Parents are Jehovah's witnesses,cant celebrate,no social interaction might as well be home schooled?
2009-10-04 13:31:10 UTC
My parents are Jehova's witnesses I respect that but sometimes i just hate it! i have only one friend and i cant go over to her house go to her birthday party or anything because shes not a Jehova's witness. My parents don't want me to even talk to somebody who is not a Jehovah's witness they call them "wordly people" i might as well be home schooled if i can't talk to anybody at the school! we cant do anything fun together as a family for example celebrate,go to the movies,go to the zoo ect. why does it have to be like this? is this just my parents rules? or is this what the religion really teaches? because i find it hard to believe that any religion would actually teach that can somebody plz explain this too me? plz no rude answers
Sixteen answers:
2009-10-05 06:56:17 UTC
*** Despite their lying claims, isnblog and UL have NEVER had any kind of association with the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and their comments are full of the typical lying slander of their Anti-JW hate group cult leadership.

Ever hear of trying to befriend people in your own congregation, or maybe even nearby congregations? You can do things with them that don't involve violating Bible principles, which you would be doing by establishing a close friendship with someone who doesn't love Jehovah.

The Bible's direction where it comes to those whom true Christians choose to associate with is "do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers" and also "do not be misled, bad associations spoil useful habits". This is not simply a direction given to Jehovah's Witnesses. It's direction that is found in every Bible and is for every person who claims to be a follower of Jesus. Just goes to show how lazy and leniant people have come to be where God's directions in the Bible are concerned.
Mother TJ
2009-10-07 18:14:25 UTC
Hi sweetie,

I’m sorry you feel this way. And I’m really sorry that there are people who have answered you in such a crude way that is so unneeded. You have a reasonable question and you of course love you parents no doubt.

Jehovah loves us and wants us to be happy, just know that, ok

Understand that we are trying for everlasting life in the new world and sometimes this world makes it really hard to do so. Satan is always trying to tempt us, just as many people responses have shown. This is a clear example of why we should not befriend “wordly people.” It’s not that they are often bad it’s just that they can lead you in a direction that will lead you further away from everlasting life in the new world.


We are one of the few religions that follow Jehovah’s word and try to preach it to others so they can learn the truth. I say it’s all in the bible and the Bible can be easily read by all who want to.

Stay close to your studies and remember that your parents do love and wants whats best from you. Also, try talking with your parents about your feelings and maybe they can understand how you feel. I know there are plenty of fun, safe and positive things you can do as a family, just be creative. Money might be tight now so try to keep that in mind and ask your parents to teach you about the truth so that you won’t feel like you’re being cheated out of “all the fun”

I do hope I was of some assistance, if you erver want to chat i'm open just e-mail me

2009-10-07 09:35:56 UTC
Your parents have been persuaded to believe that this religion is the "truth" and that has caused them to believe that all associates who are not JW's are "worldly" and are immediately bad associations. Most (prob 95% +) JW's dont let their childeren do anything with ppl that are not JW's. That includes having association with these "wordly people" by attending after school dances, sports, clubs ect. Basically your whole life you are stuck in the rut of only having the JW's as friends, and if you ever decide you no longer want to be a JW, you will find out how little these people actually care about you. They will all drop you and will no longer have contact with the only friends you were allowed to have. This will leave you completely alone as in order to get into the religion they make you give up your "worldly friends". This religion is a black hole- once you in you can never get out.
2009-10-05 09:37:35 UTC
Unfortunately your parents have adopted the "holier than thou" attitude that most JWs do.

They use the term "worldly people" in a detrimental way - prob continually telling you that you are no part of this world.

In fairness to your parents they are not doing any of this to hurt or restrict you - they do truly love you Im sure and they honestly think they are following gods rules.

Im not sure about the zoo or the movies though.

I know JWs that go to both and as long as the movie is not x rated or " a bad influence" then it should be fine for you to go.

As for the zoo - Im stumped...there is nothing immoral or unbiblical about going to the zoo.

