I hear You It will be allright, For those who are reading my answer and do not believe and are alway's accusing me of not being able to express myself in my own words and using CARM.org all the time, I did write an article about 4 years ago, that pertains possibly to this.
Beyond all question we are living in the most momentous period of history.
We are living in a time of rather vast and rapid changes.
Human thought an progress which for several millennia, has advanced very slowly, somewhat moving like a Glacier.
This Glacier has now thawed into a roaring rapid of intense activity, moving us toward a tomorrow that would frighten even the most hard hearted of us.
The Great Clock of destiny is striking even now, and with each new clang, some new epoch making even occurs.
Long pent-up hatreds have busted through with horrible results in a Flaming revolt.
Old Empires totter and collapse, Science breaks through another barrier into the unknown.
We have entered into an age of revolution in every phase of Life.
Everywhere we look there is ferment and turmoil as the 9 billion or so inhabitants of this Planet seem to choose sides or polarize around the self appointed Champions of east and west.
During this past Century mankind has witnessed Changes that are unprecedented in both it’s nature and extent.
During this brief period of time More and greater changes have taken place than in all the Centuries between the Time of Christ and this present age.
This is also an age of discovery and invention that has no parallel.
We have swiftly moved from the Steam age, to the Atomic age and now the Space age.
Having virtually conquered the last frontiers of Earth, man is reaching for the stars.
Already mankind has landed on the moon and explored it several times and has lived in oribit about this planet many months traveling at speeds unheard of just a half century before. The harnessing of the Atom has placed more power within man’s grasp than he has possessed since the dawn of time. So enormous are the new sources of energy now available that they could trun the World into a paradise or a shambles.
They could carry men to the highest pinnacles of creative achievement or to destruction.
Unfortunately, mankind has achieved the ability to destroy all life on earth many times over.
More and more nations bulge with these weapons of mass destruction and weapons of new and horrible destructive power proceeds and a frenzied pace.
Just a half century ago half realized dreams that were burgeoning in laboratories all over the world are now fact and a part of everyday life .
As Isaac Newton said , we are merely picking up pebbles on the beach while the great ocean of truth lies undiscovered before us. Tragically, despite these glowing electronic and mechanical prospects we have moved also into an age of lawlessnes for which there is no precedent that even equals or exceeds that which prevailed in the antediluvian world.
It is seen not only in the mounting statistics of murder rape and robbery, but in the seemingly hope battles being fought by Police and other public authorities against Juvenile gangs and drug cartels and other forms of Organized Crime syndicates and youthful vandalism, Crowded Prisons and reformatories tell the same sad story as do the daily reports of cruel sadistic crimes that crowd the pages of our newspapers and television screens, Lying and perjury are so common place that truth and honesty seem to well have nigh vanished from the earth.
In some lands contending factions have cast off all restraints and know no law but violence.
As a result we live in an age of fear, never have people been so afraid of the Future, describing the pall of fear at present dims the hopes of mankind.
Bertrand Russell said once “Never before..has there been valid reason for such fear, never before has such a sense of futility belighted the visions of youth, never before has there been such a reason to feel that the human race was traveling along a road ending only in a bottomless pit.
During the mid- 1950’s in the U.S. Senate, Chaplin Frederick Brown harris uttered this prayer “ Our Father God, with whom a thousand years are one day, in this Volcanic hour of History, save us we beseech thee from panic and despair .”
What an apt description of our time !
This is indeed a volcanic age with the whole world rumbling with age old discontents and frustrations throwing white hot hatred and fury with ever increasing force and frequency, Fumes from the constant eruptions stifle all hopes of peace and prosperity and choke every worthy effort for human betterment and fill every heart with fear that a final crowning catastrophe may be at hand.
The Chaplains Prayer “ Save us we beseech thee from panic and despair” could not be more timely.
It expresses the inner most thoughts and longings of all hearts in these tremendous and troubling times.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when we turn to a mother, brother, father, pastor, and ask the question, “is this all that I am ? Is there nothing more ?”
Beyond question, we all need help from some source outside ourselves.We need peace of mind , we need courage and hope, we need guidance and direction.
In the gathering storm we need a light that will not go out.
Amid the increasing darkness and confusion, we need a voice to say with certainty “ This is the way”
But where shall such help be found ? In some local discussion group ? A Political Forum ? On a Psychiatrist’s couch /
There is a better place, That Place is in Jesus . The Jesus of the Bible. If You take the Time to read this God inspired God breathed literature , you will discover that it is indeed the book for this hour. It has a message for our day, for all mankind and for you. So remarkably does it anticipate the present world situation that it seems to have been written especially for our generation, Though centuries old, it is amazingly up to date.
It deals with matters of universal interest toady.
It offers a solution for our current perplexities.
It even draws back the curtain of the future revealing things to come. Open it now, see how marvelously it speaks the words of comfort and courage and inspiration and challenge, that the times demand and your own heart needs.