First off, I'm a Muslim from Pakistan and I trust you won't mind a sensible answer, hence, I am daring to reply.
If you would have given your background, it would have been better... however, I presume that you're a Christian with whatever denomination.
If you know your Bible then trust me Koran is the continuation of it clearly informing that it's the last Message of God to the mankind.
I would like to enlighten you first with some facts about Muslims which are generally misinterpreted or misunderstood in Europe and the West.
- Muslims believe in the God of Abraham.
- Islam is one of the deity and off shoot of Abrahamic faiths.
- Koran confirms previous divine scriptures decended on Abraham, Moses, David and the Jesus Christ.
- We have to believe in every other Messenger of God, else we are not a Muslim and without making divisions between His Messengers.
- We staunchly believe in One God as the Jews do without a compromise, ever at the price of our lives.
- To a Muslim there's no greater sin and calumny than considring compeers/ consorts/ associate with God All-mighty.
Now coming to the specifics:
KAFIR / KAFIROON is the term used in Koran for the Idolaters.
Koran addresses Christians and Jews as: the People of the Book (Gospel & Torah).
Koran declares those Christians unbelievers of the People of the Book who consider God the Third of the three or those who say God is two. But still it indicates that the matters of the People of teh Book rest with God All-mighty.
Moreover, the Correct Approach of a Practising & Beleiving MUSLIM has to be --- TO YOU YOUR RELIGION, TO US OURS. This is what clearly stated in Koran and this statement of Koran was also used by The Prophet in a written agreement between the Jews & the Muslims.
Lo, it is written that each and ever individual shall be responsible & answerable for his/her deeds. Therefore, to you is your doing and to me is mine!
Those Muslims who call you other than what Koran calls you... they shall be answerable for their sayings.
NON-MUSLIMS other than Human Beings?
No, sorry, Koran has nowhere said so about the People of the Book, the Believers and even about the Idolaters.
At the max what you may find about Idolaters is "for sure idolaters are not clean".
Since you have mentioned and I can as well recall a verse from Bibel that is quoted with the reference of Jesus Christ... calling someone of the sort who approached for curing/ healing for some desease.
Rest assured, it's not the way Muslims believe.
- Muslims are only 6% of the population of the UK
- Such misinformation and propaganda is carried out against Muslims so that general public may keep aloof of them
- These rumors also help in developing a Negative public opinion and trying to show that Muslims might not be the Loyal Subjects... which in fact otherwise.
A MISCONCEPTION among Muslims:
Many Muslims are there that are in deception (similarly the way Christians are too) that they are the only ones who will meet the approval of God (by whatever means of salvation is secondary) in the Hereafter. -------------- Such are the Muslims those who digress further and continue in their perversion to diverse ends, unfolding a never ending story. They are either misled or are misinterpreting.
Contrary to whatever you say I request you to read the verses of Koran hereunder, carefully, and judge it yourself.
Say: 'People of the Book! Come now to a word
common between us and you, that we server
none but God, and that we associate not
aught with Him, and do not some of us take
others as Lords, apart from God.' And if
they turn their backs, say: 'Bear you witness that
we are Muslims.'
(Chap-3, The House of Imran; verse 56)
People of the Book, now there has come to you
Our Messenger, making clear to you many things
you have been concealing of the Book,
and effacing many things. There has come
to you from God a light, and a Book Manifest
whereby God guides whosoever follows
His good pleasure in the ways of peace,
and brings them forth from the shadows into
the light by His leave; and He guides them
to a straight path.
They are unbelivers
who say, 'God is the Messiah, Mary's son.'
Say: 'Who then shall overrule God in any way
if He desires to destroy the Messiah,
Mary's son, and his mother, and all those
who are on earth?'
(Chap-5, The Table; verse 18-19)
Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry,
and the Sebaeans, and those Chrisitans,
whosoever believes in God and
the Last Day, and works righteousness---
no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
(Chap-5, The Table, verse 73)