Since Evolution has proven to be more of a leap of faith than Creationism, why are pro-evolution ?
2008-12-12 22:42:18 UTC
scientists taking this more giant leap of faith to support something that doesn't make logical sense?
29 answers:
2008-12-15 09:41:43 UTC
Consider this

The Young Age of the Earth

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

The Origins of Life

Creation In The 21st Century From Where did these Layers Come (From) 1 of 3 (Global Flood)

Creation in the 21st Century - Overwhelming Evidence 1 of 3

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation

Birds and Flight: Evolved or Designed?
2008-12-13 06:48:57 UTC
Logical sense is creationism that is pro-evolution which is supported with a giant leap over a strawberry bush planted by a scientist who believes in God on alternate Tuesdays.

(I think this answer makes about the same amount of sense that your question does.)
Nathan C
2008-12-13 06:47:52 UTC
You need to seek out education outside of religious fundamentalism. I mean, evolution is not a "leap of faith" because it's an observation.

They have observed evolution in a lab, so people believe it. They've been able to recreate it, and it adequately explains what has happened on earth up to this point. If something better comes along and is observable, people will believe that. That's how science works.

You are getting fed facts by people who have an agenda. God and evolution are not mutually exclusive. Explain in what way evolution requires a leap of faith, and I can address that concern.
2008-12-14 10:08:26 UTC
I suppose it helps to understand inheritance. It's an observed fact that every living thing inherits traits from its parents. No one denies this. Mutations of these genomes are also an observed fact. We see this in bacteria and viruses most clearly. Even when creationists attempt to assert that antibiotic resistance was already present within the genomes of the bacteria they are ignoring the fact that something had to mutate for that resistance to start becoming expressed. This isn't a simple case of expression being activated by a transcription factor or a significant portion of the bacteria's population would not have to die and resistant offspring reproduce for resistance to become expressed, mutations have to occur to at least allow the expression of the already present resistance and that's assuming the resistance were already present, which in reality it was not. Same goes for bacteria which evolve the ability to metabolize other sources of nutrition, such as Nylonase or the E. Coli bacteria that evolved the ability to metabolize citrate:

It's good to have the genomes of the ancestral populations handy for determining whether or not the newly evolved genes actually were present in the ancestral population's genome. They weren't.

Mutations in humans are the source of many inherited diseases, so we know mutations happen in the human genome as well. I know some creationists are seeing this as a triumph for creationism, I've seen this argument before. The reality, however, is that not all mutations are bad, just the ones we have a strong incentive to go searching for, and have a good idea of where to find them. We recognize the diseases by what isn't working, from there we can eliminate all genes that have nothing to do with what isn't working, which gives us a very good idea of where to start looking for the faulty genes. To find a beneficial mutation in the human genome, though, we would have to check every gene and somehow know how to recognize a gene that marginally improves functionality. This isn't to say that we haven't identified such beneficial mutations. There's the mutation that confers HIV resistance on 10% of whites of european descent. That was a beneficial mutation. Lactose tolerance was also beneficial.

So so far we have inheritance and mutation as observed facts. With these two observed facts we can define the observed biological fact of evolution Changes in genes and allele frequencies in a population over time. This observed biological fact of evolution is what creationists refer to as microevolution. Creationists don't deny that the biological fact of evolution happens, they can't. Instead what they do is bait and switch. They call the biological fact of evolution "microevolution" and hope no one notices that they are implicitly acknowledging the fact of evolution. And then they call the theory of evolution "macroevolution" and say that evolution is "just a theory". Evolution is a fact and a theory, and even creationists acknowledge this.
Josh (*_*)
2008-12-13 06:44:59 UTC
Well as Evolution has facts to back it up while Creationism doesn't, I'd say creationism is more of a leap of faith, across a giant chasm I might add.
Cheesesof Nazerath
2008-12-15 12:38:17 UTC
You sir, are talking rubbish.

There is no faith required for understanding evolution. Creationism however is nothing but faith. The explanation may seem illogical to you, but that may be because you don't have the necessary intelligence to comprehend it, or have been brainwashed in such a way that you are unable to exercise critical thinking on this subject.
2008-12-13 06:44:38 UTC
Edit. Hehehe.

Ok. To prove that Evolution is more of a "leap of faith" than Creationism, you must first identify units of faith. We can just call those "Faithies." Ok. Now, You must define how many faithies it takes to believe in say, a god. Lets take a wild guess and say 100 faithies to believe in God, and 50 faithies to believe in an afterlife. Now, to prove that Evolution requires more faithies than God, you must provide a mathematical equation to find out how many faithies Evolution requires.

Now, if you can provide that equation, i will convert to Christianity.

