Why have all the rational arguments for the existence of God been successfully refuted?
Melissa W
2008-04-18 20:38:54 UTC
Why have all the rational arguments for the existence of God been successfully refuted? If your God exists, are we being unreasonable to suppose that there would be at least one irrefutable proof of His existence?
Can it be possible that believers, who have the advantage of an indwelling Holy Spirit with an "infinite mind," can be stumped by "finite minds" of unbelievers working within the confining limitations of reason?
80 answers:
2008-04-18 20:51:28 UTC
Because reality is, at a very basic level, not rational. The rational mind is a small part of our psyche and is not capable of understanding many things. Love, for example, is not rational and over-rides our rational minds regularly. The rational mind can successfully refute your reasons for loving the person you love, but you still love them. And most times that love wins over rationality when it come to deciding what you're going to do. The rational mind cannot comprehend the existence of God. All it's arguments are sound, yet the only ones who are convinced are those who are purely rational and to be purely rational is to be less then human.

Good question.

Good luck!
2008-04-19 10:24:16 UTC
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!

Well we need faith. If you want rational arguments I'll give you some. Let's start with the teleological argument. It says that something completed and designed shows evidence of a maker. Design implies a designer. When something works, someone made it work. If you see a piano, you don't assume that an elephant ran into a tree where someone was sitting on a branch and strings fell together and became a piano. The teleological argument says that the order in the universe is evident that a supreme intelligience, God created it. The volitional argument says that because man faces a myriad of choices and has the ability to make willful decisions, there must be somewhere an infinite will, and the world must be an expression of that will. The Moral Argument states that the very fact we know there is right and wrong suggest the necessity of an absolute standard. If anything is right and wrong, somewhere there is someone who determines which is which. Lastly the Cosmological argument is the argument of cause and effect. It concludes that someone made the universe, because every effect must be traceable to a cause. The cause of endless time must be eternal. The cause of power must be omnipotent. The cause of righteousness must be holy. The cause of justice must be just. Look, we can't see, smell, hear, taste, or touch God. We have only our faith and as more proof things that the Bible PREDICTED have come to pass the same way as foretold. But what about evolution. Where scientists there to see us evolving from animals and monkeys etc etc. How about the claim that the world is something point someting BILLION years old. How do they prove that? Did they see that? Were they there when the world was created or formed? Evolutionists find bones of dinosaurs and ASSUME that they lived MILLIONS of years ago. But were their labels attached to those bones to say how old they were? Or on what proof was that assumption founded? Regardless, may the Lord God richly bless you.
Bill Mac
2008-04-19 09:06:56 UTC
How rational is it to expect "irrefutable" proof of something that is spiritual or emotional, like love. The reasonable proof is in the intangible experience. The proof is in the changed lives and hearts of the individuals and the fact that billions of people have experienced this already. On this basis, how reasonable is it to assume that all rational arguements for the existence of God has been successfuly refuted? If your finite mind can not comprehend the possibility of an infinite God, then you are the one who has put confining limitations on reason.
2008-04-19 08:45:07 UTC
The Existence of God:

is simply assumed as an indubitable fact throughout the

Scriptures from beginning to end ( Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2;

Revelation 22:19 ), and there is no real attempt to build up a laboured philosophical argument for His existence; however,

texts like Psalm 19:1-3; 104:24; Isaiah 10, sq.; Acts17:26-28;

Romans 1:18; sq.; 2:15; contain the well-known ontological, cosmo;ogical, physicoteleological, historico-teleological, and

ethical arguments for the existence of God.
2008-04-19 02:51:29 UTC
And yet I still believe...

For anything that is judged to be imperfect there must be a judgement of what is perfect, that perfection is The One (God).

Reality exists because we can sense it, from this we can rationalize that it contains a proportion of permanence. From this we can deduce logically that reality itself is permanence itself.

Any book that talks about God includes the authors own opinions and beliefs on God, thus representing an ideological theory. The theory that is typically one of Infinity/absolute/Divinity/goodness/love is associated with God.

