Why does God hate me?
2017-08-26 18:03:54 UTC
I was strong in my faith, and even when bad things would happen I would remain faithful. I prayed everyday, read my Bible everyday, carried my Bible with me everywhere (literally), would preach to everyone who would turn a ear to listen, I would live my life according to Gods will. Terrible things started happening, and I'd brush them off and continue strong. Then bad things started happening all the time. I feel like God is punishing me. I believe in Him, and I don't have the slightest doubt that he exists. I feel like he doesn't care about me anymore. I feel like things go better when I follow my own path, rather than following His. I think today is the day that I stop following God.
104 answers:
2017-08-29 05:36:26 UTC
God doesn't hate you. God hates sin. God hates those who worship any other god.

God is the name of love.

If he tests you, why wouldn't you want to give tests of God's choice.

If things go simple in your way and not God's way, then you are not following God's way. Then how can you say that you are following God's way.

Lets for example take money into account.

Earning through honest means is difficult but earning money through false means is easy.

But God asks us to earn through honest means so God knows its a difficult way still He wants us to adopt difficult way.

The whole thing is TEST and HEREAFTER.

If you pass the difficult test, surely there is an ease at the end(hereafter).

Good wishes for you from a Muslim.

2017-08-29 01:31:05 UTC
It's all that masturbation.
2017-08-29 00:37:10 UTC
Jesus suffered terribly too! Pray the Saint Michael prayer to stop demonic attacks! It's not that God doesn't love you, it's that the devil hates what good works you're doing! I'll pray for you. Ask loved ones to pray for you.
2017-08-28 16:35:57 UTC
When we are overwhelmed with suffering, what should we NOT do? (1) Depart from God's Word, and (2) Quit praying (talking to God). It will certainly alienate us from God.

Suffering is part of a "real" Christian's life. Do not yield to fear, or doubt, or despair. The fearlessness of the Christian is a gift of God, not an inherent stoic self-sufficiency. Faith in Christ must go before suffering for Christ; it must first be given to us to believe on Him, before we can suffer for His sake; then only are "sufferings" truly Christian, and an evidence of salvation.

We cannot live the Christian life alone. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

Just remember, God will be with us no matter what happens. All manner of things shall be well -- with God on our side, nothing can overtake us -- Paul said: β€œWhen I am weak, then I am strong.”

[2 Corinthians 12:9] But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

You are a real Christian. Moving forward with God, is the right thing to do... Even though you do not see God's hand at work right now. Believe me, you will soon be amazed at how things will work out, and you'll be back praising God.

We love you.

Keep the faith!
Roberta B
2017-08-27 21:29:13 UTC
I believe in Jehovah and in the truth of his word, the Bible. When bad things happen to me in life, I don't blame my God, I remember what it says in James 1:13: When under trial, do not say "I am being tried by God" for with evil things God cannot be tried, NOR DOES HE TRY ANYONE."

Earlier in that same chapter, James gave an inspired reminder of how should view trials that we are confronted with in James 1:2-4. "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you are met with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith leads to endurance. But let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything.

Remember that Jesus suffered a lot of pain for humankind, more than most of us could imagine in our entire lives, and he didn't have to, he wanted to, because he knew that this was the only way that we can gain salvation. John 3:16,17. So keep searching and reading his word, and praying.
2017-08-26 22:25:43 UTC
From what I've heard, he doesn't seem to interfere with human affairs. Thats why millions of children die each year.
2017-08-26 20:51:02 UTC
*What* "God" are you *really* worshipping via that Bible, Hunter? The "God" of the Old Testament is a liar and a murderer; Yahweh-Jehovah is *Satan* in reality, as Jesus himself pointed out in John 8:44.

Yahweh-Jehovah sends out evil spirits *intentionally* to *torment* people. Cf: Judges 9:23; 1 Samuel 16:15-16, 23; 1 Samuel 18:10; 1 Samuel 19:9, Obviously an entity that sends out *evil* spirits is, himself, an *evil* entity!

You have been one of the "blind following the blind" -- and most Christians *choose* to remain blind -- because that Bible puts Satanic blinders over their spiritual eyes, because they *refuse* to recognize the Satanic Verses spread throughout that Bible (mixed-in with *genuine* Spiritual Wisdom). They are believers of Satan's *primary* lie -- that every word in that Bible came from the infallible True One and Only God.

Jesus's *genuine* Heavenly Father was *not* Yahweh. The book "Jehovah Unmasked" goes into this in *great* detail (you can download the entire book for *free*). If you're *sincerely* wanting to get Out Of The Trap you're in, READ IT! It's FREE!

It's best *not* to cast out the real Yeshua and the *real* Heavenly Father just because YOU have (sofar) refused to find out the real FACTS of the Larger Spiritual Reality. Altho it doesn't seem like it, what you've been going thru is (in a hidden fashion) a *blessing* into your life -- so that you leave *behind* trusting the *imposter* "God" of most of Christianity, of Judaism and of Islam -- and discover the *true* One!