BTW - I was just thinking about this subject like an hour ago.
tuyet n
2008-12-13 06:46:33 UTC
Evolution has supporting evidence. Creationism has none.

But even if evolution also had no supporting evidence it would still be the more plausible explanation. Because it's a natural process and creationism is a supernatural process.
2008-12-13 06:45:38 UTC
As darwin said evolution takes leaps in the dark, try reading Dawkins book "The God delusion.
Bram K
2008-12-13 06:45:42 UTC
It's basically the straight up facts vs. a book that is constantly changed so Christians can have it mean what they want.

Go evolution!

Are you gonna listen to pure evidence? Or an invisible guy in the sky?
2008-12-13 18:34:19 UTC
Name one piece of physical evidence that conclusively supports a young Earth or creationism. And don't you dare point to some wobbly indentations in petrified mud and say "humans walked with dinosaurs."

This is a fact: you ARE the product of evolution from earlier (yes, ape-like) forms. Consider the evidence:

Evolution is set of proven facts. People will respond by saying it is "Only a Theory", but they don't understand (or refuse to accept) that a scientific theory is a model supported by many facts that nobody has yet disproved. Other scientific theories include: the theory of relativity, the germ theory of disease, and tectonic plate theory - all are scientific "theories", and we can reliably bet our lives on them every day.

To be considered scientific, a theory must be based on ideas that are "falsifiable". Here are MANY ways you could falsify the basic concepts of evolution, but it is not proved false because... it's TRUE. Follow the links, read the citations, this is all real science backed by real evidence.

Common sense says: if we see small changes today within species, that small changes over a long time will become large changes. Walking for a minute gets you across the street. Walking for a year gets you across a continent. When people say "macroevolution is false because we've never seen it in our lifetimes", that's like saying "walking across a continent is impossible because we've never seen someone do it in a day." A LOT can happen in a million years.

Paleontology and the fossil record completely support evolution. The theory of evolution even predicts some fossils before we find them. Any good scientific theory makes many predictions. Here's a good example of a prediction made by evolution that then came true:

People will say the fossil record doesn't support "Darwinian" evolution because species don't show constant gradual change - they tend to change in bursts. That's true. Evolution has built upon and moved beyond Darwin just as physics has moved beyond Newton. Some particularly dishonest people even quote scientists like Stephen Jay Gould as a way of trying to criticize evolution. Gould accepted 100% the science of evolution and fought hard against creationists. So any creationist who is using a quote from Gould is guilty of "willful misquotation", or as my grandmother called it, "lying".

People will say there are no transitional species. Another outright lie. What do you call these - mammal-like reptiles or reptile-like mammals?

Geology supports evolution - we NEVER find fossils from one age embedded in the rock from a different age.

Genetics supports evolution 100%. If evolution is true, then we'd expect humans to share some genes with mushrooms, lots of genes with fish and most genes with primates. And guess what - they do!

Molecular biology proves that all life comes from common ancestors:

Evolution can be seen happening today, in nature and in labs.

So if somebody's beliefs do not agree with the reality of evolution, they will have to find a way to reconcile their beliefs. Perhaps they can follow the guidance of these 12,000 enlightened Christian clergy who accept evolution as a foundational truth of our origins:

If you'd like more information, or explanations of any of this, please write.
2008-12-13 06:46:25 UTC
Evolution doesn't make logical sense?

So humans and dinosaurs being formed from dirt and living together makes more logical sense to you?

how sad...
2008-12-13 13:42:30 UTC
An observed phenomenon is not a leap of faith.
Dark Lord of Truth
2008-12-13 06:50:23 UTC
The fact you believe your own nonsense is proof of evolution. You know how uneducated creationists always ask, "Why are there still monkeys if people came from monkeys?" You, my friend, are the link between. Kirk Cameron's elusive "crocoduck". You and your ilk are the "transitional" species between man and monkey. I dub you "mankey". Have a nice day.
2008-12-13 06:45:20 UTC
I am sorry, but nothing needs more of a leap of faith than creationism.

2008-12-13 06:44:34 UTC
Would you care to elaborate on your stance that evolution is a leap of faith?
2008-12-13 06:55:25 UTC
You're right, it takes great faith to trace back the fossil record and to study genetic codes to determine common ancestors. Wait, no it doesn't, it's bloody obvious when you look at it like that.
2008-12-13 06:44:58 UTC
Evolution is Scientifically true, in the minor sense, change in species not change of species, Humans have evolved it is true that is evolution
Wes P
2008-12-15 09:33:37 UTC
Sadly we do evolve... From a sperm cell, to a baby, to a kid and to an adult. We even wrinkle and prune up. Ha... Like a tadpole into a frog. Not apes into humans, cause there would be no apes, if that were the case.

