Christianity struggles. I'm scared?
2013-02-25 20:51:53 UTC
Let me tell you how this all happened. All the way until 7th grade, I felt like a strong faithful Christian. But then I met an atheist friend of mine in seventh grade. He argued to me about how god is fake and stuff. But then his voice got put in my head. Now everytime I hear or read something religious, the words my friend says goes into my brain; "This is fake" "How does this even sound true?" "There's no God". "How could God do that? Seriously?". And it feels like there's a demon pulling me down and away from God. I NEED these occurs few to go away, FOREVER. I'm so scared God will put me in Hell for having these occurances happen to me. My dad had a paper that said CHRISTIAN EMERGENCY 9-1-1.IF YOU ARE LOSING FAITH,LOOK HERE. I need to know where to look in the bible for that. I wouldn't want to say I'm losing faith, but I'm question a lot of things. It's like I try my hardest to he these away, I pray to god too to make it stop. But while I'm praying, the voice clicks in my head and says "Youre praying for nothing. There's no God". As good as a person my atheist friend is, he lead me in this path to where I don't feel strong about my faith as much as I did. I wish I never got to know this about him
Fourteen answers:
2013-02-26 15:17:57 UTC
If he is an atheist, he can't really be a true friend, because the love of Christ is not in him. Stay away from people who cause you to feel scared and unsure. Although it is normal to feel unsure sometimes because if we were always perfect in our faith there would be no challenges of proving our loyalty to God. Anyways make him question his "faith in nothing" not the other way around. Which all this requires of you is to keep strong and don't listen to what he says.
2013-02-26 21:39:36 UTC
God will not put you in hell for having these thoughts as long as you are seeking. About your thoughts, it is natural that when you hear statements about denial of faith again and again, these will form a pattern in your mind and the devil is very clever to use it against you to discourage you and take you away from God.

You are not praying for nothing. The voice in your head trying to convince you of this is the voice of the enemy. So, you should also be clever and use the word of God against the devil just like your dad has advised. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17). You should select faith boosting verses, memorize them and repeat to yourself again and again so you will be able to counteract these voices. You should also boldly reply to the denial thoughts brought by the devil with these verses. Remember how Jesus counteracted the voice of the devil when He was led by the Spirit for testing. By saying IT IS WRITTEN.

There are so many ordinary people who have experience close communication with God and answers to prayer (including me). Try to be with such people and try to avoid those who want to brainwash you into denial. Hearing the testimony of others is also very helpful.
2013-02-25 20:56:59 UTC
Although I am not a Christian myself, if I were, I would just say doubting your faith in God means as much as believing it. Independent thought is not something you'll ever be punished for (even by God), especially since he is forgiving. Either way, you should explore your faith. Whether you choose to believe in God or not, you shouldn't be forced to. I am 100% sure you won't go to hell for contemplating God's existence. Maybe you don't believe like you used to, or maybe you're just having a rough time. However, you'll find the right path for you in time. But never feel bad about what you think, and never stop thinking about things. Everything can be doubted.
2013-02-25 21:11:12 UTC
Stay away from your atheist friend. He IS NOT A good person.

You have the right in Jesus Name to Command the spirit that is bothering you to go. Every time the bad spirit or bad thoughts come to you command it to leave in the name of Jesus. Renounce the demon in Jesus name. Regardless of how many times it takes do it every time.

God will not send you to hell for this. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Cast all your cares upon Jesus. He cares for you.

Read the Bible, Praise the Lord, Pray & if the demon attacks you just keep on praising God.
2013-02-26 08:24:21 UTC
You need to learn to take your faith beyond just a belief without evidence.

Your friend says there is no God. But how do you prove a negative? You cannot. It is logically impossible to prove a negative.

Your friend is actually doing you a favor. Else, you might not ever seek the evidence you need for the sake of your faith.

2016-10-08 11:43:46 UTC
you're concentrating too lots on doctrine and not adequate on god. locate god. locate out who he's and what he needs on your life. neglect approximately what you need to or shouldn't have faith. All which will shield itself in time. God is as authentic as you pick for him to be. he's been an crucial area of my life for the final 40 5 years. i could not stay with out him. there are a number of that isn't be able to stay with him. basically locate your individual convenience point and don't provide up on the ensures god has for you.
2013-02-25 21:13:10 UTC
I felt that for a really long time but I just surrounded myself with God believers and I prayed every night because I wanted a strong connection with God. You have to tell yourself, "No I believe in God because I love him and he loves me." The more you say it the more you believe it. It'll take some time but DON'T GIVE UP! You can do it! Good luck on your Journey :)
2016-10-06 02:53:01 UTC
you're concentrating too lots on doctrine and not adequate on god. locate god. locate out who he's and what he needs on your life. neglect approximately what you need to or shouldn't have faith. All which will shield itself in time. God is as authentic as you pick for him to be. he's been an crucial area of my life for the final 40 5 years. i could not stay with out him. there are a number of that isn't be able to stay with him. basically locate your individual convenience point and don't provide up on the ensures god has for you.
2013-02-25 21:03:40 UTC
The way to replace your doubts with strong faith, is to undertake a serious & thorough study of God's Word *for yourself*. Stop merely accepting what others tell you, and *prove* the *facts* to yourself . . .

