Trinity Question?
2016-05-21 16:21:36 UTC
There is Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. I am getting to know Jesus better and I am accepting Him into my life (it's a process), but how do you pray? Do you talk to God? Jesus? Both? They are the same, but it's so confusing because you can't know God without Jesus, so how do you balance your relationship out with Three persons in one God?

I am still very confused about this subject/mystery.
56 answers:
2016-05-21 16:56:28 UTC
Time and experience will teach you.

You are on the right track.

Relationships take time:)

The great thing is, no matter who you choose to focus on, there is no way you can shut out the other 2:)

A heart for One will eventually grow to know and love all 3:)

Like any loving father, He doesnt ask us to figure it out right now. He asks us to trust and obey. All we need to remember is- we have been chosen and we are in good hands:)
Lost Prophecy
2016-05-21 16:29:27 UTC
St. Patrick used a clover to explain the Holy Trinity to the Celts each of the three leaves is it's own leaf as each Divine Person is a distinct Divine Person the Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit. But the three leaves of the clover is still the same plant as the Divine Persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one and the same God. This is very different from polythiesm which is why I say people that claim it's such are actually reaching because in polytheistic trinity gods each god is their own person unlike the Holy Trinity which is monotheism.

As for praying you can pray as you want to pray either addressing a specific Divine Person of the Holy Trinity or just praying to God in general.
2016-05-22 08:08:13 UTC
Your question is a real one and has been a stumbling block for many in seeking Christ.

The Catholic church created the term Trinity about a thousand years ago. The Catholic Bible added the phrase: "There are three that bear witness in Heaven, the Father the son and the holy spirit and these three are one."

This false addition was admitted to as false by the Catholics but they kept it in their Bible. The PROTESTANTS (protesting the Catholic organization) REMOVED THE FALSE PHRASE, yet because of tradition and fear to break traditions, many Christian churches still repeat the error without knowing why they say it.

The phrase: "There are three that bear witness on earth, (that Jesus was the Christ), the spirit, the water and the blood..."(1 Jn 5:8) is true, and was written by John, but the addition by the Catholics has caused great trouble, and is known to be false. The King James bible is probably the next worst translation and was created for the King to make himself a pope and to receive the tithe money from the church goers.

The Pilgrims fled from England because they were thrown in prison for praying at home and not paying their "tithe" to the king's church. This is the history of the King James bible and the catholic (based from a babylonian multi-god system). You can ignore them and follow Christ.

The word 'trinity' is an unknown doctrine and directly breaks Gods command, "you shall have no other gods before Me (GOD)".
2016-05-23 11:59:30 UTC
The concept was created to square the circle in the early Roman Church between the incompatible beliefs of various groups of Christians who were engaging in deadly street fights on a regular basis (monks, in particular, were terrorizing people). The doctrine was designed for two purposes: To consolidate the more important factions who said that Jesus was God in the flesh, that Jesus was a spirit only, that Jesus was a separate entity. The second reason was to delegitimize a couple of other minority factions with differing interpretations, such as the Gnostics.

After the adoption of the Trinity, those minorities were declared heretics and hounded and murdered.

The Trinity doctrine is self-contradictory nonsense on its face, and so was immediately labelled as a "Mystery" for which questioning was legally forbidden.

