Religion pushing?
2007-07-26 08:23:18 UTC
I am wondering why people feel the need to push their faith onto everyone else? I am not trying to be rude in my questioning, I just don't think it is right to try and "convert" some one to your own religion. I believe that people have the right to believe in or worship any religion they want and just because your religion says those people are going to hell or whatever form of damnation has been created to scare people into acting right doesn't mean you have to parade around telling them they are wrong. People are so narrow minded and hypocritical it's just unbelievable. If you believe your "bible" then aren't you supposed to be understanding, forgiving, accepting, etc.? That just goes to show that most people don't practice what they preach.
33 answers:
2007-07-27 14:42:56 UTC
It is a form of violence to push your beliefs upon another, I believe. As a Bahai, we are told it is a gift to share our perspective with others, but never to impose it upon them. In other words, learning and sharing from and with another human is the point. Dialog is the respectful method to "teach" or spiritually learn with and from another, with the emphasis being an ongoing respect for each other's beliefs. I try to learn about other people's beliefs instead of just telling them they have it wrong and they have to believe what I do. Of course, the Bahai faith believes all the world religions are "paths to God," so perhaps that is why it is so open to the idea there might be more than one facet to "truth"... In fact, I will defend my beliefs, but I would never try to tear down another person's perspective, because who am I to judge them or their actions? They may very well be closer to god in service to mankind and in their heart than me for all I know.
2007-07-26 08:38:51 UTC
I think it is important to walk your talk. You don't need to push & shove to show you are a Christian. If you reflect Christ's love and attributes, people will notice something "different" about you. Actions speak louder than words, that is for sure. People that shove religion don't realize how much of a turn off it is. I just try to be myself and if the topic comes up I feel I have the right to share whatever the other person wants to hear. I try to keep an open mind and accept people for who they are and what they are. Doesn't mean I agree with them. Yes, to answer your question......... Christians are supposed to be understanding, forgiving, accepting and definately not hypocritical. Remember, a few apples don't represent the whole bunch so you must be open minded about that. The squeaky wheels are the loudest and most obnoxious and do not represent all christians. I go on mission trips to Haiti every Oct. and I love to talk about that. Most people love to hear about the work we do there. Many people are really interested and supportive of the work we do there and want to hear about it even though it is spiritual in nature. It shows that we are doing what it says in the bible to do. We are supposed to help those in need if at all possible.
2007-07-27 04:55:45 UTC
Basic human impulse is to be part of groups. Another basic impulse is to distrust and fear those not of your own group. Some just cannot find the mental will to even attempt to fight their primordeal instincts.

Plus it all comes down to power. An independant and free thinking person is a threat to religion as he/she by very existance promotes questions and orginality so they must be conquered to stamp out any thoughts of rebellion from the group mind.

When you debate someone and you win them to your side you feel good and you feel validated, invincible. So since religion is just all one big ball of BS with no proof or rationality at all behind it people use it to get others into their line, proving 1) they have faith and 2) their religion must be 100% perfect and correct and the vast majority of the time the whole conversion has nothing to do with "concern for someone's soul", but instead is about making the religious feel better.

These are basic arguments, though not all but it is human nature to act like this when you have group vs non-group. This leads me to my final statement. All organized religions are evil and should be abolished. If religion was private and just between you and God then people could believe whateve they wanted since what do you care?...if you had true faith you would not need to go hang with a bunch of people in a building to pray...but the whole concept of organized religion is faith thru intimidation

it's too bad. God is very disappointed in us for a lot of things that organizing a religion is the cause of.
2007-07-26 08:46:03 UTC
How can anybody believe in and worship what they choose without somebody else informing them about it? Only if you invent your own, unique religion are you in no need of information input from others! If you say, "Well, the religious scriptures of each faith are available to consult," then you have two problems. (1) There's immense 'pushing' of religion in those written documents, with opinions, experiences and commands throughout. You are just as much coming under the influence of others as by reading Yahoo! comments! (2) Some of scripture is difficult to understand, especially by a non-believer, and explanations from adherents is necessary because mystical, spiritual matters cannot be grasped by unspiritual people.