Circular logic: God is good because he is supreme. (Keep in mind that all anyone ever says is that this is circular logic, which it is, no one yet has proved to me why this is faulty logic when it comes to God. Saying elves exists because I say so is also circular logic, but honestly I don't believe you when you say that you think elves exist. With God, the confusion lies in the word being employed. That's why I use Reality instead of God. The only person that can deny that Reality exists is a person that doesn't exist, so basically no one can deny that Reality exists. It's circular logic and it is NOT irrefutable.)
2008-04-19 01:08:16 UTC
Rationality is based on logic and there is a limit beyond which even logic doesn't work in a scientific research.Therefore,to say that since no rational argument exists to prove that there is a God ,there is or can not be a God.Even if we repudiate the idea of the existence of a God,it would be well neigh impossible to rule out the concept of a God,through it's many generic names.It's not that simple and would continue be so for a long time to come.
2008-04-19 06:44:43 UTC
My new rational argument for the existence of the God Yahweh which is backed up by new scientific evidence found written right on the pages of The Bible will be the first in history that cannot be refuted. Thanks to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in me.
2008-04-19 01:20:54 UTC
Your fallacy is in the statement that ALL the rational arguments for the existence of God have been successfully refuted. You could not possibly of heard all the arguments. Your second fallacy is in what qualifies as a successful refute. All the major philosophers on the topic of religion have searched for irrefutable proof of the existence of God. This depends on your definition of God. If I believe that God is existence itself, than I can be reasonably certain of the existence of God since existence seems to exist.
2008-04-19 01:44:43 UTC
I have seen many very good responses here, so I won't cover ground that they have already covered.

The "irrefutable proofs" of God's existance are all around us in that which we see, namely the incredible order in all things, ranging from the macrocosmic to the subatomic.

Your "confining limitations of reason" are self-defeating in themselves, as they cannot comprehend something outside of the physical realm but are locked within a narrow scope of parameters. If something can't be seen heard, or measured, it doesn't exist.

God has made His presence known by His works, shown in the universe that He created. Order does not come naturally from chaos, order is impressed upon chaos by rational intelligence and power. The Big Bang was the ultimate in chaos, and only God had the intelligence and power to control it and bring order to it.

I find it immensely amusing that people are willing to believe without proof that there is alien life in the universe, yet these same people ridicule Christians for believing in God and demand proof of His existance before they themselves will believe in Him. Quite the double standard, yes?

And touching on your irrational supposition that all rational arguments for the existance of God have been successfully refuted, there are many skeptics and former atheists far more intelligent than we who set out to disprove God and became believers themselves based on the evidence they tried so hard to refute.

So please be careful about making sweeping, blanket statements like you did. Such things are easily refutable.
David S
2008-04-18 23:34:39 UTC
You have a point. If that were true, that would lead a person to disbelieve in God. But I don't think that is the case. I think you are listening to the wrong sources when you say that all the rational arguments have been successfully refuted.

I listen daily to radio shows by scholarly Christian thinkers, two being Dr. R. C. Sproul and the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, who can (or whose past work does) disprove those refutations.

There is at least one scientific fact that seems to me to point irrefutably to the need for a creator. The fairly recent understanding of the cell complexity - the multitude of chemical engines performing its internal functions, seems to leave only the explanation of a creator God. The cell works using not just complex chemical reactions, but actually a multitude of microscopic chemical "engines" that carry out the different needed actions. There is a book (which Kennedy mentioned) called "Darwin's Black Box", which talks about this. I assume it is written for the layman. This is ACCEPTED molecular biologist science, not just by Christian scientists but by ALL molecular biologists. It is OBSERVED FACT, not simply speculation or theory.

What are the chances that this could come about by chance? I have not read the book, but how could the simultaneous evolution of all of the separate engines have evolved? Each also has to work simultaneously with all the other engines in the cell, each of which has their own distinct function? And all of this has to work all the time, or you get a malfunctioning cell! To me it seems impossible this could come about by chance. Obviously my explanation of the science here is amateurish, but I think it gets the point across.
mark h
2008-04-19 05:41:43 UTC
I guess it all depends on your definition of term "sucessfully".

I have very reasonable and rational arguments for the existance of God and to my knowledge no one has "successfully" refuted them.

I have read Russell, Kant, Nietzsche....etc. I find issue with all of their arguments concerning this subject.

You may believe these refutes but I imagine these refutes are just telling you what you want to here.