So, basically, the doctrine was a cynical political power play. Congratulations on learning the history of the early church.
2016-05-24 08:33:59 UTC
We have to accept what the Bible say about the trinity. The Bible does not support the trinity, the word trinity is not in the Bible. Matthew 3:16-17 shows God, His Son and the holy spirit all separate. Jehovah is Jesus Father and the holy spirit is God's active force to use at His discretion. For more information about the trinity please go to
2016-05-22 06:03:23 UTC
Here's to confuse you some more. They also say the Father is Not the Son, the Son is Not the Holy spirit and the Holy spirit is Not the Father. Ask them why they use a 3 leaf clover to explain the Trinity. It clearly shows a separation of 3 Gods but they are 1 and you're supposed to worship all 3 at the same time. However, Jesus says the Father is greater than I. ( John 14:28) So not only are they separate Gods in union with each other but one is greater than the other. Then he's said to be a mystery and they possibly use 1 Corinthians 2:7 which is saying that God is a mystery to those who do not understand or do not have the spirit of truth. People like that kill Jesus spiritually. If those Jews had the truth in them they would not have handed Jesus over to be killed. (Starting at verse six and reading up to verse 9, in that scripture, helps) Also another scripture that says: "Without controversy God is a mystery." It means without discussion or disagreement about God, he is a mystery. So, God is no mystery. Only to those who don't have the spirit of truth, he's declared a mystery. To add to this, "Triune God," "Triune Nature," "Trinity," "Spirit persons," "God the Son" and "God the Holy Spirit" are Not in the Bible. No, not anywhere, but they use those very words as if you can find them in the Bible.
2016-05-24 13:21:56 UTC
The fact of the matter, you don' think about the three persons you just think of God as one being, and you will find it a lot easier for your belief, because God is complicated, read 1 John 5:7-8 that might help you a little better with the trinity.
2016-05-22 10:31:56 UTC
The Trinity is an attempt by Early Christian theologians to rationalise the relationship between Jesus, called Christ, God and the Parakleet, Helper or Holy Spirit. It is an extremely subtle doctrine which requires considerable 'thinking outside the box'. Compare it if you will, with Wave-Particle duality in sub-atomic physics. Does light consist of particles (photons) or of waves, since it displays characteristics of both. Does it consist of one? Or the other? Or neither? Or both? The answer is "Yes". Belief in the Trinity became enshrined in the early creeds of the Church. If you can't understand the Bible I shouldn't worry about the doctrine. It takes some unravelling and should be a help to understanding, not a stumbling block, Do you remember how Einstein explained the difference between the telegraph and the radio to a woman who asked him? He said "The telegraph is rather like a mouse that has its tail in New York and its mouth in Los Angeles. You pull the tail in New York and it makes a noise in Los Angeles. Well radio is the same. Except there is no mouse."
2016-05-21 18:03:31 UTC
1+1+1= 3 and not 1. Jesus is Gods son, Jehovah is his father and Holy Spirit if Jehovah's active force he uses to accomplish things.

John 17:1,3, John 17:5, Acts 2:32; 10:40
2016-05-22 14:11:50 UTC
Well, first off, to answer your question, Jehovah is the hearer of prayers (Psalms 65:1, 2). We pray to the Father (Matthew 6:9). Psalms 89:26, 27 shows that Jehovah is the Father and Jesus is His firstborn. This is backed up by Colossians 1:15, 16. So we must pray to Jehovah through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 15:16).

If you check out the Hebrew version of Psalms 110:1, you will see YHWH, Jehovah's name, is higher then Jesus. This is backed up by Matthew 22:43-45. Jesus was produced by Jehovah (Proverbs 8:22). So, you see, Jesus is both lower then and not the same as, Jehovah.
Salvation Soldier
2016-05-21 18:58:58 UTC
This is the basis of how I understood the Trinity. I tried to come up with something that I could physically wrap my mind around. So I began to think of the element H2O which is water. Then I broke it down like this. The element H2O in it original form is a liquid it can be frozen to a solid making ice and although its form is now changed it elemental make stays the same. It is just H2O nothing was added or taken away. Next we can boil the water to create steam once again the form has changed but the element that makes water what it is stays the same. This is how the Trinity works. God is like water, only instead of a physical element He is the original element. In His original form ( we can liken Him to liquid water), In His physical form of Jesus (we can liken Him to ice) He takes on a solid physical form but the original element of who He is does not change. Hence Jesus was fully many and still fully God. Last the Holy Spirit (we can liken to steam) Once again the form of the original element does not change only it form. So we can call the God Head the original element. God the Father = original element, Jesus=original element, Holy Spirit= original element just like Water = H2O, Ice= H2O, and Steam =H2O. I hope this helps. As far as prayer the Bible tells us to ask in the name of Jesus. I pray to God and ask in Jesus name. You do not have to sound a certain way prayer is a conversation between you and God.
Harvey Norris
2016-05-23 07:25:32 UTC
The word "trinity" is not in the Holy Bible. This idea of a "trinity" got started in the waning stages of the Roman Empire. That was when Christianity was declared the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Back then the citizens of Rome were pagan. They worshiped gods like Zeus and the others. The general populace was accustomed to worshiping multiple gods.

The politicians cooked up this idea of this "trinity" multiple god nonsense in order to get the population to accept (their version of) Christianity as the official government religion.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 8:16 For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the LORD JESUS.

