I think we get lost in our way mainly bc we forgot about our starting point. Every problem in life can be traced back to the Garden of Eden.
At the Garden of Eden, God planned to replace Satan/demons with humans, as His servants/workers. Satan, previously called Lucifer, was one of three of God's archangels. He rebelled against God and wanted to be like god.(EZE.28:17, ISA.14:12, REV.12:4) So, Satan sabotaged God's plan.
Adam's original sin caused all humans to be born with evil or sinful hearts/flesh. The Devil began to live in their hearts.(JOHN.8:44, MARK.7:20-23, MATT.16:22 & 23:27 & 4:4)
Evil heart --> evil thoughts --> evil deeds/sins.
Satan constantly tempts, accuses, lies and chatters to us, in our minds/brains/flesh. He coaxes us to commit sins against others, self or God.(opposite of MATT.22:37-40, ie love your neighbor) He seeks to destroy us.(GEN.3:14-15, 1PET.5:8) He "eats" dead humans or dust, as Adam died and became dust.
....... Girls were cursed with painful childbirth and to suffer emotional dominance by their bf's/lovers/husbands. Boys were cursed with back-breaking work. Both were cursed with suffering death and hell.
Adam's original sin precluded humans from coming directly to God.(EXO.33:20) So, God the Father(GtF) had to limit Himself (HEB.2:9, PHIL.2:5) and approach humans thru His Voice/Word and His Spirit.
To solve the problem caused by Satan, GtF first, chose the Jews as His people by speaking to Abraham, as an invisible Voice/Word or as an Angel of the Lord.
....... Then, GtF spoke to Moses as an invisible Voice/Word, giving the Law to the Jews, to curb their inborn tendency for committing sins. The Law carries earthly curses or blessings.(DEUT.28:1-2 & 15) The Law has the provision of sacrificing a clean/innocent animal to atone for their evil deeds/sins.(LEV.17:11, HEB.9:22)
Lastly. GtF sent His Son, ie Jesus Christ.(JC) JC is the Word/Voice of God that became flesh and blood.(JOHN.1:1 & 14) JC is the Lamb of God(JOHN.1:29) who was sacrificed by GtF to atone for Adam's original sin or our evil hearts(ROM.5:12); paving the way to salvation.
At MATT.5:17-48, JC told the Jews that they were bound for hell bc they have evil in their hearts, eg lust, anger, hate, jealousy, greed, etc. The Jews thought that they were bound for heaven bc they kept Moses Law, ie by avoiding evil deeds like murder, adultery, etc. JC told them that the Law was not enough to save them from hell.
So, the only way to be saved from hell is to accept and believe in the sacrifice of JC on the Cross, that atoned for Adam's original sin or our evil hearts/flesh.
....... Adam ate the forbidden fruit and gave us suffering, death and hell. We "eat" the Blood and Flesh of JC and get forgiveness, life and heaven.(JOHN.6:17-58, MATT.26:28)
....... In comparison, when the Jews committed a sin, they offered an animal sacrifice to GtF, to earn forgiveness and continued earthly blessing from Him. We offer the sacrifice of JC to GtF to earn forgiveness for our earthly sins and eternal life.
GtF is a Person who speaks with a Voice, in Words and does things by the power of His Spirit.(GEN.1:1-2, 1JOHN.5:7) The Holy Trinity can be compared to the sun, her light and her heat/warmth. They are One and the Same, yet different. We cannot come near the sun or look directly at her.
....... Similarly, we cannot come directly to GtF. We can only come to GtF indirectly, thru JC. We can only "see" GtF indirectly, by "seeing" JC.(JOHN.14:6 & 9) Hence, Christianity is a personal relationship with JC, who is also GtF and the Holy Spirit.(JOHN.14:16-20, REV.3:20)
One day, we will be able to see GtF directly, ie after the 2nd Advent of JC.(1COR.15:24, 1THESS.4:16) Visions of GtF on His heavenly throne, were given to Ezekiel and John at EZE.1 and REV.4.
GtF affects our life, mainly, thru His Word.(JOHN.6:63 & 15:3, EPH.6:16-17, ROM.10:17, HEB.4:12, 2TIM.3:16)