Feel free to write me, personally, off the E-Mail button on my website, *Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers* -- if you're *really* wanting to be able to link up with the *real* Heavenly Father instead of the cruel and tormenting spirit that the Old Testament "God" actually *is*. Or if you just want to continue feeling as bad as you've been feeling -- that's always an option, too. (i vaguely remember answering another Question by you in the past...)
2017-08-26 19:22:27 UTC
Please allow to say how deeply sorry I am that you've been subjected to some terrible things in your life despite being on your walk with Christ.

Now, please allow me to elaborate on a few things... It does bother me that you, as a devout Christian, are questioning the nature of God. As a Christian you should no of the origins, of the consequences & how & when sin effects us in this fallen world.

If you honestly believe that God hates you then you are grossly mistaken as that would mean that His omnibenevolent nature would not be a reality. It is because of sin, not God, that you have been subjected to terrible things in your life.

Never blame your best friend, who is God, always remember that sin is the enemy from which all bad things stem.
2017-08-26 19:18:13 UTC
Maybe you are just following the wrong God in the wrong way , give Oden a go he is one of the cooler gods
2017-08-26 18:07:27 UTC
God hates evil. So maybe you're evil. Otherwise he doesn't hate you.
2017-08-29 05:45:39 UTC
God loves each individual as they are born. With the exception of evil, though almost every sin is forgiven by God if the remorse is genuine. His timing is perfect so just had a little patience. If you are good, he loves you. So don't worry!
2017-08-29 04:47:34 UTC
they say thats him testing you. He will put you through hell to make sure your faith is strong
2017-08-29 02:32:40 UTC
Why would you stop now? Haven't you read the book of Job? Don't you understand that while good works are rewarded, that you can't save yourself through the things that you do? Maybe you are working too hard to gain God's approval. Your good works have to come from your heart because you want the will of God to prevail, not because you want to get the rewards or the approval or the acknowledgment. Do you think God stopped loving Jesus? Jesus had no blemish, no sin. And yet he was tortured to death, mocked and spat upon. We don't always understand why God does what He does, but if you seek He will answer, knock and the door shall be open. The answers don't come on your timeline, the answers come when God decides. I have had bad times too. Just today I found out my long estranged alcoholic ex husband killed himself and not only that, he had no contact with his siblings and the coroner's office didn't know how to contact them, so I found them online tonight and had to call my ex sister in law that I've only met 3 times and tell her that not only her brother was dead, but that he'd been dead 2 weeks, and that he had killed himself. That, unfortunately, is by far not the worst thing I've endured; and yet, there are people with worse things happening to them, that I would never want to be. Five years ago, for instance, there was a motorcycle accident down the street from my house and a beautiful girl riding as a passenger on the back flew off, slid under a guard rail, and had her face ripped off. Why do these things happen? I don't know. I think if I'm supposed to know, then God will help me figure it out. But a lot of things have happened and God guides me, sometimes through the Bible, to the whys and wherefores, and bad things can sometimes make sense. Stop questioning and develop real faith. I work on myself all the time, it's not something you acquire and that stays there permanently, I don't think. It's a constant thing to work on, like a marriage, like when you work on a marriage and allow it to grow and you adapt to changes and roll with the punches. You don't just give up because of a few bad years. Also, positive thinking.
2017-08-28 17:53:20 UTC
Has it ever occurred to you that no gods exist?

& why should a deity care about you when there are others much worse off than you anyway?

I'm sad to say that you've been wasting your life on something that nobody has ever proved.
2017-08-28 15:14:26 UTC
God doesn't exist
Saad M
2017-08-28 13:59:32 UTC
God forbade to be unjust and forbade injustice between His creatures.
2017-08-28 11:30:41 UTC
Maybe the way you were trying to earn salvation by WORKS was a delusion?

God doesn't hate you. Perhaps your schedule left no room for Him. (?)

I don't know you personally, but you should know whether you were saved by

GRACE .. and whether you really received the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.

Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of "christian" religions with man-made rules

that have departed from the true teaching of the Lord Jesus. It's a fact. Jesus

Himself said there will be many who say all the things they did in His name,

but He will say: "Depart from me .. I never knew you."

Only you can work this out ~ whether you really KNEW Jesus - or do you only

know ABOUT Him? Do you believe the written word the way it is written ~ or a

substitute version "interpreted" by a phony preacher? Many have to figure this

out sooner or later. Jesus said His way is "The narrow way, and there are few

who find it." .. and "the wide way leads to destruction".

