If this is a serious question, ancient man was not slow in developing tools at all.... actually it happened really quite quickly, in an historical sense. I could write you a book but rather than do that, offer some that explain it even better. And if you have written a serious question to which you wish a serious answer, put your money where your mouth is and read them: and order them cheap, used, and in paperback from some outfit like Amazon.com. (and hon, evolutionists have no preconceptions.... as stuff is discovered, or figured out, they change, and change, and change again to accommodate new data...all an evolutionist wants is more and more and more data, so that their ideas and conclusions CAN change.... they are a bunch not stuck to any single doctrine.....)
1. Guns, Germs and Steel, by Jared Diamond
2. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
3. Collaspe, by Jared Diamond
4 The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.
For less than $100 buckos, these, and about every other question you might have are exquisitely answered. Another set of great ones:
1. Cosmos by Carl Sagan
2. Connections by James Burke
3. The Day the Universe Changed by James Burke
Oh, and the idiot above re: Neanderthal... yes, we know Homo sapiens never came from Neanderthal--- that human species was a parallel not an ancestor, just as todays Chimps are a paralled primate, not an ancestor. Funny how fundamentalists read just enough, but not all, or put the information is an isolationistic capsule, and never see the entire picture......... oh, well.