Why would a loving God cast out certain kinds of people?
2008-01-17 08:40:32 UTC
If he created diversity and the world we live in? Seriously, if he wanted all of us to be "saved", he wouldn't have created and loved the many indigenous people who inhabit this earth even today with tribes and such. All those who followed such spirituality were forced into being christians by spanish conquistadores who destroyed and pillaged the aztecs and incans, the africans who practiced their own tribal beliefs were forced into believing in christianity due to slavery, the phillipines, so forth.

The same with gypsies, pagans, homosexuals, why do some people still insist their holier than thou when God created diversity and free will to practice their connection to God as one wishes?

And for those who say what's the "word of God" and what not, remember he's perfect. Meaning he can't have negative feelings of jealousy, vengeance, hate, because those are all imperfections. And God is all GOOD no?
32 answers:
Maureen S
2008-01-17 09:43:16 UTC
All the answers to your question, so far, points out to me one thing. Every one has a different opinion, a different outlook, a different way to interpret what they read and what they hear.

It all adds up to the same thing. NONE of us really know the answers. Can any of say that we KNOW for sure who/what God intended for us?. Is there a personage/source/diety/creator watching over us?.

All I have discovered,.for myself, is that I believe someone/somebody/something has "created" such detailed beauty as an owl, or a duck formation, or the stripes. on a tiger and beautiful human beings of all sizes,shapes and colors, for a reason. What gives me peace and contentment is how I feel, if I live a positive life, compared to how I feel when I make negative choices.

As to the "indigenous people who inhabit this earth". Look at their faces, look at their eyes. They are, probably, more understanding of who/what "God" is, than we humans who live our daily lives without seeing a tree, or the night sky or the ocean, for most of our lives.

We do not have the answers and all I can do, is KNOW for myself, and have that "feeling" within me, that I am living the best life I can, and hopefully, will reap the consequences sometime, somewhere, somehow..

I FEEL 'GOOD' when I act "GOOD". For me, that is what I choose to do. When I look at indigenous people I "FEEL" good and I know they are probably closer to what the truth is than I am myself.

We look to "death" as a terrible thing, a

why did it happen" thing. But is it? Is it a better than what we have now? We do not know. So even death is a big question mark.

If we have investigated, questioned, tried out, everything we possibly can, trying to find an answer in our short lifetimes, (instead of staying in a box with the lid closed.), then maybe we could be a little closer than most, as to finding out who/ what "God" is..
2008-01-17 08:58:48 UTC
This may be the most confusted question I've fielded in months.

"All those who followed such spirituality were forced into being christians by spanish conquistadores who destroyed and pillaged the aztecs and incans" -- The only reference I've commonly found to a heaven on earth, is the Reducciones of the Jesuits in South America, which was opposed and finally stopped by those who hated the Jesuits and the Church. So this you have exactly wrong.

" gypsies, pagans, homosexuals" -- Hmmm, why did you put homosexuals in with gypsies ? Could it be that you want to confuse what people do with what people are. I just plain caught you there. Homosexuals are not by being so, wrong. Correct. But the act is an abomination in Scripture. Did you mean to say that people should be able to do anything they want. And mentioning free will is just decieving if it isn't to be exercised and we can do whatever we want, perverse or not.

"And God is all GOOD no?" Yes, he is. And he defines good.

Grant at least that. If everybody conformed to what God wanted, He wouldn't have had to point out what was sin.

C'mon. You can't re-define God for the sake of an argument intended to diss Him. Hmmmm.
2008-01-17 10:06:13 UTC
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John3:16 ( King James Version Bible )

God does not force anyone to believe in Him. He made a way for those who wanted to accept Him. He sent His Son to die for sinners on an old rugged cross. We can have a free pardon, and passage to Heaven, if we believe, in and on him; and turn from our sins. It is our right to accept or decline.

God is good. He also is holy. God has never sinned. God doesn't hate anyone, just their sin. He gave us a wonderful gift of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. If we reject Him, through our own rebellion, or our own man made beliefs,then there will come a time when God will reject us. Not just gypsies, pagans, homosexuals, he will reject good ole red necked Americans too. God is not partial.

