10 Questions to ask a theist?
2009-04-15 20:53:18 UTC
Here are a few questions for theists. all I'm looking for are good answers: (atheists can comment if they wish :) )

1) Can God create a weight so heavy even He cannot lift it?

2) Everything you know about God is either from oral or written tradition. Considering the superstitious nature of those early men, can you really trust them to give you the answers to the universe?

3) Why are there so many gods? God tells you He is the only god, but it seems a little unfair to all those other good folks in other religions. Is it possible maybe your religion is wrong and another holds the true path?

4) It seems very vague and almost like a dodgy cover up when people say "God works in mysterious ways." Do you agree?

5) Do you realize that, for the most part, the Old Testament is a web of contradictions and deals with matters in a way very harsh for a loving and caring God.

6) What religion says about the universe and its workings are true until proven otherwise. Anything else has to show some proof before its taken seriously. Tell me if I'm wrong about this.

7) It all seems very odd that God would care about your petty misfortunes, such as a chance to win the lotto, when people are starving everyday. Why does he care so much for one and not the other?

8) Imagine the universe without God for a second. Suddenly there is no need to tack on some flimsy explanation for our existence. There's no need to reconcile beliefs with actual fact. Makes everything easier, doesn't it?

9) According to the same Bible that told you God works in mysterious ways, and that his love is unending, it also says if your gay your going to hell. Yet for some reason, we overlook this because being gay has become more acceptable today more than ever. So lots of people have taken the opportunity to downplay this little damnation. See how easy scripture can change? Worse things have been said about smaller acts of "evil" and we've completely forgotten those in the bible. It changes everyday, and I want to know if you really do trust this flowing, changing word of God.

10) Wow this was long, thanks for reading it though. To make it a nice ten questions let me ask you this: Anything else you'd like to add? More questions like these? Do tell.
22 answers:
2009-04-15 21:27:55 UTC
1. Got me swinging, I don't believe in a god named God. This problem of "rock so big" really only speaks to MONOTHEISTS, not polytheists like me. My gods don't claim to be omnipotent.

2. Except for those things that are personal experience. My religion is about 60 years old...some of my friends are that old and older...they aren't ancient.

3. I assume the gods evolved that way. My gods don't claim to be the only gods.

4.I don't claim that, so I don't know.

5. The old testament is not my holy book.

6. My religion says to observe the world to understand the we not do this anymore?

7. Um, this problem is for monotheists. I assume that my gods don't really pay attention to a lot of people, and they've no need to.

8. This doesn't make any sense. You're saying mankind is the most powerful being in the universe? I mean, statistically, SOME set of beings is, but I don't think it's us, really. I think it's highly likely that there are beings with technology that far surpasses ours. Any being that is capable of "bending" what we see as absolutes is a god by any reasonable definition. It would make sense to claim that no beings of superior technology HAVE CONTACTED humans, but it makes no sense to claim that no beings of superior technology EXIST.

Please note I'm using the original definition of technology, so this would include powers of "mind" as well as powers of electrical equipment.

9. The Bible is not part of my religion.

10. Yeah, I have a question. Why did you say "theists" when your questions, especially #9, make it clear you meant CHRISTIANS?
2009-04-15 21:19:23 UTC
1) No. God cannot make something too big for Him to lift. He can make anything, but nothing that is too big for Him.

2) Yes, I believe the Bible is true. Can you believe that a recent man has all the answers and that chance brought this all about?

3) There is only one God. The other gods are false, manmade gods; sorry, but it's true.

4) Well, it may seem vague but God does things differently than humans do. He is not human, He is God. We do not understand Him so He will seem mysterious.

5) The Bible never once contradicts itself Why are you talking about the Old Testament, anyway? Most of it has been invalidated by the New Testament.

6) There is a lot more proof to Creationism over Evolution.

7) He does not care about our selfish lusts and greed. He cares for the poor, the orphan, and the widow but will not save the unbelieving, no matter their position in life.

8) No, because then we have no life after death; no reason to live; there would be WAY more suicides. The world without God would be empty and pointless.

9) Scripture has never changed. There are not levels of sin: lying will send you to Hell as much as homosexuality will. God is a loving and forgiving being. He has already given us a second chance through Jesus Christ. Those who reject Christ deserve Hell.

