Why do atheists think evolution is incompatible with theism?
2014-05-10 05:23:09 UTC
It is compatible too! You can just believe animal evolution is true but god guided anthropoid ape to become human with an individual soul. It was god's plan. Do you really believe we're animals? Now THAT, to me, is ridiculous!
Twenty answers:
2014-05-10 05:30:33 UTC
We don't all think that. Evolution is incompatible with a literal interpretation of a creation story. that's it.
2014-05-10 05:33:57 UTC
But I am an animal. I am a mammal, so are you.

I don't care if you want to believe that god controls evolution. My sister says "God doesn't care if we figure out how he did it." I think you mean something similar.

Well, the atheists CANT think that, because we don't believe in gods at all.

But, why do you think some religious people cant use this tool to increase their understanding.

We did not devolve or evolve from apes. We are in the same family. If your uncles children marry and have children of their own, those people are your family. True? Do you have much in common with them? No, and your children will have even less in common.

But it doesn't change the fact that you are all one "family"
2014-05-10 08:00:47 UTC
I was about to agree with your subject line... then got to the last line. Are you Poeing? That humans are animals IS A STONE COLD FACT. Theism all too often gets people to deny reality, as you just demonstrated. Maybe you aren't as completely nuts as a YEC but you're doing the same thing they are on a lesser scale.
David F
2014-05-10 05:43:48 UTC
Evolution is incompatible with the Bible.

Genesis 1:25 "God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good."

So we see here that each animal produces offspring of the same kind not different as evolution teaches.

I believe in the Bible and God it just makes the most sense. We have a conscience, morals, and emotions and no amount of evolution can achieve something like that. The fact that the human race has accomplished so much throughout history compared to other species makes me know that we are not from a common ancestor. We as humans are special and we have always been smart; we were never dumb for millions of years and only became smart in the last 6000 years.
2014-05-10 05:32:40 UTC
That was William Jennings Bryan's belief, remember him, Scopes Monkey Trial, failed Democratic Presidential Candidate. It did not go down with the world 100 years ago just as it does not now.
2014-05-10 05:45:31 UTC
How does this god influence evolution? Does it choose the mutations that occur and then wait and see what happens? Or does it sort of breed humans by killing off somehow those it deems inappropriate? Either way seems ridiculous.
2014-05-10 05:53:12 UTC
I have no problem with it working with theism, but I find it incompatible with Christianity specifically. With evolution there was no first humans per say. No 1 first man and no 1 first woman. Changes build up so gradually that thousands if not more generations must pass before any significant difference can be observed. If then there was no first man or woman in this regard, then no Adam or Eve. Meaning no fall, meaning no original sin, meaning Christianity is ultimately pointless because no need for redemption. Creationists know this and this is why they try to deny it.
2014-05-10 05:28:35 UTC
I've never said that. It's the adherents of the three Abrahamic religions that constantly rant about it.
2014-05-10 05:33:18 UTC
Maybe it works, but we atheists don't believe in the stories for us to accept them. Sorry-I guess I found the flaw in your plan.
2014-05-10 05:43:50 UTC
Why do atheists think evolution is incompatible with theism

- We don't, idiot fundies do. There are many religious biologist and scientists, but they are not idiots.

Do you really believe we're animals? Now THAT, to me, is ridiculous!

- Obviously you failed any biology class you may have taken.
2014-05-10 06:19:10 UTC
Of course they are compatible, if God created the Big Bang, then walked away from creation. But if God keeps interfering, then they are incompatible.
2014-05-10 05:59:43 UTC
Some atheists look at the Bible as if it were one book, written in one literary style, with one purpose at one time, and have an "all or nothing at all" view of what is being conveyed. They claim believers "must" reject God and the Bible, or reject science. They are wrong of course. This is an either/or fallacy of false dilemma.

Small groups of fundamentalists treat the Bible as if it has to be read "literally" from cover to cover, which is ironically similar to the atheist view. In addition, they throw in the "ad hominem" = No True Scotsman fallacy, by claiming that "true" Christians will read scripture the way THEY do, even though THEIR view "creates" conflict where none exists for the rest of us.

Billions of educated, mainstream Christians and even Orthodox Jews reject these fallacies, because our scholars and theologians have done their research and know that Genesis 1 - 11 are ancient allegories (teaching stories) much like Christ used parables to teach important SPIRITUAL truths.

The RCC, the Orthodox churches, the Church of England, and all mainstream Christian denominations (oldest & largest) accept evolution, the big bang, etc. because the average ten year old can see that the Bible is not a science textbook, therefore there is no conflict.

Genesis 1 is a song of praise to the miracle of creation – not a science paper. All but the fundamentalists and ironically atheists, fail to see the obvious poetic/ song like elements. Therefore, there is no conflict between science and faith for billions of devout believers around the world.

Our genome contains our entire evolutionary history, as does the genome of every living organism. Denying this is really pointless.

We are animals! Do you think we are vegetables or minerals? How absurd! We are mammals, we are primates, we are vertebrates, we share common ancestry with all living things!

So what if our physical bodies have evolved? It is our souls/spirits (aka "God's image") that are important, not our physical bodies!

Ignorance of abiogenesis (organic chemistry); evolution (biology, genetics, etc.); the big bang (cosmology, physics, astronomy, etc.) will do very little to convince anyone that you should be trusted about matters that have no physical evidence, like the belief in God and our spirituality.

Luke 16:10 -- If you can’t be trusted with unimportant things (physical reality) how can you be trusted with important things (spirituality)?

Science explains the world we believe God created. Why be afraid of knowledge?

This is a Christian website, maybe it will help you understand that there doesn't have to be a conflict between faith and science & there isn't for most Christians (just ignore the ads).

This is a paper by a Russian Orthodox Christian & respected evolutionary biologist:

Theodosius Dobzhansky -- "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution".

In this essay from American Biology Teacher, March 1973 (, Dobzhansky shows how evolution is the cornerstone which supports and unifies the many fields within biology.

Consider this:

One fundamentalist - Prof. Bruce Waltke - even admitted in public that denying evolution is wrong and was then asked to leave his tenured position at a bible college for speaking the truth.

"...the data is overwhelmingly in favor of evolution, to deny that reality will make us a cult ... some odd group that is not really interacting with the world. And rightly so, because we are not using our gifts and trusting God's Providence that brought us to this point of our awareness."
It Is Always Now
2014-05-10 05:33:26 UTC
I don't. It is just incompatible with the Bible.
2014-05-10 05:32:25 UTC
Are you questioning your own bible ,according to Christians the world is only a few thousand years ...mean while scientist say the world is over 4 billion years old so your theory makes no sense..
2014-05-10 11:51:28 UTC
You have is backwards. It's the christian fundies like Ray Comfort and Ken Ham who think that.
2014-05-10 05:52:29 UTC
I give your gawd a D- then. Tell it to go back to the drawing board and not makes us biological creatures like almost all other mammals.
2014-05-10 05:29:31 UTC
Why, if God (Yahweh?) had already implemented evolution, would he need to manually fabricate mankind?
2014-05-10 05:31:43 UTC
We are animals. What is really ridiculous is you not knowing this. We are categorized in phylum: Chordata, Subphylum: vertebrate, Class: mammalia.

This general categorization fits many species.
2014-05-10 05:26:56 UTC
Both can not be true.

Pretend or reality?

Your choice.
2014-05-10 05:27:36 UTC
I don't think that. But I know that it's incompatible with the that doesn't really help you much.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.