Is there any way to make Atheists believe in God?
2017-03-08 23:31:49 UTC
Atheists are kind of retarded so they don't understand philosophy that well. If you try to give a philosophical argument for a God their retarded little minds can't handle it. Every Greek person knew there had to be a God. They believed they were their own God, or there was a God/Gods. But obviously you can't use a philosophical argument to prove God, you have to do it scientifically, Atheists say you have to prove it empirically with science. Which is obviously impossible, since the God you're claiming is real has no corporeal form. So it's not fair.

Is there anyway to make Atheists believe in God?
138 answers:
2017-03-13 02:53:21 UTC
Actually, Humanism was founded by a German...over a millennium after the period you're inferring had passed.

Does "god" exist?

No one *knows*. They believe (s)he/it exists, or they don't.

That is why it's called "Faith."

As for proving "god" scientifically...make up your mind. In one line you claim you can, then you immediately claim you can't. With vacillation like that, you could apply for status as a writer of the Bible...or speech writer for a politician.

As for "making"... If the person is a true Atheist, you can't make them believe, no matter what you do.
2017-03-10 08:21:32 UTC
Still pretending to be something you're not, thinking everyone is fooled by your attempt to make what you don't like look bad.

Not everyone is fooled, oh cowardly anonymous poster.....
2017-03-09 19:58:19 UTC
To make an atheist believe in God, you either show evidence or remove 99% of their knowledge and make them dumb, however atheism is a relationship with reality and knowledge of everything we have discovered :)
2017-03-09 17:45:14 UTC
I know this question is a typical Christian excuse to slur people who are different than them, but I'll answer it anyway. The way to make an atheist believe in a god is to provide evidence that a god exists. Simple, easy. Stupid!
2017-03-09 17:37:54 UTC
Your post is very rude. Since you obviously dislike the atheists around you, I suggest you just leave them be.

Edit. Perhaps you think it is your Christian duty to try to make them believe in God. You are mistaken about that. To be able to help somebody, you would first have to learn to at least like them. So you are disqualified right there for ministry to atheists. Ask any counselor if you don't believe me. It is not possible to help someone that you personally dislike.

Besides that, according to the Bible, it is the Holy Spirit's responsibility to draw men's hearts to himself. So making it happen was never your job anyway. You are being destructive, making it less likely for people to believe. This is a sin, and I think it is time to repent.
2017-03-09 07:38:36 UTC
Yes. Educate them in an educated way. And by the way. Hidayah(turning of heart) is from God only, we can just try and we are required to try.

You can't change a person's mind who can believe a birth certificate as a proof but noy the whole universe as a proof.

If they don't believe in God then how they exist? , Now they will use evolution which is total nonsense.

That single cell organism was so smart that all the life on earth exists because of it and when we transplant someone else's heart in some body, the body starts fighting against this new heart, considering this some alien attacker.

Get a life atheists.
2017-03-09 01:25:33 UTC
Epicurus' old questions are yet unanswered. Is [God]

willing to prevent evil, but not able? then is he impo-

tent. Is he able, but not willing? then is he malevolent. Is

he both able and willing? whence then is evil?

Meme connoisseur
2017-03-09 00:44:55 UTC
Can we all just chill please

Some people are gonna be Atheists, some Christians, some people are gonna worship a personified version of a country
2017-03-09 00:08:35 UTC
Of course there is a way to make atheists believe in God.

Very simple: prove God exists.

That's all it takes.

Just because ancient people or modern people believe something does not mean it is actually true.

Ancient people believed the world was flat, that meat grew maggots from nothing, and that crops failed or succeeded based on human sacrifice.

Facts and evidence has nothing to do with philosophy - if you want to discuss philosophy that is your choice but it has NOTHING to do with the reality of evidence.
2017-03-09 00:03:25 UTC
Show some god, our brain got low tolerance for Bs, because Religions are a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality and the very idea of gods is a product of the human imagination, those gods that lose their believers are in the myth section, all gods end there, is tradition.
2017-03-13 02:45:11 UTC
Yes I believe there's a way, keep pushing them to go to Church with you and become their friend. Really just show them the love off Christ through your actions and make them curious about what you real!y believe in and take you time, don't shove them into believing in God they will need time so be patient and keel inviting them to chrechrurch with you.
2017-03-13 01:08:46 UTC
put them in a fox hole with a gun in a real ugly battle and i bet they will be calling for God to help them!!!
2017-03-12 13:43:56 UTC
No. Most atheists are ex-christians, angry with their parents' church.
2017-03-11 21:53:50 UTC
First of all, it's very ignorant of you to blanket all atheists as "retarded" (a horribly predjudice word if you ask me). Just because you believe something that others don't, it doesn't give you the status, power or justification to patronise or name call the opposing view. You are also not considering people who have believed in god their whole lives but lost faith through tradgedy. As well as this, I am a "retarded" atheist myself. And to answer your question honestly, the reason I do not believe in god is because I was brought up in an atheist household. Being a non-believer has not made my life any different to a believer. I would only change my opinion of the existence of a god if there was physical/visual evidence. Maybe that makes me "retarded" as you say, but I commend you for having faith and confidence in a century old story with no proof of authentication. Dedication at its best.
2017-03-10 18:27:45 UTC
let them believe their own beliefs
Mr. Wrestling
2017-03-10 11:55:43 UTC
An you can spot an Atheists they're always hiding under Anonymous

