Christians- I am going to get of this site permanatly, I wish you Christians out there luch on this evil site?
2007-03-14 05:28:55 UTC
I find it too vulgar. I wish you luck. There have been some nice people on here, but some wicked ones too. I hope to see you nice Christians in Heaven one day, and soon the way this world is going. I now realise this is how Satan can get into your mind. Yes computors are addictive. My mother has offered to come over and get rid of it for me. Good idea. I really need to be spending more time with God and his Son Jesus than getting on here and getting hate mail. God will deal with them. Christians I am fortunate I have God on my side. Being on here takes time away from God, and this will not happen. Christians I am hopini g of here permanatly.I have to remember that God said vengance is mine said the Lord I will repay. Christians I may see you sooner that we think in the rapture. Good luck Christians and God bless. Leanne
42 answers:
2007-03-14 12:22:34 UTC
Leanne, I sure am glad that Jesus didn't turn around and run whenever it started getting rough for him. But Jesus did teach truth.

You have emailed me also with words of burning in hell. I really do think that you are Spiritually lost. You are so consumed with condemning every one to hell, that you have lost your way. You feel as if everyone does not believe as you, then they are doomed. I believe in the bible Leanne. I know without a doubt what the translations of the word hell means.

I wish you well in your life. I would love to show you scriptural proof of what I am saying, but one has to want the truth and not be blinded.

People have said some pretty hurtful things on here to you, but I have also dealt with your viper of a mouth. With that being said, I realize it takes two to argue. May you find what ever kind of comfort you are seeking, and may you find truth.
2007-03-16 15:28:35 UTC
Good for you, Leanne. You need to set boundaries and do what is good for yourself no matter what others say. Posting over 500 questions within 5 months is way too much time spent on this site. And if others get under your skin, it's time to withdraw and heal. If you can't be gracious then you are stressed out and need rest.

1. Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,..."

Read some good books, listen to some good music, pursue a better hobby than computer, let God's love envelope you, love those neighbors around you--- and let those on cyberspace keep fighting with each other if they want.
2007-03-14 06:10:34 UTC
Goodbye, Leanne.
~ B_e_K_z ~
2007-03-15 02:27:32 UTC
Thank God! Now i know that there really is a God and i will never doubt my faith again! Leanne is leaving *does happy dance*!
thankyou "iana"
2007-03-14 06:06:35 UTC
Leanne, that is probably what is in your best interest at least at this time.

Like any other addiction or mal adjustment a person is wise who puts that problem away from themselves.

And it is a good idea to have your mom come help you with that. It is a good idea to have some accountability partners to help you sith your control, issues.

Leanne, I really hope you will seriously consider seeing a Christian counselor to help you with your issues... They work with you on a Biblical basis using scripture and truth to help you get on track and stay on track.
2007-03-14 05:33:51 UTC
For those who don't know, Leanne has a mental illness that has caused her to troll Yahoo! Answers. She has a habit of posting fake medical symptoms, apparently because she gets some kind of kick out of saying disgusting things in public, and she routinely makes up stories about atheists attacking her. There is no part of her problem which she is not directly responsible for.

If you click on her name and look at her questions you'll see what I mean. I suggest that you do that - it's pretty revealing.
2007-03-14 05:37:57 UTC
People are probably not nice to you because you are pushing your religion in their face, it sounds like you are too into your religion that you don't know how to deal with people, you need a reality check and live in the real world. I have read a few of your questions and answers and I really think you should seek some mental help.
2007-03-14 05:41:39 UTC
Dear Leanne,

I am a Christian too and also performing a ministry which is education. I teach the values and doctrine of christianity. I am here to answer question which others does not understand, I have no nor hold grudges to anyone whatsoever, nor hate those who afflicted me with sour answer, yet the patience of being a christian prevail over me.

I wish you to do the same thing, and let the fruit of the spirit trained you in whatever kind of endeavor you get into. I pray that you be enlightened and speak in love for the cause of truth.
Rabble Rouser
2007-03-14 06:59:57 UTC
I disagree! It's not too vulgar, your vulgarity just ticked people off and they got wise to your lies and hate-speech. You are leaving because you have been exposed for who you really are.
2007-03-14 05:43:21 UTC
It seems like the asker is in fact the devil who is trying reverse psychology on us by pretending to be a christian who's turned off by the internet.
2007-03-14 16:50:48 UTC
You are free to go as you pleased but keep in mind that confrontational people are everywhere and not just here. If I were you I would keep the computer.