Perhaps they are just mean with their money, lots of JWs seem to be.

Its interesting though that this life seems not for you yet you are being brought up in it.

I think this happens to most if not all JW kids...they given the choice want tobe "normal" and "worldly" but are afraid to go against their parents.

I would never normally recommend mixing with other JWs but I dont think you have much options.

You should talk to the other kids at the KH, I bet most feel the same as you and secretly resent the life the parents make them live.

That is why a huge proportion of baptised and non baptised kid JWs leave the faith when they reach adulthood.

At least you can be sure that when you reach adulthood and make the decision to be free from all these restrictions your parents will prob desert you.

I really pity you and all the other kids made to follow the rules and regs of this weird society.

Unfortunately whilst living under their roof you should obey their rules.

Start saving and educating yourself so when you reach adulthood you can escape -if you still wish to.

Good Luck.

Edit: It could be worse, you could be the daughter of Potato head..

Edit: Who does he think he is, accusing others of lying and judging every non JW all the time - his brothers and sisters back this attitude - not one has the guts or decency to tell him to shut his mouth.....shame on them too!!.

If anyone would like more of his famous quotes there is a pretty good email circulating..or so I believe :-)

It shows the very Christian attitude he does NOT have.

Email me if you would like it.
2009-10-06 08:28:03 UTC
Most Witness parents limit their children associating too much with non-witnesses because bad associations spoil useful habits and people who don't serve Jehovah are not going to improve your relationship with Jehovah.

I have never met a Witness family who didn't do any kind of recreation. It seems like you may have got some wacky parents who just happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses. Another possibility is that your parents lack the funds to do some of the things you want to do.

I would assume they take you to the meetings and you have the study material to know what the Bible teaches. I would suggest paying attention to them and trying to build a relationship with Jehovah.
2009-10-05 10:15:26 UTC
EDIT, DUDE OF STEEL: So, exactly how do you know I was never a Jo Ho? I wish you were right, but sorry to say I wasted the best part of my life.

You say "their comments are full of the typical lying slander of their Anti-JW hate group cult leadership." Really? What do you see below.

QUOTES FROM JEHOVAH'S WITNESS LITERATURE....oh. I guess you are right. The Witness literature is full of lying slander.

So, do you have an explanation for the false prophesies in your literature, Jo Ho jerkweed?

DUDE OF STEEL, I read your profile. Why am I not on your list?? Funny, my pupose is to expose Jo Ho's for the liars they are. Lets rock!!! Prove you're not a light weight. Explain the false prophesies below from you literature.

And I was raised a JW. I was one for 50 years and Elder and a Pioneer in my youth.

As a teenager in the 60's I simply led the double life. Act like the little goody two shoes around your parents and do what you want when you are out of their sight.

Here are a few double life tips:

- Get a good friend to fake an interest in the JW's. It's great of they come to a meeting every now and then. Pretend you are having a bible study with them. I did that and it worked great.

- Do all your partying out of your home territory. You don't want to knock at a door of a house you partied in the night before.I kept my wild side a few towns over.

Most importantly, do not waste your life with this cray azz religion. I did and I regret it.

EDIT: Ignore crap from morons like grnlow, the pine tree dweller.

Ask youself of these quotes from JW literature make any sense. These are quotes from their own literature where the Watchtower Society prophesied that Armageddon would come at 7 separate and distinct time periods and they were wrong.

1914 - "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of 1914." (The Time is at Hand, 1902 edition, p. 99) Note: this same statement was contained in the 1908 edition of the same book.