10) I am a Christian. You (reader) will see many who will be nasty about this; make belittling and nasty remarks. They do not know the truth. God is truth, love, perfect, omnipotent, omnipresent, ... There is hope for you even when you see none. There is a life ahead for those who believe. It is not too late; no matter how far you've gone, when you turn around God will meet you right there. Bless you!
2009-04-15 21:22:02 UTC
1.) You'd have to ask Him yourself, I do not profess to know.

2.) Many people nowadays are still superstitious but that does not mean they are truth about some things.

3.) There is only one true God but I am happy with my decision to follow God.

4.) No, how can we even attempt to explain God sometimes.

5.) I have yet to see a real contradiction that I could not explain. The old laws were canceled out by the crucifixion of Jesus.

6.) I do not know. What is faith with proof?

7) Some of that falls under the category of free will.

8.)No, then I would have to believe that everything was random.

9.) The Bible says that it is a sin and like most other sins it can be forgiven. Also, the Word of God does not change, the people interpreting it do.

10.) There is nothing that I would like to add.
neville r
2009-04-15 21:33:49 UTC
Hi, Follow Jesus and Chris N have told you the truth. You will never understand while your attitide is to find fault. I read a testimony of a Christian who said once he believed and was saved all the faults and contradictions disappeared. I won't try line by line answer as that has already been done. One of your problems is answered in my prepared message below. BEGINNINGS ARE IMPOSSIBLE.

You have a brain vastly ahead of any computer, you can think up things that were not programmed into

you.Your recall may not be so efficient but your vast memory is still there. So you can use simple logic.Here is

a test. All elephants are animals. All animals are not elephants.

You can do that, that’s logic, you have it.

In the very beginning ---way back before bangs or creation or evolution what was there?

There are only two possibilities.

1. Something : that is anything you like, from dust to God.

2. Nothing : that is no dust, no space, no thoughts, no energy --- a blank, not even emptiness.

1. The Something ----How did it get there? This is before bangs or evolution or creation, honestly by

logic there is no answer to us, for matter or God to be eternal is unreasonable.

Really think now, how could anything be there before the beginning, it is beyond us, but how could the

beginning start if there wasn’t anything there? Impossible again!! Even Christians idea about God already being

there is impossible to our minds. We cannot help asking, where did He come from and if He didn’t come from

somewhere how could He be there?

Blows your mind doesn’t it? But we are here, so existence either started from nothing or it was always there.

Both are impossible to us in this material, temporal world.

2. The Nothing possibility would still be the same, with no substance, no space, no energy nothing could

start. But we are here, the impossible has happened, existence is real, and that’s a miracle. So there was never a

time when there was Nothing or there would still be nothing. So Something had to be always there. Maybe

you could call it the best of two impossibilities. Chance doesn’t come into this. If something is impossible it

can never never never NEVER happen no matter how long you give it, even forever. So whatever was already

there had to have the potential to provide the source of the systems we see operating now. That is vast (maybe

infinite amounts of energy), designing ability or intelligence (phenomenal design is everywhere from atoms to

highly complex single cells, birds that fly and a moon that stays there balanced on gravity), as well as be the

source of LIFE. By logic both these are impossibilities. What do you call a powerful intelligent designing life

giver that was already there? Could it be Creator or God?


What happens when you try to work out the impossible?

You get the wrong answer! because there is no answer.

What happens when you realise it is wrong? You get another answer! But it’s wrong too.

Whatever answer you get must be wrong.THAT’S EVOLUTION.

BEGINNINGS are impossible to us.

Honestly if there ever was nothing, really nothing, no space, no gas, no energy, no substance, no thought or

ideas, a complete non existence, there would still be no existence,


for us mortals (dying ones) the thought of anything already being there is just as impossible.

We have to ask the impossible question.


Again there is no answer.


The IMPOSSIBLE has happened.

That is what we call a miracle. (not just an unusual happening)

Once you accept one miracle others are not impossible.

All we can do is examine present systems which show that whatever was already there had to be the

source of vast energy, be an intelligent designer and be a life provider. What is a word for that? Could it be

Creator or God. If you are seeking the truth read the Gospel of John, The book of Acts and Genesis. To be saved

you need to believe Jesus died on the cross for your sin and ask Him into your life. Be willing to turn from sin

with His help. Now live for Him by worshipping God, learning of Him in His word and owning Him before

others. May God bless you as you seek the TRUTH.(Two articles combined so some thought repetition) So seek Him and you will find Him then you will know how great our God is. nev r
2009-04-15 21:08:57 UTC
1) Can God create a weight so heavy even He cannot lift it?

