and just one more question about Christians saying that Atheists have an agenda! what might that be exactly?
2007-11-19 18:12:13 UTC
I am an Atheist and would love to know what my agenda is?
37 answers:
2007-11-19 18:18:15 UTC
u are on a mission to convert the masses to logic ... admit it ..
2007-11-19 19:18:51 UTC
That is so wrong for any Christian to say that. It pits the atheist against the Christian as enemies. The atheist is NOT the Christian's enemy, Satin is. Atheists do not have the "agenda", Satin does. The Bible tells us that we war not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil. The Bible tells us to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the DEVIL's schemes......not the atheist's.

If we are Christians (followers of Christ), then we are to follow His example by loving everyone. It doesn't mean loving the sin of anyone, but loving the person. It also means we are to continue His work, which is spreading the message of God's love to everyone. Not sitting back in our comfortable chairs and closing our eyes to the state of our world or arguing and name-calling.

We have a high calling and and a difficult battle ...its not for the "faint-of-heart" or the "weak-willed".

For the atheist readers, I really do feel bad and I appologize if I've ever written anything here that's made you feel like I consider you my enemy or my project. I will defend my God and my faith. There really is an infinite amout of evidence supporting the existance of God and the authenticity of the Bible. But if you perceive us as enemies or feel that Christians perceive you as that, how could I ever expect you to even want to look at any of that.

I feel that some of us here, by getting caught up in arguing instead of discussing or debating, have pushed some non-believers further away from God. That's wrong and we'll have to answer for that someday.

.....guess I'm rambling, sorry. I just felt I had to say that. I feel badly for the negative feelings some of us might have created by doing so. It's a long ways off from,"They will know you are My disciples by your love"
2007-11-19 18:31:44 UTC
I couldn't tell you what your agenda is, but I know that American Atheists is a prominent organization and they exist for SOME reason, whatever that may be. . .an agenda, maybe?

(Outsiders don't hear very much about them unless there is some anarchy in the ranks, I'll give you that.)

My beliefs bordered on atheism once, but I didn't really care what anyone else wanted to believe, either. I guess I was one of the "nice" ones?
bonsai bobby
2007-11-19 18:24:13 UTC
I suppose some have an agenda and others do not...I am a Christian and admittedly do have an agenda. Agendas are neither good nor evil...Intent of the heart is key, in any given agenda. If you state that you do not have a conscious agenda...then,I believe you.

EDIT:Please e-mail and let me know about your secret agenda....LOL

2007-11-19 18:23:55 UTC
the atheist agenda. atheists know that once faith in a god is lost, it is the most difficult thing in the world to regain. atheists know that every grain of sand of knowledge thrown into the cogs of the wheels of religiosity erodes those cogs, even if only very minutely. a smile from an atheist casts a long shadow on the heart of a believer. keep on smiling. the atheist agenda is to help mankind evolve into a species that spends more time helping each other than killing each other in the name of whatever god they choose that day to worship.

it is the only reason I am here. So smile, and be nice to the Christians. Every time you say, I respect your right to worship whatever, it is another , however small, brick in the wall, or a chink in the armour of an antiquated cultural and spiritual morass
2016-10-02 05:02:03 UTC
The Athenda is as complicated as its "contributors". a number of the main intense tenets (in the US) are: a million) The wellbeing and welfare of the SC&C (separation of church and state). the long term purpose includes undoing blunders made throughout the chilly conflict. 2) the risk-free practices of the Rights of the guy (often expressed as protecting the form and particularly the invoice of Rights). This one is usually a balancing act, an exceedingly dynamic stability. not purely do the RotI would desire to be shielded from extremists that have faith that their faith would desire to be each physique's faith, regardless of the shown fact that it should additionally be shielded from extremists that have faith so strongly that faith is unfavorable that they want it bumped off (a small yet important faction of Atheists). risk-free practices of the RotI is often diffused like the shortcoming of privateness supposedly excused by utilising the would desire to "look after" persons from terrorist (intense religious) attack. 3) Pursuing equivalent Rights for all voters consisting of prejudice against loss of religion. Many states nevertheless have rules against Atheists protecting public workplace and different comparable inequalities. an significant element of the contributors do not even comprehend they're contributors; it extremely is unquestionably one of its maximum appropriate weaknesses. maximum Atheists at the instant are not component to any prepared faction yet do comprehend the would desire to pursue the above tenets while they have been defined. Many are disinterested or perhaps see a threat in organizing (transforming into like a maximum appropriate heavy “prepared” faith or political social gathering) and desire to not be a element of a flow. regardless of this it rather is significant inspire all Atheists to be waiting to vote or perhaps act while their way of life is threatened (like a militia of inner maximum citizenry). upload: The Athenda isn't an analogous because of the fact the Gaygenda nor the Pagenda. nonetheless they're heavily distinctive they do agree on the above 3 tenets.
2007-11-19 19:17:21 UTC
Your agenda appears to be convincing yourself that you don't think a 'higher-power' exists. Just one question?

