No, it doesn't trouble me at all. I am a Christian and I don't agree with the homeschooling thing at all.
You can't decide you're a doctor and write a prescription for your child. Why should you decide you're a teacher?
In Michigan there are NO restrictions at testing to see that the kids are learning anything is neglect.
Jesus said we cannot live on a mountain top. We are in the world, but not of the world.
One more thing...I volunteer in my son's class twice a week. I consider myself to be a creative person. I have a masters degree in social work with a post grad certification in social work.
I am AMAZED at the things his teacher comes up with to teach the students. Activities and such I would NEVER think of. She attends conferences and is up on all the new theories and teachings.
Teachers and doctors are not apples to oranges. You show disrespect when you think anyone can is HARD, it is a SKILL, one that not everyone has.
Also, as an objective person, my son's teacher sees things I may not, helps him take lumps I may try and shield him from (that he needs to work through).