Acts 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the LORD JESUS.

1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
2016-05-21 23:04:47 UTC
When you think about prayer, Jesus state that the pray should be address to the Father which is in heaven. At that time Jesus was on earth.

Matthew 6:5-10

5 “Also, when you pray, do not act like the hypocrites,+ for they like to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the main streets to be seen by men.+ Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret.+ Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. 7 When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. 8 So do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need+ even before you ask him.

9 “You must pray, then, this way:+

“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name+ be sanctified.*+ 10 Let your Kingdom+ come. Let your will+ take place, as in heaven, also on earth.+
2016-05-22 06:40:09 UTC
Pray to the Father. Ask what you will in Jesus Name. (He is our advocate) and the Holy Spirit dwells within us to teach us and help our understanding.

You are sad: John 14 and Phillippians 4

You have sinned: Psalm 51 and 1 John 2:1-2

You are facing danger: Psalm 91

People have failed you: Psalm 27

It feels as though God is far from you: Psalm 139

Your faith needs stimulation: Hebrews 11

You are alone and scared: Psalm 23

You are worried: Matthew 8: 19-34

You are hurt and critical: 1 Corinthians 13

You wonder about Christianity: 2 Corinthians 5:15-18

You feel like an outcast: Romans 8: 31-39

You are seeking peace:Matthew 11:25-30 and Phil. 4

It feels as if the world is bigger than God: Psalm 90

You need Christ like insurance: Romans 8:1-30

You are leaving home for a trip: Psalm 121

You are praying for yourself: Psalm 87

You require courage for a task: Joshua 1

Money problems are hogging your thoughts:Mark 10:17-31

You are depressed: Psalm 27

Your bank account is empty: Psalm 37

You lose faith in mankind: 1 Corinthians 13

People seem unfriendly: John 15

You are losing hope: Psalm 126

You feel the world is small compared to you: Psalm 19

You want to bear fruit: John 15

Secret for happiness: Colossians 3:12-17

With big opportunity/discovery: Isaiah 55

To get along with other people: Romans 12


For dealing with fear: Psalm 47

For security: Psalm 121:3

For assurance: Mark 8:35

For reassurance: Psalm 145:18

For getting prayers answered: John 15:7

healing Scriptures: Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 40:29-31; Exodus 23:25; Matthew 4:23; Psalm 91: 6, 10 and verses 15-16.

John 15: 7: If ye abide in ME and MY words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
2016-05-22 12:49:36 UTC
Jesus answers your question. He says to pray to God the Father. "After this manner [follow this format, not word for word, but as a guideline] therefore," Jesus said, "pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Matthew 6:9. We are to pray to God the Father.

As for the Trinity—it is a false doctrine. You have probably read or heard that no man can know the exact time of Jesus' second coming. Jesus said of that day, "Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Mark 13:32. How can this be so if God the Son and God the Father are the same Being? Jesus told the truth there, because as He said, He is "the way, the truth, and the life." John 14:6. How could God the Son not know, but God the Father know, if they are the same Being?

Is the Trinity True? —
2016-05-22 09:13:26 UTC
Although many believe that they are the same, there are two different individuals. Jesus acknowledge that there where things that he didnt know only the father. (Mark 13:32) 32“Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father." The word Trinity is nowhere found in the bible. Its simply is an untrue teaching that became very popular.

For more information on various bible topics visit
2016-05-23 11:21:20 UTC
The Doctrine of the Trinity developed over many years not with bloodshed.

Neither the Jews nor the early Christian Church believed in a Triune God. The Trinity was developed over many years of bloodshed and deceit. In 325AD Constantine, Emperor of Rome, called a council at Nicaea to end the dispute between two factions of the Church who could not agree on the nature of Jesus; whether Jesus as the son of God had a beginning, and therefore not equal with GOD (Arius theory) or co-equal and co-eternal with GOD (Athanasius theory) The Church adopted then rejected both theories finally settling on Athanasius theory that Jesus is co-eternal and co-equal with God. Arius was poison on the morning of his last debate and so ended the dispute between Arius and Athanasius.

Then in 381AD the first council of Constantinople was held and defined the deity of the Holy Spirit. The development of the trinity of God was now complete and established as the Doctrine of the Trinity.

