Questions about the Christian God?
2011-03-28 03:32:49 UTC
Ok, so I consider myself somewhat agnostic, but I pretty much have my own beliefs that don't follow a certain religion - a mix of a lot of them. I was raised in a Christian family, though. I have a friend who is a hardcore Christian, and tells me if I have any questions about God or the religion I could ask her (she wants me to be Christian, like she'll be my friend if I'm not, but she just thinks it would change my life or something). I would ask her these questions (Ok, so I still haven't gotten over the whole if I'm not a Christian will I go to hell? thing, which makes me more curious about the religion), but I don't want her to find them offensive. They could definitely be taken that way, and I mean no offense to anyone on here. And please answer my questions, I'm not trying to make a point, I really want to know.

1. If God loves all of His children (I'm assuming that means everyone on Earth) then why are there starving kids in Africa who die every six seconds?

2. If God loves all of His children, then why even create sins? If He hadn't created sins, no one could do wrong, thus meaning no one would go to hell. Why would He send people to a place as horrible as hell if He loves everyone? Just seems like He's playing a game or something?

3. Why does God seem so desperate for attention (NO OFFENSE INTENDED!! I'M JUST WORDING IT THE WAY I'M THINKING IT)? I mean, all this If you don't believe in Me, you're gonna go to hell and Spread the word about Me if you wanna go to Heaven and Everyone must know about Me?

4. My Grandma (hardcore Christian) said when the world ends and Jesus comes down, those who are Christian will go to Heaven and those who are not will go to hell. Does that include little children all over the world who hadn't been introduced to Christianity yet, therefore unable to convert themselves even if they would have wanted to?

Nineteen answers:
2011-03-28 04:06:33 UTC
Because you have multiple questions which cannot be answered in a few pithy statements, I suggest you visit;

for an interesting video, see:
Carter Boy
2011-03-28 03:43:17 UTC
1. If God loves all of His children (I'm assuming that means everyone on Earth) then why are there starving kids in Africa who die every six seconds?

you must believe, have faith, and trust God before you can become a child of his. the bad things that happen to people are because of people and selfishness, not God but sin has ruined the eath and all that dwell in it

2. If God loves all of His children, then why even create sins? If He hadn't created sins, no one could do wrong, thus meaning no one would go to hell. Why would He send people to a place as horrible as hell if He loves everyone? Just seems like He's playing a game or something?

God did not create sin, sin came about from satan in the garden of eden. God's judgement is against sin, so if God condemns sin and you hold on to your sins until you die you are destroyed with your sin

3. Why does God seem so desperate for attention (NO OFFENSE INTENDED!! I'M JUST WORDING IT THE WAY I'M THINKING IT)? I mean, all this If you don't believe in Me, you're gonna go to hell and Spread the word about Me if you wanna go to Heaven and Everyone must know about Me?

God does not need attention. before anything was created God is. the reason we must believe in God is because Jesus died and payed the debt for our sins. we should all die and go to hell because of our sins, but sent his son to die in our place and the only way to stay out of hell is to believe that is what he did and repent

4. My Grandma (hardcore Christian) said when the world ends and Jesus comes down, those who are Christian will go to Heaven and those who are not will go to hell. Does that include little children all over the world who hadn't been introduced to Christianity yet, therefore unable to convert themselves even if they would have wanted to?

no, God is a righteous Judge, those who have never heard of Jesus will be judged by the law he has written in the heart of every man and woman
2011-03-28 03:48:21 UTC
1. There are starving kids in africa because they live wher food don't grow. Many of them even worship cows and have them running free right beside their starving kids. They are all products of many bad decisions man have made throughout time.

2. God didn't create sin. He offered it, and adam/eve took it. Just like any other person throughout time would have. Satan is why there is a hell. He is why man sinned. If it wasn't for God's top angel turning against him, there would be no evil.

3. Desperate for attention? Your pretty conceded with that idea huh? Think for a minute just how vast the universe is. How many different creations do you think it all could contain? You think for one second God needs any of us? Hell NO! However he did create us. Why? So we can enjoy what he has. Life. Him sending you to hell? That is a warning to us. Live right or suffer the fate of betrayers like satan. Better listen to that. Only way you will know right from wrong is to seek him to guide you.

