Well, I am a "believer" ... I really don't call myself "Christian" .... mainly because of what Ghandi said:
"I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians, because they are so unlike your Christ"
Unfortunately, this is true in so many ways. That said: I was married by a judge, not a minister.
My marriage lasted 34 years, not including the 4 years I dated my husband before we married.
We were high school sweet hearts.... he has remarried (and my ex-husband and I are still good friends)...
however, I have no intention of remarrying. I don't feel like I need a piece of paper to be in a committed
relationship, which I happen to be in. Some would say: "You are living in sin".
I think your question about atheists is ludicrous. "Atheists" are not "bad, immoral people", well I'm sure
a few are, because there are immoral people in all walks of life no matter their belief system.
Atheists have simply chosen to not believe, but I have met an ex-atheist or 2 in my life....
I respect their right to their unbelief, I don't feel like I need to get a bible out and beat them over the
head with it.... and their unbelief has no bearing on my right to believe.
Marriage is a civil ceremony, but of course it is to many a religious ceremony as well.
Live and let live. Shalom.