If you are one of God's "elect" .. who He has drawn to Him and sealed with His

Holy Spirit .. you would never contemplate turning away from Him. That should

be a clue for you. You may have been following "the commandments of men".
2017-08-27 21:07:42 UTC
He's a jerk
2017-08-27 20:37:33 UTC
You aren't distinguishing between the will of society and thr will of God. (Although, it is a stretch to attribute your problems to all of society either. It is a few jackoffs that have your ear. )
2017-08-27 18:30:33 UTC
God hates evil.
2017-08-27 17:19:10 UTC
we all have ups and dpwn's in life but god does not hate anyone
2017-08-27 14:41:02 UTC
God is not punishing you.. Life is a test, God is testing you and your patience. Do not give up. If you give up you will let your dark side win don't do it. Believe in your light side, think positive no matter what happens try to stay strong. Bad days are only a passing phase just like the seasons and a cycle. Bad days teach us patience and make us wiser and stronger. The key is to maintain balance and faith in God even in darker days. Good days will shine on you don't give up. Don't grieve for the thorns on your Roses. Rejoice instead for the thorns have roses.
2017-08-27 09:56:57 UTC
Don't worship the Jesus in cross but worship Jesus's statue or portrait in a full form. He must not have any wounds in his legs, hands and head or anywhere else. Don't worship the cross. A crucified Christ cannot do any good to you. You could have heard about witchcraft. The witches make their enemies suffer by pricking by pins or nailing the toys representing their enemies. You are making him suffer and disable his power and at the same time you ask his blessings. This longtime foolishness is continuing even today. God's involvement in human affairs is very rare.

God never bothers who believe in Him. If you do good things even as an atheist you can have a good life. But you must not scold God. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same moment. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2017-08-27 09:47:40 UTC
God doesn't exist and sh!t happens.
2017-08-27 01:18:23 UTC
Because you're a troll? That's my guess.
2017-08-26 23:47:23 UTC
Not just you, and I was hear many of my friends experience the same thing. I think you should leave Christianity. As I know the God in the book is impossible to be existed, and I was suspect Christian is not good for people.
Zombie ghost face
2017-08-26 23:41:24 UTC
Cause he's a jerk
2017-08-26 19:37:18 UTC
I don't hang around folks that preach every chance they get. They're very annoying.
2017-08-26 18:43:27 UTC
Possibly met you ?.
2017-08-26 18:40:24 UTC
I don't know why people think your question is not legitimate but sometimes in the recent past, I have felt exactly like you have, and have asked myself the same exact question until I just gradually became a non believer. It did not really "punish" me though so... but I do hope you find some peace soon. We all need it in this crazy selfish world that we live in, and unfortunately there's alot of that going around. It's in ubundant supply!
2017-08-29 14:05:50 UTC
I am so sorry you are dealing with these feelings. you are not alone, many people are going through the same things as you! but be assured God is not to blame.

Suffering was not part of Jehovah God’s purpose for mankind. However, the first human couple rebelled against God’s rulership, choosing to set their own standards of good and bad. They turned away from God and suffered the consequences.

Today we are experiencing the effects of their bad choice. But in no way did God originate human suffering.

The Bible says: β€œWhen under trial, let no one say: β€˜I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” (James 1:13) Suffering can afflict anyoneβ€”even those who are favored by God.

But there is hope! Revelation 21:3,4 tells us that God will do away with our pain and suffering...

With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: β€œLook! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
2017-08-29 13:42:37 UTC
Are you for real?? There's no such thing as 'god'. I used to fall for that BS too until I realized how absurd the bible is. Really! The bible speaks about a god who endorses punishing slaves; promotes incest; child abuse; rape; the oppression of women etc...
2017-08-29 10:17:50 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-08-29 06:12:01 UTC
God does not hate anyone.
2017-08-29 03:51:51 UTC
God does not hate you. Would anyone send his son to die for you in agony to set you free from your mistakes?

The key to experiencing God's love, however, is to abide in Christ.

I did it, and I can testify this is real.

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
2017-08-29 00:54:37 UTC
If you think that your suffering is caused by God then you are no Christian at all. TBH you sound more like an atheist troll rather than a Christian.
2017-08-29 00:13:25 UTC
Your sufferings will not go in vain. In fact, God is most likely using your sufferings for the good of the world. It's a bit complicated to explain with limited characters but know that people are quick to blame God instead of the little devils that may attach themselves to you. You probably could have had a more serious problem but God intervene. Why doesn't he intervene all the time? Well are you living a secret life of sin? You can believe all you want in God but if you carry bad things in your heart and entertain sin then you are giving power to the enemy. God is loving and NEVER wants to punish any one of us but because we sin he allows it to happen. He may be strengthening you as well if he is allowing bad things to happen to you. All bad turns to good in the end. Don't give up on God. Don't forget there's a devil to blame as well and being a Christian does not guarantee a perfect life. We are told we all go through trials and sufferings. You'll understand one day. Dont lose hope
2017-08-28 20:17:32 UTC
Why give up now? Because of the suffering that you've endured in your life you are storing up for yourself blessings in heaven. All of us have gone through what you're going through and have felt the same way but giving up is not the answer. Your adversary the devil is looking to destroy you. Don't give him the opportunity. Trust the Lord.
Invisible spiritman
2017-08-28 18:20:18 UTC
That's the god of this world you are speaking of, the devil, Satan, he hates you. The true God does not hate anyone, God did not create you so that He could have someone to hate. He created you to have someone to love, God loves you...
2017-08-28 14:47:47 UTC
God of the Bible does not hate you or anyone else in the world. He does hate sin of any kind though and no Christians are exempt from trials and tribulations. If you genuinely believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, then thank Him for being with you in your trials and tribulations whatever you may be going through.
2017-08-28 12:46:58 UTC
WHY ( provide reasons ) does "God" hate me ?

