British muslims,what is the truth in all this negativity we hear about Islam..?
2009-09-12 17:24:17 UTC
I am a white christian Scottish person,i have no qualms with any colour or creed,though i have to say some of the ideologies i have been hearing about within the Islamic beleif i do find alarming....and in the best possible manner i have to say i would not be happy about muslims attempting to turn my country..(U.K) into an islamic state...and i am equally not impressed by some of the names for non muslims ,such as KHUFFAR? AND INFIDEL....and i find it alarming that it is possible that you see non muslim people as animals or dogs and are against this true...enlighten me....
sensible intelligent and constructive non racist answers please...
Sixteen answers:
2009-09-12 21:59:47 UTC
First off, I'm a Muslim from Pakistan and I trust you won't mind a sensible answer, hence, I am daring to reply.

If you would have given your background, it would have been better... however, I presume that you're a Christian with whatever denomination.



If you know your Bible then trust me Koran is the continuation of it clearly informing that it's the last Message of God to the mankind.

I would like to enlighten you first with some facts about Muslims which are generally misinterpreted or misunderstood in Europe and the West.

- Muslims believe in the God of Abraham.

- Islam is one of the deity and off shoot of Abrahamic faiths.

- Koran confirms previous divine scriptures decended on Abraham, Moses, David and the Jesus Christ.

- We have to believe in every other Messenger of God, else we are not a Muslim and without making divisions between His Messengers.

- We staunchly believe in One God as the Jews do without a compromise, ever at the price of our lives.

- To a Muslim there's no greater sin and calumny than considring compeers/ consorts/ associate with God All-mighty.


Now coming to the specifics:


KAFIR / KAFIROON is the term used in Koran for the Idolaters.

Koran addresses Christians and Jews as: the People of the Book (Gospel & Torah).

Koran declares those Christians unbelievers of the People of the Book who consider God the Third of the three or those who say God is two. But still it indicates that the matters of the People of teh Book rest with God All-mighty.

Moreover, the Correct Approach of a Practising & Beleiving MUSLIM has to be --- TO YOU YOUR RELIGION, TO US OURS. This is what clearly stated in Koran and this statement of Koran was also used by The Prophet in a written agreement between the Jews & the Muslims.

Lo, it is written that each and ever individual shall be responsible & answerable for his/her deeds. Therefore, to you is your doing and to me is mine!

Those Muslims who call you other than what Koran calls you... they shall be answerable for their sayings.


NON-MUSLIMS other than Human Beings?

No, sorry, Koran has nowhere said so about the People of the Book, the Believers and even about the Idolaters.

At the max what you may find about Idolaters is "for sure idolaters are not clean".

Since you have mentioned and I can as well recall a verse from Bibel that is quoted with the reference of Jesus Christ... calling someone of the sort who approached for curing/ healing for some desease.

Rest assured, it's not the way Muslims believe.



- Muslims are only 6% of the population of the UK

- Such misinformation and propaganda is carried out against Muslims so that general public may keep aloof of them

- These rumors also help in developing a Negative public opinion and trying to show that Muslims might not be the Loyal Subjects... which in fact otherwise.


A MISCONCEPTION among Muslims:

Many Muslims are there that are in deception (similarly the way Christians are too) that they are the only ones who will meet the approval of God (by whatever means of salvation is secondary) in the Hereafter. -------------- Such are the Muslims those who digress further and continue in their perversion to diverse ends, unfolding a never ending story. They are either misled or are misinterpreting.

Contrary to whatever you say I request you to read the verses of Koran hereunder, carefully, and judge it yourself.

Say: 'People of the Book! Come now to a word

common between us and you, that we server

none but God, and that we associate not

aught with Him, and do not some of us take

others as Lords, apart from God.' And if

they turn their backs, say: 'Bear you witness that

we are Muslims.'

(Chap-3, The House of Imran; verse 56)

People of the Book, now there has come to you

Our Messenger, making clear to you many things

you have been concealing of the Book,

and effacing many things. There has come

to you from God a light, and a Book Manifest

whereby God guides whosoever follows

His good pleasure in the ways of peace,

and brings them forth from the shadows into

the light by His leave; and He guides them

to a straight path.

They are unbelivers

who say, 'God is the Messiah, Mary's son.'

Say: 'Who then shall overrule God in any way

if He desires to destroy the Messiah,

Mary's son, and his mother, and all those

who are on earth?'

