Christians, what do you think of the Church Father Cyril of Alexandria............?
2012-03-21 17:50:11 UTC
He was the Patriarch of Alexandria from the 4th-5th Centuries who was involved in many controversies regarding the nature of who Jesus was. One of the most defining things about him is the fact that he had a very ill-tempered and aggressive personality.

For instance, he had all the Jews expelled from Alexandria when tensions between them and the Christian community heightened, and he had all the Churches of the Novatians closed down. One of the more controversial episodes of his carrier was when a mob of his followers had murdered the pagan astronomer and mathematician Hypatia, because they were enticed by his rather aggressive rhetoric(though he wasn't directly responsible).

When it came to matter having to do with the nature of Christ, he was most famous for his theological struggle with the Bishop Nestorius. Nestorius believed the human and divine nature of Christ were two persons, and opposed the title 'Theotokos'(Mother of God). Cyril, on the other hand strictly advocated that Christ human nature and Divine nature are in the one person of Christ(not two persons) and this led to a bitter falling out.

This led to the Council of Ephesus in which Nestorius's view was condemned as heresy, and he was deposed of his position and banished. In reaction to this, Nestorius's supporter John of Antioch assembled another Council, also condemned Cyril for heresy and had him deposed(like what he did to Nestorius). The Council also labelled Cyril as "a monster, born and educated for the destruction of the Church". The emperor Theodosius backed Nestorius's supporters, temporarily revoked the rulings of the Council of Ephesus, and had Cyril arrested.

Cyril eventually escaped by bribing Theodosius' s courier, and sent a mob to surround Theodosius's palace and shout verbal abuse. This basically made Theodosius back down. Have to say, looking at all this, that while i think Cyril's Orthodoxy is spot on, and his writings are very helpful theologically, he personality is one i would not wanna emulate. He was arrogant, authoritarian and short tempered. I think Theodosius put well by calling him a "Proud Pharaoh", although his writings are theologically sound............
Six answers:
Tatty Tails
2012-03-21 18:12:26 UTC
He was not a Christian by bible definition. In fact there is a few bible references to explain exactly what he was:

(Titus 1:11) It is necessary to shut the mouths of these, as these very men keep on subverting entire households by teaching things they ought not for the sake of dishonest gain.

(2 Peter 2:3) Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. But as for them, the judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering.

(Jude 4) My reason is that certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment, ungodly men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.

see also Mt 7:21-23


He was one of the most controversial figures among Church Fathers. Cyril of Alexandria lived ce. 375-444 C.E.. Church historian Hans von Campenhausen describes him as “dogmatic, violent, and cunning, permeated by the greatness of his calling and the dignity of his office,” and adds that “he never considered anything as right unless it was useful to him in the furtherance of his power and authority . . . The brutality and unscrupulousness of his methods never depressed him.” While he was bishop of Alexandria, Cyril used bribery, libel, and slander in order to depose the bishop of Constantinople. He is considered responsible for the brutal murder in 415 C.E. of a renowned philosopher named Hypatia. Regarding Cyril’s theological writings, Campenhausen says: “He initiated the practice of deciding questions of belief not solely on the basis of the Bible but with the aid of appropriate quotations and collections of quotations from acknowledged authorities.”

This is a perfect example of a false teacher who with greedy motives, subverted the faith of others. But this example is a warning to use today of what can happen if we don't keep spiritually alert and awake.

Selfish desire motivates false teachers, as is emphasized by the rendering in The Jerusalem Bible: “They will eagerly try to buy you for themselves with insidious speeches.” Similarly, James Moffatt’s translation here says: “In their lust they will exploit you with cunning arguments.” (2 Peter 2:1, 3) The mouthings of false teachers may seem plausible to one who is not spiritually alert, but their words are carefully designed “to buy” people, seducing them into serving the deceivers’ selfish purposes.

One Bible scholar noted that “there were those in the Church who perverted the doctrine of grace,” or “undeserved kindness.” (Ephesians 1:5-7) According to him, the argument of some went like this: “Do you say that God’s [undeserved kindness] is wide enough to cover every sin? . . . Then let us go on sinning, for God’s [undeserved kindness] can wipe out every sin. In fact the more we sin the more chances God’s [undeserved kindness] will get to operate.” Have you ever heard more twisted reasoning than that?