what the question DESCRIBES or alludes to are various BEHAVIORS & PRACTICES certain people engage , IN such as the questioner that OTHER People DIRECT them to , usually ones PARENTS who were directed by their parents who JOINED a GROUP called a "RELIGION "

which are by definition CULTURAL SYSTEMS of BEHAVIORS & PRACTICES of SOCIETAL GALVANIZATION that present various IDEAS & CONCEPTS and DOCTRINE ( DICTATES ) , implemented through generations and History

, there were periods of time going back to 325 AD by CONSTANTINE to MANDATE acceptance of those practices, IDEAS & CONCEPTS by FORCE those in the society who did not COMPLY were KILLED or IMPRISONED or a WAR was fought an Example were the CRUSADES and Spanish Inquisition ,

In History various people asserted various IDEAS they called GODS GREEKS ROMANS HINDU before JUDAISM their were Egyptian religions multi god ideas as well as afterlife IDEAS and Mummification prior

. one can track the progression of Ideas though time artifacts and history a Change from MULTI GODS to ONE god concepts starts with many people and ideas also EGYPTIANS AKENATEN promoted monotheism in the 18th Dynasty ( 1550 to 1292 BC ) Moses is of that period supposedly and according to the oral stories and later writings lived & raised in Egypt .

in the Bible there is the story of the HEBREWS resorting BACK to their "ORIGINAL " GOD IDEAS by creating a GOLDEN CALF aka APIS ( HAPIS ) BULL WORSHIP Bull worship actually can be traced back to the 1st Egyptian dynasty

so the date for Judaism vary but generally in the same period as AKENATEN and his monotheism Judaism evolves and the split is to Christianity

depending what date one sees its evolution either 34 AD or 325 AD to other split to ISLAM which is 610 AD ...

. all 4 are proposed by PEOPLE asserting IDEAS and CONCEPTS


..Just as the BUDDHA ( GAUTAMA ) introduced his IDEAS & Concepts to people of his region one will note all religions have a human founder and relative to its growth the region of the founder where they are born ..

.Can one demonstrate the God is anything more than a IDEA one accepts

that HATE is a HUMAN EMOTION the word HATE that describes the emotion is also created by humans to express it as is the word God a word to express an IDEA or Concept all of human origin.

so the phrase GOD HATES me is termed one is engaged in PROJECTION called personification of an IDEA I just took a walk outside with my dog I will say its "COLD " It FELT COLD that is a relative to my body's ability to to produce heat and the SUN to heat my environment and would be a COMPARISON to yesterday ....actual human senses and awareness . of environment and the SUN

what is ones COMPARISON made to about a IDEA one calls god ( its an idea because its NOT demonstrable as in NOT SELF evident ) a product of human thought asserting an IDEA/ Concept has human emotion , does the SUN have EMOTION , it does have Action

its like saying a VOLCANO has EMOTIONS PELE the volcano god IDEA this is called the

I AM the UNIVERSE person Jane bakes a Chocolate goes to a party Declares her presence I Brought Chocolate cake , then stands there wondering why no ALL are not running up wanting Chocolate cake , Jane's thinking is I like chocolate cake thee fore EVERYONE else should

.. So Jane has HUMAN emotions he thinking is distorted her PROJECTION to think so the SUN Must also have human Emotion or the Volcano has human emotion or in the god ideas invention
2017-08-28 11:49:12 UTC
Atheist troll
2017-08-28 11:27:47 UTC
I'm so sorry that this is happening to you.

God loves you more than any of us ever could imagine. What God wants for you is to have a close relationship with Him. That kind of relationship is more wonderful than anything. I'd say to draw closer to Him to make it through these challenges, and He will guide you through them.
Adullah M
2017-08-28 03:50:13 UTC
Did you believe in the one true GOD the Lord of all the worlds or you believe in GOD whom you ascribing partners to HIM eg Trinity or Trinitarianism of the Christian believe I wonder.In ascribing partners to GOD is the real big sin.
2017-08-27 23:07:37 UTC
Read about the story of Job it sounds like your story in a way!
2017-08-27 21:52:18 UTC
Are you stupid, why would you allow yourself to be brainwashed, humiliated into believing in religious rubbish.
2017-08-27 18:45:43 UTC
God doesn't hate you. God doesn't hurt people or do them wrong. Satan uses all his evil to persecute we who are valuable in kingdom work. God brings us through life, and protects us from ways it could be worse.
2017-08-27 01:24:21 UTC
God doesn't hate you, don't listen to some of them. Satan is using people to persecute Christians for the sake of Jesus Christ. It says in the Bible. The people who said God hates you are unknowledgeable and dont know anything. I have faith on God everyday and evil things happen to me. You should research on how Satan himself attacks you. Your being PERSECUTED, just like every other Christian is being persecuted. Good luck. learning because of suffering is a good thing.
2017-08-27 00:07:08 UTC
God, in the Bible, has been shown to mess with people by doing a series of bad things to them simply to test their faith
2017-08-26 18:16:45 UTC
In my religion, the Gods neither design punishments for us, nor do they rescue us. Life is hard, and crap happens. There is good and bad, it's all part of the package, and it's up to us to make our lives what we want them to be. I pray to my Gods to help me through-- I pray for comfort, for wisdom, for guidance, for strength, etc. in the challenging times. But they don't fix our lives, that is our job.
2017-08-29 09:13:35 UTC
God loves you unconditionally. Also remember that God is holy and just. God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. The Bible says that God so loved the world (means the people in the world) that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Let me ask you something: If God doesn't love you, then why did He send Jesus Christ to the cross to take your punishment for your sin?