(Chap-5, The Table; verse 18-19)

Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry,

and the Sebaeans, and those Chrisitans,

whosoever believes in God and

the Last Day, and works righteousness---

no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.

(Chap-5, The Table, verse 73)
2009-09-12 17:52:25 UTC
Thank you for that question, its a step in the right way. I am a muslim, and I would surprise you that I dont like the way that most of muslims behave. they have broken the name: 'Islamic state' into an image of a no-democratical state where all people are muslims or forced to be muslim. thats not true! in the Islamic point of view about politics, is that when a country contains a lot of people from different religions, the Islamic governement must contain from all these people and observe the right of each one to practise the way of life they want. However, if you want to know the truth about Islam, you shouldnt trust only the medias, cause a century ago (or more) Islam has been shown in a strange way (beard, sword, prayer, oppressed woman...) which is not the case, yes a lot of muslims see Islam so but its not the truth. so you should look for real muslims around you, muslims accepting your opinion and respecting you and try to make discussions with them, buy an english translation of the Quran, read thourgh the index about the subjects you would be intrested in, try to find out english people converted to Islam and talk to them, you can also travel to a muslim country too, to know more about this way of life and you will be able to compare that to the english muslims. Im not english, and I have never been to Europe, but I can help you if you want to make such discussions. Hope I helped!
True Patriot
2009-09-13 04:29:26 UTC
Extremist Muslims have a political agenda, a political jihad, as well as an often favourable stance towards terrorism. This has been well-reported in the media. The political agenda of domination in British political institutions is proceeding with the co-operation of the UAF, socialists and the Government. Any opposition is branded 'racist'. Increasing demands are made in the name of fairness, tolerance and to avoid offence. This is manipulation.

While it is clear that not all Muslims are extremists. Those Muslims who are moderate are also powerless and silent in the face of threats by extremists. Their way of life is threatened by extremism, just as is anybody elses. Let's be clear about one thing: the jihad of Muslim extremism is against ALL other cultures, religions and ways of life. The goal is an Islamic State and a single hard-line sharia. This is NOT a matter of colour or race, it is a clash of cultures between radical Islam and the rest of us.

For skeptics, here is some evidence: British Muslim leader Anjem Choudary declares Islamic sharia rule of Britain inevitable, and puts UAF, socialists and Labour Party in their place

'Moderates' at Harrow Mosque

Islamic message of jihad spread in British mosques run by ‘moderate’ organizations

LibDem MP tells Global Peace & Unity GPU Conference we want Muslim leaders & Prime Minister

CBN news - how radical Islam is taking over Britain - Islamification facilitated by Government
2009-09-12 19:40:14 UTC
Peace to You

Thank you for asking your Question dear asker, thank you for posting your question respectively. :)

As a muslim in the Uk i do not see or believe that we are trying to change your state. However some muslim would have preferred if the Shari'ah law (islamic law) could be applied to them Muslims, if you aren't a muslim it wouldn't affect you, i dun think this will ever happen anyway. Uk cannot be changed and will never turn into an islamic state for various reason. Lift the veil from the heart to See the Truth around!

Concerning Kaffir or infidel, well its just a word in Arabic describing a none believer, i do not consider it as an offence unless someone is addressing me as one because i am a Muslim. And in no mean WE muslim consider a none believer as a an Animal, please enlight me where you got this from because its the first time i've ever heard such claim.. :) peace beside animal are we off better than us, we are sinning everyday whereas they are just Obeying to Allah's aka God's command and doing there part on earth.

Islam encourage Us All Mankind to Respect Each And Every Creation Of God, Wherever Muslims, None Muslim, Animal or Plant...We are All His Creation and we have to treat everyone respectably.

Now Muslims are Human, fact, they make mistakes and surely aren't perfect... They sins as well now just because the person happen to be a Muslim doesn't mean that ISLAM say so. There are ignorant and hypocrites in every religion. There are more than 3 billion Muslim globe wide and if each and every muslim where like the west claim well just imagine,sigh...

i not trying to be mean in any ways but sadly Muslim in Iraq and Afghanistan Pray everyday for your troops to leave their countries and sadly again until today they still don't have a good reason for their presence their and why they went there at the first place.

