there were.....and then the ginourmous population boom since mohammad to now.


...lets get to the missed the biggest one most people critisize islam on. 1 Place it says drinking is bad.....differnet place it says don't drink before you pray.......Lastly it says don't drink period...its forbidden.

The koran was not sent all at was sent peace by peace during the life of mohammad after he recieved his first message.

The people were pagan and drank heavily......It let them know the religion doens't like drinking......After a bit, it reinforced it by saying don't drink before praying......

If you truely love this religion and you aren't suppose to drink before praying...maybe you shoulnd't drink period.

Then finally it says this...don't drink.

YOu quoted a verse... Kil the infidel.

The problem with that verse is its 1 line. Its completely out of context. I don't personally know where in the koran its located.

But you need to know the chapter....when the chapter was revealed...what was goign on in history when it the very least....a few lines before and after.

It could be during one of the battles. Where muslims were fighting the pagans...."infidels". This verse may have been direclty referring to one was meant as a book for all times...and the current events of the time it was revealed are also meant as history for the future. It narrates stuff about older prophets such as noah and moses....but also narrates the current events of the time of mohammad.

Ok take that verse.."kill the infadels". ...i'm not gonna argue that it doesn't say that.

Take what it says about war. DIPLOMACY FIRST!!!!. Alwayd diplomacy first.....afterwards war is ok....if it meets certain criteria. Basically you can engage in war for defense or if Islam is not allowed to be practiced ( no freedom of religion). There are many rules of war too..... No killing children..woman or killing non combatants.....No killing prisoners of war.....can't cut down the trees or dry up the wells.

Terrorism is also explicitly forbidden. It says in the Koran that people that "terrorism the people" should be killed.

Now..if you are born ina muslim country you are "muslim".....religion and your daily life in islam are not seperate...they are the same thing.....its a little different in western culture. People may not practice islam, but they go with the flow of islam.

You don't consider the murderes in america that are born into christianity as "christian murderers". No criminal in america for whatever they do is tied to their religion. Where as peopel born in muslim countries....grow up socially as "muslims"...saying "islam phrases"....or doing Islamic activites.... Doesnt matter even if they believe in god....they'll still be "muslim" to everyone else in the world.


The science......yeah islam claims to be a religion of science....and at the same time there are "scientific discrepencies" in the koran.

Thing is therea re metaphors too....Impossible to prove...and this really comes down to gotta take everything else in first.

One example is the koran says the stars are closer to us than the moon. We all know this is not true.

Now think of it like this. Say your uncle is sitting next to you. Who is closer to you...your uncle or your mother? Distance wise your uncle..biologically your mother.

We are all created from "start dust". We are closer to the stars than the moon in that sense.

Even in the bible....the seas were created one day and light was the next day.

This makes no sense......but if you look at it scientifically started in the oceans and "light" might mean "gods" rather than the sun. And we know for a fact the sun was there before there were oceans.

Again...metaphors....when is a verse literal and when is it metaphorical.. Have to trust the scholars and it comes down to faith.

Would like to point out...the most popular scientific view of the big bang is shifting toward "M-Theory"....for that to work...there are an infinite number of parallel universes. There are also 11 dimensions....length, width, height are 3.....time is 4...and then there are 7 more we have no comprehension of......but the math states it and is the only way a "godless" universe could have been created.


Islam doesn't allow of the greatst sins.....Sacrificing your life though is greatly rewarded.

i personally think suicide bombing became popular during the bosnian war. Serbia commited genocide on bosnia for 5 years before the U.S. stepped in.

The only defense the bosnians had against tanks were to blow them selves up.

If you surrenedreed then your wives and daughters would be raped then and their sons would be murdered right away.

Do you try to run and have many people killed or do a few people sacrifice their lives to stop the tanks and let the rest flee?

Just about every muslim supported this.


So suicide bombers.....

Basically you go to heaven automatically if you sacrifice your life for others...(the bosnian situation) or dieing for your religion.

Dieing for your religion has to follow the rules of war mentioned above...coming down to the legitimacy if the conflict is even war.

It also covers if someone says you have to renounce your religion or i'll kill you......if you say no i will not.....its not suicide.

Now its hard to explain this. But can you look at an arab they show on the news and honestly distinguish if they are a "prep" or a "hick" probably can't. I cna't myself.

There are some crazies out there. YOu also have to realize what makes good news.....showng the protest.....if you see some arabs cheering after a will probably think all arabs support the bombings.

Remember the picture of all those iraqis cheering when the statue of saddam was torn down in baghdad. Wide angle lense picture shows there were only a few dozen iraqis even there and most of the people there were american soldiers and reporters. The Irawis that were there were already there on a protest. It wasn't a spontaneous reaction to the U.S. troops....this is a fact.

Western media has to portray the "image" not the "facts". As a phtographer for the news.....your don't get your paycheck if the news doesn't buy your pictures....and they always buy the "prettiest" ones.

Suicice bombing is stricly forbidden is Islam, but frustrated(this is by no means an excuse) people are brainwashed into thinking these bombings are ok with islam

The governmetns support these...but when have you foudn a legitimate is a quote....well its been said many differnet tiems and probalby has some variations but here we go.

A muslim american told an imam...."i think i'm going to move to a muslim country......i rather raise my children there"

The imam respnoded.... "congratulations.....tell me when you find one"

These governments may be "muslim" based...but they are still governmetns......there is corruption and people are all about the power.

This was a long post...but i hope you will read it and take it with an open mind.
ryan s
2007-01-24 23:46:33 UTC
not all muslims are like this at all. most just want to live in peace and denouce the radicals.
2007-01-25 00:17:07 UTC
are you just mad because everyone is converting?

its ok.

you can be muslim to.

stop the hate.

spread the love.

2007-01-24 23:46:10 UTC
thank youi for those contradictions in the quran I know there are many but muslims are so quick to find any in the bible.
2007-01-25 00:20:42 UTC
Jesus Would Say: "Leave them alone. They are the blind leading the blind. & If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a pit!!!"
2007-01-24 23:45:23 UTC
i guess because islam is a religion... only people could be blind
2007-01-24 23:45:28 UTC
BoRiNgGgGgGg...dont u have anything better to do?
2007-01-24 23:50:27 UTC
islam is blind and deaf too
2007-01-24 23:49:02 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.