4. Jesus said even in death you shall know me. That was someone who died before he met Jesus. He had no chance to meet Jesus but he wanted to. So that guy got a second chance. So I would say it all is more fair than it seems. However, someone who knows about Jesus but denies him on earth? Jesus said I will deny you at my fathers gates in Heaven.
2011-03-28 04:15:43 UTC
1. The poverty and the deaths of diseases in Africa are the consequence of the government's stupidity, wars, political conflicts, the backward economy, the low education...They are all faults of human, not God's, right?

2. I can say immediately to you that God NEVER creats sins for human.I dont say about what is mentioned in Genesis, but everything from God is fine, it is the nature of Him.Sins just appears whenever human refuse God and what is from Him .God doesn't tell human make sins at all.. Hell or Heaven is your choice absolutely , not by God's dicision.

3. You can refuse God and do good things for people? Maybe, but that situation won't last forever. I admit that there are some Atheists are good guys, but their goodness is limitted by the ambition, quite nature of human. When they face to challenges in life, who can make sure that they won't collapse and become bad ones? In these difficult moments, God is a great courage and motivate helping them overcome. You are so. If you are good person, you'll see that you God is necessary for your life and others' life.

4. I think you Granmother is wrong. Exactly it is the truth that unimproved bad people will go to hell and good people go to Heaven. God doesnt discriminate us by religions, but by our deed we did in lifetimes. In other religions, there are still many good people and not all Christians are good ones.
Dr. Eric vonAnderseck
2011-03-28 04:50:46 UTC
1. If God loves all of His children (I'm assuming that means everyone on Earth) then why are there starving kids in Africa who die every six seconds?

A. To tackle topics beyond our scope of experience is folly (an act not profitable), nevertheless to solace the appetite slightly I will address you. The Wisdom of God is resisted by sinners and replaced with the aspirations of man to resolve these many issues by focusing on good works apart from His covenant. When adamites (humans) seek to do these things they affront God and charge Him with folly as being uncaring and distant. With the God perspective we see many generations of transgression and iniquity upon iniquity. Smiting one nation by another in war, sending famine to upset economics making poorer the poor and struggling, and then sending diseases to reduce the boast of sinners is a long held practice of God. God is holy and sets judgments in the earth to reflect His equity. Satan inflames the imagination of sinners against God to provoke God to anger. God does not afflict the righteous as the wicked but to educate the ignorant to turn to Him, seeking His mercy and taking the chastisement . When sinners use the values of their own aspirations to define righteousness, then they are compelled to defend that perspective to protect themselves. Sinners use social standards and laws for their conscience and so will free themselves to act in that manner. But God’s holiness has not changed and every soul is measured on His scales not the scales of society or religions.

There are a number of factors involved where God weighs the judgments. First the signature where race, time of birth, time of death, etc are set, then the parents and the number of generations that were not in covenant. Also the present behaviour (good or bad) is considered. Then God can bridge the signature to evil by either extending the life or cutting it short by a group curse. Then the common break down of the body because of the presence of death where everybody is affected to some degree. Usually the common tools God uses are war, famine and pestilence. Walk in the fear of God and escape the great tribulation where 2 billion people will perish in the first year.

2. If God loves all of His children, then why even create sins?

A. The plan of God required contradiction to test faith and reward the choices.

Q 2.If He hadn't created sins, no one could do wrong, thus meaning no one would go to hell. Why would He send people to a place as horrible as hell if He loves everyone? Just seems like He's playing a game or something?

A. When watching sports apart of understanding the rules we shout at the umpire saying “the um is blind”, and so sinners not understanding the rules of God’s kingdom shout the same thing, “God is unjust”. It is important to please God by hearing the gospel and walking by faith in covenant.

3. Why does God seem so desperate for attention (NO OFFENSE INTENDED!! I'M JUST WORDING IT

THE WAY I'M THINKING IT)? I mean, all this If you don't believe in Me, you're gonna go to hell and Spread the word about Me if you wanna go to Heaven and Everyone must know about Me?