thinking God can't see them, Foolish Atheists God see all & knows ALL
2017-03-09 22:30:04 UTC
2017-03-09 22:29:04 UTC
The simple way to look at this is how can an atheist make a Christian believe there is no God?

The answer is evidence, take a look around the world in Africa there are starving people, severe poverty, lack of clean water, look at India it's the same there. There are people fighting in wars and innocent people caught in the middle, there are horrible diseases like cancers or others that cause slow painful deaths to good people. There are natural disasters that cause people to be trapped under rubble for days before they die poisonous animals etc.

just open your eyes, I'm agnostic by the way but there doesn't seem to be evidence of any god here just the Vatican and its treasures while there's so much poverty, then there's the royal family in Buckingham palace who spend millions on there weddings, the world to me is a huge tree that most people are trying to climb, the higher up the worse the fall, heres a philosophy for you how about you camp around the middle and observe the view.
2017-03-09 22:09:21 UTC
Yes actually. Ask god to perform a great miracle that would help everyone.
God Loves
2017-03-09 17:43:53 UTC
Ultimately only the Holy Spirit can turn a an atheist into a Christian. God has blessed us with God given free will & because of this we can choose to believe in God or as atheists do, suppress the truth when they really know in there heart's that God does actually exist.

And when atheists say that they want observable scientific evidence of God, well just ask them if they can give you observational scientific evidence of Macroevolution, in other words something you don't have to accept by faith as Macroevolution is apparently a "fact".

They will probably respond to you by saying something like, "well, look at what happened 65 million years ago" but then you can respond by saying, "I can't as that was 65 million years ago & because it's in the past it involves blind faith as we can't observe the past".

Whether evolutionists will concede to this or not is another matter but, evolution does and always will involve blind faith because it's a belief without evidence unlike Creationism.
Nancy Morris
2017-03-09 17:28:45 UTC
You can't MAKE anyone do anything. You can go out and be an example of being a believer. People will learn the most by the way that you act more than the words that you say. You can share all your experiences and the things that Jesus has done for you. This person may not be willing to listen but there could be a person overhearing your conversation that is listening. No where is your testimony wasted when you share the Word of God..
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2017-03-09 16:32:09 UTC
Is there any way to make Christians believe in Zeus?
Vinegar Taster
2017-03-09 16:15:00 UTC
Yes there is , have him take over every TV / radio station in the world and say " I am the one and only god , bow down before me ". Simple for someone who created the entire universe , eh ?
A Nonny Mouse
2017-03-09 12:56:55 UTC
Yes: show us some proof of your claim. It's not that difficult a concept to understand (Proof), but yet in the thousands of years man has been claiming god there has never, ever, been any proof for any of them. I wonder why that is?
2017-03-09 12:41:53 UTC
Present evidence. Or ask your god if it's all knowing, that will know and yo talk to it, right?
2017-03-09 09:59:40 UTC
The evidence for the existence of God is still inside them too. Like others they are living in a temporary miraculous era of God. They may be thinking that God may appear in front of them to prove Himself that He exists if they say that there is no God. Their grand parents may be scarring to tell the truth fearing to the voices of the evil spirits.
Steve B
2017-03-09 06:07:06 UTC
You're 100% correct.

That's why Thor is my Deity.

Based on your question, I'll assume that you agree.
jon pike
2017-03-09 05:16:01 UTC
Not without evidence they can accept. God calls whom He will for His purpose.
2017-03-08 23:56:15 UTC
One good way is for an agent of god, such as an angel, to walk through my wall and talk to me. It would be great if that could be done with other people who are seeing and talking with him as well. I would believe at that point.