Suppose you and I are standing near a tree. I pull a leaf from the tree and place it in the palm of your hand, and ask you to "create me one of these, please?". How will you explain your inability to do, or explain why not, and how it got to be here in the first place?
2007-11-19 18:24:22 UTC
Reminds me of the "supposed" gay agenda. Remember Falwell and Robertson ranting about that?

Gay agenda? Hell, seven gays can't agree where to have coffee, let alone have a conspiracy of an agenda.
2007-11-19 18:26:47 UTC
Allow me to express a little error into your day, just for the purpose of making you smile. Your agenda appears to be the promotion of your own godhood, to the fullest extent that godhood defines.
2007-11-19 18:30:03 UTC
its because atheist want the children to be taught that there is no GOD. atheists talk of wanting to take GOD and anything to do with HIM out of schools and public places but do we not have the same right to have things of GOD and worship just as much as you have the choice to do the opposite?

if you want to be a Christian all you have to do is admit you are a sinner and that JESUS had to die for you to cleanse you from sin and save you because you deserved to die and suffer, but here is what gets most people. They say how can a loving GOD do this to HIS people? well HE didn't sin, you did. HE provided a way out of it because HE loves you so much adn it hurts HIM to see you behave this way, but HE loves you so much that HE gives you free will because you can't be forced to love HIM. If you believe that JESUS died and resurrected to save you and canfess that you have done wrong by sinning and ask HIM to forgive you and take your life and make something more beautiful than you could have imagined. It won't make your troubles go away but you have the Creator of everything to catch you when you fall. Forgivness, isn't it great...

admit, believe, and confess something that took a lot of anguish and pain to make it so simple for you who most of the world doesn't appreciate it and no one deserves it.

Christians aren't perfect just forgiven and its more than a religon but a relationship with someone who you don't even have to worry about trusting because HE made you and loves you so musch that HE sent HIS SON for you.You will never know Truth until you know real unconditional love.
Cee T
2007-11-19 18:22:50 UTC
As a former atheist and having known many atheists in my life, I would say that the atheist agenda is "me first and the heck with everyone else unless they are helpful in making me feel good about myself."
2007-11-19 18:27:50 UTC
I'm a Christian, and I couldn't care less about an agenda, this is your life, if you want to do it like this, go for it.
2007-11-19 18:20:14 UTC
You know...coming on here just to argue will get you no where. Ignore the rude comments and try to be peacable. Most of the answers on here will only get your blood pressure up. Why let people get under your skin? Instead pity them that they aren't humble enough not to judge you.
Lionheart ®
2007-11-19 18:16:44 UTC
I would really like to help people become free of religion, but that is not really an agenda.
2007-11-19 21:04:37 UTC
To show materially the proof of existance of God, an absurd question indeed.
2007-11-19 18:20:23 UTC
Your agenda is to laugh at religious people

who are too blinded by their religious programing

to understand common sense ◎
Cameron C.
2007-11-19 18:16:28 UTC
I lost the agenda book that my school gave me.
2007-11-19 18:17:22 UTC
We all plan on sending the entire world to hell because we're scared of God and want ourselves and everyone to suffer because we're also angry at God. This suffering also involves breaking God's divine laws by allowing evil relationships between people of the same sex, which will magically destroy marriages around the world with their evil homo-demonic powers, all this while killing and sinning abound because we're incredibly selfish.