End of WW1:“The present great war in Europe is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures (Revelation 19:16-20). It will eventuate in the complete overthrow of all the systems of error which have so long oppressed the people of God and deluded the world”.(Pastor Russell's Sermons, 1915, p. 676) In the same year (1915),

1925 -“The period must end in 1925 ...[This date] is definitely fixed in the Scriptures. Every thinking person can see that a great climax is at hand. The scriptures clearly indicate that the climax is the fall of Satan's empire and the full establishment of the Messianic kingdom ... Therefore, it can be confidently said at this time that millions now living will never die”.(Golden Age, January 4, 1922, p. 217

1930’s – In the 1930’s the Jo Ho’s touted Rutherford’s “Millions no Living Will Never Die”. Since only Jehovah’s Witnesses survive, than that would mean when Armageddon comes, there would have to be 2 million or more (remember “Millions” would never die, more than one million) that were alive in the 1930’s that would never die. Since there are about 6 million JWs today, 2009, than 2 million would have to be over 75. Unfortunately for Jo Ho’s that is not the case and not going to happen. Another Jo Ho boneheaded prophesy down the drain

1975 - Watchtower, October 15, 1969 pages 622 and 623:

"More recently earnest researchers of the Holy Bible have made a recheck of its chronology. According to their calculations the six millenniums of mankind's life on earth would end in the mid-seventies…. Would not, then, the end of six millenniums of mankind's laborious enslavement under Satan the Devil be the fitting time for Jehovah God to usher in a Sabbath millennium for all his human creatures? Yes, indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath."

Notice the use of the definite article “the”. It would be “the fitting time”, not “a fitting time” not “an appropriate time” but “THE FITTING TIME”, to the exclusion of all other times.“Yes, Indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath”. Not “might be”, not “could be”, but “WILL BE”.

• End of the 20th Century - Again in 1971, they said it would come in the 20th century:”Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin”. From: The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah - How? 1971 p. 216”

Within the life span of the 1914 generation: Watchtower, 7/1/69 pg395:

“People who were only just old enough to understand what was happening to the world in 1914 are now approaching seventy years of age. Yes, the numbers of that generation are dwindling fast, but before they all pass away this system must meet its end in the war of Armageddon.”

None of the above happened and as of 1995, the above 1914 thing is wrong.

My advice is not to waste your life on a religion that prophesies falsely.
2009-10-05 09:52:42 UTC
The JW religion is something of a closed shop. The only outsiders they are keen to talk to and associate with are those that show some interest in them. Everyone else is viewed with deep suspicion of being a potential spiritual threat - to them. And if anyone dares disagree publicly with them - well, those ones are the lowest of the low - Satan's henchmen, no less!

All religious groups that practice the abuse of spiritual power have similar structures. They plead the Bible as their reason, quoting selected snippets that appear to suit their policies of exclusivism. Well, they seem to forget that Jesus, all the apostles, and all the first century Christians mixed freely in the world, in whatever station in life they found themselves in when called to faith. In fact, it was probably converts in the Roman armies that caused the spread of Christianity so rapidly. Nowhere do we read in the Bible that any soldier converts were told to leave the army and associate only with their local congregation.

As you are a minor, your parents do have the responsibility to look after you and to protect you from what they see as harmful influences. The great danger for you is that you will kick against the traces and run amuck as soon as you get the chance. That would be disastrous for all of you. Your best policy is to wait patiently, respecting your parents, knowing that the time will come when you can exercise your own discretion as to who you mix with. Meantime, try to ask your parents what alternatives they are offering you, every time they say "No! You are not to do that!" or, "No! You cannot spend time with those people!" Ask them directly, "Well, what CAN I do?" or "Well, who CAN I spend time with?" You must bat the ball back into their court. Refuse to be lumbered with their negativism. Tell them that you will go out and mix and speak with others, so they had better decide who would be less 'evil' than whoever it is they are barring. A determined, yet respectful response is called for. If, for example, they still say the zoo is off limits, tell them you know for a fact that they have no scriptural grounds for saying that so you will go to the zoo with [so-and-so... name a girl you like at school]. If that doesn't waken them up, then do what you say. Go to the zoo. You do not need parental permission to go to the zoo! You are not being disobedient to parents who can't be bothered to take you to the zoo! They must be made to see that they have a responsibility to substitute activities that they are so glibly forbidding.
2009-10-04 14:11:43 UTC
Hi,unfortunately all Jw's believe you should not celebrate birthdays.This is because it says nothing about it in the bible.I do not understand why they don't want you to talk to "worldly people" if they practice their faith,they will speak to worldly people on a regular basis when they go door to door.....It sounds to me,they live in fear of the Elders of the faith and dont want to offend Jehovah.The truth is, God Jehovah loves us/you/them despite our faith but I'm sorry to say,JW's have rather an unusual slant on the bible.A zoo is ok,the movies(they think)could influence you against Jehovah depending upon the film and on and on it goes,I'm sorry you are in a difficult situation,You could always pray to God and ask Jesus to reveal the FULL truth to you.God bless in Christ Jesus.I am not a JW
Roger the Solemn Fish
2009-10-04 13:37:03 UTC
They are probably following Jehovah's Witness doctrine to a tee. Your parents don't really seem that unusual as far as JW's go.