Someone just saying they feel a god is there or that it seems likely, is not convincing at all.
2017-03-08 23:34:48 UTC
Of course there is.

Provide evidence a god exists.

Any god, at all.
2017-03-29 06:30:48 UTC
one way for an atheist to believe in god, is to die...

after death, god's judgment is immediate...
2017-03-13 12:50:04 UTC
I can claim that pouring vinegar onto baking soda causes carbon dioxide to bubble up.

I can't MAKE anybody believe it, but the evidence is immediately visible, rigorously testable, and happens the same way every time.

If you want me to believe in a Goddess or a God, then simply demonstrate the validity of your claim, with evidence which is immediately visible, rigorously testable, and happens the same way every time.

Here's a Bonus Question:

Do you believe in the God known as Poseidon, which uses His divine Power to move the tides, every day?

Or do you believe the oceans EVOLVED the ability to move water UPHILL, against the slope of the shore?

Since Poseidon is a God, people who believe in Him are not atheists.

Are you happy that they are not atheists?
Graham S
2017-03-12 02:43:52 UTC
Yes make sure you come back from the dead ....
2017-03-11 22:45:13 UTC
No, you'll just have to accept that they don't. Live and let live.
2017-03-11 06:14:18 UTC

and ask yourself the way that your coming across to those who are not believing or having a hard time believing or trying to find there way

If you would want to listen to someone like yourself or close your ears and walk away Cause i'll tell you I do believe and a lot of you who think there representing God are doing the exact opposite and I wouldn't want to listen to you either
2017-03-11 04:37:06 UTC
No, I don't believe in God and I never will, keep your religion to yourself and stop trying to convert people, I stand for feminism, abortion rights and the LGBT community, and the Bible is just an excuse for some Christians to be homophobic and pro-life
2017-03-10 20:47:15 UTC
pray for them and lead by example :)
2017-03-10 01:56:26 UTC
another religious psycho.
2017-03-09 23:33:50 UTC
Start by not trying to "make" an atheist do anything.

Then come up with a persuasive reason.

Let us know when you do.
Glenn S
2017-03-09 22:34:52 UTC
Being saved is only possible through the workings of the Holy Spirit.....So no, but only by the Holy Spirit's opening the eyes of the spiritually blind.
Simon T
2017-03-09 18:34:28 UTC
It is very easy.

Simply provide some credible evidence. Such as something that would be accepted by a court of law.
k w
2017-03-09 17:31:21 UTC
do you realize you are in opposition to the Messiahs word to those spreading the Word ? you ought to be ashamed of yourself , but I doubt you ever had a proper teacher of the scriptures in your life....
2017-03-09 17:12:54 UTC
"Atheists are kind of retarded so they don't understand philosophy that well."

Yeah totally.. those stupid people like Steven Pinker, Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Steven Hawking, Nicolaus Copernicus, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Eddison, Alexander Graham Bell and others. They're SO retarded. Life was SO much better like during the Middle Ages where all those smart people that believed in God and stuff ruled over Europe for like 800 years. How can i not believe in god? I totally see him every time I look in the mirror. He's so there.
2017-03-09 15:46:20 UTC's not fair! How old r u 5? I did my research...did u do yours or simply believe what your family and church tell you?

Mo University Lec atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion....
2017-03-09 14:13:41 UTC
2017-03-09 13:00:06 UTC
I have studied philosophy so on that topic, I am not retarded. There are philosophical arguments against the existence of God. For example, Bertrand Russell and Darwin who argue against the existence of God and there are are many faults that can be pointed out with philosophical arguments that support God's existence. You can't force a group of people to convert to your belief system. Stop worrying about what others believe and concentrate on your own relationship with this entity.
2017-03-09 04:06:38 UTC
No. I'm just going to put this simply. My brother says there is no god and he's REALLY smart and so if he says it's impossible for there to be a god then it MUST be impossible for there to be a god! He's in college so he's really smart and knows a lot of stuff!
2017-03-09 03:24:45 UTC
The answer is simple. Tell them that God chose them to be born into this world, and He can just as easily take them out. If you want to get more specific, mention that God created us in this world, and he can easily take us out of this world through our thoughts within us.

Best wishes.
2017-03-09 00:47:15 UTC
Atheists are kind of retarded

- All of that thinking and intelligence stuff does that to you.

they don't understand philosophy that well.

- We understand it very well.

If you try to give a philosophical argument for a God their retarded little minds can't handle it.

- We can, the problem is that a "philosophical" answer is any answer any one want to give. EVERY philosophical answer is the right answer. The problem is that you have no concept of philosophy.