A. The gospel has been preached throughout the ages to all the world, even before the flood it was Methuselah who evangelized the world and after the flood it was Noah, Abraham, Moses and the Levites, and the days of Solomon , the prophets, and the gospel of the apostles. Each generation hears it but Satan provides the options to those that do not believe the Report.

4. My Grandma (hardcore Christian) said when the world ends and Jesus comes down, those who are Christian will go to Heaven and those who are not will go to hell. Does that include little children all over the world who hadn't been introduced to Christianity yet, therefore unable to convert themselves even if they would have wanted to?

A. When you come into the covenant of Christ, we have lessons and videos that address these issues. We do have the answers that you seek about the little children.

Why am I here…

Do you Know Jesus

Return to God


The Antichrist Code



God’s Timeline

Covenant Faith part 1

Covenant faith part 2
2011-03-28 03:44:45 UTC
Are you looking for someone to answer these or give you permission to ask your friend these?

I'm not christian (any more) but I have answers to these questions, since I've wondered them myself.

1. It has been explained to me by a pastor that the evil of the parents is punished in children and since the african people turned their backs on god at the tower of babel he has turned his back on them.

(personally not sure I buy that explanation)

2. The christian god is young and a bit of a self centred control freak, like a lot of young boys.

it's the old "you'll do what I say or else" game and he gets away with it because he can.

3. for starters. re-read #2.

4. Heaven and hell are ONLY for people who follow that god. I have no intention of going to either place because I follow other deities and they have designated other regions for their followers. and Honestly, who in their right mind would want to follow a god who would torture the innocent?

I wish you luck. anything else I can help you with in this area, feel free to contact me.
Angry Candy
2011-03-28 03:40:22 UTC
You are all over the place. Apparently, you haven't read the bible in context. While you complain that people are starving in Africa, they deprive themselves of biblical reasoning and worship pagan gods. They didn't ask for our help. And, it is important to remember that Christians do not work for salvation. Our works, from the homeless guy on the street to the pope, cannot please God.
2011-03-29 12:18:20 UTC
In short, not everyone is God's children. The Bible says he only had ONE begotton son, and through Him we are all adopted ONLY if we chose. The entire reason death itself exist is a result of sin as Paul said, through one man sin entered the world, but also says the second Adam, (Christ) We now have eternal life. Kids dying in Africa are a result of the world and its greed. Everything revolves around money, kids in Africa have no money so it equals no food for them. Its OUR responsibility to work on the Earth, not God's. The Bible says He gave it to us to take care of. If my parents bought me a car and gave it to me and I wrecked it, I can't blame a wrecked car on my parents and say, Because the title is under your name its your fault. That would be illogical. And lastly about Hell. Well to be honest....Hell is a TOTAL seperation from God as said in the book of Revelation. So any athiest who wants absolutely NOTHING to do with God...well...Id say its VERY fair of God to allow them to ( no pun intended) Go to hell. Thanks for the quesitons bro. God bless
2016-10-03 13:34:27 UTC
God isn't everywhere he lives in heaven above and previous the universe, even nonetheless he sees, hears, and senses everywhere throughout the time of his creation. He may additionally attain everywhere from heaven. God did no longer create the devil, and he's not a Christian. purely as a mom does no longer supply delivery to a assassin, so too God did no longer create the devil. in basic terms a new child will become a assassin in time of his or her very own loose will, so too, a stable angel that God created grew to alter into the devil. Now he's a nasty, evil and depraved angel. God knew the place they have been he purely needed them to bare themselves of their very very own loose will, purely as a human discern might do at cases with their new child, nonetheless they be attentive to the place they're. The devil exchange into no longer actually a newly created angel, purely the angel that grew to become undesirable and has when you consider that been renamed in accordance to his undesirable direction. devil lied, God did no longer. Adam and Eve did die spiritually that day and interior of one thousand years they the two died actually. they did no longer needless to say exchange into like God, God does no longer die. in the event that they extremely knew, like God what exchange into stable and undesirable, they does no longer have died. the stable angel that God created grew to alter into the devil and devil after he grew to alter into corrupt. The angels unique call exchange into no longer devil and has been banished from existence because of the fact he isn't any longer as he as quickly as exchange into. contained in the top the devil himself will additionally be destroyed out of existence. God did no longer use the evil angel to objective people, he used the easy try of the forbidden fruit. The evil angel purely took earnings of the placement to attraction to Adam, by using Eve, to disobey God. God does no longer use evil to objective or try his creatures.
2011-03-29 10:52:57 UTC
1. Free will. God does not interfere with that. If you feel for them help them.