God is all powerful. Nothing physical ever created will ever be more powerful then God.

2) Everything you know about God is either from oral or written tradition. Considering the superstitious nature of those early men, can you really trust them to give you the answers to the universe?

No you are wrong what we know about God is what we can see by creation and what the holy spirit of God tells us.

3) Why are there so many gods? God tells you He is the only god, but it seems a little unfair to all those other good folks in other religions. Is it possible maybe your religion is wrong and another holds the true path?

no Jehovah is the only living God. All the so called other Gods were made by men.

4) It seems very vague and almost like a dodgy cover up when people say "God works in mysterious ways." Do you agree?

No it does not. It only seems that way to those who do not know God

5) Do you realize that, for the most part, the Old Testament is a web of contradictions and deals with matters in a way very harsh for a loving and caring God.

No you are wrong there are no contradictions, It reveals God while loving also punishes the wicked who refuse to repent of sin and mock God.

6) What religion says about the universe and its workings are true until proven otherwise. Anything else has to show some proof before its taken seriously. Tell me if I'm wrong about this.

No that is incorrect. Nothing will disprove what the bible says abut the universe and how it works.

7) It all seems very odd that God would care about your petty misfortunes, such as a chance to win the lotto, when people are starving everyday. Why does he care so much for one and not the other?

God does not answer selfish prayers nor does he answer the prayers of sinners. People are starving not because of God but because of themselves or greedy men.

8) Imagine the universe without God for a second. Suddenly there is no need to tack on some flimsy explanation for our existence. There's no need to reconcile beliefs with actual fact. Makes everything easier, doesn't it?

No the universe would fall apart if not for God.

9) According to the same Bible that told you God works in mysterious ways, and that his love is unending, it also says if your gay your going to hell. Yet for some reason, we overlook this because being gay has become more acceptable today more than ever. So lots of people have taken the opportunity to downplay this little damnation. See how easy scripture can change? Worse things have been said about smaller acts of "evil" and we've completely forgotten those in the bible. It changes everyday, and I want to know if you really do trust this flowing, changing word of God.

Its not changing , only some one who does not know the word of God would say that

10) Wow this was long, thanks for reading it though. To make it a nice ten questions let me ask you this: Anything else you'd like to add? More questions like these? Do tell.

Nathan H
2009-04-15 21:48:16 UTC
1) If God created a weight so big that it was the size of our galaxy, then there would be nothing with enough gravitational force to pull it down. It would just float in outer space. So what is your question?

2)) Everything you know about American history is either from history books. If you trust the writers of American history, then why don't you trust the writings of Israel's history?

3) Buddha was a guy. Buddha was nice. Buddha was wise. But Buddha died.

Mohammad was a guy. Mohammad was nice. Mohammad was wise. But Mohammad died.

Jesus was a guy. Jesus was nice. Jesus was wise. Jesus died. But then Jesus ROSE from the dead!

Jesus is the only religous leader who did this.

5) There are seeming contradictions in both Old and New Testaments. In Matthew 1 it gives the genealogy of Christ, but in Luke 3 it gives a completely different genealogy of Christ.

There are times in both Old and New Testaments when God seems harsh. In Acts 5 God strikes people dead for lying.

It's not just the Old Testament.

So yes, God can SEEM harsh, and the Bible can SEEM to contradict. But things are not always what they seem.

6) Yes, you're wrong about this. Matthew Maury read in Psalm 8:8 "the paths of the seas" He believed that there really were "paths in the seas" because the Bible said so. His friends didn't believe him. They laughed at him. But then he proved them wrong. He went looking for those paths and found the warm and cold oceanic currents. He became the founder of Oceanography.

People don't want to believe what the Bible says about the workings of the universe, until a scientists proves the bible true.

7)God doesn't encourage gambling. God cares for each person's needs, as well as the needs of masses of people.

8) A universe without God doesn't make things easier. It makes things harder. Instead of trusting in God to provide my every need, I'd have to get all worried everyday wondering "Where shall I work? Who shall I marry? What if I get robbed? How am I going to.....? When am I going to...?

It's easier to trust God to perfect that which concerns me.

9) The Scripture didn't change. People did. The scripture didn't downplay this damnation. The liberal church did.

10) How can you feel so at home down here when there's so much more up above? Why do you throw way things that matter and hold on to things that don't?
2009-04-15 21:32:39 UTC
You should remember that theists come in all stripes. If you believe in Zeus you are a theist. You are assuming that theists have a lot of very Christian beliefs.

