May I Ask You Christians A Question Or Two?
2009-03-05 16:11:37 UTC
When you say things such as, "God speaks to me every day" and "God advises me" -- do you hear an actual voice in your head or do you make something out of nothing and just pretend that He talks to you?

Would you say that the voice of God and your conscience are the same thing or not?

Have you ever considered -- and I am not trying to be condescending here -- that it may just be your own voice in your own head? Would you say that schizophrenics have multiple gods in their heads? Why is one voice God and another just a voice? Because you say so? Because you get all tingly when God talks to you but scared when another voice speaks to you?

This is an honest question.
37 answers:
Oscar Wilde:evil at its best
2009-03-05 16:14:36 UTC
Haha, LOVE IT.
2009-03-05 16:26:40 UTC
Because I'm getting confirmed in a few weeks, I'm trying to learn as much about my faith as I can. Here's my best answer:

When God "speaks" to people, it's not so much verbally, or even out loud. I guess it's different for everyone, but I find that you notice more instances that God speaks to you in retrospect, if that makes any sense. For instance, when you think back on a situation that could have ended up terribly wrong and some random impulse or thought made you think differently than you normally would, or when you're in a really difficult period in your life and you don't give up because of some unnameable force? To me, these are God in my life. I mean, unless you're a saint or really cloes to Him, God doesn't just smack you on the head with holy water, at least as far as I know. I believe just going somewhere quiet once a day and basically meditating (even if it's just 15 minutes before bed), and just go over your day in your mind, you'll find instances like that. I hope this helps... :)
The Former Dr. Bob
2009-03-05 16:24:19 UTC
As a student working on a Master's in Psychology, I can assure you that schizophrenia (in its many forms) is not anything like when religious people say that God speaks to them or guides them.

As a Christian, I can tell you that seeking God's will in prayer does a lot to change me and the way I think. After much (6 mos.) prayer about a career move, I suddenly had a sense that I shouldn't be considering that career move at all, and instead should be doing something else. Three different people (one atheist friend, one co-worker, and a total stranger) all suggested to me within the same week that I ought to be doing something else with myself. They all three suggested the same career. It was like I'd been blind to the possibility the whole time, until they said it.

After 16 years of climbing the corporate ladder, I walked away from a great job with a great salary to make a lot less money. I'm completely convinced it was God's leading for me to do it. Everything except the money has been better -- quality of life, stress level, family time, etc.

God speaks to me that way a lot, as long as I'm seeking his will for my life. It's almost never that dramatic. Usually it's in the form of a feeling, or an open opportunity, or a sudden desire to get involved in something. There's nothing especially supernatural about it.

I'd even suspect that if you were with me 24 hours a day, you'd suggest that it's nothing, that I'm just responding to my own desires.
2009-03-05 16:25:46 UTC
There isn't an actual voice, at least for me. I ask Him questions or for His help, and in random ways, the answers come to me. I've had periods of time where I haven't prayed as much or questioned things, and surely enough my life was a hundred times more hectic. It might not make sense to you, and that's fair to say, but in my opinion your lack of belief doesn't make sense to me. We are entitled to our opinions.

"Would you say that schizophrenics have multiple gods in their heads?"

- Ignorant question. Really that one was uncalled for.

"Why is one voice God and another just a voice? Because you say so? Because you get all tingly when God talks to you but scared when another voice speaks to you?"

- It's obvious. When the "other voice" is pushing you to do something negative, bad, etc. you know it's not God, but when the answer you're receiving is positive or good, you can trust that it is God.

It's all in your heart. Sometimes you have to let your heart rationalize rather than your brain. It takes a stronger person. That is for sure.
2009-03-05 16:24:21 UTC
When I believed in the Christian God years ago, I never heard a voice. Logically, however, I assumed that other Christians must refer to the voice of God as events in our lives, For example, if I did terribly on a test or something like that, I supposed it could be a sign of communication from God that I had done something wrong.

