2015-06-27 10:42:08 UTC
Also must i remind that we are not judges God is.
Im not arguing same sex marriage. Im arguing matrimony vs marriage. I dont think God recognizes marriage only matrimony. Afrer a matrimony, God recognizes you as a unit. But yet, the government doesnt. Because you have to do papers and its put in the system. Why do people think it isnt the same visa versa - if you get married God doesnt recognize you as a unit. You still need to do a matrimony
Im catholic. And im pretty sure that God would never really.. Care about the law. It is man made and well curropted. That has nothing to do with same sex marriag. Even far before same sex marriage.
But i know all these people who say same sex marriage defies God blah blah BUT marriage is legal not religious... Matrimony is religious..
Matrimony is the binding under God. a ceremony that recognized the two as a couple UNDER GOD not the law. even after a matrimony you must go to the court to get married.
Marriage is the government recognizing you as a unit. It is for tax breaks, and if the other is in the hospital and visitations must be limited then the other part of the unit is allowed in.
Is it that people confuse the Government for God?