Your questions in order:

1. God is both the weight and the lifter.

2. Wrong, I also know about Gd from observation and experience. I also know about God from modern writings. I do not necessarily trust the writings of the ancients when it comes to God. I do not believe in the veracity of the Bible.

3. Semantics and human nature. One group of people names a group of entities as "gods and goddesses" and another calls the same entities "demons." Different cultures have different approaches to the divine. Monotheism is more a matter of how we define divinity. My definitions are very flexible.

4. I think that phrase is a plain old cop out for not knowing.

5. Yes. Real power lies in the hands of those who write history and create the mythos upon which a society is based. In Biblical times this was the priesthood. They and the scribes they trained were the only literate members of society. The easiest way to keep people (women, slaves and others) in their place is to say that God ordained it that way and then produce a book to prove it.

6. This is only according to some. Religion provides a way that our forbears explained the world around them. Giving it the authority of God gives it real power. For millennia in many cultures the priests controlled education.

7. I don't think He does care about our mundane affairs, neither do many other theists.

8. A universe w/o God creates another whole set of questions for me.

9. The Bible is definitely NOT the Word of God. If God really wanted to write a book Jesus would have done it Himself and there would be no questions about it. It would also be a very different book.

No matter how inspired the authors were or by what source, the information had to filter through their minds and personalities. The Bible was written by men immersed in an ancient patriarchal culture. They all had agendas, whether it was keeping the social order, unifying doctrine, eliminating heresy or gaining converts. For me, it's a pretty transparent piece of propaganda.

What I do value in the Bible is the story of Christ's life and teachings. I think He knew how misinterpreted and manipulated words can become and therefore lived in a way that would allow us to follow in His footsteps regardless of what anyone wrote about Him.

10. Don't assume that theists are Christians. There's a lot of folks who believe in some kind of a God but don't buy into the dogma and doctrine of the church.
2009-04-15 21:02:32 UTC
1) God cannot contradict logic because logic is part of his nature.

2) God used his powers to make sure the Bible stayed accurate and true.

3) Free will

4) Can you describe in DETAIL how and WHY the Big Bang started? No? I guess by your logic this automatically means there was no Big Bang

5) There are zero contradictions in the Bible. Nothing but verses taken out of context.

6) The so-called science claims are just metaphors taken out of context

7) Dying is not the worst thing that can happen

8) I can't imagine a world without a god because it is SCIENTIFICALLY impossible for there to be no God because the fact is everything requires a creator

9) Bible never says

10) Nothing to add.
2016-02-26 02:08:38 UTC
I am a biblical Christian and I don't care if a person is an atheist or a deist. I speak boldly and ask questions. I love to learn from all walks of life, no one is better than anybody.
Adam of the wired
2009-04-15 21:22:54 UTC
1. as it would suite no logical purpose no he wouldn't

2. no more so than I trust any other written and or oral source I.E science books, history books, etc.

3.many people search for their creator. is their a possibility I am wrong, yes. do I believe I could be wrong, no. if I did I'd change my religion

4. yes and no

5.I have yet to see any actual biblical contradictions

6. sorry don't follow

7. personal God phenomena, one I don't believe in

8. no we just replace beliefs with others

9. I trust in God yes so far it hasn't let me down

10. wat is the definition of religion, being as specific as possible
Atheist's Advocate
2009-04-15 21:00:52 UTC
Those are some good questions.

I only have a problem with the first. That is more of a misunderstanding of the word "omnipotent", but the rest are fine. By definition, omnipotent means infinite power. Basically, infinity is the concept of there being no highest value. It is seemingly paradoxical because it is a concept we cannot grasp.
2009-04-15 21:07:15 UTC
You answer this...why are you here? why are you so concerned about theists, seeing you cannot have a true God? Why aren't you out there enjoying your empty life, instead of thinking, ignorantly, that you can trip up a true Christian? Why should we play your silly little games? We have more important things to do, such as praising and enjoying our wonderful God, while you pine away in your miserable, empty dungeon, called a life without God.
2009-04-15 21:19:00 UTC
1 if he wants to but then when he wants to lift it he will.

2 Christians know about God on a personal one on one experience that goes beyond and yet agrees with the bible.

3 Try it for your self and see.

4 No.. God really does work in mysterious ways his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not our ways.

5 The purpose of the old testemant was to show us our deep need for a savior by works of the law shal no flesh be justified.