I am taking my suggestions back. You are a TROLL.
2007-03-14 06:16:46 UTC
Be sure to donate the computer to a local children's charity! They need it more than the trash collectors!
2007-03-14 21:42:35 UTC
Finally! Good ridance.
2007-03-14 05:42:02 UTC
So can we take your questions off the RSS feed now?

Good riddance, and just to let you know...if you open another account, we'll find it in no time. It's easy to spot a false Christian who hates everyone.

2007-03-14 15:31:42 UTC

Keep in touch with me. I think this may be the best thing at least for now.

God bless you.
2007-03-14 05:33:07 UTC
How is this a question?

Get off your soapbox. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason you get hate mail is because many people are tired of you using this site to push your religious views on others? You need a reality-check.
Gullibles Travels
2007-03-14 05:33:09 UTC
----------TROLL ALERT--------------

Name: Leanne, aka Leanne M

Description: Fake medical complaints / hate mail / harassment

Tactics: Asks what the symptoms are for various physical and mental illnesses. Poses as fundamentalist Christian, claims to have these illnesses, then claims that God miraculously cured them. Anyone who questions this gets vicious hate mail, some of which has been posted in Yahoo Answers. She admits sending hate mail here:

Go to her profile and look through the questions. She attacks Christians, Australians, Americans, name it, all while claiming to suffer from a plethora of fictitious illnesses.

2007-03-14 05:50:30 UTC
Good luck recovering from your brainwashing.
2007-03-14 05:32:28 UTC
So, are you going into isolation? You can't totally remove youreslf from the affects of society and the world, you have to temper yourself against them. Being a fundamentalist isn't the answer. Self discipline is.
2007-03-14 05:47:13 UTC
God bless you friend, its very hard not to just let go and attack on here, but i feel i can do some good, and attempt to show people the truth. Good luck, God bless you
2007-03-14 05:42:24 UTC
There is no form of a rapture. All "believer and non-believer" must suffer the tribulation. The suffering is what works out salvation. Period!
2007-03-14 05:33:38 UTC
Do what you feel is right in your heart. but quite like Jesus said it is not what goes in you that is evil rather what comes out of you. computers also can be a great research tool and a way to get your message out. don't give up good will to you
2007-03-14 05:32:39 UTC
You only have good wishes for Christians? Gee, that's kind of discriminatory, no?
2007-03-14 05:35:16 UTC
Oh you need to go talk to a shrink and can I buy your pc cheap?
2007-03-14 05:37:52 UTC
God Bless.
2007-03-16 20:31:30 UTC
Why are you REALLY leaving?
2007-03-14 05:38:53 UTC
Another victory to logic and reason.
2007-03-14 05:32:48 UTC
Don't let the door hit your backside on the way out...bye.
2007-03-14 05:32:06 UTC
You're not going to heaven. You're too hateful, and you're a troll. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the a s s on the way out.
2007-03-14 05:31:59 UTC
Maybe this is just not for you. To be in here you have to just refuse the bait when the Christian baiters pose outrageous stuff. I don't even enter into a question space if it looks off the wall.

It's kind of like terrorists. If the media didn't give them attention they would cease to exist.
2007-03-14 05:37:48 UTC
all the wicked people WAVE!
2007-03-14 05:32:49 UTC
well good luck,

haven't you heard religion is evil, as they say better the devil you know.
2007-03-14 05:32:24 UTC
That's too bad Leanne, for the Bible also says that while you are not of this world you must live IN this world, and hiding out all day praying isn't living.

But we were glad you were here. Have a nice life :)
2007-03-14 05:32:13 UTC
ok have fun ...

tell god i said Hi lol
2007-03-14 05:57:13 UTC

……………/…./ Do a little dance...

…………../…./ Make a little noise..

……../´¯/’..’/´¯¯`•¸ Leannes gone tonight!!


…(’(…………. ¯~/’..’) hahahahahahahahahahahaha

….\…………….’…../ hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

…..’\'……………_.•´ hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

…….\…………..( ahahahahahahahahahahahahah

2007-03-14 05:32:59 UTC
Dont go. This is the only exposure some have to a Christian Spirit. Grace and peace to you
2007-03-14 05:32:08 UTC
Jesus would not run away like you are doing.
2007-03-14 05:32:41 UTC
There is no God. You are a fool. And when your old you will look back at your life and how you wasted buying into Religious Propagnada.
2007-03-14 05:32:22 UTC
You do that.
2007-03-14 05:38:33 UTC
oh please don't go. i am on my kneese, begging you please.

By the way, I am an athiest.
2007-03-14 05:31:46 UTC
I'll see you there Leanne.....

May God be eternally praised
Girl Goes Back To The Future
2007-03-14 05:30:50 UTC
You have let them win haven't you?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.