Where are the results that back up the claim of success if people with an opposing viewpoint are not convinced by the refute?
2008-04-19 09:29:44 UTC
Simply put, they haven't been refuted. Take for example the claim that God created life. All it would take to refute this is for it to be shown that life could arise on its own, which in fact has never been done. It has Never been demonstrated that amino acids organize themselves to form DNA or RNA or Proteins. In fact the opposite has been repeatedly proven and is well established scientific fact, that living organisms only comes from living organisms. The proof of God is in the fact that life does not arise on its own from inorganic materials because it is a result only of the creative power of God. This "Catch 22" screams that there must be a Creator who transcends the natural laws who must have assembled the elements of life into living organisms. If you (or anyone at all) could demonstrate that amino acids organize themselves to form DNA, or RNA as in the RNA World Hypothesis, then you could successfully refute the claim that God created life. If you could prove life arose on its own then you would have an argument. If you believe then that God did not create life, it is Not because you can show how life formed on its own but rather in spite of the fact that you haven't. It has never been shown that life forms on its own.
2008-04-19 08:19:34 UTC
Where is the good, hard rational evidence that God doesn't exist? Although scientists tell us the universe is infinite, where is the good, hard evidence to prove it? We accept what they tell us because they are the scientists so they must know what they are talking about right? We have faith in their knowledge. Well, I have faith in my Pastor's knowledge and teachings. I have faith based on my own experiences. I don't understand why this has to be such a controversy. Either you believe or you don't and those that think one way or the other aren't going to change the others' minds. Geesh.
2008-04-19 02:43:53 UTC
Not all rational arguments for the existence of God have been successfully refuted. Scholars must turn a blind eye toward this one in order to keep up the pretense.

We learn about God when he reveals himself to us. Joseph

Smith said that a man could learn more about God by being in his presence for five minutes, than by reading everything that the philosophers have ever written.

The Book of Mormon is the best evidence of God, and of Jesus Christ. It records the visit of Jesus Christ to the Nephites subsequent to his resurrection in Jerusalem. The Nephites saw the fulfillment of the prophetic signs of his birth, and death, and then they saw him descend from the heavens. The Nephites were isolated and lived on a different continent. They had no way - other than divine revelation - to know of the events occuring in Jerusalem. They could not have forged this. Joseph Smith, the translator of the Book of Mormon, could not have forged it either.

Joseph Smith was praying in his room, when an angel appeared to him. The angel introduced himself as Moroni, and told Joseph about a book that was buried in a hill near his farm. He told Joseph that he would be allowed to retrieve the book, if he remained faithful, and translate it into English with the gift and power of God. He was also told that his name would be had for good and evil among all men.

After meeting with the angel every year for four years, Joseph was allowed to remove the book and translate it. After the translation was complete, he was allowed to show the book to three witnesses; they saw the book and the angel Moroni, and heard the angel proclaim the translation to be correct. Several others were also allowed to see it and thumb through its pages. Their testimonies can be found in the preface to the Book of Mormon.

No natural theory can explain the Book of Mormon, or its translation. Natural theories of its origin are easily discounted when viewed in relation to the actual facts. If there was no angel, then why did so many people see him? If Joseph wrote the book, then how did he get a knowledge of ancient Hebrew literary forms like Chiasmus, or of obscure Hebrew names? He was a farm boy with a third-grade education. If there wasn't any real book with gold plates, then why did so many claim to have seen it and thumbed through its pages? None ever denied their testimonies, which can be found in the preface to the Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon is fiction, then how come archeologists can use it to follow Lehi’s journey in the desert, and find the same places that are described in detail in the Book of Mormon? And how can the Book of Mormon describe literally hundreds of facts that can be cooborated from the lives and history of the Mayan people?

“There is no point at all to the question: Who wrote the Book of Mormon? It would have been quite as impossible for the most learned man alive in 1830 to have written the book as it was for Joseph Smith. And whoever would account for the Book of Mormon by any theory suggested so far—save one—must completely rule out the first forty pages.” (P. 139.) Hugh Nibley, "Lehi in the Desert"
Matt B
2008-04-19 08:29:42 UTC
How have they been refuted? At best science can only say "hey, we don't have all the answers." So in place of saying that things are the doing of God, you're simply saying "we don't know." "We don't know" is not a successful refutation of the existence of God.

And besides, if science had dominion over God, then He wouldn't be God would He?
Pope Erba I
2008-04-19 07:43:56 UTC
The reason rational arguments are thrown out the window is because there ARE NO RATIONAL ARGUMENTS.