2. Man created the sins.

3. If you found the cure to cancer, would you keep it to yourself?

4.God is the judge.
2011-03-28 03:41:51 UTC
On the contrary Happyface, It sure looks like Jamari gave a real serious answer.
2011-03-28 03:38:44 UTC
I would recommend you read and study the Bible. Start with gospel of John. Sincerely ask God to reveal the truth to you and He will.
2011-03-28 03:58:34 UTC

1. GOD does love all of his children thats why 2000 years ago when Jesus came down to the earth he sacrificed himself on the cross for us and shed his flesh and blood in which we could have life. God gave us free will on this earth but we all suffer (some worse than others) because we are all sinners and sinned against god in heaven, we are destined to go to hell but instead god gave us a chance on this earth to show him we are worthy to enter heaven again.

2. As i said below there is a prophecy in the bible which shows us that every one on this earth used to be in heaven and satan used to be in heaven. Satan got greedy and decided to try and take gods throne and he targeted gods children in the kingdom and we went against god and disobeyed him. Thus we were sent down to the earth with satan as you probably already know. We should of been sent straight to hell and destined to die but god loved us so much he sent us to the earth instead to give us another chance to show him were worthy to enter kingdom of heaven. Actually god didnt 'create' sins. thats stupid. however he did know we were going to sin and by this; by him casting us unto the earth we can be made perfect and show god if we are actually really worthy to be in heaven. This is hard to understand but i hope i gave you some understanding.

3. God isn't desperate for attention, but think about it; we sinned against god really bad and then he sent us to the earth instead of sending us immediately to hell to have a second chance. to see if we are worthy of heaven. is he going to let us come to heaven if we have heard his word and are not believing in him who created us and gave us life and living sinful on the earth? because i definately wouldnt. He isnt self-seeking atall. you obviously don't really know god and are probably far from him thats why you think like this. He is only trying hard for us to get back to heaven and to save our souls.

4. What your grandma said isnt exactly true. God will only save his true worshippers; he isnt going to save just who-ever believes in Jesus tbh. God prophecied that after The apostles death his truth of the bible will be abolished until the last age (which is now) Jesus said he will come again in the flesh and bring back the truth of the bible. All christian denominations are wrong today. GOD said everyone will worship the beast on the earth immediately except for the church established by the root of david.(revelation 5) so only he who worships the god and in the church that the root of david established will be saved because he has true interpretations as the whole truth of god was abolished. Roman catholic and the offsprings - church of england, pentacostal, evanglican etc are all untrue. they worship false idols :( these are the people god said worship the beast so we cant be saved through these churches as they have rules that are rules taught by men. So when Jesus does come he will only save those who have the seal of god (who dont worship the beast) that is everyone who goes to the church established by the root of david.( I myself found the church established by the root of david, they keep all the truths and commands of god and any single question about the bible or god you have they can answer in-depth) And god said every single person on the earth will hear his truth(the real truth from the root of david) thats why my church have spread to every country across the world now, god said men will be without excuse whether they accepted or rejected his church they are without excuse because they all would of had the chance to hear about it. (even your hearing about this truth now)

i hope i gave you some understanding about these questions even though i study the bible i havnt been great about explaining this stuff but i really hope you can find the church of god established by the root of david where ever you live. Please visit this website of my church - the church of god - and you can find more information. GOD BLESS YOU!XX
2011-03-28 03:34:59 UTC
Literalism destroys the core of christianity
2011-03-28 03:45:22 UTC
God loves all.
2011-03-28 03:49:22 UTC
Your grandma is just repeating what she heard from others before her said. They could not produce any proofs.