Consider Jesus. Did he keep his ideas to himself? Did he leave folk to just continue with Judaism? No, he expounded the Hebrew scriptures to show how he was fulfilling them, and he told stories to explain the new thing God was doing through him. He did a lot of converting!

There are degrees of pushing, and what's pushy to you might just be enthusiasm to others. Also, are you not trying to 'push' your views against efforts to convert others via this question? It's a very gentle push, to be sure, but just by posing the question you are hoping to promote your opinion - and there's nothing wrong with that! In fact, you might get better results if you were less apologetic and a bit more outspoken! If you have an opinion, don't be humble about it - tell the world! They can either ignore you, shoot you down in flames or learn something!
HeVn Bd
2007-07-26 08:41:14 UTC
That's right I am narrow-minded and if you are on the right path you would be narrow-minded as well ( Matthew 7:14 ). Even Jesus taught that we were not to expect the majority to follow Him on the pathway that leads to everlasting life. Christians are understanding, forgiving, and accepting. I understand perfectly that you are not a Christian therefore have no business speaking out of God's Word when you do not live it yourself. That is the definition of a "hypocrite" that ya'll love to use at any given chance. Forgiving..I'll definitely forgive you because the Lord forgives me. Accepting...there is where the line is drawn. I am not accountable before the Lord to accept anything that is contrary to His Word. But I am accountable to give an answer when I know it ( 1 Peter 3:15 ).
2007-07-26 08:38:39 UTC
In order for me to follow my own faith, it requires me

to share it with others. It seems that more and more

people are offended these days by the concept of

hell than they were years ago. It is not my place to

tell others where they are going, but it is VERY important

that they understand the loving God I serve and try it

for themselves. Freedom of speech is also a very

important! No, I don't want to force it on anyone,

yet I want to be able to tell about it without

being immediately judged or told that I can't talk

about it! People should just tell me nicely that they

don't want to talk about it or that they do want to

talk about it as individuals. Preachers should be able

to preach on the street and advertise their faith, yet

Primordial Soup
2007-07-26 08:40:37 UTC
Actually the bible isn't "understanding, forgiving, accepting," at all, so neither are christians.

Here are some quotes from a recent question/answer that prove that point....

" I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; no man can come to the Father except through me". -- Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6)

" Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved". (Acts 4:12)


" Many will come to me in that Day and say"Haven't we done many wonderful works ..." and I will say depart from me.....I NEVER KNEW YOU". - Jesus


So, just know that their goal is to convert everybody, thus saving US and securing their place in their imaginary heaven.

2007-07-26 08:34:29 UTC
I am all for the freedom to believe as you wish. If I was not then that would be making a mockery of what GOD has given mankind. Part of the Christian faith and others is a belief that there is a very real place of torment. Out of concern and love for others they warn people about it. This is easily translated by the receivers as self righteousness and disapproval of their life choices; much like putting a hex on someone. If there is no truth to it then go about your merry way knowing that people care weather you live or die. If it really bothers you, I would suggest finding out why something you do not believe in torments you.
2007-07-26 08:34:06 UTC
Just where is it that you people find these "pushers?" I have lived in the same house for 8 years and have had one person come to my house from a local Baptist church and they were quite nice and didn't stay long.

Of course, I am a Christian BUT I rarely speak about religion with anyone. Personally I think you are just looking for an argument, if you ask me. I do, of course, speak about religion on here since this is R&S the last time I checked.
2007-07-26 08:33:26 UTC
Because certain religions, notably Christianity, actively encourage proselytizing. And, really, if you take Christianity seriously and you believe in your heart that the faithless are going to hell, I have to think it would be difficult to sleep at night unless you knew you were doing everything possible to "save" people. (Of course, most "Christians" are perfectly content to think of themselves as superior, and their enemies damned.)