Every Greek person knew there had to be a God.

- Their gods were real, yours is a fantasy.

They believed they were their own God, or there was a God/Gods.

- They knew their gods, they were real.

But obviously you can't use a philosophical argument to prove God, you have to do it scientifically,

- You have to at least do it intelligently.

Atheists say you have to prove it empirically with science.

- Prove a "belief" no, but fundies say it is real, THAT needs proof.

Which is obviously impossible, since the God you're claiming is real has no corporeal form.

- Yes, That is called "fantasy".

Is there anyway to make Atheists believe in God?

- No, we like to deal with reality.
2017-03-09 00:05:36 UTC
All you need is for just one god to exist. As soon as one exists, we'll all believe it. But not until.
2017-03-29 07:01:32 UTC
your post is very rude......... since you obviously dislike the atheists around you, i suggest you just leave them be.........

edit......... perhaps you think it is your christian duty to try to make them believe in god......... you are mistaken about that......... to be able to help somebody, you would first have to learn to at least like them......... so you are disqualified right there for ministry to atheists......... ask any counselor if you don't believe me......... it is not possible to help someone that you personally dislike.........

besides that, according to the bible, it is the holy spirit's responsibility to draw men's hearts to himself......... so making it happen was never your job anyway......... you are being destructive, making it less likely for people to believe......... this is a sin, and i think it is time to repent.........
2017-03-10 03:28:10 UTC
2017-03-09 23:52:51 UTC
Proof, that's the only way.
2017-03-09 22:42:07 UTC
Religious people have been corrupted. They're just so biased and never shift in their views out of fear. It's sad, but I don't care.
2017-03-09 17:27:00 UTC
Most of us used to be xtians. You just haven't studied the bible enough. Do so with ALL your heart, and mind, and all your being, and you might be shocked by what it's REALLY saying.

You might learn that xtians mistranslated the Jewish TaNaKh and the TaNaKh has NO hell or evil beings of mythology, but only USED mythology for cover - a seal - to hide the real meaning beneath the sardonic parables that are - humorous!!!

Yes, there is a God, but he is a complete mystery and his kingdom runs by physics that are universal laws for all time; reality is his kingdom, and diverse life forms. Who are we to judge his kingdom? Do virgins get pregnant? See? You already know the answer. Do mangods get sired by God? You already know. Are we immortal? Probably not. We are just life on our paradise planet. When Adam believes he is immortal, God is written as saying - today you die. Not that anything would have made mankind immortal, but just a statement of fact. If a day is like a thousand
2017-03-09 17:24:43 UTC
Have him stop posting anonymous questions and let him have the (CENSORED)s to show himself once and for all.
2017-03-09 16:08:24 UTC

In the first place they have to understand that there is hope of revival after we die, which had been possible by Jesus of Nazareth.

Then explain that what we deem as being 'good' is never 'perfect' so there must by a perfect One.

And lastly hold God as your light and exercise all the love that you can around you.
2017-03-09 15:36:51 UTC
All you have to do is tell god that atheists don't believe in god unless god shows up then see what god has to say.
2017-03-09 14:35:09 UTC
the re - chosen one
2017-03-09 13:58:02 UTC
Yes. My discovery of mankind mistranslating the scripture that makes up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical scripture will lead to proving the existence of a Intelligent Designer named the God of Abraham Who's scientific mind is where this advanced scientific knowledge originated from and not from the unscientific minds of ancient sheep herders. My discovery will lead to forcing mankind to reinterpret this scripture from the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today back into the advanced scientific text they always have been based on. This will lead to making atheists believe in the existence of at least one God out of all other gods.
2017-03-09 13:57:59 UTC
Yes, by giving them a lot of problems until they open their eyes toward God.
2017-03-09 12:41:07 UTC
No. However, many former atheists have taken the time to become convinced that there is a God who is, in fact, โ€œnot far off from each one of us.โ€ (Acts 17:27)
2017-03-09 12:08:26 UTC
Why? They are retarded and repulsive. Isn't it better they just went straight to hell?
2017-03-09 06:17:48 UTC
I can't speak for all, but this Atheist was raised Roman Catholic and has read the christian bible cover to cover 3 times and resent how you portray all of us like that. I also have studied philosophy and could explain in detail several reasons why its hard for us to take a deity existing on faith alone. Or shall I explain it more simple for you to understand? WE EVOLVED TO THE POINT THAT WE CAN LIVE A HAPPY LIFE WITHOUT NEEDING AN INVISIBLE FRIEND!
2017-03-09 02:43:44 UTC
You know, a terettes is a serious thing and I don't apriciate your adtitude. you seem very tense, in fact. Do you need to lie down?
Kyojin The Giant
2017-03-09 01:04:58 UTC
No, because beliefs are accepted as true with no confirming evidence! To persuade us that God exists, you must show us some genuine evidence that meets scientific criteria. No one has ever come close to doing that in centuries that God has been worshipped. believers present only absurd lies, primitive fiction and bad reasoning. This fact alone tends to prove that God does not exist.
2017-03-09 00:15:26 UTC
You can prove or disprove anything using philosophy. Man didn't get to the Moon using philosophy. That computer you're using wasn't a product of philosophy.