When the world ends, no one is coming down or going up.The tribulation will be so great that no one could save himself, let alone saving others.
2011-03-28 04:37:11 UTC
Absolutely NO offense taken!

It was these same issues that got me started asking questions, too!

And, was I ever *relieved* to find out the Bible's OWN answers!

Let me share them with you:

The teaching of hellfire / 'eternal torment' is of *pagan* (rather than Scriptural) origin:

“Much confusion and misunderstanding has been caused through the early translators of the Bible persistently rendering the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades and Gehenna by the word hell. The simple transliteration of these words by the translators of the revised editions of the Bible has not sufficed to appreciably clear up this confusion and misconception.”—The Encyclopedia Americana (1942), Vol. XIV, p. 81.

The word 'hell' was coined long after the Bible canon had been closed . . .

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, unabridged, under “Hell” says:

“fr[om] . . . helan to conceal.” The word “hell” thus originally conveyed no thought of heat or torment but simply of a ‘covered over or concealed place.’ In the old English dialect the expression “helling potatoes” meant, not to roast them, but simply to place the potatoes in the ground or in a cellar.

So, in actuality, both 'Sheol' and 'Hades' simply mean 'the common grave of mankind',

which you might find more easily understood by reading the 'Hell' articles in 'Sources'.

Q #2.

God did NOT create sin, as noted at John 8:44 . . .

". . . The Devil . . . was a man-slayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because *truth is not in him*. When he speaks the lie, he speaks *according to his own disposition*, because *he is a liar and the father of the lie*.

When a parent tells a child not to steal, and provides everything the child needs, yet the child goes ahead & steals, it is *not* the parent's fault. When the owner of a company is honest, but some employees are dishonest, and lie & cheat---either for or against the company---without the owner's knowledge . . . the owner is *not* a sharer in the dishonesty off those employees. Likewise, our Creator does *not* share the blame for any sin!

The Devil began when he decided to rebel against God.

Before that he had been one of God's perfect angelic creations.

('Satan' means 'resister'; 'Devil' means 'slanderer')

Q #3.

There are actual legal issues involved. The issues must be taken care of in such a way that the issues are *perfectly & absolutely* settled, in order for the effects to be absolutely permanent and prevent the problems we see today from ever happening again: (see 'Sources')

We must align ourselves with God's everlasting purpose,

in order to live as he originally intended, as perfect creatures in a perfect environment:

"As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong,

But *the earth* he has given to the sons of men." ---Psalms 115:16

". . . The meek . . . as heirs shall obtain possession of *the earth*."---Matthew 5:5

". . . And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."---Psalms 37:9-11

"The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us."---Psalms 67:6

"And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance . . ."---Isaiah 65:21, 23

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth,

And they will reside *forever* upon it."---Psalm 37:28,29

Yes, *some* are reassigned to live in heaven, but only those who will rule alongside Christ over the earth & mankind, to bring them to perfection. This is explained with related Scriptures in the 2cnd 'Soure' article.

Q #4.

When Jesus first returns, that is when the sign that he gave his followers starts to occur. It continues throughout his presence, a time period before Armageddon, during which time he gathers people out of the nations by having his followers search out those who want to learn about God & how to serve him, & they then teach them. ALSO, after Armageddon will occur the resurrection of all those in the memorial tombs, the vast majority of whom will need to learn these same things. These will be given opportunity to learn during the 1,000 year reign of God's kingdom over the earth. THE---after everyone is fully educated---will occur the Judgment Day:

"Judgment Day---What Is It?"

The churches teach their various church beliefs. However, only what the Bible itself teaches is what you will find in the publications whose links are in my answer above. They are full of links to the very Bible verses where the teachings are found in God's Word. I invite you to research them well, because your friend will likely not agree with many---if any---of them. . .

2011-03-28 03:59:54 UTC
This, I got to see.
2011-03-28 03:34:38 UTC
You won't find serious answers here, seriously.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.