(Cheating) I copied these over from my blog. Outside of the lack of any proof of evolution of species (not evolution within species), there just hasn't been enough time!
My Thoughts On
Evolution: Theory or Law?
Gravity is not a theory. It is a force of nature, with defined laws of Physics. Newton began with a theory, which has since proven out through continual testing and observable repeatability.
NO origin theory can ever be more than a theory scientifically. No person outside of the event witnessed the event; since we are already here, it can't be repeated; and since we are incapable of containing all the substance and energy of the universe in one place, we cannot build a valid test.
The best that any scientific theory can hope for is that the preeminent amount of observable effect can be interpreted to support that theory.
Examples: Theory of Relativity vs Quantum Theory. Each theory is mutually exclusive of the other, but relativity has the advantage of being observable and testable on a much wider scale than quantum mechanics. Principle arguments state that relativity works within the known laws of Physics, whereas quantum mechanics states that the laws no longer apply at the sub-atomic level. The failure of quantum theory is that as far below the atomic level that we can visibly observe, quantum mechanics doesn't work. It only 'works' at the point where the action is no longer visible, but a reaction can be interpreted to support the theory.
Again, both are viable theories, but since neither is observable, testable, and repeatable, they can NEVER be more than a theory.
The next step is what you CHOOSE to embrace, and that choice is what many of us call faith.
Some scientists OBSERVE mutation and natural selection and INTERPRET them as evolution. There is NO CHANGE FROM ONE SPECIES INTO ANOTHER, WHICH IS WHAT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION MAINTAINS. In fact, genetics has proven that DNA cannot 'evolve' between species because unlike DNA lengths and / or DNA strands with different RNA positions on the strands CANNOT COMBINE. This PROVES genetically that evolution of species CANNOT occur. I wonder why they aren't teaching that in the schools? Too new? The evidence predates the internet.
The problem isn't evolution. The problem is the 'science' they use to 'prove' it.
First, they started with an unsupported assumption (that the earth is millions / billions) of years old, then they used circular reasoning between varying fields of science to support that precept as fact, then they assumed without any evidence (in fact, in the face of their own evidence to the contrary) that one species can evolve into another. Fact: DNA strands of different lengths or different RNA locations cannot combine. That means in order to produce say, a human, from say, gorillas, a male and a female gorilla would have to have identically mutated genes at exactly the same time at exactly the same place, find each other and successfully mate. The probability of that happening one time (ape to man) exceeds the most liberal mathematical calculations of probability. To happen thousands or hundreds of thousands of times to evolve from a single cell organism to any mammal way exceeds ANY mathematical concept of possibility. What 'science' has done is said "This is what we are going to prove, don't confuse us with the facts."
Making science an elective won't solve the problem. The problem is that a secular society has succumbed to political pressure to teach circularly reasoned half-true theories as science fact. This is teaching the kids bad science, which is what is causing our nation to slip in the world market place. This is the problem. It is the job of parents, not teachers or pastors or anybody else to train up their own children. The law protects kids in public school environments who know the truth and choose to give faith based answers. Teach your kids to examine and weigh all the evidence for themselves. It will make them stronger Christians.
P.S. Secular science has never offered why, only how.
Jesus can teach us why.
My Thoughts On
The Creation vs. Evolution Discussion
Section I
It is not impossible to know the truth, because truth is absolute. It is not possible to PROVE a theory of origin because there were no witnesses and it is not repeatable. And you are right, science works well at revealing deception. For example, let's look at the 'ancient universe' necessary for evolution:
1) The sun is shrinking at a rate of about 3/4 of a mile in diameter per year, which makes sense, because it is releasing energy (1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics). If you go back 10,000 years, no big deal. If you go back 1,000,000 years, we now have 1 less planet in our solar system. If you go back 135 million years, the earth is now the closest planet to the sun, and it is in our atmosphere. OOPS, that won't work.