Sure can prove something that isn't corporeal. Try heat, light, gravity.

Otherwise, still, no one has proved that your god exists. Mere believing there is a god isn't philosophical proof. LOL!
2017-03-09 00:10:04 UTC
Friend do not let these people deceive you! They fully believe in God atheism is part of communism! Read what the atheist leader Stalin said! Stalin plainly calls god a he! And says it's atheists job to snatch people away from him!
2017-03-09 00:09:53 UTC
Not really.

Unbelievers have the problem of "mind blindness." And that we cannot overcome. What is "mind blindness?" See the following verse.

-- -- -- -- --

"The god of this world (who is Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4)

-- -- -- -- --

--- (A Yahoo! User)
2017-03-08 23:46:10 UTC
Which God are you talking about? Obviously there are many Gods. Odin, Zeus, Allah. Which one are you speaking of?
2017-04-18 05:32:50 UTC
no... most atheists are ex-christians, angry with their parents' church...
2017-03-12 09:44:20 UTC
No,cause: I tried, they had become living lives, they had habit of living, they don,t listen, they are eating if no?!! They are drinking.
Tia Marie
2017-03-10 20:10:49 UTC
Here is the perfect phrase that fits this situation. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. Also, it's not nice to call someone a retard; or insult someone just because you disagree with their religious views. I am a Christian too, but I don't go around acting like I'm better than everyone else.
Jan C
2017-03-09 21:53:14 UTC
You need to learn that you cannot make anyone do anything and especially after saying they are retarded. I am not aware that Christians treat others this way.
2017-03-09 20:43:42 UTC
Well, insulting us sure isn't a good start, asshole.
2017-03-09 19:10:00 UTC
Not this atheist.
2017-03-09 18:23:11 UTC
You cannot MAKE anyone a Christian. That is something they have to decide they want to do. You can tell them about it, present evidence and how they can become a Christian, but that is all. You could present all the hard evidence you want (which in my experience there is) and live the best way a Christian can, but if someone doesn't want to be a Christian, that's their choice and you have to be okay with that.
2017-03-09 18:22:40 UTC
There is no way to "make" anyone believe anything! (This is true, no mater what the subject may be.)

You can show them the evidence and discuss it with them, but it is up to them to determine if they believe it.
2017-03-09 18:12:01 UTC
Psalm 53:1

The foolish one says in his heart: โ€œThere is no Jehovah.โ€ Their unrighteous actions are corrupt and detestable; No one is doing good.

Psalm 10:13

Why has the wicked one disrespected God? He says in his heart: โ€œYou will not hold me accountable.โ€

Psalm 14:1

The foolish one says in his heart: โ€œThere is no Jehovah.โ€ Their actions are corrupt, and their dealings are detestable; No one is doing good.
2017-03-09 17:18:32 UTC
Is there any way to make Atheists believe in God?

Friend, the very first gods were invented by atheists. Essentially people believe in gods today for the same reasons they did when gods were invented.

It may be impossible for you to fathom that one day the Christian god may be in a comic book next to Thor. However, 2000 years ago no one would have imagined that the earth was actually round.
2017-03-09 15:39:54 UTC
My girlfriend asked me to go to Mass with her, as she does so every I did. I was fascinated and my inherent curiosity had me studying its meaning. As I learned I wanted to continue going because I enjoyed understanding it more with each time. This happened just before Lent and, when Lent came, I decided I wanted to see what it felt like to be a believer, out of curiosity again, so I promised I'd "give up my atheism" for Lent. This meant eliminating all the negatives a lifetime had convinced me regarding religion in general and belief in God in particular. It was a form of Method Acting and I looked at it with anticipatory fun and excitement.

So, for the next 40 days of Lent I prayed at least 3 times a day, thanking God, etc. I went to Mass every week, sometimes more (even on my own!) and I participated in all but the Communion, since that wasn't allowed. During Mass, though, I started feeling left out in that I wanted to experience communion.