On the other hand, using the teachings of Rene Descartes, Samuel L. Jackson exists as God.

(I think, therefore SLJ is...God.)
2008-04-19 07:27:27 UTC
Why would questions like this keep coming up if people didn't know in their hearts that there was a God? They would just let it go if they knew for sure that there was no God. God wrote it on everyone's heart and conscience of His existence and some just surpress the truth until all that is left is a vague unknowing that causes them to constantly question. That is why you ask this question. Because deep down, you know, everyone knows, that there is one Creator God.
2008-04-19 07:20:19 UTC
Look, I'm sorry for you if you can't understand how God can exist. No person can because His existance is beyond our standard comprehension. That's why we have FAITH.

Whether you try to open your heart to accept Him or be stubborn and refuse, He DOES still exist. No matter how much you argue or try to rationalize his "non-existence", won't change the fact that He does exist. That's the bottom line.
Gypsy Priest
2008-04-19 03:48:07 UTC
There is no way for a person to prove God exists. He shows up to those he chooses. He chooses those who really want to know him.

He hides himself in a veil of obscurity that only humility can penetrate. Yet, he sends out his invitation to all.

He is not swayed by the fact that most people want him to show himself in the way they have preconceived in their minds that he should be.

You can "reason" your life away, or you can lower your opinion of your big cognitive reasoning clump of gray matter, and pose the question to your soul ,

"If God is right here, even pushing ever so softly against my heart, am I willing to take one honest step towards him and let him prove himself to me or am I too dogmatic?"

The only thing that separates you from the living God is a choice. The choice is not whether or not to believe. It is the choice to be willing to believe if God will make himself real to you.

That can happen apart from any Bible reading, church service, preacher or televangelist.

Stop being hard headed and ask.
2008-04-19 10:36:10 UTC
I didn't think there were any rational arguments for the existence of God!

To believe in God, people need to overcome the shortcomings of logic and reason. In other word people need to have faith!

This doesn't mean that there is no God, only that there is no reason to believe there is.

If you have faith, God is obvious and evidence is not necessary. If you do not have faith, you can not reason your way to God.
2008-04-19 06:10:38 UTC
The mind is fascinating in that it seems to perceive opposites simultaneously. A lot of us know the feeling of "arguing with oneself" or being torn between. If opposed realities are a myth and do not exist within self, then we should not perceive differently. Whether we accept it or not, there are two voices within self. One voice steers us towards union and love (Spirit/good/God) and the other separation and hate (ego/sin/devil). Our allegiance to either voice (we can not serve both simultaneously) makes or breaks; that is our choice.
2008-04-19 08:22:46 UTC
There has been no irrefutable proof that God doesn't exist. Apparently He does because you still feel the need to contend with Him. You atheist spend a lot of time on something you refuse to believe in.
2008-04-19 06:34:22 UTC
you hit that one. That is why "eternal Life" is so misunderstood. In a limited reasoning natural mind it is believed as never ending time line. In reality it is vertical AND horizontal and goes beyond the confines of vision. Just as describe in the BIBLE that we are created in the "IMAGE" of image only looks like a replica visibly, but is not an exact duplicate, so they only see a reflection study it and think that it is all there is....I hope when they look in a mirror they don't believe that the ref;ection is ACTUALLY them (silly of course)
2008-04-19 05:16:38 UTC
First of all, I don't want to sound argumentative. I hate when non believers and believers here stoop to insulting levels. Evidences for the existence of God abound, and I'm actually not aware of any that have been proven false. In reality, logic explains the death and ressurection of Jesus. After Jesus was placed in the tomb, His followers, or disciples were hiding, fearful, cowards that locked themselves into an upper room afraid they were next to be killed. Then their whole life, and outlook changes from being lost, betrayed(their Savior was killed was He who He said He was?), and fearful. To proudly and bravely proclaiming Jesus as the risen Lord, the Son of God, the only way to receive forgiveness of sin and to inherit Heaven all in spite the possibility of persecution, imprisionment, execution, abandonment by family and friends, expulsion from their synagogues, poverty, ridicule and more. Basically they changed from shivering, fearful, desparate people into the some of, if not the most, courageous men and women to ever live. Without this change there is no New Testament written, no Church started, and that is the end of some fanatical people who were misguided fools. So what can explain this drastic change? Only one answer is possible, they met on many occaisions with the risen Jesus, their Messiah. He opened their eyes to all He had taught them before going to the cross and now they understood. They were so certain of these truths that most were executed and all were persecuted because of their preaching the Gospel despite the fact all their hardships could have stopped had they admitted they were lying. That would have stopped the increase of the believers, and that was all the religious leaders wanted. That way their coffers were still filled and they still held favor with the Roman authorites. The apostales could have even lied about lying and saved themselves, but so joyful were they that their Master was the Anointed one promised in the old Testament to save both Jew and Gentile from their sins, their hearts could not help but to remain faithful and leading others to Jesus so long as they could. Yes Jesus lived that we know. Yes He died on a cross that we know. And from this we know He rose from the dead as proof of the Father's approval of His sacrifice, and proof of His victory over sin and death. All of this fortold hundreds of years prior, by men at different times, from different careers, from different areas, but with the same truth in such detail that it is irrefutable that Jesus was the One of whom they prophesied inspired by God. I hope that many will read this and it will encourage you or bring you a curiousity to seek these truths further by numerous apologetic texts available in bookstores or online, and by simply asking God to open your mind to His truth if He is. Please email me if I can help.
2008-04-19 05:50:11 UTC
God has spoken face to face with some here, BUT, when he does, you are held accountable for it because you no longer need faith, you have seen Him and you know. The best argument to me is - If this existence is all there is, what a very sad way to spend a few years!
2008-04-19 08:16:43 UTC
You've cut yourself out quite a bit of cloth there. Do you really think you can make it into a garment that will fit?

