2009-04-15 20:53:18 UTC
1) Can God create a weight so heavy even He cannot lift it?
2) Everything you know about God is either from oral or written tradition. Considering the superstitious nature of those early men, can you really trust them to give you the answers to the universe?
3) Why are there so many gods? God tells you He is the only god, but it seems a little unfair to all those other good folks in other religions. Is it possible maybe your religion is wrong and another holds the true path?
4) It seems very vague and almost like a dodgy cover up when people say "God works in mysterious ways." Do you agree?
5) Do you realize that, for the most part, the Old Testament is a web of contradictions and deals with matters in a way very harsh for a loving and caring God.
6) What religion says about the universe and its workings are true until proven otherwise. Anything else has to show some proof before its taken seriously. Tell me if I'm wrong about this.
7) It all seems very odd that God would care about your petty misfortunes, such as a chance to win the lotto, when people are starving everyday. Why does he care so much for one and not the other?
8) Imagine the universe without God for a second. Suddenly there is no need to tack on some flimsy explanation for our existence. There's no need to reconcile beliefs with actual fact. Makes everything easier, doesn't it?
9) According to the same Bible that told you God works in mysterious ways, and that his love is unending, it also says if your gay your going to hell. Yet for some reason, we overlook this because being gay has become more acceptable today more than ever. So lots of people have taken the opportunity to downplay this little damnation. See how easy scripture can change? Worse things have been said about smaller acts of "evil" and we've completely forgotten those in the bible. It changes everyday, and I want to know if you really do trust this flowing, changing word of God.
10) Wow this was long, thanks for reading it though. To make it a nice ten questions let me ask you this: Anything else you'd like to add? More questions like these? Do tell.