2) If you consider radioactive elements and radioactive half-lives, and the amount of KNOWN uranium on the planet, and you go backwards 10,000 years, no big deal. However, if you go back 1,000,000 years, about 1/10th of the planet is uninhabitable because of radiation. If you go back 1.8 million years, the surface of the earth is fried. OOPS, that won't work.
3) Radiometric dating / carbon dating - lava beds throughout the planet have been dated using radio-isotopic and carbon dating at several hundred million years, just like the lava dome at mount St. Helens. Wait, didn't we SEE that one erupt? OOPS, that won't work.
4) Geological dating - we can see that the Grand Canyon took millions of years to make, as we observe the layers of sediment that were laid down. And over here, just south of Mt. St Helens we see another canyon with almost identical layering and geological evidence that took -- FOUR HOURS!!
Evidence is only useful if it is INTERPRETED CORRECTLY. Evolutionists begin with a presumption of an 'ancient universe' and interpret the evidence to fit. Problem is that it doesn't.
In addition to everything else, geneticists have proven that evolution of one DNA species into another DNA species is impossible. Mathematics has proven that the amount of time required to initiate life from inorganics based on all known elements in the universe being tried together sequentially at a rate of one trial per second would take approximately 10 to the 128th power seconds, which is about 40 times what the evolutionists say is the age of the earth. Bad science is bad science. Period!
Section II
A vast number of people 'believe' in evolution because they are indoctrinated from the moment they can have a cognitive thought. Comic books, TV shows, stories in school that start out "millions of years ago" lay the foundation for accepting the unsupportable premise.
I am one of those who discards evolution as being God's tool of creation. The Bible in Hebrew in the book of Genesis. states in indisputable terms that the creation process took exactly six literal earth days. Some people will argue of things that happened before the first day, often referred to as the 'Gap' theory. Before the first day, time did not exist, so trying to say millions of years before the first day would be like trying to measure the length of a football field with a gallon of water. There just is no way of measuring time outside the time domain.
Additionally, there is way too much scientific evidence to support a young earth, a young solar system, and even a young universe.
I believe what I believe because I have examined ALL of the evidence on both sides, and not taken the Pope or anyone else's 'word' for it.
Section III
What would YOU do if somebody disproved the Origin Theory of Evolution? Of course, you would have to begin by examining the arguments for a young earth, the Anthropic principle, separation of species by RNA encoding, separation of genus and phyla by DNA strand length, the mathematics of probability and chaos theory, not to mention the first and second laws of Physics.
But then, after you have dismissed all of these things through circular reasoning and unsupportable assumptions, what would remain is what you CHOOSE to have faith in.
Bottom line: if your right and I'm wrong, I lose nothing; if I'm right and you're wrong, you lose EVERYTHING! You might want to consider looking at the discussions more openly.
Section IV
The best argument which I know is that of the young universe / earth. Evolution requires time, lots of time. Inevitably, if you check one field of science against another, the only supports they have for an ancient universe always boils back to circular reasoning.
Here are a few observables that the evolutionists have to create non-observable postulates to argue.
1)Geology: The Grand Canyon took millions of years to form, yet we observed as a slightly smaller rendition was made when Mt. St. Helens exploded(in less than 4 hours)
2)Biochemistry: It takes great heat, massive amounts of animal and plant life, enormous pressure, and millions of years to make oil. Back to Mt. St. Helens, new oil deposits (and petrified wood) at the base in less than 10 years.
3)Genetics - two strands of DNA of different lengths cannot combine. No evidence anywhere of any single-cell organism with a DNA strand even close to the length of mammalian DNA.
4)Astronomy - NASA expected over 20 feet of dust on the surface of the moon when they sent Apollo up, based on observable and rate measurable dust falling to the moon's surface, and an anticipation of millions of years accumulation. Apollo landed, less than an inch, not old enough.
And there are OOOOOODLES more.
No matter how you look at it, both are theories and not testable and repeatable, so you need to fall back on faith either way.