I never really believed in that sort of communication though. It might as well have been a circumstantial sign from Satan or the Easter Bunny, and I realized that most other Christians just saw things in their lives as messages from God, hoping to see answers when they had none.
2016-10-14 09:54:32 UTC
it relatively is tough isn't it? i'd say that doctrinally there could be a branch between particular denominations, yet spiritually they're united. the transformations can look very minor, yet while those transformations are utilized by potential of unscrupulous human beings for political/earthly benefit or to accomplish another injustice... nicely it quite is while issues get grotesque. Christians, no count number what denomination, have and could succumb to temptation at situations. yet purely to characteristic some attitude... even the early church had what could be seen denominational squabbles. look at Acts 13 and 14, the place Barnabas and Saul (who turns into Paul) are the Christian dynamic duo - healing, coaching, changing Jews and Gentiles left and precise. secure to assert, those adult adult males are tight and that they have a reliable relationship with God - yet come Acts 15:36 and that that they had a "sharp" conflict of words and went their separate techniques - united in Spirit, yet they nevertheless had a intense spat and that they necessary their time aside. i like to think of the denomination squabbles which you point out are lots like that, purely on a bigger scale
2009-03-05 16:35:21 UTC
I hear God through my soul. I do not get all tingly, or swing off the chandelier. Prayer is just having a conversation, a two way exchange.

Prayer can be divided into vocal, silent, Meditation, Contemplation, and lastly, Dark night of the soul. I can assure you that I am not schizophrenic, nor do I have delusions. I am a realist. I am not, nor do I pretend that I am more intelligent than my Creator. Now we come to the soul. You may argue that you have never seen a soul, I have never seen a pain, but I know pain exists. Even a doctor who operates upon a person has never seen the pain.
2009-03-05 16:20:36 UTC
It's more a feeling than an actual voice. I would worry about someone who said it's an actual voice in their head.

I know the difference, since my Bipolar Disorder sometimes does cause me to hear voices, but these are certainly not the voice of God, just a sign that my medications need adjusting. I can tell that these voices are not the voice of God because they are not God honoring and they encourage me to harm myself, which is something my God would never do.

Good question.
Nathaly M
2009-03-05 16:21:52 UTC
when i tell people that God hears me, and that He answers me, it's not just something that i made up. and i know that it isn't just a voice that i created in my head. God has proven to me many times that He hears me, and feels me. He understands what I am going through and He makes it right again because He loves me. And yes i can say that maybe my conscience is God. maybe that's true, maybe it isn't. But would we really be here if it wasn't for Him? I mean honestly, do people really believe we came from evolution? you have gotta be kidding me, God gave everyone a good useful brain, and i think that it is time that people started using them.
Natal Shark
2009-03-05 16:21:57 UTC
I don't really hear an actual "voice", like someone talking to me. It's a strange feeling I can't describe very well, sorry. But I can tell you that it's hard to believe that millions of people who claim to hear God are all delusional.

I think you have to really have faith in God in order to hear Him. You have to believe with your heart. You can't run a test on God like He's some science project.
2009-03-05 17:53:24 UTC
God speaks to most Christian people through visions, dreams and events in their lives. It is not a direct "audible" voice. Ofcourse, there IS what's called the inner voice of reason. That voice in our head that says "go help that old man over here pull a shopping cart out from the rest of the shopping cart rack" or "go hold the door for that old lady over there". That's the voice of God. Or when we are tempted to steal money from somewhere and this inner voice says "don't do it", that's the voice of God. Or if we pray rather or not a person we're dating is the right one for us or not and we say "if this person is right for me, according to your divine will, make this work out and if not, then not" and it ends up not working out, then we "Christians" will often say to others "the Lord spoke to me and told me that this person was not the one for me". Ofcourse, we don't mean that LITERALLY, we mean it more FIGURATIVELY. Make sense? :)
2009-03-07 05:18:53 UTC
Pure Gold Joey.
2009-03-05 16:20:55 UTC
God speaks in many ways, whether it is an epiphany at the exact time that we need it; a moment of clarity that points us in the position that we need to be at in a faith walk with Christ, and sometimes he speaks through others such as a pastor, fellow Christian, or others who may or may not be Christian as God uses everyone to His purposes (even Atheists).

The most important way is through his word via the Holy Bible!
2009-03-05 16:15:38 UTC
There are other methods of communication besides verbal. I find most Christians attribute an implied communication with God based on the serendipitous nature of their circumstances.
2009-03-05 16:27:24 UTC
God talks to you in spirit and mind. You need to develop that element, it comes with time. Yes, it can make you look NUTS.

I hate to be walking through life without god speaking to me for guidance.

Please, just for humanity, don't be a leader or a parent. We already have unwise adults in this world without higher understanding and they have kids. Just ask where can I get that education. You pray and ask God and WAIT. It will come, just ask and ask.
2009-03-05 16:21:16 UTC
I hear voices from inside and from outside. I trust what I hear more than the voices that drive other people, especially ones who question anothers faith. I would prefer to be schizophrenic than submerse myself in liberal doctrine, which bleads from your questions. Try respecting others beliefs and have a nice night.
mark h
2009-03-05 16:22:22 UTC
Honestly, I am a horrible selfish depraved undependable man.