After Lent I had this "tugging", meaning that I felt a need to continue going to Mass, which thrilled my girlfriend of course, but I even felt this need while on vacation, something that my girlfriend didn't previously do, until I insisted that I wanted to. Also, praying started to feel comforting to me and so that continued too, even more than 3 times a day as I found myself automatically saying to myself little, short prayers.

By the time the new year started, after 58 years of being an ardent atheist, I started to clearly see that, whether God existed or not, it felt right for me to believe. I enjoyed my Church going and joined the RCIA there, which (while attending the classes) made me appreciate the centering I felt as I absorbed the lessons into my life.

Call it self hypnosis, whatever. I decided to become Catholic. It's my own personal decision and I don't talk much about it to anyone but my girlfriend, now fiance. It's right for me, now.

I never thought I'd marry again, never thought that, if I would marry again, it'd be in a Church. I never thought much about God, unless someone forced me to defend my unbelief. But, here I am.

Perhaps patience, living your life as a Catholic/Christian, inviting an atheist to Mass while later explaining what he saw, and your love will work the miracle you want, and perhaps it won't. It can happen but if it will, it will be his decision.
2017-03-09 11:17:28 UTC
It is not atheists that believe in the boogy man above. Boo, it us dark outside, you are terrified of the dark, you religious nutters. The boogy man is judging you all.
2017-03-09 11:16:57 UTC
Yes, by having simple proofs that he exists. People often compare a "belief (I call it a confidence)" in evolution to a Christians belief in God. That's total nonsense though. Evolution is the result of over a century of experiment and observations. It wouldn't be labeled a "theory" if the evidence wasn't quite convincing. Religion, on the other hand, requires blind faith, just as it has for the last several thousand years. There hasn't been one shred of evidence of any god, anywhere, at any time. If this is the case, it's hard to imagine there ever being any proof. Just because we don't understand (yet) how the universe came to be, and the circumstances of the big bang and the origins of the first single cell organisms diesnt mean "God did it!" That's academic laziness. Thank God for science! If you'll pardon the pun.
2017-03-09 10:47:10 UTC
Philosophy is speculation, science is fact.
2017-03-09 10:12:59 UTC
What a ****** you sound. Jesus told me to tell you to kill your self so you can be with him in the afterlife.
Vincent G
2017-03-09 01:14:08 UTC
Retarded like Stephen Hawking, maybe?

There is one way to make us believe in your garbage religion: present proofs of a god.

Hey, why don't we compare IQ, just to see how "retarded" we atheists really are.

Mine is 159.

2017-03-09 00:00:50 UTC
That's not even greek philosophy. Aristotelian philosophy believed in prime matter and god that caused it to change form into the universe. It's the medieval philosophers who believed all that nonsense about an empty vacuum that was filled up by the invisible man in the sky.

You're a complete idiot, and philosophy is garbage.
2017-03-08 23:59:08 UTC

Besides being an insulting, your argument is also completely off-point.

That people have always delusionally believed in some invisible skydaddies and skymommies, and have believed that gods interfered in their lives, what is your point?

Do you believe that Zeus and Hera and Athena and Apollo actually existed? No? do you explain the fact that the Greeks (like the Norse, like the Romans, like the various Germanic tribes, the Celts and the various Native American (both South and North) all "knew" that their gods existed, and their gods were the only "true" gods?

Just like Christians and Muslims and Jews and so on, today? You see my point? Primitive, pre-scientific people often believed in gods, because that was the only way for them to explain otherwise mystifying events like volcanic eruptions and storms and celestial events, as well.

But today, anyone with a fully-functioning brain and the courage to think critically will see that we no longer need the fairy tales which gods are based on to explain cosmic, celestial and earthly events.

Go back to school, gain some education, as well as some experience in actually using that lump of gray matter between your ears, and come back. We'll talk then.
2017-03-08 23:57:21 UTC
You write like a fourteen year old. I can't take you remotely seriously.
2017-03-08 23:48:12 UTC
Wow the greeks also belived in many gods, and goddess, s they killed their children when born with deformatives, they belived in mo sters and all sorts of things we know could not have been true,also they never heard of jesus or god and they belived in science as well... go ge a better eeducation
2017-04-18 09:22:21 UTC
one way for an atheist to believe in god, is to die...

after death, god's judgment is immediate...
2017-03-12 18:40:23 UTC
Yes there is.
2017-03-12 02:31:57 UTC
Utah has the means to make any dead person,

(i.e, Atheist, Moslem, or any other matter of

personal belief), Mormon, using paperwork.