Another thing: If you are going to follow Jesus Christ; you have to deny yourself, take up your own cross, and follow Him. If you think that following Jesus Christ is going to make life easy or one big party in this life, you are sadly mistaken. I know that televangelists, like Joel Osteen, promise you your best life now. But that is not the Gospel message. We are supposed to enter the strait gait, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many go in thereat; but strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal
2017-08-29 02:02:37 UTC
If you're truly religious then read, "Dark Night of The Soul," by St.John of The Cross ... it's about what you're going through ...
2017-08-29 01:17:52 UTC
GOD is Love. The only thing he hates is Sin.

You are being tricked by the enemy, Satan.

You have become a threat to Satan by your behaviour.

Thank GOD when bad things happen, they are tests.

Say "Thank you Lord for this trial, I know you love me."

When the devil sees his plan back-fired, he'll stop.
2017-08-28 23:08:23 UTC
He doesn't hate you he loved you so much his son sacrificed his life for you and all humanity.
2017-08-28 17:59:31 UTC
he Old Testament God and the New Testament God are the same God of the entire Bible, be not swayed by false interpretation. God became human and dwelt among us to reveal himself to us.

John 1:14

This man Jesus came that we would have life and become children of the God of the Bible. John 1:12

When you become a child of The Living God, you will have peace in this world and be through with your searching for the truth. Philippians 4:7

Go in peace and God bless you.
2017-08-28 03:10:44 UTC
I’m so sorry you feel this way, friend. It sounds like there’s a lot going through in your life. I know it’s not easy when you feel that the Lord is distant from you and not answering your prayers. Trusting God means that we intentionally choose to follow Him even when life is difficult. It helps to remember that our view of situations is limited, but God sees everything past, present, and future. The Bible tells us that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and so His purposes are sometimes far beyond our ability to comprehend (Isaiah 55:9). Still, we can be sure that His plans are good, and He loves you much more than you can imagine.

Isaiah 49:15: "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!

I’ll be praying that God will surround you with His love, comfort and encourage you at this time.
2017-08-28 03:07:29 UTC
Anyone who's got positive opinions of your troubles deserves to suffer!
Jan C
2017-08-28 01:49:46 UTC
No, I cannot believe God hates you. Some of us have greater faith to hang on. I will not give up, but I do under you feeling as you do. Please consider the outcome.
2017-08-28 01:23:18 UTC
I'm still wondering why he allowed so many millions to be tortured and murdered at the hands of Nazis and other dictators! You said that you preached to anyone who would listen to you, but didn't your bible say not to? Read Mathews 6;1. I believe it says not to practice your religion in front of others to see. For you will not receive any rewards from your father.
2017-08-28 01:19:35 UTC
It makes you wonder whether there is a God at all if these people can't see through you, right?

Nice try anony troll.

Pathetic. Grow up.
2017-08-27 19:32:27 UTC
Just stay strong in your faith. Sometimes God has to allow certain events to happen to make sure your faith does not become stagnate. So that you'll grow stronger and stronger in his faith everyday. You just have to continue to push on and have faith in him. God knows your breaking point, and he's going to push right past that to make you even stronger. Just continue to pray for his guidance. Give yourself up completely to him
2017-08-27 18:53:36 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

Bull You Are The Hater GOD Made Us For His Image, George Galloway You Tube Videos,
2017-08-27 18:10:40 UTC
God does not hate you. He wants you to return to the fold .

Start here - listen to this magnificent work by George F Handel - Zadok the Priest from his coronation works.

Here in England, we believe that the King and his descendants are directly related to King Solomon of Israel. At least, that was the case back in the Middle Ages when we had real Kings.

We have someone to look up to and admire a form of continuity - you have that in Jesus, the mighty God, the King of Kings who loves you forever.

Music is the way to Heaven.

The magnificent Hallelula from Handel s Messiah so inspirational, that when he heard it for the first time our King George II stood up thus we stand up today to memory him.

Jesus loves you and is with you always. Return to him be with him.
2017-08-27 15:18:26 UTC
Every believer is tried. How strong is your belief? Will you give up? Abraham was tried, so was the Christ. All the men of the Bible were tried. Paul lost his vision & was whipped, stoned, in prison, lost at sea. He didn't give up.
2017-08-27 14:11:14 UTC
You just have to keep at it. God hated me too. I started out as a human but after so many inferior choices, I have to sneak out onto His kitchen floor like a cockroach in the night if I don't want to be squashed and made into something even less. But keep at it. God is the only eternal thing going on around here. What else is as important?
2017-08-27 10:13:38 UTC
God is testing you about how strong your faith is on him
2017-08-26 23:56:57 UTC
he doesn't
Kazoo M
2017-08-26 23:17:22 UTC
Quote [I think today is the day that I stop following God].