The REAL reason to push religion is, as usual, the pragmatic one: there is strength in numbers. The more people who subscribe to your beliefs, the less friction you encounter, and the fewer people try to convince you that the earth is older than 6,000 years, etc. There's also the fact that misery loves company - when you've accepted a religion that criminalizes your very biology, it's got to be irritating to see other people freely exercising their biological functions without guilt or remorse.
2007-07-26 08:38:38 UTC
It depends on the proselytizer's intentions.

It is possible to think of many different reasons for someone to convert people for personal or selfish reasons, but I would like to concentrate on the reasons one could deem virtuous.

Someone would probably want to convert people for the comfort of sharing what they perceive to be the "truth". It is natural to seek to have people believe in your own beliefs as humans are social creatures.

Think about it, all beliefs start out within a minority one, i.e. in the mind of a single person. Now you may ask that he/she keep that particular belief to themselves but that would mean that we would render our species unable to evolve further.

Culture evolves in the environment of competing ideas informed by competing ethical and political considerations. Cultural evolution occurs when certain ideas dominate others influencing the next lot of ideas until a distinct set of ideas results from that process.

You may set standards but you may not convince people to "keep themselves to themselves".
2007-07-26 08:31:12 UTC
the modern form of christianity, DEMANDS that all other belief systems are not only wrong, but evil. They believe they are doing good when they push their beliefs on the rest of us. I can appreciate the amount of ego and self-gratification they must be in need of to placate themselves in this way, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant for the rest of us when we have to deal with laws passed and wars waged in the name of god. The only christians I do and have ever respected are the ones that respect my beliefs. I have never, even in these forums stated what religion I am. My beliefs are nobody's business. I horde my knowledge and will only share it with those I deem worthy of knowing. Am I judgemental? Of course! We all are! I just admit it!
2007-07-26 08:29:58 UTC
In medevil Europe conversion by the sword and threat of the stake were employed by Christians.

Most modern theologians believe that coercion can not support faith, for it will erode the value of such profession.

However, most people still feel the need to force people to convert.

I'm sure that some of them would still love to force people to convert at the point of the sword
2016-11-10 13:33:23 UTC
start up pushing returned?! i think of that has BEEN started out. Over forty years in the past, prayer replace into taken out of our colleges. that's now unlawful to exhibit the ten commandments, that are the muse for our criminal gadget. human beings desire to be conscious 'God' taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance and rancid of our funds. Separation of Church and State has replace into militant anti-Christianity, and we've many an atheist to thank for it. I by no skill push my faith on human beings, yet I do answer whilst asked approximately it. yet my son can't carry a Bible to college or pray over his lunch?! do no longer tell me there isn't any pushing happening...
A Voice
2007-07-26 08:33:30 UTC
I am one with very strong Faith and could care aless about religion. Does that sound like a contradiction? Since I believe it was the "religious" people who crucified Jesus, then the last thing i desire to be is "religious". I simple enjoy a relationship with the one who I am planning to spent eternity with. Religion is filled with a bunch of rules. Relationship is governed by Love.
2007-07-26 08:31:58 UTC
Yes, the Bible does teach us to be understanding, forgiving, and accepting. :) I don't believe it's right to "push" a religion on anyone, but when you truly believe that anyone who doesn't have Christ is going to spend eternity in hell, your heart goes out to them.. You don't want that to happen to them. That's why a lot of Christians get pushy with their faith. What we need to do is learn to cast the net and let Christ fill it. It's not our job to convert people, only to introduce them to Christ. When we treat them with understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance, we do that.
2007-07-26 08:30:52 UTC
hey the religious ones arent the only ones who do it!

ive seen some of us atheists do it! and dont forgeet agnoists too!

so uh, really you cant blame it all on one group...and i guess since buddism isnt known as a theist group, then i have to say it too >_> they do it too! WOOH!

but to tell the truth:

who comes to your door everyday?

you plants wavers in your doors gates and barns saying "evil religious are dying soon!" on the front? (funny yes ive had one in my barn XD)

who gasps if you say the wrong words on porpose?

who calls their god Jehova?