If any religion is forced on anyone, then this is not the true religion of the God in the Bible. God wants people to come with a willing heart, out of love for him, not like a puppit on a string.

Man thinks on a different level than God does. What we think of negative feelings of jealousy, vengence, hate and imperfection is thoughts about how we feel and the things we have experienced in life.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8 - 9

I really would not want to trust in a God that wasn't any better than sinful man. I'm glad that when he judges, it is righteous judgedment. Not based on how he feels, but what is right!

The trouble with man is that he wants to make his own religious beliefs and then think that God and every Christian is not fair because God won't accept their beliefs.
rasheed h
2008-01-17 10:49:41 UTC
Let me start out by saying that the question has a faulty assumption to start with and therefore the question becomes a non-question and cannot be answered.

The faulty assumption is that God casts out certain types of people. So my question to the person who asked this question is "why do you assume that?"

You may say that the bible says so, and based on the answers I read, I can see your point in assuming so.

One of the fundamental teaching of Bible is that God is "Omni-Present" or "All Encompassing". If God is Omni-Present, Can He be absent from ANY place? Including hell? If God is All Encompassing, can hell EXIST outside of God?

If God is Omni Present and All Encompassing, WHERE would he cast anyone "OUT"?

The only conclusion is that the question starts out with a faulty assumption, and I believe the questioner was asking a rhetorical question, knowing well the that the assumption is faulty, and I believe he was offering those who operate under that faulty assumption (based on their misunderstanding of their own scriptures) an opportunity to reflect and THAT I believe is the purpose of FREE WILL, to be able to reflect.

2016-05-26 06:49:44 UTC
Since it's new, make sure it's seasoned well. Coat the inside with a thin layer of cooking oil and put it in the oven at 400 F for an hour. The oil carbonizes and creates a good non-stick surface. My Grandma said the best way was to coat it with lard and throw it in a bon-fire but these are modern times. Now you have the perfect pan for oven baked corn-bread. On the stove top,a cast iron is the only way(in my opinion) to cook a steak "Pittsburgh Style". With a little oil, get it smoking hot. Literally.Then sear your salt and peppered steak to perfection. I'm hungry now.
Rev Debi Brady
2008-01-17 11:06:57 UTC
This question, in various forms, comes up a lot. What does it me that God is 'all good' and what does 'loving God' mean in terms of 'paying for our sins'?

Good has meanings to human beings which may not apply at all to the Divine (ie, God) does Love/Loving. If you believe in damnation and punishment, after death, you may well 'find yourself' in that condition...but it is not because God put you there, YOU put yourself there. This is not a punishment nor is it a reflection of God's intention for us.

Whatever belief system you choose, that is not the definition of what your soul will choose for the next 'life'...when your current body will drop away. So, the two are not ties together..hope that answers your question from a non-Christian POV.
2008-01-17 09:03:20 UTC
You write as though you know a lot about God, but what you say reveals you know nothing about Him. You ask questions as one who has not studied to learn the answers. You have decided what is perfect or imperfect for God, and judge how He created men. Don't you know that no one can be forced to believe in God? So I must take issue with your premise, and recommend that you stay with a subject you know something about.
2008-01-17 08:51:32 UTC
Awesome! You got it all figured out.

If you have children that you love then you will find all the answers to your question. Until that happens, enjoy your conclusions.

I can give you a hint. Those who are without the law are a law unto themselves. GOD is a righteous judge. He is the only judge that can be a righteous judge because only he has all the facts and knows the motivation for everything.