It is through diligent study of God's word that we can immediately see when a person is a false teacher/prophet and twisting Christian teachings. The apostle Paul countered wrong thinking about God’s mercy when he asked: “Shall we continue in sin, that undeserved kindness may abound?” He also inquired: “Shall we commit a sin because we are not under law but under undeserved kindness?” To each question Paul answered emphatically: “Never may that happen!” (Romans 6:1, 2, 15) Clearly, as Jude observes, certain ones were “turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct.” However, Peter notes that for such ones ‘destruction is not slumbering.’—Jude 4; 2 Peter 2:3.

Needless to say, these scriptures clearly show that he will be judged, even if it appears he has gotten away with it now. Acts 24:15
2012-03-22 00:55:48 UTC
Had they just read and studied the Traditional Texts, from the Koine Greek Texts and not the already corrupt Old Latin Version, and the Codexes Sinaiticus and Alexandrius there wouldn't have been such a silly argument in the first place!
Tom G
2012-03-22 00:59:24 UTC
I don't think Cyril embodies Christian values, and that is the most defining feature that sticks out to me. His writings may have been 'sound' at best, but he was certainly not fit to be one of the figureheads of an organisation which centres around morality and goodness.
Ya’AzanYâ´hu Brandon
2012-03-22 01:01:33 UTC
The name of our faith is "The Way of Yâ-hwéh (Dérekh Yâ-hwéh)", and it is the original faith all of scripture speaks of, from Genesis 18: 19 onward throughout the Post-advent Scriptures. Most know Yâhuwshúa` said He is the Way. He is Who called it this in Genesis 18: 19:

"Shall I hide from ’Avrâhâ´m what I am doing? And ’Avrâhâ´m shall surely become a great and powerful nation, and through him shall all of the heathen masses of the earth be blessed, because I chose him in order that he will direct his sons and his house after him so they will keep The Way of Yâ-hwéh (Dérekh Yâ-hwéh) to do righteousness and justice so that Yâ-hweh will bring on ’Avrâhâ´m what He promised to him!"

The name Yâ-hwéh applies to both of His parts called "the Father" and "the Son", because Yâ-hwéh is both His eternal Force AND His mighty Person (Romans 1:20). This is because the "Father" is the Greatness that is from the Son (Yâhuwchânân 14:26). The "Father" is the Son's own Power (He called Him ’Ëlíy, "My Power" and never once called Him the plural form ’Elohíym (’Eloháy)). Understand that no man has seen "the Father", but multiple people have seen Yâ-hwéh! Who did they see? "The Son". Moshéh asked Yâ-hwéh "show me your Kâvówth (Honor, Worth)", referring to "the Father". But he was only allowed to see the afterglow after He transitioned It in front of him

Most people who ask us this question are those who think only the "Father" is Yâ-hwéh, and reckon the "Son" as non-preexisting and only "a" son, thinking everyone must fulfill the Old Covenant ourselves just like He did, not believing in the New Covenant at all, calling it a "renewed " covenant of the Old. Let's explain what wasn't understood by the pastors: the only begotten Son of the Mighty One was given life by the mother that is the Old Covenant. He is the only begotten Son because everyone else was still-birthed by her. For Whoever fulfilled the Old Covenant, even if they should die, He would live; this explains His resurrection. And then He Himself was given up to be covenanted for us in a New Covenant, not a renewed old one. Let the liars be confronted for their lie, who call this a translation mistake.

Cyril was right

Even the Ya`aqov "Yehuwdím" Phrushíym knew of this name for the true persuasion (faith), as is evidenced here in Luwqa' 20:21, where they were trying to fool Yâhuwshúa`:

21. And they questioned Him, saying:

“Instructor, we discern that You speak and instruct correctly, and You do not accept anyone's aspect, rather, You teach the Way of 'Elówahh [the Mighty Being]in Truth!

22. Is it lawful for us to give taxes to Kæ´sar, or not?”

The Way of Yâ-hwéh is the true name of our faith, and is found mentioned throughout both preadvent and postadvent scripture. The followers of Yâhuwshúa` were called this, for example in the book of Deeds ("Acts") 9:2, where Shâ`úwl did persecute those of The Way. So this faith is the same belief as the faith of ’Avrâhâ´m, according to scripture.
2012-03-22 00:51:03 UTC
That it's a Church
On the Border
2012-03-23 11:35:25 UTC
They probably think he was a saint.... like every other butcher and psycho who supported their cause.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.