Each person has to convince themselves if it is the right one.
The most important thing is to look in the Bible for the things good religion promotes.
For example:
High Moral Standards
Marriage - Hebrews 13:4 - Does this religion require that among its members, couples who live together be legally married?
Divorce - Matthew 19:9 - Does this religion respect Jesus' direction and allow divorce and remarriage - but only on the grounds of immorality?
Sexual morality - 1 Corinthians 6:18; Romans 1:26-27 - Does this religion teach that sexual immorality either between a man and a woman or between a couple of the same sex is a sin?
Courageously upholding Bible standards among it's members - 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13 - Does this religion remove from its membership roll any who unrepentantly ignore Bible standards?
Brotherly Love
War - Mattew 5:44; 26:52; 1 John 3:10-12 - Does this religion encourage its members to participate in warfare?
Politics - Jonh 6:15; 18:36; 17:14 - Does this religion follow Jesus' example and avoid becoming involved in politics, even if that means that its members will be hated by some politicians?
Prejudice - Acts 10:34-35; James 2:1-4 - Does this religion teach that all people are equal in God's sight and that members of the religion should not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race or economic standing?
Respect for God's Word
Religious titles - matthew 23:1-10 - Do leaders of this religion like to be called by honorific titles and seek prominence in the community, or do they obey Jesus' command to avoid doing so?
Use of images in worship - Exodus 20:4-5; 1 John 5:21 - Does this religion obey the Bible's clear command to avoid the use of images and idols in the worship of God?
You can also ask yourself, which religion encourages people to study the Scriptures to see if what they are learning is really true?
You can use these points to analyze any religion to see if they are living by the truth, the Bible is the truth, search it out.
If you would like to know more about this and other themes, next time Jehovah's Witness come to your door, ask them for a free Bible study at your convenience. You will never regret all the knowledge you will acquire and remember that what you do with that knowledge is your choice.
Knowledge + Application = Wisdom