That is so wrong for any Christian to say that. It pits the atheist against the Christian as enemies. The atheist is NOT the Christian's enemy, Satin is. Atheists do not have the "agenda", Satin does. The Bible tells us that we war not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil. The Bible tells us to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the DEVIL's schemes......not the atheist's.
If we are Christians (followers of Christ), then we are to follow His example by loving everyone. It doesn't mean loving the sin of anyone, but loving the person. It also means we are to continue His work, which is spreading the message of God's love to everyone. Not sitting back in our comfortable chairs and closing our eyes to the state of our world or arguing and name-calling.
We have a high calling and and a difficult battle ...its not for the "faint-of-heart" or the "weak-willed".
For the atheist readers, I really do feel bad and I appologize if I've ever written anything here that's made you feel like I consider you my enemy or my project. I will defend my God and my faith. There really is an infinite amout of evidence supporting the existance of God and the authenticity of the Bible. But if you perceive us as enemies or feel that Christians perceive you as that, how could I ever expect you to even want to look at any of that.
I feel that some of us here, by getting caught up in arguing instead of discussing or debating, have pushed some non-believers further away from God. That's wrong and we'll have to answer for that someday.
.....guess I'm rambling, sorry. I just felt I had to say that. I feel badly for the negative feelings some of us might have created by doing so. It's a long ways off from,"They will know you are My disciples by your love"