Kindly i would ask you to seek the truth about what going on around us humans. You are a Christian and believe in God, i wouldn't ask you to read neither the Qur'aan nor the Bible nor the Torah but i will ask you to Ask God the one And Only God, the one who created me, you and all to Enlight you dear brother in Humanity.

May God bless, guide you, God Willing.

Peace to All
2009-09-13 01:41:43 UTC
Just do a search Sharia Law 65.4 on the web and read it it IS practiced today

all Muslim's want Sharia Law as their code to live By incorporated in the Law of the countries that they live in

and the One Mostly practiced in Saudi Arabia Iran UEA Syria and Lybia

is Sharia Law 65.4

do a web search because if i say what it says it is so disgusting someone Might report me

then if you have time read all of Sharia Law

then decide do western nations want these people from the 1600 living with you in the 2009

I would say No

try this for size

Mohammad instructed his commanders to make holy war and give people choices - either convert to Islam or face Sikhs must pay jiziya death (this is the only option for certain groups) OR grovel and pay the jizya (people of the book) OR continue fighting (if caught you become a slave and Islamic slave trading continues to this day) (eg*Muslim Book 19, Number 4294: repeated in 4295, 4296)

***Koran 9:123 O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty.

***Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387: Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah."... (ie convert and be safe! Repeated in *Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2635: and elsewhere. )

the Koran from Mohamed says if you do not pray to Allah you must die and this IS going on in 2009

The Taliban destroyed 2000 year old Buddas in Afghanistan and every terrorist attack has the approval of Mohamed and Allah

why because we choose not to believe in Mohamed and Allah

under Sharia Law it is Not Illegal to take land from a Non Muslim because Allah said so

Under Muslim Law Sharia Law if a Muslim Kills a Non Believer he under His law has Not Committed a Crime he is Obeying Mohamed and Allah
2009-09-12 17:41:33 UTC
Kaffir is like a swear word now that some Muslims even use to describe other Muslims who don't follow the same interpretation of Islam as they do. I think a lot of us Muslims here can share that we ourselves have been called a 'kaffir' at one point or another by our very own brethren lol, so remember this term isn't just used for non-Muslims. Us Muslims have to take that crap too hehe!

I do not see non-Muslims as animals or dogs. My whole family aren't Muslim my Dad is a beautiful Christian. I have had more Buddhist and Christian friends than Muslim friends and if any Muslims do indeed think that way about non-Muslims than they are in the wrong.

Regarding the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), according to the Quran we are to treat them so kindly, but of course there are some Mulims who don't take into account verses such as these:

Bismillah erahman eraheem

“Dispute not, unless in kindly sort, with the People of the Book; save with such of them as have dealt wrongfully with you: And say ye, ‘We believe in what hath been sent down to us and hath been sent down to you. Our God and your God is one, and to him are we self-surrendered’ (Muslims).” (29:45)
2009-09-15 16:19:11 UTC
for now it's muslims and soon it'll be sunthin else muslims ain't just come along and theres no such thing as god only an imaginary god what ppl have made up it's ppl that's the problem not religion if it was'nt religion being used it'd be sumthin else to beat each other it's all really pointless
English Patriot ¸.•*´`*♥ ♥*´`*•.
2009-09-13 01:52:41 UTC
I have read the answers to this question and in my opinion they are not honest answers. Are you familiar with Al Taqiya which permits muslims to lie in order to 'protect' Islam? Many appear to view opposition to Islam as an 'attack'. I have read that infidel are considered by muslims to be one of eleven impure/unclean things. Kaffir and infidel are indeed used as derogatory terms, as is dhimmi; another concept with which people in the West should familiarise themselves with. The fact is that we have been quietly colonised by a culture and religion with an expansionist agenda, and no intention of integrating or accepting/respecting our culture and traditional Christian religions. What they seem unwilling or unable to grasp is that opposition to Islam has arisen due to the constant expectation of concessions made to Islam, and that this imported religion be equal with our traditional religions. Personally I find that extremely offensive when it is they who should be adapting to this country and culture, not us to theirs. What nonsense the Bible should not be placed higher than the Qur'an in libraries and bookshops for example. Our pathetic Governments might be willing to acquiesce at every opportunity but I am not. I am neither fascist, Islamaphobic nor racist I simply wish to preserve our national identity, culture and traditions or at least what's left of them. And yes I have read the three translations of the Qur'an and researched Islam since 9/11 and I will continue to reject it entirely and it's imposition here in my beloved England.
2009-09-13 14:16:46 UTC
In Lies We Trust Part 1 of 16 1/16