6 be careful not to confuse religious doctrine with what the bible says. read it for your self asking for guidence and under standing and draw your own conclusions. God the author of the Bible is omnicient so we are just waiting for science to catch up to the bible.

7 God cares very much about people starving asked us to feed them we are doing the best we can why don't you help us?

8 When i imagine the universe without God it disapears.

9 The bible has not changed religious dogma has. The bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. that was the point of the first three chapters of Romans where they talk about homosexuallity and lots of other sins. The writer was setting a trap for the reader drawing them into judgement then he accused them of being guilty of the same types of sins drawing the conclusion that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. all need Jesus. Never take the bible out of context.

10 Now i have a question for you...Whats holding you back from the light? why are you hiding from God. he loves you and he is reaching out to you with a free undeserved gift of eternal life. but you must accept it. he will not force it on you. believe, thank him, accept him.

God bless you in your search for Christ. Jesus loves You !
L.A ^_^ Anastasia B.
2009-04-15 21:07:42 UTC
1 your saying that he is not powerful in his creation but if you do then he is not all powerful in his strength.


3 i dont consider myself as folowing the true faith which does not implie to me

4 yes i would go beyond that it is lame *** excuse

5 yep

6 totaly wronge it is an hypothosis well not even just mythology

7 he doesn't

8 yep

9 i dont belive the bible is the word of god

10 nope
2009-04-15 22:12:08 UTC
Why is it that atheists focus more on religion than the actual religious. You have no religion. What are you trying to promote? I used to be an atheist. I made a list of a hundred questions to prove one specific religion (christianty) wrong. I have been converted after two years of trying to prove the religion false with science. Turns out, science in no way contradicts with Christianity. Forget your religious insecurities and live your life as you wish, as the religious will live theirs

1. An almighty being "a god" is not retarded. Why in the first place would he make a burden so heavy he cannot lift? if he has the power to create this weight, he can lift it.

2. Moder Mankind was only here for a couple thousand years. In no way were they primitive. These groups of men who wrote the bible were persecuted. Why would they risk their lives to write a fairy tale? Keep in mind, Christianity is historically/geographically/scientifically accurate. Superstions actually do not take part in this particular religion. A lot of miracles performed by Christ and Moses are actually scientific. God, a being of infinite wisdom, created the earth as to cope with human nature. The 10 plagues of the bible were proved to have happened, but how did they happen so simultaneously? Relics have been found, and also the home of christ. Would a man be so insane and mentally ill in the head as to welcome nails on a cross to preserve fairytales?

3. Clever question. In religion, MEN of faith created laws to ensure only their god would be praised, as pharoahs of Egypt expected to be worshipped and treated as the almighty god. Major monotheistic religions are very much connected. God, Allah, and Yahweh are the same beings whose names are different by language, worshipped, and taught differently. Only the human mind can be so naturally arrogant as to say their METHOD of worship are the only way to worship, as with general stuborness. For instance, like you making an attempt to fascism.

4. No, it is never intended as a way of "dodging" Do not be paranoid with insecurity to assume this. They are merely saying this almighty being is mysterious and miraculous in the strangest or coincidentially perfect times and places.

5. So I see now your main target is the Christian group. I like you have read the old testament many times searching for false and contradicting information, but through thourough open minded reading, I cannot find any contradictions of any significance. Keep in mind that the bible was written by 43 different perspectives.

6. Yes very true, but it is evident that this is the same about science. As I have said before what religion says about the universe does not contradict with scientific facts and theories.

7. I have one question. Have you ever in your life felt someone was luckier and superior than you were? Did this cause you to doubt Gods care for you? Think about it. If the entire world won the lottery: a. Charles darwins survival of the fittest theory cannot apply b.) the human mind would be overcome with greed, chaos would rise, nations would be scattered, there would be more than 2 world wars, and humanityy would ultimately be brought to it's doom.

8. Actually no it does not. Psychology suggests that a human can be alone even with many friends. Statistics also show that the belief of hope in a God prevented manysuicides and caused the freedom of a people.

9. Written documents do not change. People evolve in mind. In the bible, homosexuality is scorned, but does not directly propose damnation. Why in fact would it if God was so forgiving? There are gay people who go to church. Look for positive ideals in the bible without graylining unclear and indirect details. The bible teaches tolerance.