I hope that helps.
2008-01-17 08:49:33 UTC
Diversity is an earthy thing - God is not diverse - He is God. He delivered to us His Word in the Holy Bible. The people of the earth are diverse - God is not. You choose your destiny, God does not - it is just like the drowning person has a choice to take hold of the life saving device or not. God makes the laws - you choose life or eternal damnation.
2008-01-17 08:50:09 UTC
He does love the people he created. People just choose to not love him or believe him. And therefore he cannot let them into his kingdom. In John verse 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way the truth and the life, no one gets to the father except through me" You have to believe in something that you cannot see. It may seem like a waste of time to you, but Christians know the truth.
2008-01-17 09:18:51 UTC
He will never cast out anyone one who doensn't know him for the reason of being distant to where the teachings are, but hey, do you let anyone in your house who will tend to abuse your house rules and who like to do dirty stuffs in your domain, the loving God ordered us not to kill which is a Holy rule so do you want to be called child of the loving God after you intentionally killed someone? Do you like to be called saint by the most High and Holy after you commit adultry while your loving wife waits you in her bed. But God is so loving that he even has given a chance for the worest sinners, to repent, change and become Holy, He will not judge you by your ancient sins, but you must repent and transform, if you can't you have all the right to help you transform and He has never failed anyone. If you find yourself unhelped, wait for Him with patience, souls in hell have waited the Great Redeemer for thousands of years but now you are redeemed the minute you seek redemption from your sins. God is love that every minute now after the death of Christ is a a minute for our redemption. Before judging the Most High, why not judge ourselves first. God Bless
2008-01-17 09:47:41 UTC
Grace unto you, and peace,

from God our Father and the Lord JC.

Ppl who accuse others and excuse themselves by using laws to do such are not excused in Romans 2, but "inexcusable"; thereby also condemned by their own judmental laws. So perhaps even Jesus is inexcusable, if he Romans 2 condemned himself, by law imputing sin to others.

Such is a global dilemna, common to the world; As leaven (doctrine, hypocrisy, of law) leavens the whole kingdom of heaven on high and the whole kingdom of God within you.

God did not send his Son to condemn (law) the world already condemned by law; But rather that the world, through him (through Jesus --> Christ) might be saved (graced & truthed): John 3:17. Nor would his Son even accuse any: John 5:45. No, not even the woman caught in adult-ery: John 8:3-11.

Through Jesus --> Christ speaks of through Law --> Grace, as Jesus was made under the law and Christ is the end of the law: the ministration of condmenation and death.

Jesus: was about division and not peace: law vs law.

Christ: is about peace and not divided: grace & truth.

What was Jesus made under the law? He was made [to be] sin, and death. What was Christ the end of the law made? Made perfect, and thereby the author of eternal salvation.

So when "world" salvation is mentioned: John 4:42 ... 1John 4:14, and "world" reconciliation mentioned: 2Cor 5:19, it notably speaks of Christ: is the end of the law: Rom 10:4, not the mend of law: Lk 5:36,37; And of not law imputing sin, bcz law imputed sin, when it is finished, brings death (not life): James 1:15. For law is both source and strength of sin's death sting: Rom 5:13 & 1Cor 15:56; Both the ministration of condemnation and death: 2Cor 3: 7&9.

Which things are an "allegory",

written aforetime for our "learning",

as a "mystery" to solve by find grace "in time",

as there's neither mystery nor time in eternity.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
2008-01-17 08:49:40 UTC
God wants all to be saved, but He gives them the choice. You wouldn't want to the woman you love to be forced into marrying you if she didn't love you, would you? and just because people have done terrible things in the name of God and Christianity doesn't mean they were doing what God wanted. The inquisitions were wrong. God doesn't want anyone forced into following Him.
crystal spring
2008-01-17 09:40:03 UTC
christianity also picks fun of people with leprosy and various other skin disorders. its very sexist and written by men. i am sure of that. i don't get that either. but of course if we look at history, anybody who doesn't fit the norm is often ridiculed and called and treated mean. its ridiculous. so needless to say i don't agree with it. i don't even have a religion myself. i am making my own. i don't ever think GOD would ever want his or her people to be discriminated against. that is if their is a GOD.
Daniel C
2008-01-17 09:38:48 UTC
When it comes to religion it is oftentimes difficult to understand. It could not be explained by logic nor science - only Faith. Remember, His chosen people (in the Bible) were often subject to do you explain that. You can't. Religion is more mysterious than you think.
2008-01-17 09:00:18 UTC
Why would a loving God cast out certain kinds of people?

Because of sinful disobedience.
2008-01-17 08:55:24 UTC
Let me put it as simply as possible.

One day God will separate all the evil from His people whom He loves.

