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In Deuteronomy 32:43 in the Septuagint Greek Mss., this is where Paul was quoting the Hebrews passage from...
Rejoice, ye heavens, with him, and let all the angels of God worship him
This verse literally says “let all the angels of God bow down to him” Which is what proskuneo literally means.
Bowing down to does not automatically mean worship, even if they are bowing down to Jehovah.
Bowing down to someone basically means to be in subjection to, to pay homage to.
1) to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence
2) among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence
3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication
a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank
1) to the Jewish high priests
2) to God
3) to Christ
4) to heavenly beings
5) to demons
The angels are in subjection to Jehovah,
The angels do pay homage to Jehovah,
Now they are commanded to be obedient to Jesus, and to pay homage to Jesus.
This word does not automatically mean “worship” or even “obeisance”.
The Greek word rendered “worship” at Hebrews 1:6 is pro•sky•ne΄o. This Greek word is also used at Psalm 97:7 in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew sha•hhah΄. What is the sense of these Hebrew and Greek terms?
Sha•hhah΄ means basically “to bow down.” (Prov. 12:25) Such bowing might be done as an act of respect toward another human, as to a king (1 Sam. 24:8; 2 Sam. 24:20) or a prophet. (2 Ki. 2:15) Abraham bowed down to the Canaanite sons of Heth from whom he sought to buy a burial place. (Gen. 23:7) Isaac’s blessing on Jacob called for national groups and Jacob’s own “brothers” to bow down to him.—Gen. 27:29; compare 49:8.
The Greek pro•sky•ne΄o corresponds closely with the Hebrew sha•hhah΄ as to conveying the thought of both obeisance to creatures and worship to God or a deity. While the manner of expressing the obeisance is perhaps not so prominent in pro•sky•ne΄o as in sha•hhah΄, where the Hebrew term graphically conveys the thought of prostration or bowing down, some lexicographers suggest that originally the Greek term did emphatically portray this idea.
This is the same word used at Rev 3:9 where unfaithful Jews will worship (KJB) or bow down to faithful Christians.
The context of Heb 1:6 HAS TO AGREE WITH THE CONTEXT OF Hebrew’s chapter 1 and the rest of the book of Hebrews.
What Paul is telling us is that The Glorified Image of God (Heb 1:3) has been given authority over the angels. Something he never had before. (Heb 1:4; Phil 2:5-11).
Today even the angels have to worship Jehovah through Jesus
As to the Book of Enoch, and the angel Gabriel, I’m sorry you have to go beyond the bible to support your false teachings.
Context determines the correct understanding of words:
Fast can mean both “to move quickly” or “not able to move at all”
The cargo was held fast to the deck, doesn’t mean the cargo was moving quickly while not moving at all.
It does not mean both at the same time.
Heb 1:6 is it obeisance or worship?
Context points to obeisance because Jesus is part of creation. (Heb 1:9, “Your God anointed you”
Your quote: In verse 4 it says He has become 'MUCH' more superior than the angels,
I would like to point out “HAS BECOME much more superior than the angels.”
This means that prior to his being anointed (Heb 1:9) Jesus was not ‘much more superior than the angels’
When the bible talks about Gabriel and Michael, this was prior to Jesus being anointed and being made MUCH MORE than the angels.
Please show me the scripture that says Gabriel is an archangel.
Why do Michael / Jesus receive obeisance?
Because Jehovah gave Jesus a name that is above all other created ones.
Heb 1:4 “to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs.” (the other angels)
To inherit something means to receive something you didn’t own before.
It is something given to you.
When you ignore context you can prove anything you want.
I only stopped at chapter 2 of Hebrews,
The entire book shows Jesus is the High Priest, the Apostle of God (Heb 3:1)
and Not equal to his Father.
According to the book of Hebrews,
Who is Jesus and what is his Relationship with God?
1:1God speaks to us,
1:2by means of His Son (a male offspring / progeny = ‘a result of creative effort, product’
The American Heritage Dictionary (TAHD))
who He (God) appointed, (Lit. He put)
through (#1223 channel) whom He made the world (Jesus is not the source of creation but the channel, or master worker, (Prov. 8:30, My NASB cross references Prov. 8:22 with Jesus at Rev 3:14) also see Jn 1:3 (#1223 channel))
1:3Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. (Jesus is not the source of God’s glory, but is the visible manifestation, why? Because Jesus is)
the exact representation of God’s nature
(Representation (N-W) ‘a : an artistic likeness or image’ of God’s nature,
(2 Cor 4:4 if we believe Jesus is more than an image; we have been blinded by Satan)
Nature (TAHD) = ‘character of an individual’, Jesus is an image of God’s nature or character
Jn 8: 28, 29; 14:10;) What Jesus sees his Father do, Jesus imitates his Father.
Interesting side point Representation can also means:
(TAHD) = ‘serving as an official delegate, agent or spokesman’ (see 1:2 ‘appointed’)
Jesus serves as Jehovah’s appointed spokesman (Jn 1:1, 2);
sat down at the right hand of God (an important position but is lesser than God
(N-W) b : an indispensable person 2 b : a place of honor 3 : chiefly relied on)
The true meaning of the following verses become evident when you understand
Job 1: 6 “Now it came to be the day when the sons* of the [true] God entered to take their station before Jehovah,” *“Sons of.” Heb., beneh´; LXX, “angels.” This book was written to “Hebrews” who had this understanding.