... Didn't you get this month's newsletter?... All the plans are in there.
2007-11-19 18:16:30 UTC
My agenda is to get people to accept some common sense and realize that science can do more than make pills.
2007-11-19 18:32:28 UTC make it short....

That no one can believe in God.

To prove that the Bible is a "fairy tale".

To show all Christians that because they believe differently they are, "delusional"

to say the least
Brilliant 1forHIM
2007-11-19 18:28:25 UTC
We already know you don't.

What I mean to say is, if you don't

want to believe as we do, OK.

But why is it that some of you--"I said-- some of you,"

always have to ask such derogatory, belittling questions?

Or answer with ( I can see the smirk on your faces) smart


Well, God Bless You anyway.
2007-11-19 18:17:35 UTC
My agenda is to get out of this country ruled by a bunch of blind christians.
2007-11-19 18:39:54 UTC

your agenda is to be my friend

is that clear?





what is the question, sorry, my meds are wearing off

I am your servant
2007-11-19 18:21:29 UTC
the church has an agenda. And for your sake Mrs. athiest, "if there was a God" it would make him sick.
2007-11-19 19:19:01 UTC
Yes, how DARE you try to break these poor peoples' addiction to dogma??!!!!??? If you ever managed to reverse my dogma i might think I amgod! I might be free- scary thought...

2007-11-19 18:21:24 UTC
Depends on the Atheist.

For instance, some atheists are doing their best to propagate atheism and destroy theism.


2007-11-19 18:17:42 UTC
Your agenda is to make sure Christians don't succeed in forcing their right-wing religious agenda on our schools, court-rooms and governments.... you can force your left-wing liberal agenda on them.
2007-11-19 18:25:53 UTC
Atheists knowingly or unknowingly worship satan. Most atheists are not mere individuals looking to prove a point. Most are constantly working for evil, by attempting to cause trouble for Christians.

you should repent and worship God.
joe c
2007-11-19 22:42:09 UTC
you want to control all the hershey bars,no wait thats what i told my son to turn him against the clintons. i don't know tell me, tell me, tell me!
2007-11-19 19:06:55 UTC
ime agnostic.......and my male........ime so sorry i just dont know whats got into me today i have done this before... but i am getting better...i would pray but i dont think it would do me any good...iam agnostic after to all....including those other ones..............somehow i dont think this will reach the people........ime used to it.....i tried.........cheers ...seamanab
2007-11-19 18:14:54 UTC
I don't have an answer really, I just wanted to see your face the way I'm not Christian either
2007-11-19 18:15:49 UTC
My agenda:

To prevent a theocracy from replacing the secular United States.
2007-11-19 18:16:26 UTC
hmmmm ...... beats me ...... only a christian will know the answer .... they love the have their god think for them while they think for others.

For example :

"deep down you know there is god" (Wow ... they know my deep down better then me)

"You know satan is controlling you, therefore you should start to pray to god" (Wow .... I don't even know this guy satan)

"You know god is real, but you hate him because something happened to you" (Wow ..... I don't even know anything that happened to me for me not to believe in this imaginary creature and to even hate him. This guy knows, so what might it be?)


hmmmm .... guns & broads ... world domination is Pinky and the Brain's agenda.
2007-11-19 18:16:17 UTC
Is it world domination?
2007-11-19 18:16:46 UTC
You tell us...if you dare.
2007-11-19 18:16:27 UTC
I think they think its to take many souls from God, your working for the Devil, and please no thumbs down, just answering, not that i believe it,.
2007-11-19 18:16:06 UTC
I would imagine your agenda is to see the destruction of religion. . .

You preach that all the time, ya know.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.