Don't ask for a logical explanation of JW teachings, as you will never get one.
2009-10-04 13:40:58 UTC
Legal Emancipation.
2009-10-04 14:27:24 UTC
If you were brought up by Jehovah's Witnesses since birth, you already know the answer. If not, I will answer.

Try my life as an example. There were no other JWs in any of my schools I attended. The nearest congregation was in another county 25 miles away. It was 13 miles to school so I never was into any neighborhood activities. Only pine trees for miles and miles around. In school, I never took part in any of the worldly pagan celebrations or patriotic activities. Once I had to speak to both my teacher and the principle who carried a long paddle with 6 holes in it for swinging power.

I knew what I believed, not just because my parents told me, but because I had studied it for myself and knew what the Bible said. I did not waver.

Neither did I miss out on anything. My parents gave me presents all during the year. Though it was too far to go for football games and such, we did go to movies though it was even farther away. A couple times a year I was taken shopping to a large actual city and got to do whatever I wanted. We never had a lot of money but I never felt left out or deprived of anything.

As for present day activities, remember there is a distinction between "friends" and "associations". Your parents value your spiritual life as well as your physical and mental one. Would the ones you would like to call friends now have your back when you stand up for spiritual principles? No. Then they must remain associations. Remember what 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, "Bad associations spoil useful habits." Ask yourself if these associations understand the need for personal study and meeting attendance to learn about Jehovah and the Bible? Do you understand the need for you to learn as much as possible now about putting your whole faith in Jehovah? At some point in these "last days" you will b e tested. Whether it is like JWs in communist countries with beatings and persecution in prisons or by less likely things like fornication, you will be tested.

Do you want everlasting life in a paradise earth? Look at your parents. Maybe you see them start to have pains doing everyday things like getting up from a chair. Maybe they are not that old yet. But they and YOU will get there. Think how once surviving through to get to that place in time, there are no more pains. Our Designer and Creator, Jehovah, can certainly fix all those things and will do so. Why would you want to give up on that?

I was thinking of something this morning. Eve talked to the serpent. There was no surprise indicated. Why? Adam actually talked with Jehovah and Jehovah conversed with him How and why? We see also that Adam was given the command to essentially be the caretasker of earth and everything on it. Noah received only the command to fill the earth with people. Why did he not get the caretaker position as well?

Could this not mean after the 1,000 year reign of Christ when we are perfect, that we will be able to converse with animals and Jehovah personally? Is this not something to live for? Just to find out if this is true would be enough for me in addition to all the things we could accomplish from our own imagianations. This is just a taste of what is to come. Are you sure you do not want to be a part of that?

I can not speak to your parents or to where you live. There are places wehere kids are no longer allowed to play in their yards because of violence all around. Drive by shootings and drugs with kidnapping on the rise as well mean that these kids do not get to do what they want either. Parents must do things that their kids do not like. Mostly it is for their protection.

