2011-03-17 07:22:43 UTC
The individual priests have been defrocked, sentenced, and some are in prison as I write this. Despite being tried in courts of law, testimony, evidence, DNA, many Catholics refuse to believe that an ordained Catholic priest, or God forbid, a nun could be capable of rape and sexual abuse.
The last time I checked, priests and nuns are human. Being human, they are mortal. They are born, they die, and they struggle with the same wants and desires as everyone else.
By nature, man and woman are designed to mate. Because the Catholic Church puts unnatural restrictions upon natural desires, people often seek other outlets for those desires. Its just like some people can drink alcohol and not become addicted. Some individuals can control their sexual desires and some cannot. But just as prisoners have sex with each other while incarcerated, the unnatural restrictions and demands made for Catholic clerics sometimes leads to harmful consequences, putting our society in danger.
The Church's handling of the abuse cases is, in many ways, worse than the sexual crimes themselves. It is a shame that Catholic priests were often treated in ways far different than secular teachers and ministers of other faiths. Priests who were teachers, accused or convicted of sexual abuse, were merely transferred from one parrish to another with the records of the perpetrators kept confidential.
In Boston, former Cardinal Bernard Law, who administered many Catholic priests accused and convicted of sexual abuse, now works in Rome for the Vatican.
There has been some discussion that if priests and nuns were allowed to marry that might help to alleviate the problems. If these men and women were allowed to live more natural adult lives, as protestant ministers are allowed to marry, that might help.
Why do Catholics deny that sexual abuse occurs among their priests? Why do they argue that "I have never known any priest that has acted this way" ?