First of all, you need to list all the arguments for the existence of God.

Second, you need to provide the logical refutations of them.

When you are done, others will have a chance to review your logic and then you can re-post your question.

What you have posted is too disjointed to actually discuss.

"Yet another half-baked kerbside nugatory opinion for today!"
healing wings
2008-04-19 02:01:14 UTC
Ah, yes, the confines of This is a classical fight of the little guy against the ruler, ala atheists. However, in Christianty the beauty is the exact opposite concept, where the little guy did not have to fight, but was encompassed with health, love, and salvation by the big guy.
Judd M
2008-04-19 06:52:50 UTC
Only if the evidence is refused.

It is the heart that refuses not the mind. The mind is but a servant of the heart. If the heart is sinful and set against, it will set the mind on service to refuse.

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

For one who appeals to rational arguments your reason is severely limited if you do not understand this simple fact.
raven blackwing
2008-04-19 09:52:52 UTC
I guess I'm a poor one to answer because I'm Pagan and believe in many gods/goddesses. I have proof, Ican summon mine. I can use thier power. But I would not really need any of that it is called faith. There are some things that you just have take on faith.
2008-04-18 23:17:31 UTC
I'm not sure about anyone else - but ever since I became serious about God and sought Him - I've never been "stumped". I don't know about cynics - but I've never seen honest seekers denied.

Christianity is not as much about "reason" as it is about faith. Proof? Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Also please see 1Corinthians 1:18-25 and see if it speaks to you.
2008-04-18 23:49:22 UTC
The existence of God is a supernatural issue - above the natural. Human reason, logic, understanding, knowledge and science are part of the natural realm and will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural realm.
Sim - plicimus
2008-04-18 22:47:29 UTC
My personal approach is to avoid arguing the existence of God. If I could prove God, God would be God no longer, rather, He would be no more than my ability to prove Him.

I think that a considerable number of Christians forget what is meant by belief. If any of us could prove God, we wouldn't have to believe in Him, but just accept the evidence.

Conversely, agnostics and atheists tend to forget the implications of belief as well. Arguing against the existence of God is really mostly a waste of time. That there are hordes of well intentioned, if horribly mannered evangelical Christians that are forever badgering unbelievers to prove that God doesn't exist is besides the point.
2008-04-18 22:21:26 UTC
God isn't about proof. Religion is about faith, science is about proof. It's OK to have both in your life. Darwin did, so did Gould (you should know him as one of the most influential evolutionary scholars ever.)

I think it's small minded to be unable to handle both. You'll never prove God, but there are plenty of rational arguements that you also can't counter. We could argue semantics all night, but the point is, science requires thinking in one way, faith requires another.