"Beloved ones, do NOT believe every inspired expression,

but TEST the inspired expressions *to see whether they originate with God,*

because many false prophets have gone forth into the world."---1 John 4:1

"MAKE SURE of all things; hold fast to what is fine."---1 Thessalonians 5:21

'...CAREFULLY EXAMINING the Scriptures daily as to whether these things are so.'---Acts 17:11

For more encouragement, I recommend reading this set of Bible-based articles:

"Would You Like to Have Stronger Faith?":

- What Is Faith?

- Build Confidence in the Bible

- Gain Accurate Knowledge of God

- Learn the Truth About Jesus

- Face Your Doubts
2013-02-25 20:53:38 UTC
Reason 1

Does Any God, Satan or Devil exist? Hypotheses


Understanding: Anything that can be asserted with little or no evidence can be dismissed just as easily, so the extraordinary claims made by deist, which is that an omnipotent being (god or the devil) exists, would require extraordinary evidences for which religion cannot supply. Therefore, evidence for the existence of god is dismissed with any simple test such as the one that follows. It should be obvious to the most casual of observers that this test can only be applied to an being that is said to be omnipotent, because only omnipotence could be responsible for answering this test.

Remember: Some religious books will state that the believers can not or should not test their god or the devil for that matter. So, if someone believes in god then he or she would be forbidden from testing god. Since (Atheist, Non-Believers or believers from other religions) do not believe in your god then they of course are free to test said god and show statistical truth behind blind belief in said god.

1. Important Note: There is nothing that states anywhere in the world that we can not test the Satan or Devil, which is generally categorized as having similar omnipotence as god.

2. God and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.

Hypothesis: Does any God Exist? Data Collection and Test:

This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.

Here is a simple god/devil/ghost test

1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post worldwide and your post will state the following:

"I am god, I exist"

A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

2. Devil or Satan or holy ghost you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the Internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

"I am devil, I exist"

A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time (GMT).

We now have a working theory known as the God does not exist theory.

**We have shown that no God of any kind exists!

**If your god does exist and does not answer then it is not worth worshiping because it either is not omnipoten or does not want or care to be worshiped.

**We have shown that no Devil or Satan of any kind exists and established that God and Devils are mutually inclusive, so if one does not exist then the other does not exist.

Thanks for asking such a wonderful question that we all can learn from and even get a little science in too, but the answer seems to be No God

Reason 2

Also science has even more definitive evidence that god does not exist, see this Article by NPR

SCIENCE HAS FOUND GOD, see link below

Reason 3

I know the future and SCIENCE WINS

In 5 billion “ish” years our sun will go nova and end the earth’s existence, that is when the world will end and not before.

Reason 4

There is no evidence for god(s) existence and therefore all god(s) must be assumed NOT to exist!

Reason 5

Flying at 10,000 feet, jump out of a plane and on your way down pray to your god for a safe landing. Sciences Wins Again 100% of time splat!

Reason 6

The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god! He took the Jewish religion, organized it into Christianity and then into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!! Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed christian or Jewish origin but entirely ITALIAN! Learn your history before you believe is fairy tales.

Reason 7

Acceptance of supernatural claims can promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child's acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging or teaching this sort of automatic acceptance behavior it will facilitate the lack of skepticism and leads to division of people through ideological differences. This of course has only one path which violence brought about by intolerance taught by the religion and it’s belief system.

Just to name a few

Waco Texas - Christian

Jones Town - Christian

KKK - Christian

IRA ( Irish Republican Army ) - Christian

American Nazism - Christians

Serbians - Christian
Hakuna My Tatas
2013-02-25 21:00:47 UTC
stay christian for the time being but have an agnostic mindset. study for yourself; read the bible from genesis to song of solomon and then read from matthew to revealation and decide for yourself whether or not it's believable
2013-02-25 20:54:22 UTC
Your "friend" had an unclean spirit and this spirit has now attached itself to you and is trying to take you to the same mindset that your "friend" has.

Rebuke it in the name of Jesus christ and pray/fast to strengthen your relationship with the Lord.

If you haven't already, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38.
2013-02-25 20:55:27 UTC
Satan is your master, Joey. Renounce the bleeding christ and bow down before Lucifer, Lord of Hellfire and Sodomy.
2013-02-25 20:54:11 UTC
so let me get this straight, you almost had a clue, but now you want to actively try to be more ignorant....

perhaps you should re-think this trend.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.