Bush Family are Nazi…



Illuminati Freemason III New World Order 2012 Part 1








O Lord / O Creator of my Mind, Body and Soul, if there is a Way Of Life which you Love over all other ‎Ways of Life in this Universe then please Direct Me towards it, show me the Truth as Truth and render ‎me help towards that and make it very Clear and Easy for me to understand. Show me Falsehood as ‎Falsehood and help me to avoid that with the greatest of ease. I plead with you today for help and ‎understanding in this matter with your Infinite Knowledge and Mercy on these matters.‎

O Lord / O Creator of Me and Mankind, Save and Protect me and my family and friends from Sudden ‎Major and Minor –Calamities, dieasters, illness, Rape, Murder, Kidnapping, Drowning, Burning, Any Transport Accidents, ‎Terrorist Bombings, Evil Secret Societies and their evil plans, Pandemic Disease’s, Plagues and Poisoning.‎

2009-09-12 17:51:11 UTC
Im not a British Muslim and I dont know the attitude of Muslims there but I highly doubt they want an Islamic state in Britain, for one thing there are only 2 million Muslims... if anything they want Britain to stop supporting American terrorism and Israeli occupation and genocide.

Kaffir simply means non believer, infidel is not a correct translation as it has negative connotations even though it simply means faithless. Jews and Christians are not really classified as kaffir, they are Ahl al-Kitāb (People of the Book)

There are many statements in the Qur'an that promote tolerance towards People of The Book. For example:

* And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit. [Qur'an 29:46]

There are also many statements that promote an adversarial relationship. For example:

* O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for rulers/patrons ; they are protectors of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a ruler/patron, then surely he is one of them; surely God does not guide the unjust people. [Qur'an 5:51]

In other places the Qur'an says:

* Not all of them are alike; a party of the people of the Scripture stand for the right, they recite the Verses of God during the hours of the night, prostrating themselves in prayer. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin Al-Ma'rûf and forbid Al-Munkar ; and they hasten in (all) good works; and they are among the righteous. And whatever good they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for God knows well those who are Al-Muttaqûn .(3:113-115)

* And there are, certainly, among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), those who believe in God and in that which has been revealed to you, and in that which has been revealed to them, humbling themselves before God. They do not sell the Verses of God for a little price, for them is a reward with their Lord. Surely, God is Swift in account. '(3:199)'

* Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve . [Qur'an 2:62]

* Say (O Muhammad ): "O people of the Scripture : Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but God, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides God. [

edit: "..and the simple answer to not liking the army or the government or police force etc etc etc is to simply leave this country...that goes for all people..thats fair it not.."

No not fair enough, that is racist, so British Christians who disagree with their armies and police should also leave that country? You asked answerers not to be racist but you treat Muslims as a different race of people all holding dual citizenships, a very anglocentric, right wing view you hold about this religion of peace through submission to God.

No real scholar of Islam can support terrorism, but many British and American citizens support terrorizing Muslims all over the world every day but they are seen as righteous "freedom fighters" do you not see the hypocrisy...
2009-09-13 01:10:41 UTC
the truth behind this all thing is media which is threatening the europeans in the name of islam.the real enemy of u is ur media not muslims,a real muslim is that who wants piece in the world,not to kill annocent persons,im also a muslim but i dont have any evil idea against u.kuffar means disbelievers,who does not believe in the onenis of Allah and in his messenger muhammed pbuh.
2009-09-12 17:37:06 UTC
Muslims are not attempting to Turn Uk into Islamic State Friend.

The whole news is about a Fascist group trying to stop people building a Mosque. So what? People can build Churches but we cant? That unfair

Kaffir is a term for disbeliever in Arabic. Infidel media term.

To learn about Islam please visit

Peace as always
2009-09-13 03:45:10 UTC
If you accepted Henry the eight you should have no problem with Mohammed.Mark Steyn thinks it is to late for you and I think he is right.May Allah save the Queen.
2009-09-12 18:23:23 UTC
Stop being paranoid
2009-09-12 17:34:34 UTC
we Muslims don't see others as animals

and kaffir means disbeliever of Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
2009-09-12 17:28:24 UTC

By sakota's logic it's ok for a white man to call a black ****** because black people also call black man a ******

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.