To 'think" requires action of which within your mind displays a note of uncertainty.

The above buffer of time invokes an unknown element: confusion.

Hold tight to the "confusion" the latter is a grace from the Lord allowing you to contemplate the great mistake of walking away.

Additionally, have patience while staying on the path - in a moment's notice all your problems will be replaced with glory.

Furthermore, think of the Lord on the Cross, the immense agony and pain yet in the short time that would follow death was swallowed up in victory!

Finally, your victory is within a short reach - await the shepherd's hand that lifted Peter from the stormy sea.
2017-08-26 19:02:02 UTC
god does not hate you. satan is doing to you what he did to job to get you to stop being faithful to god. so far it sounds like satan is winning
2017-08-26 18:06:13 UTC
He does not hate you. He loves you more than you can imagine.

Not because you are having problems that god does not care about you. Being jesus' follower does not automatically mean everything will be fine for us. Can you imagine what apostles who were jesus' friends have gone through after jesus departed to heaven? Will you say jesus has abandoned them? No obviously
2017-08-30 03:49:35 UTC
God is love, He love you. β€œWhen confronting real-life problems, how should you know and understand God’s authority and His sovereignty? When you do not know how to understand, handle, and experience these problems, what attitude should you adopt to show your intention, your desire, and your reality of submitting to God’s sovereignty and arrangements? First you must learn to wait; then you must learn to seek; then you must learn to submit. β€œWaiting” means waiting for the time of God, awaiting the people, events, and things that He has arranged for you, waiting for His will to gradually reveal itself to you. β€œSeeking” means observing and understanding God’s thoughtful intentions for you through the people, events, and things that He has laid out, understanding the truth through them, understanding what humans must accomplish and the ways they must keep, understanding what results God means to achieve in humans and what accomplishments He means to attain in them. β€œSubmitting,” of course, refers to accepting the people, events, and things that God has orchestrated, accepting His sovereignty and, through it, coming to know how the Creator dictates man’s fate, how He supplies man with His life, how He works the truth into man. All things under God’s arrangements and sovereignty obey natural laws, and if you resolve to let God arrange and dictate everything for you, you should learn to wait, you should learn to seek, you should learn to submit. This is the attitude that every person who wants to submit to God’s authority must take, the basic quality that every person who wants to accept God’s sovereignty and arrangements must possess. To hold such an attitude, to possess such a quality, you must work harder; and only thus can you enter into the true reality. ” (from β€œContinuation of The Word Appears in the Fleshβ€”The Way to Know God”)
2017-08-29 20:01:20 UTC
God does not hate you. Please believe this. It is not your fault that any of this is happening. Try to stay positive and positivity will come back to you
2017-08-29 10:48:19 UTC
God doesn't hate you and maybe you will not get your way all the time and you need to consider the needs of others.

Did you ever consider that God is preparing you for an important assignment and you might be something special and putting a period at the end of this sentence because it is rhetorical and as powerful psychic I sense you are very special.
climbing haleakala
2017-08-29 01:53:59 UTC
I think he's always there and we have certain experiences we have to become what he wants us to become. It doesn't make sense to us in the moment, but may make perfect sense in the future. Don't give up.
2017-08-28 22:05:52 UTC
Maybe you should consider the possibility that your god does not exist.
2017-08-28 14:42:26 UTC
Narrow is the path that leads to life. And there will be troubles along the way, but at the end it will be worth it.

YHVH GOD does not hate U. Did He hate the disciples? No, but they did not have an easy time and were killed for it all. The reward is not here but in the hereafter.
2017-08-28 13:19:21 UTC
Because God cares about his own glory
2017-08-28 06:56:14 UTC
Trust me - God loves you. He loves every one of us. He is your literal Heavenly Father - Creator of you, your spirit, and your body. He sent us to earth for a much greater purpose than you or I can comprehend - to become as He is. Sometimes, trials of our faith can be part of that. He may not be punishing you. Some, like Job of old, live righteously, yet face many hardships. However, you can live happily in the process of progression towards the Lord. One thing's for sure - the Armor of God isn't always easy or comfortable to bear. But it's much easier than exposure to the fiery darts of the Adversary.

I will not say that I understand how hard your life is. Chances are, you have your fair share of difficulties. I cannot comprehend those in your life. But One does - even two millennia ago in a garden called Gethsemane. Jesus Christ suffered the lowliest of sorrow, but only to become infinitely happy, becoming like God. We usually don't know why God might allow us to suffer, but rest assured that it is for your progression to that same joy.