After the Doctine of the Trinity was fully developed in 381AD, the Church at Rome, which held the original manuscripts of the writers of the NT, decided to revise the Vetus Latina (Old Latin texts). The new translation was largely the work of "Saint" Jerome, who, in 382, was commissioned by Pope Damasus I to “revise” the Vetus Latina ("Old Latin") a collection of Biblical texts in Latin then in use by the Church. Once published, the new revised texts was widely adopted and eventually eclipsed the Vetus Latina and, by the 13th century, was known as the "versio vulgata" [1] (the "version commonly-used") or, more simply, in Latin as vulgata or in Greek as βουλγάτα ("Vulgate").

**It is interesting to note­­­ that the new Latin Text once completed by Jerome was dedicated to Pope Damasus 1 who had passed away during the time of it's revision.

Before the publication of Pius XII's Divino afflante Spiritu, the Vulgate was the source text used for many translations of the Bible into vernacular languages. In English, the interlinear translation of the Lindisfarne Gospels as well as other Old English Bible translations, the translation of John Wycliffe, the Douay-Rheims Bible, the Confraternity Bible, and Ronald Knox's translation were all made from the Vulgate. TheTextus Receptus was translated from the Vulgate back into Greek from which the King James and many other Bibles were translated.

Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Proverbs 8:22-35. John 16:27, Hebrews 1:5

The Trinity is a false teaching. Jesus himself said: my Father is greater than I (am) John 14:28 and my Father is greater than all. John 10:29.

2016-05-21 17:01:02 UTC
The trinity is a pagan doctrine that is not taught in the bible. The bible clearly states that God created Jesus as the first (arch) angel. Jesus then, at God's direction, created everything else.

The bible also says that God is the only hearer of prayer, so to pray to Jesus or anyone else is idolatry.
2016-05-22 07:09:33 UTC
You pray like Jesus did, he called him his Father, abba Father, like the closest dad you'll ever have. You don't even have to say Jehovah, God, Lord God, you just seek him and pray, don't make this out to be some bigger thing than it is on your part. Just be ready to LISTEN, to RECEIVE and to OBEY. Worship him, get on You Tube and listen to Christian Praise and Worship and soak it in, Christians are so preoccupied with I-Phones, TV, do this, do that, go here, go there, busy, busy, busy, that they don't sit down before God, which is what I'm going to do NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get off this YAHOO and quit wasting my time and worship God and QUIT WORRYING ABOUT THE TRINITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheltie Lover
2016-05-21 16:27:21 UTC
First: The Bible does NOT teach a Trinity. ... That's a Pagan notion tacked onto Christianity by the early Church in Rome.

The Bible shows that we should pray ONLY to God. Then at the end of our prayer, we conclude it with; "in Jesus name we pray. Amen". ... That acknowledges what God Son has done and it shows that we appreciate his sacrifice for us.

2016-05-23 17:48:51 UTC
Luke 4:8 Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You are to worship the Lord your God and serve ONLY Him.'”

Matthew 7:22-23 “On Judgment Day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’”

O people of the book do not transgress the limits of your religion and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah Jesus the son of Mary was a messenger of God and His word that He had sent to Mary and a revelation from Him. Therefore you shall believe in God and His messengers. You shall not say “Trinity.” You shall refrain from this for your own good. God is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. God suffices as Lord and Master. Quran 4:171
2016-05-22 17:25:08 UTC
Understanding the Trinity is a stumbling block for many. The simplest explanations, to me, is to use a person communicating on the www to demonstrate: For the sake of this, let's say God is like the World-Wide-Web, everywhere all thre time. Great but we would have no access to it or Him without the pathways we have been granted, God gave us Jesus Christ as a way to talk to Him, we have technology to access the www. The Holy Spirit is the way we are able to talk to God, like however it is the Internet transmits. All 3 are part of one thing. They are both trinitarian.
2016-05-23 07:27:32 UTC
Yes, it is The Father (Yahweh, Jehovah, El, Elohim, God Almighty, Abba, Heavenly Father, etc.), Jesus Christ, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. You pray to God about anything, everything, anyone, and any problem almost. Unless it is something a person has to choose to change on their own or as a group. It is best to learn it by saying The Lord's Prayer. You can pray to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and problems you think he can help with on earth. You can of course go to God to almost anything, just keep arguing and complaining down to a minimum or less. The Holy Spirit do not cuss or abash him in any form or any way.

