Even Godly people struggle with doubt and confusion when God's truth and their experience don't match. Life doesn't always make sense. At times, God's truth ( God is good) and our experience ( life stinks) don't mesh.
Asaph was one of 3 directors of King David's choir and a key Old Testament worship leader. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he wrote a number of psalms we still read today. When God's truth and his life experience didn't mesh, this man of God poured out his heart to the Lord. His experience is found for us in Psalm 73.
Job did exactly the same thing. The most righteous man on earth lost his possessions, his children, and his health. He cried out to the Lord, " I am angry! I don't understand what is happening or why it is! He poured out his heart while he wrestled with the conflict between God's goodness and sovereignty and the tragic loss he experienced. What I love about this story is God never gets angry with him for honestly sharing his frustration and anger. God can handle our accusations, our overwhelming fear, and our anger. We must remain reverant, but we are free to pour out our hearts to Him.
God wants us to bring our anger, hurts, and doubts to Him. When we do, He enables us to reach the point Job did of being able to acknowledge that the interplay of God's goodness and His sovereignty is a mystery. We can't always make logical sense of the tough times and things we go through. But we can know the One who is in charge of it all and tell Him honestly how we feel. He wants us to argue our case before Him.
One of the most important decisions we will ever make is how we respond to life's raw deals. And when we are victims of such injustices's, we are tempted to walk away from our faith. Asaph was angry, but he realized his actions might weaken other people's faith in the Lord. It's a fact of life that we never do anything in isolation. Our actions always affect the people around us. It's so easy to act irrationally when we are mad and hurting. God's word to you today is that it is never too late to find healing for the pain that a raw deal has thrown your way.
The psalmist teaches us that it's only when we look at life from an eternal perspective that we realize what's really important and what's not. The key to that perspective is found in Psalm 73:17 when the psalmist says that he entered the sanctuary of God. Asaph had been ready to give up on his relationship with God (v.2). Asaph's worship changed his perspective from short-term to eternal and that made all the difference in how he could handle any raw deal that came his way. This same eternal perspective will help us endure any trial that comes our way when we worship as Asaph did. This same eternal perspective keeps the raw deals from destroying our lives.So our raw deals do not have the power to destroy us unless we turn bitter, get vengeful, or let it eat us up.
We do live in a fallen world where bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. But even though our world is fallen, it is subject to its Maker. God is in control. God allows raw deals sometimes, but He promises to work them ultimately for our own good (see Romans 8:28).
As you read and walk through Psalm 73, you will get a clear pattern, Asaph starts dealing with the emotional upheaval in his heart by first pouring out his heart to God. Then he moves from his emotions to a logical evaluation of his situation. He was tempted to walk away from his relationship with God, but instead he carefully considered the consequences. Asaph then gets the big eternal picture, this was his raw deal for now, but God holds eternity in His hands.
Asaph realized that God's presence is the only source of security and joy, both now and forever. Asaph chooses to follow the Lord based on one specific fact, God's Sovereignty. Asaph surrenders his life afresh to God because he believes the day will come when he will be vindicated (v.28).
God will give you a story to share about the good things coming out of your raw deal if you are willing to hang in there. Focus on God's goodness and trust His Sovereignty. Keep in mind that God is your only true security. His presence can be a source of joy and sustaining power, even in the midst of confusion and fear. So please hang in their and start pouring out your heart to Him, He hears you. God Bless you.