So your premis is that "Because Jews were great record keepers then the Book of Mormon is false because we don't find records in "Book of Mormon lands", right?
Here's the problem. Those that kept records were the righteous prophets. They were all destroyed and they hid the records, presumably in southern Mexico. The Book of Mormon is in fact one of those records that you are complaining about "not existing".
Additionally the Spanish smelted gold and silver, burned books, destroyed language, culture, and religion.
Additionally, the cities that they occupied were found 100% abandoned and the jungle had overgrown them. Ask a mesoamerican archeologist to explain a detailed history of "El Mirador" (the largest city in Central America) to you. By the way.....less than 2% of it has been excavated.
So do you require the same "burden of proof" on the Gospel of Matthew as you do on the book of Genesis? Why is it that "knowing where Jerusalem" is important to you, but knowing where the garden of eden was is not? Do you require this proof or not, please make up your mind.
There is actually a genentic link. Do some reading about the different haplogroups including haplogroup X.
Many of the things that you require evidence for has in fact been're just not interested in acknowledging it.
Actually the Olmecs line up perfectly with the Jaredite civilization. Both the Book of Mormon and Archeologists put them from 2000 BC to 300 AD. Both agree that they were the first great civilization in the Americas. Both also agree that the Maya began around 600 BC.
The Book of Mormon doesn't detail how many people died in that Battle. It does indicate that there were 230,000 from one side (if I remember right). You're number of 2 Million is not something that's included in the Book of Mormon regarding the fall of the Nephites. As far as the Jaredites, there were several million killed. Both final battles probably occured in southern Mexico, possibly near modern Veracruz. How much organic evidence do you expect to survive in a hot, humid, wet, jungle environment. The stone temples that have been found have 25 feet of soil covering them. What do you expect it to do to bodies? Preseve them for 1600 years and 2300 years respectivly?
Are you shaken that they haven't found a scrap of evidence of the children of Israel wandering around a very dry, desert environment for 40+ years? That area is perfect for preservation. There were millions of them in a relativly small, known, geographic area, yet we've found 0 evidence of that? Do you realize how much of a hypocricy this is???
Additionally it's like saying: They found a coin in china. They haven't found a coin in Russia, therefore Russians couldn't have used coins. You can't demand that the same archeological evidences that are found in one part of the world to be found in another part of the world. It doesn't really work that way.
You claim that you are trying to discover're not. You're hell bent on proving to yourself and the world that the Book of Mormon isn't true.......whether it is or not.
Keep in mind, there were Jews that rejected their own Messiah after having spoken to him face to face. It's possibly you're rejecting holy Scripture from that same Messiah.
Someone who lived in the Americas in 400 AD described his own language as "reformed egyptian". That doesn't mean that modern scholars would give it the same name. Additionally it's very possible that that was the language of the record keepers and not of the masses.
So, why is it that you completly ignore the many supporting evidences of the Book of Mormon that do exist and demand that your evidences be produced?