If you cling to the evil, you will be separated with the evil, and go to the place of pure evil.
2008-01-17 08:46:35 UTC
Where would free will come in, then?

here's a question for you:

If God had created all men "saved", then what would have been the purpose of Jesus dying for our sins, then?
good day
2008-01-17 08:51:09 UTC
Keep your eyes on the Lord, not men, men are not perfect by far!

Revelation 4:11

You need to study the bible, as you do not understand.
Bride of Christ
2008-01-17 08:46:19 UTC
There is only one type of person that God "casts down" so to speak and that is the ones that are disobedient and refuse to turn from their sin Because He hates sin and sin cannot exist in His presence
Antie Pantie
2008-01-17 08:43:43 UTC
This supports the saying... Ignorance is Bliss

Do you think that God's law could have been for those who have never heard it?

How can one sin if they don't understand what sin is?
2008-01-17 12:14:00 UTC
Wow, I completely agree with Lion of Judah...

well said.....
don't be afraid
2008-01-17 08:43:13 UTC
God does not. People and religion claim to speak for god but they are only speaking out of their own ego and conditioned beliefs.
james h
2008-01-17 08:43:49 UTC
Have yo uread the old testament? Hes a bit of a git really, genocidal and power crazy!
2008-01-17 08:43:34 UTC
The only way to be saved and go to heaven and not eternal hell is by believing that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose again (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
2008-01-17 08:45:52 UTC
YAHOSHUA offers freely the wisdom and power to obey and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Most people choose not to obey, and choosing not to obey, they choose not to believe. A measure of faith is given to every man. You choose what you will have faith in.
Fish <><
2008-01-17 08:44:24 UTC
Funny that you say God can't hate, yet His Word says He hates all workers of iniquity. Who do we believe? You or God.
2008-01-17 08:44:06 UTC
The only answer is, a loving God would not.

Love and blessings Don
2008-01-17 08:47:19 UTC
God did create people...people choose diversity...people choose to move here and there, people choose whom to marry...people choose who they would and would not worship...and yet again people will choose to Jesus or not...God gave us free will to either choose HIM or not....
2008-01-17 08:46:07 UTC
God doesn't cast out any of His children...which we all are.

Such teachings were made by humans to try to gain more control through fear.

~ Eric Putkonen
2008-01-17 08:44:43 UTC
we can give ou answer for his motives...

all is done for his glory and purpose!

maybe we should take more responsibility also... with that free-will that we have.

2008-01-17 08:43:20 UTC
The idea of a loving God sending people to hell for eternity is not easy to accept. Why would God, who is full of mercy and grace, send people to a place of torment for ever and ever for not trusting in Jesus even though they are nice people, or never heard of Jesus, or were sincerely trying to find God? Is that fair? Is that right?

When people ask these questions, they are appealing to what they perceive as fairness. They are looking at the issue from their human perspective. But this perspective is not necessarily the right one. If God exists, and He does, then it is He who is the One who says what is right and fair, not us. So, we need to see what the Bible says about what is right regarding sin and salvation and make a decision afterwards.

The Bible tells us that God is holy, "You shall be holy, for I am holy," (1 Pet. 1:16). Holiness is incorruptibility, perfection, purity, and the inability to sin, all of which which are possessed by God alone. Holiness is the very nature of God's character. His character is perfect, without flaw, and He is the standard of all that is right and good.

The Bible also says that God is infinite , "Great is our Lord, and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite," (Psalm 147:5). If God's understanding is infinite, then God is infinite in nature.

The Bible tells us that God is love. "And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him," (1 John 4:16). God cares about us and seeks our well being and security. His thoughts about us are infinite and His love is too. This is why God does not desire that anyone go to hell, but that all come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9).

The Bible tells us that God is righteous. "God is a righteous judge," (Psalm 7:9). His righteousness is part of His character just as are mercy and love. Righteousness deals with justice and justice deals with the Law. This means that God will always do that which is right and He does so according to the righteous Law that He has set forth. God cannot do anything wrong. God must do that which is right, otherwise He would not be righteous.

