I was drunk...21.....we were "getting busy" in the car....a cop pulls up, my then boyfriend decided it would be a great ideal to run from the police....I was so wasted, that as he turned street corners my head was flopping into the window, he was screaming at me to get my pants up....they were pretty tight and I was extremely drunk....anyways, I remember looking up, and we cops behind us, cops coming from the sides, and a tree in front...I said..."dont hit the.........."
okay so, the cops get him in handcuffs, and they are standing by my window...and I was touching the windshield ..which my head had gone through, I kept saying..."look what my head doned"
I asked the police to help me get my pants up..they refused.....when I finally got them up, they kept asking if I wanted an ambulance...I was demanding to speak to my boyfriend....the policeman told me ..that if I didnt answer him, I was going to jail...I said...."you can kiss my rosy red american *** and fell flat on my face...
woke up laying in the lobby of the police station....went to mans bathroom. and called three differant people to come and get me...told them all but the last one I didnt need a ride after they came to get me at 3 am....
okay maybe this one should go under the most embarrassing story of my life....
nah...I have way worse than that