Other notes: the bible in many ways is metaphorical. Think of it as a guidline.

2.) Do not assume I am arrogant as Christians are assumed to be. I am open minded to any suggestions and questions. These were very similar ideas I proposed during my first basic and beginner years of "hardcore" atheism.

10. Wow this actually was long. Anything else you would like to question?
2009-04-15 21:32:37 UTC
1) Can God create a weight so heavy even He cannot lift it?

Common logical fallacy. Contradictory premises.

2) Everything you know about God is either from oral or written tradition. Considering the superstitious nature of those early men, can you really trust them to give you the answers to the universe?

Eyewitness accounts, well-attested, extremely well-detailed. Four sources for the gospels; Paul had nothing to gain, and indeed lost all, by following the Christ whom he never met until he was on the Damascus road.

3) Why are there so many gods? God tells you He is the only god, but it seems a little unfair to all those other good folks in other religions. Is it possible maybe your religion is wrong and another holds the true path?

All gods of mythology point to transcendence. The God of the Bible is unique in that He says He IS GOD -- I AM.

4) It seems very vague and almost like a dodgy cover up when people say "God works in mysterious ways." Do you agree? Sure, I agree. God's works are plainly manifest. Romans 1 insists on this.

5) Do you realize that, for the most part, the Old Testament is a web of contradictions and deals with matters in a way very harsh for a loving and caring God.

The OT defines God for us. He is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. Holiness is a biggie. He cannot help but show His divine wrath toward sin, and cannot abide sin in His holy presence. All this is drawn from the OT. But he is slow to anger, abounding in grace and mercy. His purpose throughout all of the Bible is the path toward the cross, where he took on our flesh and poured out his wrath on Jesus, sacrificing himself for my sin. You clearly have not read much theology.

6) What religion says about the universe and its workings are true until proven otherwise. Anything else has to show some proof before its taken seriously. Tell me if I'm wrong about this.

The main question before philosophy is this: Why is there something rather than nothing. Science has not even come close to disproving God. You might reach C.S. Lewis on this point. Check out "God In the Dock." Religion says the universe is orderly, following a master design. Science marvels at this, and each day discovers new gradeure. Evolution has not been proved -- and is far more in doubt today than it was 50 years ago. The fossil records are not at all conclusive. And yet people believe it as though it is as much a fact as gravity. Silly.

7) It all seems very odd that God would care about your petty misfortunes, such as a chance to win the lotto, when people are starving everyday. Why does he care so much for one and not the other? God, remember, is infinite and eternal, so nothing is petty to Him. Not a single sparrow falls without His notice. INFINITE MEANS JUST WHAT IS SAYS.

8) Imagine the universe without God for a second. Suddenly there is no need to tack on some flimsy explanation for our existence. There's no need to reconcile beliefs with actual fact. Makes everything easier, doesn't it? So are you saying the universe is self-existent and eternal? Science doesn't accept that. It points very strongly to a beginning. Stuff. Where did stuff come from? If stuff is eternal, and stuff is all that is and ever can be, why are you any more valuable than a rock? You might agree with that on the surface, but you don't live your life that way. Face the ultimate conclusion of your non-Theistic presuppositions, and you'll miserable indeed. Read Francis Schaeffer and James W. Sire. Dare ya.

9) According to the same Bible that told you God works in mysterious ways, and that his love is unending, it also says if your gay your going to hell. Yet for some reason, we overlook this because being gay has become more acceptable today more than ever. So lots of people have taken the opportunity to downplay this little damnation. See how easy scripture can change? Worse things have been said about smaller acts of "evil" and we've completely forgotten those in the bible. It changes everyday, and I want to know if you really do trust this flowing, changing word of God. The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that there have been no essential changes in the OT documents in more than 1000 years, and not any changes regarding the doctrine of salvation. FYI, sexual misconduct of all forms is sinful. People don't go to Hell because they are gay, they go to Hell because they are born in sin. Forgiven sinners go to Heaven, so yes, their will be homosexuals in Heaven, but as there is no sex in Heaven, it will be a moot point. Christians, 1 Corinthians 5 tells us, who continue in blatant sin, are to be put out of the visible church until they repent. Non-Christians are not to be judged theologically. Those, God will judge (1 Cor. 5:13). But why am I quoting Scripture to you. I'm certain you must know it forwards and backwards, or you wouldn't dare to attack it so flippantly.