Jesus said that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks," (Matt. 12:34). So too with God. He speaks out of the abundance of His heart. God spoke the universe into existence, "Let their be light," (Gen. 1:3) and He also spoke forth the Law (Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments, etc.). Therefore, the Law of God, is a reflection of God's character, because it comes out of what He is, holy, perfect, righteous, and good. Therefore, the Law is a standard of perfection. It is perfect and if we do not keep it perfectly, then we have offended the God who gave it; after all, it is a reflection of His character. To break God's Law is to offend (sin against) God. Since it is law, there is punishment because there is no Law that is a law without a punishment. This means that when we break the Law of God, we fall under the judgment of the Law of God. Since He is infinite, our offense against Him is takes on an infinite quality because we have offended an infinitely holy and righteous God.

Must God punish?

Yes, God must punish those who break His law because it is the right thing to do. Just as a parent should punish a child for doing something wrong (intentionally), so God must punish those who do wrong. You see, if God did not punish the person who does wrong, then He would be unjust and unrighteous. He would be breaking His own law -- which He cannot do. But, someone might say that the punishment of a parent on a child is temporary whereas God's punishment is eternal. Why the difference? The answer is two fold. First, God is infinite and a parent is not. Second, God is the standard of all righteousness and the parent is not.

Because God is infinite, when we sin, we are offending an infinite God. This is incredibly significant. The reason sin is so bad is not so much because of the one committing the sin, but because of the One who is offended. In other words, sin is so incredibly bad because it takes on a horrible quality by the very fact of who it is against: an infinitely pure, holy, and righteous God.

A parent is not the standard of righteousness. God is. A parent is (or should be) using the righteous standard of God in raising children. Therefore, though a parent's punishment is temporary because it is instruction and correction, the punishment of God is eternal because our sin is against an eternal God. There is a big difference.

Can we please God on our own?

Is it possible to earn one's place before God by what we do (being good, etc.)? Is it possible for a finite being to please an infinite one? If so, then that means a sinner who has offended an infinite God, is able please God by his efforts. But, if he is a sinner, then aren't those "good" things he does also touched by sin since they are motivated out of the heart of a sinner? Yes. This is what the Bible declares since it says that our hearts are deceitful and not to be trusted (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-23).

But then someone might say that if the person is sincere when he does the good works, then that should be acceptable to God. But, saying it should be acceptable doesn't mean it is. Remember, according to the Bible we cannot trust our own hearts (Jer. 17:9). This means that we cannot even trust our own sincerity.

God is the judge, not us. If we could please God by our efforts or sincerity, then it would mean that a finite person can appease an infinite God by doing good works. It further means that sincerity becomes a meritorious condition of the heart. It would be like saying, "God, I am worthy to be with you because of the good works I have done and the good and sincere condition of my heart." Can any mortal who has fallen into sin ever do anything good enough to please an infinite God? The answer is no. Gal. 2:21 says, "I do not nullify the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.” In other words, if we could get to heaven by what we do, then Jesus didn't need to die on the cross. Therefore, God has established that our works and sincerity cannot be good enough.

Finally, for those who still maintain that we can please God by our efforts, we must ask how many good works must he perform in order to undo an offense against an infinitely holy God? Is there a standard by which we can judge which sin requires how many goods works to cancel out? There is none. Therefore, he is left in a predicament. Since God must punish the sinner for offending Him (breaking His holy and righteous law), and our works cannot undo the offense against God, then how are we going to escape so great a righteous judgment?

The way of escape

The only way to escape the righteous judgment of God is to trust in the provision He has made. This provision is found in Jesus. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life," (John 3:16). Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6). Jesus is also God in flesh (John 1:1,14; Col. 2:9). Therefore, Jesus' life is of infinite value. This means that His sacrifice is sufficient to cleanse you of your sins. It is capable of satisfying the infinitely righteous standard of God that is required to match His infinite holiness.

Jesus' sacrifice is the only provision acceptable to God the Father. If you want to escape the eternal judgment of God, you must put your trust in Jesus and what He did on the cross and in nothing else. Without Him, there is no hope of escape on the Day of Judgment. How do you do this? You receive Jesus (John 1:12). You trust in Him alone. You can ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins (John 14:14). Trust Him alone.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.