If you can't do both, that's a different issue. Maybe you don't want to. It's OK, but there's no reason to insult others who do. I would say, the light in a child's eye is proof of God. You would say that isn't rational. It's not meant to be. I have a science degree. I understand rational thought, but I believe in religion the same way I believe in love. There's no problem.

I'd suggest looking at Mensa's subgroup of religious people, for an example of a pretty good sized compendium of people who can think in more than one way. Are they stumped by you? Or do you not understand the answer because you don't really know how to ask the question?
2008-04-19 08:36:05 UTC

Fair question, but:

you are waiting for...reason...from true believers?

How long is eternity, by the way? lol

I find that belief systems require little facts and logic. They are the meat of preferences...not verifiable facts.

I find attempts to garner a reasonable response from a true believer to be generally unsuccessful.
Barry W
2008-04-18 20:50:33 UTC
Whoa, a little sweeping judgement there, no?

ALL the rational arguements...presumes that you have heard them all, and you've heard all the refutations. You are undoubtedly good, but THAT good?

Without taking the Christian position, the very fact that there IS a creation, that there ARE natural laws...has been used to argue for a Creator. There are a number of (to me) rational people (scientists in fact) who have said that they believe there is more evidence that a Creator (God) exists than that God does not exist.

Do you mean by "rational" arguement something that is so persuasive that you are 100% sure that God exists? I don't think most atheists would say that they are 100% sure that he doesn't...just for the recognition that there could be evidence out there that we just don't know about yet.
2008-04-19 09:20:02 UTC
One is never promised a restored relationship with God by ones REASON. We are told to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as Gods ONLY solution to mankinds separation from Him. So, you see, reasoning has nothing to do with it...ANYONE can simply BELIEVE.

God says He did something FOR us that we could NOT do for ourselves. Believe it and be saved.
2008-04-19 07:07:53 UTC
Why doesn't YA seem to be working? The questions are all from 10 hours ago, and have 100 answers on them?
Rissa Ro
2008-04-19 06:55:14 UTC
God: you cannot prove he exists, nor can you prove he doesn't exist. It's all a matter of faith. I believe in God. I also believe the world is four and a half billion years old. How does this work? I dunno. I don't really think it matters. What I do think is that the only thing God is going to cares about is how we treated our fellow man. So, there you go.
2008-04-19 07:04:45 UTC
Do not worry. The point is not if you have enough arguments to refute the existence of God.

Soon really soon you will have the chance to verify it by your self. The problem is if you are wrong.


19 "Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day. 20 "And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, 21 and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores. 22 "Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried. 23 "In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw* Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 "And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.' 25 "But Abraham said, 'Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony. 26 'And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.' 27 "And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house— 28 for I have five brothers—in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' 29 "But Abraham said* , 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.' 30 "But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!' 31 "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.' "
2008-04-18 22:38:40 UTC
That`s why believers introduced the concept of Evil, or Satan.

If we can prove they are wrong or contradicting themselves,

it is not a problem to them: it must be Satan`s work, and our words mean nothing to them. They are the True Believer, and everything will be fine - except for the people showing them they are saying silly things - these people will die in hell.



time for some to grow up ?

The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, makes a good job of summarising the main arguments, and demolish them with reason.
2008-04-18 21:29:27 UTC
"Irrefutable proof" does not exist in any area, including religion. All humans are finite in our ability to understand.

Reason and logic has been wrong before, and it will continue to be so. Belief in God is just coming to terms with the fact that our finite minds cannot know everything there is to know.
2008-04-19 07:56:20 UTC
Because there is no proof..........we have books from eons ago from people whom no one has ever met. Interpretations have been made that could have been made in error.

Not one person can PROVE that god exsists
Gfhgf G
2008-04-19 04:05:38 UTC
Can you prove there is no God? You and your tree swinging friends have been stumped time and again. You must be on weed
2008-04-19 02:37:30 UTC
I am reminded about a line in a movie I once saw. I believe it was called "Contact" One of the actors asked the other one

"Do you love your Father?" She replied "Yes" the other character said "Prove it"

I believe that is why they call it "FAITH"
2008-04-18 20:50:03 UTC
Visit a library sometime and look in the Religion and Philosophy section. You will find hundreds of books that have been written over the centuries that are full of rational arguments for the existence of God. Apparently they are good enough that throughout history the number of theist has run around 80-85% o the population. The number of atheist about 2.5%. Many of those arguments have never been refuted by atheist.

