2012-11-26 01:20:15 UTC
I am somewhat agnostic, but I am very spiritual as opposed to religious. The reason for this is that I dont want to be wrong in a religion- say, for example, being a Muslim and finding out that Lord Brahman is the creator or something and being damned to hell for the rest of eternity.
I have, however, had paranormal experiences and the dreams/nightmares I have been having have made me interested in angels. Not any specific angels, just guardians and angels in general.
So, last night, I asked for communication because I was feeling a little lost, and that night I dont remember having a dream.
This morning I slept in (because I am ill) and my dream was as follows:
I was reading a poem and correcting to it. I woke up in my dream to find that I had slept until 2:45 in the afternoon. I went into the kitchen to get a drink, when the poem I was making corrections in was on the table.
I looked at it closer then it hit me: the first letter of every sentence on the left spelt out 'URIEL'. I was so surprised I woke up in real life!
Not sure if I've heard the name before, but what does Uriel do? What do you think this dream could mean?