Parents who are Jehovah's Witnesses must also protect their kids as well. From all the wickedness all can see as well as the subtle kinds most do not see.
2009-10-04 13:43:06 UTC
Sorry to be nosey, but what's wrong with the zoo? Their god created the animals, right?
2009-10-05 12:30:24 UTC
They lied to you. Long ago, russells and his boys do believe in Christmas and send christmas cards. IDK why the new leadership overturned the founders' good works. Maybe they are just mean old men and do not want you guys to enjoy life. LOL
2009-10-04 13:37:52 UTC
Sorry but Jehovah's witnesses are kind of like an occult. Get out while you still can!!!
2009-10-04 13:35:56 UTC
run away from home, seek emancipation stat.

that has to be both illegal and harmful for your parents to prevent you from developing your social skills due to something which from the sound of things you dont even accept as true.
2009-10-05 09:25:28 UTC

Understanding Mind Control Among Jehovah's Witnesses

Much has been written on the biblical approach. A few books have been written which document the Watchtower's false prophecies and changes as well, such as Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses. However, very little has yet been written clarifying their particular technique of mind control. I believe many will benefit from a new approach in talking to friends and relatives who are caught up in the Jehovah's Witnesses.

The first two techniques mentioned above have their merits, and they should not be neglected in reaching the Witness. Indeed, we need all the tools we can muster in reaching out to free them from mind control. Yet I believe that a person who is trying to reach Jehovah's Witnesses must truly understand the mindset of the person they are ministering to before they can set them free in many situations.

An excellent book has been published by Steven Hassan called Releasing the Bonds. Having worked with Steve personally (and with good results), I feel that this type of information needs to be applied specifically to Jehovah's Witnesses.

What is "Mind Control"?

While many have spoken of the methods used by the cults as a form of brainwashing (a forced reprogramming of a person's thoughts), a more apt designation would be mind control. Hassan clarifies the difference between the two:

Mind control, also called `thought reform,' is more subtle and sophisticated [than brainwashing]. Its perpetrators are regarded as friends or peers, so the person is much less defensive. He unwittingly participates by cooperating with his controllers and giving them private information that he does not know will be used against him. The new belief system is internalized into a new identity structure.

Mind control involves little or no overt physical abuse. Instead, hypnotic processes are combined with group dynamics to create a potent indoctrination effect. The individual is deceived and manipulated--not directly threatened into making the prescribed choices. On the whole, he responds positively to what is done to him. (p. 56)

Hassan constructs his methodology from his own personal experiences, as well as Robert J. Lifton's classic study, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism and Leon Festinger's "cognitive dissonance theory" and its three marks of mind control. Hassan adds one more to make four:

* control of behavior

* control of thoughts

* control of emotions

* control of information

These methods, when used by unscrupulous cults, form a powerful tool for seducing converts. The appeal is not just to the ignorant and gullible, either; the best recruits are often quite intelligent.

What's Wrong with Mind Control?

Using mind control is a question of ethics in today's society; not all forms of mind control are harmful. Advertising and sales pitches seek to influence our minds daily. What we must take issue with, however, are certain methods of mind control employed that are not understood by the person seeking help. Often they do not know what they are getting into (until it's too late). Religious cults employ mind control tactics that are kept secret from the rank and file members; that is one reason why they are called cults. Cults believe that "the end justifies the means" when it comes to making converts. They sincerely believe that they have the only answers to life's problems, and since most people "don't know what is good for them," the cult leaders assume the role of "parents" to the victim, often referring to themselves as their "mother" or "father." Unlike a good parent who explains what he is doing to the child, however, the cult leader finds it to his advantage to keep the recruit as much in the dark as possible, preferring obedience and blind loyalty to making full disclosure. Cult leaders are sophisticated when it comes to understanding human nature! They know that the average person would object to the indoctrination program if they really understood the whole picture, so information is provided on a "need to know" basis only.

This reveals the underlying foundation of cult leadership--a total lack of faith in the neophyte's ability to make responsible decisions. The neophyte is viewed as a worthless individual unless their entire way of thinking is overhauled. They must have their minds swept clean of former ways of reacting to life's situations, and then reprogrammed entirely. The cult's program of mind control will ultimately only work if the person sublimates their former personality.