The Jehova witnesses! they preach like there was no tommarrow!

I live in New Mexico! they shouldnt thrive around here too! youd think there would be less here than anywhere else...but nooo!

so who preaches the most? Jehovas witness!

now its my turn to preach!

Follow Jenovas witness, or you will die soon!

follow us and help us find mother!
Mi Atheist Girl
2007-07-26 08:28:40 UTC
I hear you! As an atheist, I'm told constantly that my opinions don't count, and I should just leave the country, where supposedly we are free to believe or not as we choose. I've been damned to hell more times than I can count, but then get told that they 'love' me. That's some special kind of love. Kind of like that abusive husband, I think.

If they'd leave me alone, and stop trying to push their dogma in schools, government, politics, and the courts, they would not hear as much from me!
2007-07-26 08:30:51 UTC
If you were paying closer attention, what you see are people pushing the beliefs of their church, and trying to convert people to their church.

I try to tell people what the gospel is, and what it is not, and from there it is up to them to decide. What is important is that they hear it; salvation through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

Membership in a particular church is irrelevant.

Jumping through religious hoops is not only irrelevant, but a subversion of one's soul.

From there, it is up to the individual to either study Scripture to see if it stands up to Scripture, or to reject it due to their prejudices usually taught to them by others.

2007-07-26 08:28:02 UTC
the bible tells them to go spread the gospel of jesus christ for christians. i dont know what other religions teach. So since christians live by the bible Anyway, since they pretend to live by the bible, and the bible tells them to spread the word of god, and that all non christians are condemned to hell...well..what else are they going to do with their lives?
2007-07-26 08:30:31 UTC
When people ask a question, they get an answer. That's why this is called a Religion and Spirutuality section????? You call it pushing, we call it answering. That's not being understanding, forgiving, and accepting? What exactly are you "pushing" with this question?
2007-07-26 08:26:22 UTC
Actually, I agree with that sentiment. I am always happy to answer questions, but I have never felt the need to be pushy or force my faith on someone else.

But you better change or burn in.... (just kidding)
2007-07-26 08:26:34 UTC
Insecure and fearful people feel the need to convince people that their beliefs are the only true beliefs because they need that affirmation.

People who are truly comfortable with their faith and beliefs shouldn't need to be pushing their religion on others.
holly B
2007-07-30 10:46:07 UTC
some poeple are new and they get excited and want you know the good news as soon as possible and feel what they have but what they dont realize is that it just pushes them away
2007-07-26 08:30:02 UTC
Acceptance to sin is compromise. We are to forgive this is true.

This is after all R&S, I don't understand all the complaints here, go to another subject if you don't want to discuss or hear the truth.
midnite rainbow
2007-07-26 08:26:54 UTC
Do as you expect others to do. The concept is ancient; the message updated.
2007-07-26 08:31:48 UTC
As a Christian...yes, I said Christian. Oh no! Scatter! a Christian, we witness to people to lead them to God. Yes, many do it the wrong way, but it is what God calls us to do. Witness and let people know the Truth.
2007-07-26 08:27:04 UTC
It is probably because they are insecure about their beliefs and the more recruits they get the more secure they feel. Misery loves company, i suppose.
2007-07-26 08:25:49 UTC
Thats the problem. The religious freaks practise & preach.
2007-07-26 08:28:40 UTC
God converts. Christians inform. Jesus commanded us to tell people the Good News, (the Gospel). To disobey may please you, but we'd rather please God. No offense. And isn't it narrow-minded to immediately reject the Gospel as well, before researching it fully?
zee zee
2007-07-26 08:27:41 UTC
that's why God sent His son.... and not a note

hardheaded and stiff necked people
2007-07-26 08:26:59 UTC
they should practice what they preach at least
2007-07-26 08:25:57 UTC
i don't.. u have ur belief...and i have mine..i get that some times..but u kinda have to live w/ it....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.