This is what I remember:

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name,

By Kingdom come God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread, forgive us our sins as we forgive those that trespass against us,

lead us not into temptation but protect us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, The Glory, and The Power forever and ever. Amen.

That was what I grew up with in the late 1980's/early 1990's.

This is what most churches use now.:

The Lord's Prayer


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Your Kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom,

the power and the glory are yours.

Now and for ever.


Read more:

But you use it to practice organizing and saying prayers, you can also, sing, dance, do almost any work that is not a violation of Jesus Christ's/Apostles teachings and The Old Testament Prophets teaching and the 10 Commandments for God. Otherwise, I would say it is very open. Now, I must work. Good luck on your journey and I hope you and your friends find God.I wish luck to the person whom posted this question and their friends and anyone else whom stubbles upon my answers and the ones that lead to God on here. Good luck and have a Blessed Day and a Blessed Life!
NEVER SUBMIT... to evil
2016-05-21 16:40:40 UTC
God is The Father..... Jesus is The Son..... God's Holy Spirit is the form God uses to interact with man-kind and to indwell those of His Church(all those of The True Christian Faith)......... there are only two... Father and Son...

Matthew 6 gives the instruction of Jesus regarding who to pray to.. Our Father who art in Heaven......... the instruction and life example of Jesus shows that all prayer is to be made to God..... Matthew 6 gives the template for a prayer.... order and general content

There is only ONE Creator God..... God The Father

Feel free to contact me with any basic questions about the God stuff you may have... I will be glad to try to answer them for you....
2016-08-13 08:09:58 UTC
when you think about prayer, jesus state that the pray should be address to the father which is in heaven... at that time jesus was on earth...

matthew 6:5-10

5 “also, when you pray, do not act like the hypocrites,+ for they like to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the main streets to be seen by men...+ truly i say to you, they have their reward in full... 6 but when you pray, go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your father who is in secret...+ then your father who looks on in secret shall repay you... 7 when praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they shall get a hearing for their use of numerous words... 8 so do not be like them, for your father knows what you need+ even before you ask him...

9 “you must pray, then, this way:+

“‘our father in the heavens, let your name+ be sanctified...*+ 10 let your kingdom+ come... let your shall+ take place, as in heaven, also on earth...+
2016-05-23 11:28:08 UTC
God is the Father .. you can call Him Lord or Father or Jesus ..

because we pray to one God through Jesus, or in Jesus' name.

Colossians 3:17 / Ephesians 5:20 / Ephesians 4:5-6

"The Lord is that Spirit..." . (2 Corinthians 3:17)

"Trinity" was invented in the 4th century .. Jesus never taught it at all,

and neither did the Apostles who were taught correctly by Jesus.

There is only one God, the Father .. ( 1 Corinthians 8:6 )

Jesus said we need to know Him, "the only true God" .. (John 17:3)

Paul said that God "was manifested in the flesh" .. (1 Timothy 3:16)

Hebrews 1:1-2 .. says God spoke to us by His Son.

Colossians 2:9 .. "In Him dwelled all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

Jesus said: "I and my Father are one." .. (John 10:30)

and "He who has seen me has seen the Father." .. (John 14:6-10 / John 12:44-45)

Jesus also said: "If you don't believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

(John 8:24)

The name "Immanual" means "God with us" .. (Isaiah 7:14 / Matthew 1:23)

Isaiah 9:6 also said the Son will be called "Mighty God, Everlasting Father".

Zechariah 14:9 ~ And the LORD shall be King over all the earth ...

In that day it shall be ~ "the LORD is one" and His name one.

Philippians 2:9-11 .. Name above all names
Den B7
2016-05-21 16:34:01 UTC
Regardless of whom you choose to refer to, you speak to all at once. There is no difference. There is no injustice. There is no jealousy. There is no favoritism.

The three are one and the one is three.

Imagine a mister Jack J. Smith.

You can speak to Mr. Smith. You can speak to Jack. You can speak to Jack Smith. You can speak to any combination that you can think of that represents that person: JJ, JS, J Smith, Jack S. JJ Smith, etc...