Hope for the Deceived

Is it a waste of time to try and get a Jehovah's Witness out of the organization after being in it for years? It might seem that way to outsiders. The blind zeal and imperviousness to critical thought on the part of the Witness might appear permanent to the relative trying to rescue their loved one caught up in the Watchtower.

Yet the organization itself is aware of the need to constantly drill their subjects with the same material week after week, lest the individual begin to think and act like the others who live and work around them once more. Sometimes all it takes is a long vacation from the Kingdom Hall activities, a time of emotional depression, or a bad experience with another Witness to spark doubt in the mind of the Witness. Many simply get tired of the very mind control process itself, and their cult identity loses its attraction.

Any exposure whatever to literature about mind control methods or experiences of others from various mind control cults may spark new or resurfaced doubts in the Witness mind. The goal is to help them see clearly that the Watchtower is no different than hundreds of other religious organizations that use the very same phobias, promises and mind control methods to seduce and retain their members. Such comparisons are devastating. Nothing can be more effective than a well-planned "casual" discussion between the Witness and a former member of another cult who simply feels like talking about his or her experience in the cult, without their even inferring the Witness is in a cult. One of the very first alarms that went off in my mind a year before my exiting the Watchtower was the reading of a Reader's Digest article on religious cults that, to my remembrance, didn't even mention the Watchtower. Something just clicked inside, as I asked my roommate, "Why doesn't the Watchtower reach out to cult victims?" Little did I know where attempting to answer that haunting question would lead. Freedom, for me at least, was just around the corner.

Understanding Watchtower Mind Control

I have found in the vast majority of cases where Christians are trying to talk to a Jehovah's Witness about the errors of the Watchtower, they are unable to relate to the Witness at all. They may be well acquainted with Watchtower theology, but then proceed as if the Witness is simply lacking factual material, naively assuming that once presented with the truth, the Witness will give his faith up and become a Christian. This almost never works.

The basic assumption of this approach is that (1) the person is merely lacking accurate information, and (2) once presented with the truth, it will "trouble" them enough to make an intelligent decision to leave the Watchtower. They are thereby making two generally false assumptions: that the person has not heard information critical of the Watchtower, and that the Witness is objective enough in their thinking to weigh the truthfulness of the Watchtower on their own.

It is uncommon to find a JW who has not seen or heard information exposing the dishonesty of the Watchtower. Why, then, do they not see a problem? Evidently, something else has prevented them from objectively analyzing factual information. Their minds are trained to stop short of doubting the organization. A wall has been erected which says, in effect, "This far you may go, and no further." The Christian or concerned relative does not realize that the person is a victim of mind control, and whatever biases or presuppositions that have been placed in their minds by the Watchtower will effectively prevent the JW from seeing things objectively.

One could liken it to a child who loves her mother very much (and who is loved by the mother) discovering that her mother is on trial for first degree murder in a court of law. Not yet having the maturity to understand human nature and the complexities of personalities, the child will be overwhelmingly driven by her feelings towards her mother and almost always reject (though without factual basis) any efforts to convince her that her mother is a murderer.

The illustration is not far off from what actually occurs within the mind of the Jehovah's Witness. The JW is taught that the organization is the "mother," and that Jehovah is the Father. Since Jehovah does not speak directly to the JW, he must rely on the organization for guidance and instruction. The JW is reminded over and over how trustworthy the "mother" is and how he cannot get along without her. Anyone else who tries to help the JW is viewed as "of the devil" and is considered dangerous. Since the JW is part of a family with its normal amount of brotherhood and togetherness (five meetings a week), the feeling of being safe and even "loved" reinforces what the "mother" is saying. The "mother" has taught him not to listen to anything critical of her, calling it satanic; thereby preventing the JW from thinking objectively and causing him to react with strong emotions whenever he senses a critical spirit towards the Watchtower. The JW will simply not question the motives

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.