Might I say that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS, Mormon, etc.). I believe in our teachings of Joseph Smith. I don't expect you to instantly agree that he was a prophet, or even that he was real. But if we might relate to this story:

While imprisoned in Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith suffered exposure, hunger, and all manner of hardships. I assume it was hard for him to think about his family and loved ones that would be without him. Eventually, he asked God, saying: "O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place?" Yet he heard the voice of the Lord, answering, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment." And Joseph was then reminded, "And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high." Some trials, I understand, may last years - until the end of our lives even. But it is short in the eyes of eternity. When you have the faith to see your purpose in Christ; in becoming like Him, then will you be swallowed up in the joy of salvation.

Like a refiner's fire, it seems that we go through a similar process. We must be molded into something much better. Many blame Adam and Eve for the Fall - as if they fell down. But it was a fall forward. They were not perfect then. Maybe sinless before - but not perfect in the sense of completion. It is necessary that we struggle so that we might learn for ourselves from faith. We can then gain a testimony and recognize blessings, even if our trials don't end.

And might we remember that overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity.

I know for certain that God wants and knows what is best for each of us. I usually don’t know how things will turn out, and I don’t always know the specifics of why we go through some trials. But I do know that all trials come because we are chosen of God to prove our worthiness of His blessings, and that we might be refined to be His people. Though in darkness here, the Light is ever near - the Lord will never forsake us. If we are willing to prayerfully seek Christ’s grace, His enabling power, we can do all things required of the Lord. And, in doing so, we will understand just how much love and goodness God offers for His children, even to our exaltation in being perfect beings with perfect happiness, even as He is, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
2017-08-28 06:18:58 UTC
If you believe in God, why would you believe he hates you?
2017-08-28 03:56:26 UTC
sometimes I feel that God isn't real
2017-08-27 20:58:27 UTC
Who knows
2017-08-27 19:36:15 UTC
Have you asked him ? Did he really say that ? If so, dump him.
2017-08-27 14:43:47 UTC
I can't read into all of your story, I'm only articulating what you said and how you said it. You used a lot of this, I did this, I did that, I read my bible, I prayed, I didn't do this, I was faithful to that, which it sounds like you were doing the right things, however.................. it doesn't sound like a relationship with God is there, it doesn't sound like it is based on GRACE, there doesn't sound like to much "friendship" with God. You have two examples of people who told Jesus I did this and I did that............ the rich young ruler, and Martha............ God, I'm doing that and I'm doing this, and when you get into "I do this, and I do that" there is no relationship, there is only RELIGION. I've been there myself.

Here's your homework assignment, get on YOUTUBE MUSIC, pull up praise and worship, turn the volume up and close your eyes and JUST worship, praise him, relax, turn the I-phone off, visualize only YOU & GOD, and no one else, just bask in his presence, put all relationship aside for 1/2 hour and RELAX in his presence, it is NOT a 1/2 hour of DO THIS, AND DO THAT, rest in him, REST IN HIM. pull out Psalms 23 vs 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, now meditate on a spring Israel before it gets hot as hell, and the spring desert vegetation is blooming beautiful desert colors, wild grass is growing, a slight breeze, and lay down in it, GO AHEAD IT'S OK, shut your eyes and listen to worship music, and visualize, meditate on God being your shepherd.... come on you can do it, wipe out anything that says to you, you need to this and you need to do that, YOU ARE DOING THE MOST IMPORTANT THING AT THIS MOMENT. Practice enjoying God which is the final part of the Westminster confession of faith, start enjoying God and let God tell you to " do this or do that."
2017-08-27 01:53:36 UTC
God does not hate you! It's called life...Cling to your bible and God during difficult times. I will pray for you.
2017-08-27 00:52:38 UTC
Jesus did not say you will have a trouble free life, in fact, he said just the opposite. He said "you will have tribulation in life but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world".
I care
2017-08-27 00:28:11 UTC
I have never hated GOD but just once I question something and did I ever get an answer.........we don't question HIM.

All of us have rough times even if faithful Christians............this is life and also makes us stronger to hang in there.

There are even trials given us to test our faith and walk with Christ..............

God never said our life was going to be a piece of cake.........

See this is what the Israelites did when wondering in the wilderness those 40 yrs........remember how they went away from God, worship other gods, etc.................many didn't see the promise land from turning their backs to their belief in God.......