1:4became better than the angels (How and why did he become better? Because he is God,
NO, because he inherited a more excellent name than they (Vs 4 starts off showing how Jesus is better than his angelic brothers, How? Because Jesus inherits or is given a better name than the other sons of God)
1:5which of the angels (or other sons) did (God) say “You are my Son?
(To Jesus His Firstborn (see 1:2 & 6)
BLB: blueletterbible.org - strongs= #4416
#4416, 1) the firstborn
a) of man or beast
b) of Christ, the first born of all creation
Firstborn = (N-W) first brought forth : eldest
Jesus is Jehovah’s oldest or eldest Son.
today I begotten you (NASB)
(Begotten (TAHD) = ‘to cause to exist, produced’ (Prov. 8:21, 22; see 3:1))
1:6brings the firstborn into the world. (Because Jesus was the channel that Jehovah used to create the world (1:2), Jesus had to have been begotten prior to the creation. (Col 1:15,16) Long before being born on earth, - long before being anointed in 29 C.E.)
angel (or other sons) “worship” or “do obeisance” to Jesus?
(As we’ve seen thus far – Jesus is a creation and as such is not to be worshiped.
As firstborn, appointed by God, he is entitled to Homage)
(BLB #4352 1) to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence
2) among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence
3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication
a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank
side point: To honor is NOT the same as worship.
(2 Kings 2:15 footnote NWT Bible “They . . . bowed down (to Elisha).”
Gr., pro•se•ky´ne•san. Compare Heb 1:6 ftn. Gr., pro•sky•ne•sa´to•san;)
By honoring a human judge we are also honoring Jehovah, but we are not worshiping the human judge. (Matt 15:3-6; Rom 13:7)
If we are ordered to honor humans, how much more so should we honor Jesus?
In 1611 KJV, worship meant “to a physical bowing or prostration” today it means “a mental state of reverence.” Truth in Translation (TIT)
Homage (TAHD) = ‘special honor or respect shown publicly’
1:7Contrasts angels with the role God has given Jesus (1:2,4)
1:8The understanding of this verse has to agree with verse 1:9
1:9“Your God” has anointed you. (The God of Jesus. anoint = christ = messiah = a person set apart for high office, especially a priest or a king. Harper’s Bible Dictionary (HBD) According to the basic meaning – all anointed Christians are “christs, persons set apart for high office, as priests and kings reigning with Jesus. (Rev 5:9, 10))
above your companions or partners (1 Chron 29:23) These companions can’t be God, Himself, because Jesus’ God anointed him. (Ps 110:3) In Ps 45:7 it is David, being compared to Solomon, and the other Kings of Israel. In Heb 1:9, the context shows that Jesus’ companions or partners are Jehovah’s other sons, the angels. (Job 1:6))
1:10Christ lays foundation of the earth. (master worker)
1:11Including vs 12, Hyperbole, (N-W): extravagant exaggeration
1:13to which one of the angels / sons? sit at God’s right hand ?
(again His Firstborn, the only begotten (1:2, 6))
1:14are not all spirits (including Jesus (1 Cor 15:45)) sent forth ? (Gal 4:4)
inherit salvation, (Why must Christians inherit salvation? Because it is something we do not possess, and we receive it from our Father, Just as Jesus inherited a better name.
2:4while God joined in bearing witness (according to the law witnesses had to be two separate individuals to prove a point (Matt 3:17; Jn 8:17,18))
2:5not to angels (Jehovah did not subject all creation to just any son, but again to His Firstborn, eldest Son)
2:9God can never be ‘lower’ than his sons the angels,
Jesus suffered & tasted death, (also something God can never do.)
2:11Christians become brothers to Christ (does this make man equal to God? In Israel (Hebrews) brothers are equal except for the firstborn, who received double honor in the inheritance. Christians are adopted as sons making them ‘brothers’ to Christ receiving the same reward that Jesus received.)
2:12Who’s name does Jesus declare in the middle of the congregation?
(quote of Ps 22:22,23, Jehovah)
2:13Jesus only has what God gives him.
2:14As God’s representative (1:2) and eldest Son (1:6) Jesus left heaven and became a man.
-17Equal to God ? (NO equal to Adam (Rom 5:19; 1 Cor 15:21,22, 45))
2:17If God died for us, then the sacrifice would have been greater than the Law required, becoming ‘a soul for an eye’. (If only the ‘man’ Jesus died, and only the ‘man’ Jesus was resurrected, then the ‘man’ Jesus is in heaven equal to God. (Heb 13:8))
2:18What test did God have to do? Would God remain loyal, faithful, and obedient to himself?
What would have happened if God had failed that test (see 3:2, 6)
(The entire book of Hebrews shows that Jesus is in subjection to his God and Father.)
Matt 4:10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”
Jesus rebuked Satan in the name of Jehovah 'Satan's God'
and also Jesus' God. (Jn 17:3)
Jude 9 But when Mi´cha·el the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: “May Jehovah rebuke you.”
At the time of Moses, Jesus or Michael had not been anointed as King of God's Kingdom.
At the time of Moses, Jesus or Michael had not be appointed to judge the living and the dead.
Jesus is the only Begotten Son, begotten comes from "solo generated" in Greek, used to discribe a birth of a child.
Jesus was created solely by Jehovah, then He use His Firstborn as a master worker to create everything else.