You will also find that there has not been a single argument that can be raised against the existence of God that has not been refuted by Christians.
2008-04-18 21:28:53 UTC
Uhhhh. . . . actually they haven't all been refuted. So the better question may be, what would lead YOU to make that assumption?

Maybe you ought to read a little before asking any more such questions. Hint: read St. Thomas Aquinas - who wrote a proof on the existence of God in the middle ages that has yet to be "refuted", and Lee Strobel's "The Case for Faith" and "The Case for a Creator".

Or. . . .maybe you are afraid to consider the other side of the argument?
Uncle Thesis
2008-04-19 04:02:09 UTC
That's a tad arrogant, wouldn't you say?

Its often not a question of 'being refuted', but rather being ignored.
2008-04-19 06:35:17 UTC
Dear Melissa......everything you write is correct....and on paper it makes sense. But you can't put everything (faith especially) on paper.

God exists! He is worthy of Praise!
2008-04-19 06:05:04 UTC
Have they? When? Did I miss that class? Why don't you try me with some examples? One thing is to state a fact; another

is to prove it.
2008-04-18 21:39:23 UTC
One obvious answer would be: because in fact no god exists. It is provable that any belief in a god is useless: it can lead to no useful predictions in the real world.

Postscript: a previous responder has claimed that science has never refuted any argument for god. This is not just wrong -- it is silly. And the "first cause" argument was refuted centuries ago. See reference.
prophet of restitution
2008-04-18 21:10:00 UTC
They can't stump me. If fact there is no legitimite argument against God. Science proves that out. So does nature. For instance the same 7 elements found in dirt,are the same found in us. God created us from the earth and science backs that up.
Sweet Suzy 777!
2008-04-19 00:09:38 UTC
The proof of God is everywhere.
Anthony V
2008-04-18 22:10:35 UTC
There is NO rational argument for God nor the Big Bang. "Rational," whatever does that mean?

I can't "prove" to you that God has always been.... such to actually create life as we know it, however, neither can an evolutionist explain to me "rationally" how we got here either.

Both stories tend to rely on nut-house explanations, if we simply rely on rational.

Creationists, explain their beliefs based upon faith backed up by personal experience and the confidence in the Word of God as detailed in prophesies spanning thousands of years that came true, and the evolutionist explain their beliefs, backed up by science (theory) that we have been evolving for so many millions of years that somehow we had to had gotten into the "living" state of existence that we find ourselves.

BOTH arguments (explanations) are ludicrous on the surface, the simple difference is the perspective of the believer.

Bottom Line: Life began, how it began is the only dividing line.

I firmly believe in God, one that has always been, who created life as we know it, and sent His son Jesus to die on the cross at Calvary for my sins, yes it sounds insanly ridiculous, so what. My life experience, the example of my WWII father, and the simple Word of God is enough for me to verify beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real, he exists, has always been and will always be, and that I will be saved at His Second Coming.

So what. The Evolutionist has a story backed up in theory, mingled with some convienient science to support some elements of the theory while ignoring the evidenctuary science that puts Evolution's creation of life at the mercy of becoming the laughing stock of theories.

From who's perspective is "Rational" being defined.
2008-04-19 05:11:24 UTC
Sorry but there are NO rational arguments to support the existence of god.

There are hysterical ones, childish ones and just plain lies, but rational arguments?

2008-04-18 22:30:32 UTC
Actually it seems that your finite mind has failed to explain the existance of the universe. You see darling, the world cannot have existed forever and it had to have had a beginning. All laws of science agree with this. It's basic.

So if it didn't exist forever and it HAD TO HAVE HAD a beginning, how do you explain it without an uncaused cause (God)?

Do you know what the rediculous big bang theory says? The universe CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!

That's irrationality to its extreme.
2008-04-18 20:52:50 UTC
I find it amusing that you think all of the rational arguments for the existence of God have been refuted. They only way to refute a logical argument is to show that it's not entirely logical. If that were so, they wouldn't be rational.

Are you a Dawkins-head? Have you read the Summa Theologica?

Your "question" = phail

due to your obvious bias.
2008-04-19 09:28:25 UTC
Die . But I think it is best to read and trust those people's experiences who have had NDEs .
A Human Bean
2008-04-18 21:30:08 UTC
I am not aware of a single rational argument that has been refuted. Atheism is the most irrational belief system in existence and science has disproven it.