10) Wow this
2009-04-16 16:14:57 UTC
1: You need to think it through some more. What you are asking is, can God do something that God can't do. That question doesn't impugn God's omnipotence because it doesn't refer to anything in reality.

It's a cute grammatical, strictly linguistic trick, but that's all: it has no meaning other than the idea of its irony.

God is a God of reality. Things that are not real can't compromise His omnipotence. It's like saying that God isn't omnipotent because He doesn't know what a x<^x| smells like. He doesn't know what it smells like because a x<^x| doesn't exist.

The same with the "rock so big He can't lift it". Asking if God can do what God can't do isn't reality; it's strictly imaginary and linguistic. The priest who told you God couldn't lift it was either making fun of you or should go back and get some phenomenology and ontology classes.

2. I don't look to the Bible for the answers to the universe. That isn't what it was written for. Everything I know about God is not only from oral or written tradition. Most of what I know about God is through revelation. It is based on the Bible, but isn't limited to the Bible. I'm Catholic. We look to the movement of the Holy Spirit now, through the Church, for revelation to supplement the Bible.

The Bible is not inerrant and wasn't meant to be.

3. In my experience, God is the only God. His name isn't "God," either. If other religions worship a deity that calls them to love one another, then they are worshiping God, even if they call Him Allah, or Nirvana, or YHWH or The Universe, etc.

4. Sometimes it is a dodgy cover up to brush things off with "God works in mysterious ways." True, there are lots of things that I can't understand, which makes sense to me: my brain is finite and God is infinite.

But too often "Oh well, God works in mysterious ways" is a weak excuse people give when they're too lazy or afraid to think about what they believe, and what God is calling them to do.

5. Yes. The Old Testament version of God is the perception of God of a very specific people in a very specific time in history. They saw Him as warlike and exacting, because that's all their culture allowed them to see.

When Jesus came, He said that all the exacting laws of the Old Testament, along with its angry, very anthropomorphized deity wasn't the full truth. He said that God was love, not legalism, condemnation, or vengeance. Per contradictions, yes: see my answer #2.

6. What my religion says about the workings of the universe is, "See science: anthropology, evolution, astronomy, geology, biology." Again, it's a Catholic thing. I understand that the creation stories in Genesis, e.g., were allegories, never meant to be read literally.

7. God cares about everything. That's part of His definition. But He does not whisper the winning lotto numbers in your ear, or magically give you a parking space downtown when you pray for one. People who are starving, tortured for political gain, abused, etc are much more important to God. But they are our responsibility. That's why God gave us brains and hands and hearts. If there is one person in the world starving, while most people in my country are obese, that injustice is caused by and must be remedied by us. God doesn't do stuff for us that we can do for ourselves.

8. When I imagine the universe without God, what I see is no universe. Less than nothing. What you would have when you take away the nothingness. Not even a void. True, I don't need or want flimsy explanations for existence. Luckily my religion doesn't offer any.

9. Like #1, you are making a lot of assumptions that don't hold up under logical scrutiny.

The Bible does not say gay people are going to hell. The Bible doesn't mention gay people at all. It can't because the concept of "gay," as we know it today, didn't exist yet.

When the books of the Bible were written (both OT and NT), the common assumption was that everybody was born heterosexual, and if you had homosexual sex, it was out of a desire to be perverse. Certain uber conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists aside, we now know better.

Add to that the fact that some of Israel's neighbors had religious practices that involved homosexual activity as part of their worship of different idols, e.g. Astarte. The men who went to the temple and had homosexual sex with the temple priests were not "gay." They probably had little or no homosexual inclinations. This was just part of their worship.

Israel was very concerned about not doing anything that would even look like idolatry, and that's where the biblical prohibitions against homosexual acts came from.

The story of Sodom is about rape, not about gay sex. None of the gay people I know are idol worshipers or rapists, so again -- there is nothing at all in the Bible that condemns them as gay people.

10. All of this information on what the Bible does and doesn't say about homosexuality is easy to get on the internet. Email me if you want access to it.
Michael K
2009-04-15 20:59:13 UTC
11) Are there any explanations that theists like you have that do not involve a logical fallacy?
2009-04-15 21:02:43 UTC
No such thing as god simple as that
2009-04-15 21:03:00 UTC
why is your god better than the gods before christianity?
2009-04-15 20:59:33 UTC
1st one was stupid, but the others were good
2009-04-15 20:57:02 UTC
come to church my fellow child amongst the godless

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.