Saved at last without any Christian influence.

Perhaps my reader should convert the dead,

too, to make people just like your self. Just

be advised the LDS won't make my reader a

Mormon after you die if you post Utah your

written dismissal of being converted if dead.

I have no cause to suspect Utah would 'lose'

your paperwork once you're safely dead. Go

have a nice day. Think about it.
2017-03-12 01:45:07 UTC
Petra Chor
2017-03-12 01:25:26 UTC
If you must resort to force, perhaps your beliefs are flawed. Besides, you do realize there are atheist philosophers right?

With all that said, you should really work on your grammar and syntax if you want your "arguments" to be taken seriously.
Harley Lady
2017-03-12 00:33:24 UTC
Yes. Wait till they or a family member gets sick or in an accident, and they want you to pray for them. Tell them God doesn't know their name, and then they want to change their ways!!
2017-03-10 03:47:40 UTC
Introduce them.

I was thinking the other day how weird it is that Christians hardly ever claim to have visions of God.

They see saints, the Madonna, occasionally Jesus, but old Yahweh/Jehovah has hardly been glimpsed in centuries.

Maybe he appears to people and says stuff like "Don't mention my name, and you never saw me, right?"

The term "Jehovah's Witness" seems weirdly ironic.

We've got blurred photographs of the Loch Ness Monster but none of God
2017-03-10 02:29:39 UTC
no , only stupid people believe in things that cannot be proven
2017-03-09 22:41:02 UTC
The best way to make atheists believe in God is to prove to them that God exists. Philosophical arguments that have been previously refuted a thousand times won't cut it.

Don't feel too bad that you can't prove it. Theologians have been failing to do so for centuries.

Incidentally, you might find atheists more willing to listen to your arguments if you treated them with respect instead of hurling insults like "retarded" at them.
2017-03-09 22:16:40 UTC
Hi, I'm an atheist. I'm not retarded, I simply don't believe in God. My advice : let people believe what they want to believe , don't force people into believing things.
Zulcan The Great.
2017-03-09 21:50:02 UTC
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make the horse drink it. How do you make a Christian believe in Evolution?
2017-03-09 19:50:59 UTC
"Atheists say you have to prove it empirically with science. Which is obviously impossible, since the God you're claiming is real has no corporeal form. So it's not fair."

That is not our problem, it is your problem for believing in something that is by definition unfalsifiable. Philosophical word games won't change reality either.
2017-03-09 19:37:55 UTC
2017-03-09 18:07:33 UTC
Certainly, just find some evidence that scientists will accept that God is real. Why has nobody ever done that in the 3370 or so years since God was invented by Hebrew shepherds.
2017-03-09 17:30:55 UTC
It's possible! Some people will find God at different times in their life. Now, they are going to be some people that are going to remain atheists, and you have to let that be.
2017-03-09 12:16:38 UTC
No it is not possible! the opening of ones eyes is a Spiritual event by the grace(appointment) of God only, and the only starting point that can help is a persons humility and desire to know God for the right reasons, all else is pointless, Satan has confused knowledge about God by creating countless Religions which are all in his hands, and which steer people away from pure Truth and ultimately God, all of this has been facilitated and perpetuated by unwitting and willing mankind.
2017-03-09 10:41:24 UTC
Demonstrating love is one way to help others show you are respecting God
2017-03-09 10:37:26 UTC
Maybe my grandfather was a freemason and always use to say, only a fool believes humans are the only thing here. Everything has a story, an athiest will believe what they want but at the end of the day you cannot convince me that God devil ect don't exist, and that humans don't have a purpose. I can't shake the fact that something bigger is out there, but I'm pretty sure if an unbeliever seen the devil he would still deny it, because he wouldn't want to believe (don't understand why) but maybe it's fear?
2017-03-09 07:52:55 UTC
If there was a god there would be no atheists
2017-03-09 00:00:24 UTC
Yes, some convert for reasons I have no thought about.
2017-03-16 02:00:03 UTC
still pretending to be something you're not, thinking everyone is fooled by your attempt to make what you don't like look bad...

not everyone is fooled, oh cowardly anonymous poster...............
2017-03-11 06:16:39 UTC
There's only one way to convert someone and that is to show them a miracle.
Sandra K
2017-03-10 21:34:56 UTC
Is there any way to Make Christians believe in Odin? Give us some firm proof, not the usual lies, childish fiction and bad reasoning! If you have no real proof of God, then destroy our brains like yours is.
2017-03-10 15:15:56 UTC
God is not Logical. He is Spiritual. You believe in God because you have opened your heart and soul to Him. Your evidence of His existence is the peace and love you feel in your soul because God resides there. Atheists have their hearts, minds, and souls closed to the existence of God. They cannot believe in Him because they do not feel Him, because they won't let Him in.

