There are many paths to God, some are just less traveled. I don't think is so exclusive He would make life or its meaning only opened to a few. What kind of God would He be if He only created a narrow door--in the dog-eat-dog world--that would only let in "Chihuahuas"?
When the missionaries targeted my people, they roped in the government to pass out blankets containing smallpox to those that would not convert. The took our trees when King George forbid it and they blamed the war on a cup of tea--thus we ended up with even a heavier burden of taxes in exchange for our tall oaks and dignity as fellow human beings. Even though many of the tribes ended up converting, they forced our children into boarding schools to rid them of their paganism. They were wrong. Our beliefs were not pagan, just a different approach to God then theirs. Actually, we were Deists like many of the Founding Fathers to the Constitution.
Our system was and still is very much like the Noahites found in the Hebrew Bible. We are no different then the people Shem and Abraham taught to know God, perhaps they were here long before Columbus. Only God knows for sure.
There are many different folks today that lay claim to be God-Fearers. They don't have to convert to any religion, they are dedicated to making this world better and not leaving a path of destruction to do so. They respect nature, our resources, and seek the means to help their families, neighbors, community and those around them with random acts of kindness. You can find them all over the globe. My sister started her own group in her town. They lost half of the population due to this Depression. Even the local church is up for sale. So, they deal with life as they can, grow organic food, barter for services, and try to make a difference. See one of the websites at ""--they might be able to connect you with others that feel the same way as you do. Good luck.