The most important argument that has never been disproven is the "first cause." A creator is absolutely essential for the created to exist. The big bang theory is good for laughs but is completely irrational.

Some will make a false claim that "first cause" has been refuted (see below.) However, that is ridiculous. First cause is supported by all scientific fact. One of the first laws of science is that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This law requires a creator.
2008-04-19 01:50:19 UTC
GOD(YHVH) can not be refuted, only lied about.

The fact that we exist shows that HE exists.
2008-04-19 07:21:39 UTC
Ah, you believe or not. It's okay and not worth arguing about.
harry killwater
2008-04-18 21:05:41 UTC
You cannot prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. Get over it.

Curious Said Alice
2008-04-18 21:00:04 UTC
To me, I am surrounded by proof of the existence of God. But the thing is, I don't need proof, because I have faith. My faith tells me that the existence of God is the only "reasonable" explanation of why we live and what our purpose is. Good night :).
2008-04-19 08:53:55 UTC
because they were not rational to begin with
2008-04-19 07:47:14 UTC
Like what?

What are you seriously basing this on?
Edward J
2008-04-18 20:49:04 UTC
All of the rational arguments for God's existence haven't been refuted. We have reasonable evidence not absolute proof. What absolute proof cold there be if Jesus ascended into heaven. Your not going to find a body and barring going to heaven and seeing him why would you expect proof to exist? No one has ever defeated the Kalam cosmological argument nor defeated the leading lawyers who have made a case for the resurrection of Jesus. Even Richard Dawkins admitted he could be wrong about the non existance of God. That admition suggests that all of he arguments haven't been successfully defeated.
2008-04-18 22:07:39 UTC
Just as you think that spiritual belief in God is foolishness, I think that your worldly reason against God is foolishness. Your unbelief and "wisdom" is told about in God's word.

"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1 Cor. 2:4 &5)

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God : for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor. 2:14 -16)

By the way, with your worldly wisdom, please define "successfully refuted" for me. It seems that if that were so, then the non-existence of God would have been proven. It has not. Wherein does your personal interpretation of "successfully refuted" then apply?
Fish <><
2008-04-19 09:02:41 UTC
I suppose we will just wait and see.
2008-04-18 21:34:29 UTC
God has not been refuted,small mind,no one can disprove God.I can not prove God to you, but I know for fact God is with us.
2008-04-18 20:43:18 UTC
The thing is, Chritianity is supposed to sound unbelieveable. God wanted man to prove his love for him by believing in him even when there was no physical, tangible proof of his existence. He wants people to look around them and see everyday life as the miracles he performs, not some lighting bolt striking a sinner, or a man learning to walk again on the stage of some church on TV. Christians that argue the existence of physical proof are fools trying to win a game against athiests and people who question God's existence.

People who don't believe in God are meant to behave this way because the bible predicted such thoughts would occur within the minds of people who were afraid of a higher power. They would eventually have to repent to save their immortal souls from the fiery pits of hell.
Diane (PFLAG)
2008-04-18 20:55:50 UTC
What rational arguments are you referring to?

I have never seen a rational argument for the existence of any deity...
2008-04-19 08:27:13 UTC
Joe N
2008-04-18 23:00:35 UTC
So, you have finally realized that God is about as real as Odin, Zeus, Ra, the Tooth Fairy and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Good for you!
2008-04-18 21:29:48 UTC
They haven't. Thousands of miracles have no scientific explanation.
2008-04-18 20:42:05 UTC
i think the common answer is that god is based on faith, not logic.
2008-04-18 20:46:06 UTC
Someone who knows God needs no "rational arguments", and someone who doesn't want to know Him isn't open to rational arguments. So why bother?
2008-04-18 20:43:01 UTC
If we had proof we would not need faith.
2008-04-18 20:41:56 UTC
You can't really argue about God with Christians.

Every time you stump a Christian, they just go 'Oh, well God can do anything, I can't explain his ways!'

It's terrible.
2008-04-18 20:42:56 UTC
They got the "holee speerit." It's the cheap knock-off.
2008-04-18 20:42:46 UTC
If you don't believe in god, why are you on religion and spirituality?
2008-04-18 20:41:53 UTC
no they haven't. here is mine pro-God.

'look at the world ..' or something.... therefore god exists ..etc etc...

i win again.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.