You cannot force anyone to believe in God. All you can do is tell them your own experience. It's like showing someone a door and telling them that Paradise lies behind it. But at the end of the day, it's up to that person to open the door and walk through it. You can't do it for them!
2017-03-10 00:12:38 UTC
2017-03-09 23:10:26 UTC
Give any sort of evidence that a dude in the sky that can control the universe exists
2017-03-09 23:01:19 UTC
God doesn't exist retards.
2017-03-09 22:35:43 UTC
aethiests are not retarded. we can beleive what we want to beleive and you cant compete with science
2017-03-09 21:30:40 UTC
You can't reason with animals my friend and our atheist friends, the walking dead insist that they are apes and definitely not human.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-03-09 19:33:47 UTC
No, if there is insulting atheists isn't going to work.
Black Sabbath
2017-03-09 18:25:29 UTC
2017-03-09 16:06:54 UTC
2017-03-09 13:40:32 UTC
I cannot understand why it is so important to some people to force those who's beliefs differ from theirs to join them in a belief in a god.

For those Atheists who like me live happily alongside many devoutly religious people, respecting them as they respect us, this never arises.
2017-03-09 10:31:05 UTC
Absolutely none!

The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

Atheism is not a conscious decision or a belief but a realisation, those that cannot escape remain prisoners of their conditioning!

The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

Research shows education reduces religious belief but each year of education more than the basic reduces it by 10%!

Nobody living in reality would ever convert to a fantasy!
Gaiaโ€™s Garden
2017-03-09 10:29:59 UTC
No one is going to accept anything presented as evidence, since it's a single book supporting it's own thesis. I might be convinced with a good personal testimony though. Not "Jesus saved me from my sins, because we all sin anyway, and we all die anyway. What did your salvation do for you that we can see?
2017-03-09 09:50:33 UTC
ALWAYS, just the same way a person of any other religious belief is able to come believe in Jesus Christ and accept His forgiveness and Him as their Savior.

. The PERFECT example that i can think of is Lee Strobel, an investigative reporter who was an atheist. He decided to prove how Jesus Christ was a lie but as he did his research, he found that he was proving just the opposite --- so that he had no other choice but to accept Jesus Christ's forgiveness and asking Him to be his Savior. He documents the information he found in his book, "A Case for Christ" but has written many similar investigate books since.

. But there are MANY other prominent people i could list, too.
2017-03-09 04:55:39 UTC
Do you want to do what God refuses to? He says "choose" is His

free gift to us to send His Son to die for us and in our place, but then

it is up to us...choose His Son...or not. Do you believe God, or not?

Read John 3:16...God's plan to save all of us...if we want Him to!
2017-03-08 23:56:08 UTC
You must be a Muslim or an old school Christian to believe that one can "make" someone have a belief, talk about kind of retarded!
2017-03-08 23:53:18 UTC
2017-03-08 23:47:23 UTC
I believe in the God of Einstein, eternal energy, everything. So I am, but then so are you, and so is a flea.
2017-03-10 11:01:39 UTC
I believe in God...


"make someone do something?

What is this, Nazi Germany?

Making someone do something they don't want to do is FAR from DEMOCRATIC...It's FASCIST
2017-03-09 20:40:03 UTC
2017-03-09 17:00:11 UTC
2017-03-09 16:16:43 UTC
wow the internal mold on this stuff
Olive Garden
2017-03-09 15:52:02 UTC
Needs a tremendous miracle from God the Holy Spirit...
2017-03-09 12:27:54 UTC
You cannot make anybody do anything. I'm not sure what your religious faith is but it's pretty apparent this is true in christianity.

2017-03-09 00:19:10 UTC
It is unfair to ask for evidence from an omnipotent, omniscient god who created everything? Wow! One of us doesn't quite understand your religion.
2017-03-08 23:38:46 UTC
You're just flowing with Christian love and compassion aren't you? You've got the whole turn the other cheek, non-judgemental thing down perfectly.

I don't ask for much. Lets see one of these miracles you keep going on about. A nice and spectacular one that breaks all known physical laws in the universe. I'm sure God could manage that couldn't he? All the infinite omnipotent power he has? Just one good miracle?

And no I don't mean some David Blaine BS. It's got to be an act that leaves no doubters.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.