I am so thoroughly convinced of this fact that whenever I am prompted to do good, I know that it is God, not me.

Hope that helps.
2009-03-05 16:18:07 UTC
Repeated concentration on one question will bring about a solution that seems divinely inspired. And this is simply because of the exorbitant energy dedictaed to the problem.

When hungry eat

When thirsty drink

When sleepy sleep
2009-03-05 16:26:45 UTC
i think that if anyone hears any voices they have a mental disorder.

regardless of whether they practice a religion or not
2009-03-05 16:19:37 UTC
sometimes you hear a voice or sometimes god reveals things to you like sometimes you just know and that it came from him.

i do NOT pretend that he talks to me

conscience- the sense of right and wrong thing- those feelings come from god.

its not my own voice. when you hear his voice enough you know what it sounds like it becomes familiar to you

schizophrenics have issues. there is not multiple gods.

there is one true god and that is Jesus Christ.

Why is one voice god and not another? like i said, when you hear his voice enough you know what it sounds like. you know when it is god. its hard to explain but when you really have a relationship with god you know. there are some things that you may get in your head that you wouldnt normally think of it just pops in and you know that its god.
2009-03-05 16:21:10 UTC
Obviously this is a rant and any answer would not be good enough for you. Perhaps when you are sincere with your questions you may get an answer that could actually help you. If you actually seek out God then you can get your answer yourself. And then you will see how foolish your past questions have been.
2009-03-05 16:20:21 UTC
I don't say that God speaks to me. That does seem weird, why would you need God talking to you when you can just read Scripture?
2009-03-05 16:16:22 UTC
I've been asked this question before and it's very difficult to answer, because it's hard to describe what I interpret as the "leading" of the holy spirit. Sometimes it's a thought, but I know it didn't originate with me. Sometimes He just "shows" me something. Do you know what it means when someone says, "I saw it in my mind's eye"? It's like you see it, almost like a situation or picture in your mind, and you know it's God showing it to you.

How do I know? I've studied the bible for a very long time. I am able to discern His leading. Whatever He says, it's always to glorify Himself, never to glorify me, it's always to do something righteous, never selfish, and it always is in line with His written word.
2009-03-05 16:22:13 UTC
Is anyone else creeped out by that David H guy saying "lol"?
2009-03-05 16:16:23 UTC
It's the believer having a conversation with themself ... nothing more.

They also have a tendency to look for signs everywhere they go and claim it's God speaking to them.
Tyler(Does Your Mom)
2009-03-05 16:15:42 UTC
you're being too literal. not speak to you actually, but say your in a car and hear a song played at you grandmother's funeral. god has just spoke to you and said your grandmother is doing great.


does it matter anyway what we say. your gonna try to come up with an excuse, you aren't really paying attention.
2009-03-05 16:15:27 UTC
When they hear a 'voice' it's more of guidance. Like you're hungery. You get it to. Like say you're in a fight and you get this feeling "dude don't hit him," they'd attribute that to god.
2009-03-05 16:17:23 UTC
NO..When you ponder over something..Who dod you hear in your head who gives you the answer?
2009-03-05 16:15:35 UTC
God speaks primarily in His Word the Holy Bible

He also speaks to our hearts. Most of us don't hear voices dear.

Jhn 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Jhn 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

Jhn 10:29 My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand.

Jhn 10:30 I and [my] Father are one.
2009-03-05 16:15:46 UTC
James that..your set.

after you read Luke 11:1-13

your in get real quite and listen to your heart..not your ears...don't have any expectations...just listen.
2009-03-05 16:19:32 UTC
Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

This is the main way we can hear God.

One other note, I believe that it's mostly atheists giving me a bad rating.
2009-03-05 16:17:25 UTC
i know for a fact that they hear their own voice, being that all 3800+ gods are now and always have been fictional.
2009-03-05 16:16:09 UTC
When GOD speaks believe me YOU KNOW!

Sometimes He speaks actually out loud . . .the first time it saved my life from a head on collision. That was NO figment of my imagination bleieve me!
Sikuli's Blindspots
2009-03-05 16:14:18 UTC
I was an ex-Christian, and I firmly remember my voice. Then came realization.
2009-03-05 16:19:25 UTC

2009-03-05 16:17:31 UTC
Denial, Denial.
Super Kitteh
2009-03-05 16:14:25 UTC
I can recognize the voice of the Spirit. Atheists are spiritually dead and cannot. Atheists renject light and so dwell in deep delusion.

2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.