The evidence from the Inspired Word of God itself makes it irrefutable that Jesus is not equal to Almighty God.
On the other hand, there is not one clear verse in the Bible that teaches that God is made up of three persons equal in power, knowledge or eternity. Even Trinitarian scholars realize that there is not one scripture which teaches the Trinity and that it was a later addition to True Christianity:
Hastings Dict. of The Bible -Revised edition by F.C. Grant & H.H. Rowley:
"The doctrine of God as existing in three persons and one substance is not demonstrable by logic or by scriptural proofs."
A Short History of Christian Doctrine; Bernhard Lohse:
“As far as the New Testament is concerned, one does not find in it an actual doctrine of the Trinity. “
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics:
"At first the Christian faith was not Trinitarian...It was not so in the apostolic and sub-apostolic ages, as reflected in the N.T. and other early Christian writings."
The Encyclopedia Americana:
“Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L.
The Story Of Civilization Part III -Will Durant:
"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it...from Egypt came the idea of a divine trinity."
"Anyone who can worship a trinity and insist that his religion is a monotheism can believe anything."-Robert A. Heinlein
Thus, the testimony of the Bible and of history makes clear that the Trinity was unknown throughout Biblical times and for several centuries thereafter. It is not a Biblical teaching. Thus any scripture used to prove this doctrine has been taken out of context and is not in harmony with the rest of Scripture.
In fact, every argument and “scriptural” evidence presented by Trinitarians demands ignorance from their hearers regarding Scriptural terms, context and Hebrew and Greek grammar and also must force a later meaning into Scripture (anachronism). By necessity Trinitarian arguments must encourage logical fallacies in order to be effective. As a result they cause Scripture to contradict itself.
In my experience these arguments fall into several categories: Scriptures are used in such a way that demands an ignorance of Greek and Hebrew grammar, ignorance of the context, or a reliance on poor translations (e.g., Jn.1:1; 8:58; 10:30). Their "proof" texts are known to be spurious (1Tim.3:16; 1Jn.5:7). Or their texts are grammatically vague, and so at most allow two equally valid translations (Rom.9:5; Tit.2:13).
On the other hand, there are hundreds of Scriptures which explicitly state that Jesus is inferior to Almighty God. For example:
Jesus has a *God* over him (Mic.5:4, Jn.20:17, Rom.15:6, Rev.3:12). Can Almighty God have a God? Anyone who is said to have a God over him must be less than Almighty!
Scriptures show that Jesus did not know what Almighty God knew on earth or in heaven (Mk.13:32, Rev.1:1; Mat 20:23).
He always had to be *given* power or authority from a superior! (Mt.28:18; 11:27, Jn. 5:22; 17:2; 3:35; 2Pet.1:17).
He could not "save" himself (Jn.12:26-27, Heb.5:7-10).
He could not do anything on his own and he can only speak what he was "taught" by the Father (Jn. 5:19; 6:38; 8:28). He was not eternal God but was "begotten" (Jn. 1:18).
How could the Father command him to do anything (Jn. 12:49; 14:31; 15:10; 12:49; 10:18.)
Jesus identifies himself as the one "sent" by a superior, he did not come of his own accord (Jn.8:16,29,42,). This superior is identified as "Father" and "God" and is shown to be Jehovah (Jn.8:54). Is not the sender superior to the one sent? (Jn.13:16).
Explicit scriptures show that Jesus was less than Almighty God at every point of his existence (Jn. 14:28; 20:17; Mk.13:32; 1Cor.15:27,28; Rev.3:2,12). At the highest position he will ever attain, Jesus is still "subject" to *GOD* the same way we are "subject" to him.
If Jesus were equal to Almighty God why was he not powerful enough to subject things to himself? (1Cor.15:27, Eph.1:17,22, Hb.1:3).
As you can see, the Scriptures put so many limitations on our Lord that it is impossible to place him in an Almighty position. Every thing he does is done only because his God and Father *allows* him to do them. No one has to (or can) give The Almighty God such power or authority. If these things were said of Jehovah the Almighty God they would be blasphemous.
When we listen to what the Scriptures are saying they are very clear in telling us that Jesus cannot be equal to Almighty God. The Bible never contradicts nor confuses with incomprehensible doctrines like the trinity.
1. Then how could he be WITH God (ho theos)? (Jn.1:1)
7. Then why would he have to be GIVEN any power and authority? (Mt.28:18; 11:27, Jn. 5:22; 17:2; 3:35; 2Pet.1:17)
8. Then why did he have to LEARN anything? (Heb.5:8, Jn.5:19; 8:28)
9. Then why is speaking against him not as bad as speaking against the Holy Spirit? (Mt.12:31,32, Lk.12:10)
11. Then why did he have to be EXALTED to Leader and Savior? (Ac.5:31)
12. Then how could he be EXALTED and GIVEN a higher name than he had? (Philp.2:9-11, Heb.1:2-4)
13. Then why did he have to be GIVEN life in himself? (Jn.5:25,26)
14. Then how can the father be greater than him? (Jn.14:28)
15. Then why did he worship the father? (John 4:22)
16. Then why can he not do anything on his own? (John 5:19; 6:38)
17. Then why would he pray to anybody? (Lk.22:44, Jn.17:1,2, Heb.5:7)
18. Then why does Scripture say he is PART OF Creation? (Col.1:15)
19. Then how could he be a "BEGOTTEN God"? (Jn. 1:18)
20. Then how can he be God's servant? (Act.4:26,27,30)
21. Then how could he receive strength from an angel? (Lk.22:43)
22. Then how could he be a MEDIATOR between GOD and man? (1Tim. 2:5)
23. Then why is "God head of Christ just as Christ is head of man"? (1Cor.11:1)
24. Then how can he be GOD's IMAGE? (Col.1:15 , Heb.1:3)
25. Then why is he called the AGENCY (dia) of creation and not the Originator (ek)? (1Cor.8:6, Jn. 1:1-3, Pro. 8:30, Heb. 2:10, Col.1:15,16)
26. Then why did Jesus say GOD was "good" in a way that Jesus was not? (Mark 10:18)
27. Then why does he have an archangels voice instead of God's voice? (1Thes.4:16)
28. Then why is the only "worship" given to him the same given to humans? (Heb. 1:6, cf. Mt. 18:26, Rev. 3:9 - "Proskuneo")
29. Then why is he never given worship that only God receives? (Mt. 4:10 -"Latreuo")
31. Then why did Steven see two separate entities, GOD and Jesus, and not just one God or three persons? (Acts 7:55)
32. Then how could he be seen at GOD's right hand? (Lk.22:69, Acts 7:55, Rm.8:34)
33. Then why would he have to RECEIVE a revelation from God? (Rev.1:1)
34. Then why is he called God's "begotten" Son before he came to earth? (Jn. 3:16, Gal.4:4, 1Jn.4:9)
35. Then how could he have a FATHER? (Jn 20:17)
36. Then how could he come in flesh? (1Kings 8:27, Acts 17:24,25)
37. Then how could he appear before GOD? (Heb.9:24)
38. Then how could he be born? (Col.1:15)
39. Then why can we see him? (Jn.1:18)
Bonus question:
40. Then why did Trinitarians have to add and subtract from Scripture to support the Trinity? (1Jn.5:7,8, 1Tim.3:16, Jn.1:18, Ac.7:59, Rev.22:18,19).