And the only way we could be here right now is if a main life source puts here. You have to be taught in order to teach, am I right?

God is an energy source (That was the big bang)

He is Omnipresent

Since the big bang was proven to be true, Iā€™m guessing that was and is God.

Life had to of been created by life.

Nothing can not manifest something.

The Father- The creator of all

The son- The body of man

The Holy Spirit- The big bang of energy (Which is the soul inside us)

Light and Dark matter colliding is the big bang theory.

Light and dark matter could be good and evil!

A Brief History of the Universe

The history of the Universe divides roughly into three regimes which reflect the status of our current understanding:

Standard cosmology

Particle cosmology

Quantum cosmology

The standard cosmology is the most reliably elucidated epoch spanning the epoch from about one hundredth of a second after the Big Bang through to the present day. The standard model for the evolution of the Universe in this epoch have faced many stringent observational tests.

Particle cosmology builds a picture of the universe prior to this at temperature regimes which still lie within known physics. For example, high energy particle accelerators at CERN and Fermi lab allow us to test physical models for processes which would occur only 0.00000000001 seconds after the Big Bang. This area of cosmology is more speculative, as it involves at least some extrapolation, and often faces intractable calculation difficulties. Many cosmologists argue that reasonable extrapolations can be made to times as early as a grand unification phase transition.

Quantum cosmology considers questions about the origin of the Universe itself. This endeavors to describe quantum processes at the earliest times that we can conceive of a classical space-time, that is, the Planck epoch at 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds. Given that we as yet do not have a fully self-consistent theory of quantum gravity, this area of cosmology is more speculative.

Chronology of the Universe

The following diagram illustrates the main events occurring in the history of our Universe. The vertical time axis is not linear in order to show early events on a reasonable scale. The temperature rises as we go backwards in time towards the Big Bang and physical processes happen more rapidly. Many of the transitions and events may be unfamiliar to newcomers; we shall explain these in subsequent pages.

Orders of magnitude

The timescales and temperatures indicated on this diagram span an enormous range. A cosmologist has first to get the order of magnitude (or the power of ten) correct. Quantities which are given as 10 to some power 6 (say) are simply 1 followed by 6 zeros, that is, in this case 1,000,000 (one million). Quantities which are given as 10 to some minus power -6 (say) have 1 in the 6th place after the decimal point, that is, 0.000001 (one millionth). At extremely high temperatures we tend to use gig electron volts (GeV) instead of degrees Kelvin. One GeV is equivalent to about 10,000,000,000,000K.

God was light and the devil was dark. They were one in the same at one time as was everything. Which would explain how they are both everywhere at every time. Lucifer was the fallen angel of light.

That is the message of the life of Jesus. That is what he came to tell us, and what he imparts to us as we learn to know him. "God is light and in him is no darkness at all." It is put positively and negatively and it is easy to see how that message was incorporated and fulfilled in the life of Jesus. John opens his Gospel with the words: "In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in darkness, and the darkness can never put it out," {John 1:4-5}. That is the glory of this life. Our Lord himself said, "I am the light of the world. If any man follow me, he shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life," {John 8:12}. There it is again, a life that is light. Again, he said, "This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world and men love darkness and will not come to the light because their deeds are evil," {John 3:19 KJV}.



The vision of the throne of God described in the first chapter of Ezekiel included the reference to a firmament. This was a rigid structure. It was a platform, composed of a crystalline substance, which supported the throne of God. It was supported by four living creatures. This firmament or platform was described in Ezekiel 1:22-2
moddy almondy
2008-12-13 06:45:43 UTC
How is peer-reviewed research a "leap" in comparaison to something that sdhould fall under "fiction"?
2008-12-13 06:44:57 UTC
Look at it this way: Have you seen anything appear out of thin air? Have you seen life evolve (flowers blooming, growing, etc)? Hmm.. Which is more likely?
2008-12-13 06:44:33 UTC
Modern Biology says different.

If you're gonna troll at least TRY to make it entertaining for more people than yourself.
2008-12-13 06:44:43 UTC
[ ā˜…ā™ . A I R ]
2008-12-13 06:44:47 UTC

humans are still evolving. look at the size of people years ago. we are becoming larger and more built.
2008-12-13 06:48:39 UTC
' Logic ' is the queen of all sciences
2008-12-13 06:44:31 UTC
What an egregious attempt at trolling...
2008-12-13 06:47:04 UTC
I think you misspelled your name. It should be "Kl0wnage"
jack=natalie john=gabriella
2008-12-13 06:44:33 UTC
2008-12-13 06:44:46 UTC
Please provide this "proof" of which you speak.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.