A little help on buddhism.?
2009-03-01 11:19:01 UTC
I'm almost 13 and I have no reliigion. When I was really little I was baptized greek orthodox. I don't have anything to do with the religion, and I didn't even know I was baptized till last year. I have only been to a church twice, and my mom took me. I thought it was okay. But, I wanted a religion that I wanted to be not what my parents chose for me. So, I did some research, and Buddhism sounds so "made for me"
I've read it's all about building your charectar and helping other's which is something I could really improve on. I also heard that there are different types of buddhism and I need a little help with that. I want a little guide of each one please. Also could someone please just give me a little help on who's who in buddhism, and maybe a link or two for a website about buddhism. Thanks in advance :]
Seven answers:
Human Being Human
2009-03-01 12:28:16 UTC

Your Karma will dictate the rest
2009-03-04 08:06:51 UTC

first, you are young, so no reason for any rush on the matter. you are given a number of links, look through them, yet make sure to use a sceptic approach at all times. perhaps you've come across the expression by sakyamuni to not believe in anything regardless of the source and to check everything. keep it up.

then, it does not really matter which school (in buddhist tradition) in particular you pick. any is fine. trick is that to see progress you would need to actually find the school (meditation group, temple) and attend there on more or less regular basis. so, likely you would need your parents to help with that. if you have not already, i think you should discuss the matter with them.

good luck.

2009-03-01 19:27:28 UTC
First of all, don't judge me by my avatar, I'm just trying a new one. If it's a monkeyface, that's my usual one. Anyway, I have some good websites about Buddhism. This one is clear and basic, it'll tell you everything you need to know mostly about Theravada Buddhism (there are about 18 kinds of Buddhism, Theravada is the most basic and unchanged):

This website has everything anyone could want to know about every sort of Buddhism. It's vast, and can get confusing if you don't know much about the practice; but it has good information too:

I'm a Theravada Buddhist/Taoist.
2009-03-01 19:37:59 UTC
Just be aware that the only prerequisite for enlightenment is compassion. The rest will come with time.
Happy Smile
2009-03-01 22:06:10 UTC
Please check

Through practicing this Buddhism,

we can bring out best quality as human being

,that's Human Revolution. And one person's human revolution make oneself happy and

make people around happy too.
2009-03-01 19:23:41 UTC
Jon Owen (AKA Milarepa)
2009-03-01 19:23:20 UTC

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