So hang tight to God, His faithful love to us, and when in doubt.........kneel and pray that much more to be in His Grace....also put more into doing His Work and less on self............remember when we accept we give that up........blessings your way. keep the FAITH.
2017-08-26 23:02:50 UTC
Karma . God doesn't hate .. consequences... actions.done knowingly unknowingly
2017-08-26 19:29:38 UTC
God hates no one. It's our Sins He hates !!
2017-08-26 19:02:53 UTC
Well REAL Christians know you are supposed to go through tribulations when you believe in God and that the ones with easy lives aren't real believers
2017-08-26 18:15:59 UTC
The way to God is difficult, the way of this world is impossible! Even if you decide to stop following God, you'll have to follow the ways of the world. And those lead to death! But try it and find a balance, if you are to fanatic in following God it leads to a distaste, so better slow down rather than to give it up.
2017-08-30 22:08:16 UTC
God does not hate anyone except Satan and the demons. And for your situation he does not hate you. He doesn't cause bad things to happen! Give Job for example he had a wonderful life, up until Satan wanted to test him and kill all his children and he animals and his land got taken away, on top of all of that he got a terrible sickness. Jehovah allowed that to happen because he knew how strong Job was in his faith. Job blamed it on God but he didn't know who was really doing it. Job stood strong and continued to stick with Jehovah and he eventually was blessed by Jehovah for sticking with him through his trials by Satan.
2017-08-29 20:43:08 UTC
gods are imaginary and only do the things you pretend gods do in your're supposed to pretend a god loves you and hates all your insane christians do....
2017-08-29 02:17:43 UTC
It could be many things, God made everyone to be a blessing, a hope, a joy, a help, and a positive lesson, an inspiration or aspiration to others & their community someday. It could be God testing you, people hating you, trying to destroy your faith, or bring you down, it could be The Devil making a deal with God over you and Jesus Christ. If you renounced or blasphemed God, it could be God getting back at you. If you are with witchcraft, anything considered "false religions", & if you did not repent or sold yourself a billion times over like most famous people do these days. God can make you pay, it could be a group or groups of people against you. You NEED to find out, forgive God& The rest of The Holy Trinity, yourself, and others. Return all cursed objects to where they belong, or destroy them. Repent for your sins, go to a good church or people that love you & care about you & pray for you. Read your Bible. God's Word protects you. Learn to live a godly life.πŸ•‡πŸ“–β€πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ͺπŸ™πŸ•†πŸ™‡πŸ“ΏπŸ‘‘πŸ•―β™Ύ
2017-08-28 19:49:58 UTC
ALL Christians are under attack. Satan knows his time is short and he is trying to destroy as many Jews and Christians as he can.

Jesus vs. Satan

John 14 and 15

Jesus was not subject to death because He had not sinned. In the fall Satan gained a pseudo sovereignty over man on the principle of possession and consent of a responsible agent or government by the consent of the governed.

God recognized this and decided to permit Satan to defeat himself by causing him to kill an innocent victim over whom he had no claim. When he inflicted death on Christ, he forfeited all his claims, rights, and pseudo authority and his right to liberty itself. He lost the right in inflict death on all others who became the property of Christ by virtue of His redemption for them.
2017-08-28 14:14:33 UTC
God doesnt hate you you dont know the bible and the people of church are not teaching you the right stuff Satan is targeting you because he wants you to quit on God and he knows you want to please God. God doesnt hate you he loves you see Job satan target him because he was righteous so will all people who do God will. Is being targeted look at jesus christ. visit they'll explain everything much better for you to understand i know because satan wants me to quit on God and he making everything bad for me too source personal experience
2017-08-28 03:14:54 UTC
1 John5:19 gives great explanation as to who is the true ruler of this world. As a result he wants others to think that God hates us and has no time for us. Test God out really and see how real he could become to you.
2017-08-27 22:45:22 UTC
If that is the case, then you never believed in God. You also never read your Bible, as if you did, you would expect things to be going as they are and you would have read the reason why and what you should do. That is what the Bible is supposed to be for, it is a guide not something to read as you wait for the next Batman comic to come out.
2017-08-27 20:08:49 UTC
Because God is a jerk and he created evil
2017-08-27 16:38:39 UTC
Because god is evil buddy face it I got no no no out the third world motherfucer all he wants is me too be damned and low.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-08-27 06:29:39 UTC
Something that is non existent cannot hate you.
brother trucker
2017-08-27 06:08:20 UTC
Its called the time of Job. Its hard to understand, i dont pretend to understand it but many Christians go through this, myself included.

Read Job. It might help you to understand how difficult it is to know God.

Search your beliefs. Are they firmly established in evidence or blind faith. Faith only works when it is logical. God is logical.

Blind faith is another word for ignorance. God pointed this out to me during one of these troubled times. Sometimes there are things we believe that we have to get rid of because they are not valid and are hurting us.

God doesnt hate us. He doesnt put us through these hard times because there is something He wants to teach us as some claim. God is love, Hes not like that but sometimes there are things we can learn from these troubles with Gods Help.

The Bible tells us "Dont let anyone say that God tempted me." Jesus says "If anyone lack wisdom let Him ask of God who gives to all freely." Ask God for wisdom now.
2017-08-26 20:27:50 UTC
God only hates killers, murderers, rapists, and thieves. Oh, and Kardashians.
2017-08-26 18:12:14 UTC
to have strong faith is to be tested for the strength of the faith and the level it is to obtain the next level. there are different levels resurrection glory as described in 1Cor... see vs 35 and 40-42; 50-54,

but i will never believe that God Hates YOU or most of mankind...

God can hate individuals, yes, but i doubt you have achieved that kind of level of hate from God.

if you repent of your sins and forsake them, there is no reason to not hate you. His grace is sufficient for all, if we do as much as we can and rely on his atonement thereafter. imo
2017-08-26 18:05:50 UTC
EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS..bLaMING God is foolishness....we made a mess out of the paradise He made....He can still help us even in this screwed up world....Keep praying....U need to get saved and gain strength.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.