Revelation 22:12 reads: "‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is.'"
Revelation 22:17 reads: "And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearing say: “Come!” And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free."
But you have to come. And you can't leave.
James 2:24-46 reads: "YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone. In the same manner was not also Ra′hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
IF you do not prove you have faith with your actions, what worth is it? It's dead to God. James chapter 2 says so. So, no, you do not get salvation like a get out of jail free card. It comes with faith, and the faith has to last. It will show in what you do, and how you act.
Now, people are imperfect, and they sin. But the Bible clearly shows that this is UNACCEPTABLE but forgivable. IF you show genuine regret.
Isaiah 55:7 says: "Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts; and let him return to YHWH, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way."
This means you must STOP SINNING and return to God for him to forgive you. If you continue to sin, then you are not with God. If you are not with God, you do not receive the life giving water.
And voila! You have the problem with what you say.
NOW, after all that has been said, I am NOT anti-gay. I am not pro-gay, either. It is not my place to judge others, which is in several scriptures. What homosexuals do is between them and God. I have nothing to do with it.
Hope that helps! Have a nice day!
Luv ya,
Tashi :)