Regardless of how you address him, it's the same person.
2016-05-23 19:59:11 UTC
Just pray. Direct it to God and don't make it complicated. The Spirit hears you and helps. Jesus hears you. The Father hears you because of Jesus. Just simply talk to Him. It doesn't have to be overly complicated.
2016-05-22 17:59:35 UTC
Jesus taught us how to pray: The Lord s Prayer, which starts out, "Our Father who art in Heaven . . . " And, no, they re not the same person. As any father and son are two separate people, so is Jesus and His, our, Heavenly Father.
2016-05-22 03:01:16 UTC
Great Question. The bible teaches us that our prayers should only be made directly to God. We conclude our prayers by saying IN THE NAME OF JESUS -AMEN because we recognize the important role that Jesus has as the son of God. Jehovah is the only one who hears and can respond to our prayers. Trust in him and only him with all your heart
2016-05-21 21:34:32 UTC
You pray to our Heavenly Father Jehovah, but it is his son Jesus Christ that is the mediator of prayers. So you pray through his name. Jesus taught his followers: “If you ask the Father for anything he will give it to you in my name.” (John 16:23)
Jan C
2016-05-22 18:56:06 UTC
Yes, the trinity is true and always has been. It takes a lot of study and understanding to get to the point of acceptance.
2016-05-23 07:27:03 UTC
BIBLICAL TRUTH --"never contradicts itself" Note please the simple yet powerful statement :

(1 Timothy 2:3-5) “3 This is fine and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of our Savior, God, 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. 5 For there is one God, and one MEDIATOR ( my caps ) between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus. . .”

NOTE the 3 min. audio / article "The Lie That .Made God a Mystery" @
2016-05-22 14:45:54 UTC
Jesus actually taught us to pray to the "Father in heaven" - Jehovah God. That is who Jesus prayed to. John 17:1-3. We do not pray to Jesus as he is NOT G od but God's son. If Jesus prayed to "his God Jehovah" then he cannot BE God now can he?[search_id]=80b33a4d-8bf4-47be-866a-514ed4195e71&insight[search_result_index]=0
2016-05-21 16:24:34 UTC
Actually it is very simple. We pray to God alone. The Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are all God, therefore we can pray to any of them or all of them. Don't worry, they won't get confused.
Robert S
2016-05-22 12:54:19 UTC
All prayer is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

All prayer is addressed to the Father.

All prayer is asked in Jesus name.
2016-05-21 17:03:15 UTC
"Be still and know that I am God." Try meditating and stilling your constant rambling of thoughts and listening. God certainly has His/Her ears talked off by people. It is much better to listen. Then, maybe you will understand the answer to your question.
2016-05-22 04:46:41 UTC
erdpodos. Luke16: 31
2016-05-21 16:40:01 UTC
God has chosen to exist as three persons.

Let your heart speak - your heart is the nexus between heaven and earth.
2016-05-21 16:24:15 UTC
You can't make sense out of nonsense, but you can delude yourself into thinking you are making sense.
2016-05-21 16:29:17 UTC
Jesus said ask the Father anything in His Name.

no matter which Person of God you call on, God hears you.
2016-05-21 16:27:38 UTC
Jesus taught us how to pray. God already knows what you need. just talk to god as if the ruler of the kingdom of heaven were your father.
2016-05-21 16:24:43 UTC
all things religion are just pretend you speak to whichever imaginary friend you like......the only process involved with religious cult indoctriniation, is slowly abandoning your humanity and self worth....
2016-05-23 01:28:48 UTC
it's a false doctrine
2016-05-22 06:27:00 UTC
Check this out-
2016-05-21 16:23:17 UTC
No one cares. Move on
2016-05-21 16:29:54 UTC
pray to Jesus He is the intercessor to His father , you can also pray to Mary and the saints they will pass on your requests to Jesus as well
2016-05-21 16:31:02 UTC
Confused there anything more pitiful to witness ?
2016-05-21 17:39:58 UTC
Since its all pretend you can pray anyway that you want.
2016-05-22 00:25:35 UTC

Source (s):

k w
2016-05-21 16:29:10 UTC
you are supposed to pray to the Father in the name of the son
2016-05-24 11:12:48 UTC
You pray to Whoever you want.
2016-05-21 17:04:38 UTC

2016-05-22 10:13:21 UTC
There is no father, no son and no holy spirit, it is all bullshit.
2016-05-22 16:38:15 UTC
Lil o.
2016-05-22 17:16:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.