My son is dying and needs a blood transfusion but that's a sin. What should i do?
2019-10-25 16:40:37 UTC
I love my son and don't want him to die but i love God more. What should i do?
140 answers:
Rolando C I
2019-10-28 23:18:43 UTC
You are not a Witness. A Witness would know what to do. They wouldn't fool around asking these kind of questions.
doug g
2019-10-27 23:30:13 UTC
You do what is best for your son.Being a good parent is better than being a good cult member.
2019-10-27 04:46:37 UTC
So you love and worship that god, and just what has that god done for your son, or what is it doing for him now?   Don't kill your son over a totally false belief system.
2019-10-26 22:20:42 UTC
There is no compareing your love for your son and loving God. They are not the same love at all. Don't let your child die. That is no way of showing your love to God.
2019-10-26 17:58:28 UTC

2019-10-26 13:17:16 UTC
It's only a SIN insofar as your RELIGION is concerned. But it is not a sin insofar as the BIBLE and GOD are concerned. Don't allow your son to DIE to satisfy the creation of MAN. Which is what religion is.
2019-10-26 05:57:51 UTC
No JW would come on a public forum asking strangers - non-JWs - for advice on such a life-or-death issue, Only if you have not yet been baptized as one of them would you do that, and until you are baptized, they cannot discipline you for violating this doctrine of theirs.

The biblical advice Christians would probably offer you is to view life as a sacred gift from God, precious, and never to sacrifice the life of your child on the JW altar of blood transfusion. God does not say blood transfusions are a sin. Only the Watchtower Society makes that interpretation from about 4 verses in the Bible, none of which actually mention medical treatment, or saving human life.

The JWs have taken the symbol for life (blood) and made it more important than the thing it symbolizes (life).

That is warped and, further, JWs think that if they die due to this (or their children) that will virtually guarantee them a resurrection on to a paradise Earth after Armageddon, so this shows they believe their works count towards eventual salvation. All of that is utterly un-Christian.

If you get baptized as a JW, you take a public vow to identify yourself with the Watchtower Society, putting yourself under its authority and disciplinary procedures. Nowhere in the Bible is any Christian seeking water baptism required to take such a vow. Beware.
Roberta B
2019-10-26 04:32:36 UTC
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have many friends who were told the same thing as you were told by doctors, and the doctors were wrong.They went to doctors who were willing to treat them without blood, but with plasma expanders and other methods, and they did fine.

Hundreds of doctors and hospitals have treated thousands of Jehovah's witnesses with many forms of non-blood medical management, and there are reports of these patients doing better heath wise than those who accept blood. Organ transplants, blood diseases, traumatic accidents involving the loss of blood, have all been successfully dealt with without transfusions. A few years ago, there was an article in the news about military medical personel taking courses to learn how to treat soldiers without blood.

But the reason why we do not take blood is not because of the documented fact that medical treatment without blood now has a long history of better results. It is because the Bible says "abstain from blood" - and this applies to Christians. Acts 15:20-29
2019-10-25 18:27:22 UTC
Tough place to be, having to choose between your child's life and absurd, ungodly religious beliefs.
2019-10-25 16:42:19 UTC
A) It's not a sin.

B) You are being criminally negligent by refusing medical treatment to your child.

C) Dollars to donuts you're trolling.
paschal d
2019-10-31 16:05:17 UTC
JESUS shed HIS blood for the world and was not a sin but a gift.
2019-10-30 02:57:45 UTC
It's not a sin. Saving a life is charity and in a way justice, too. Look at St. Gianna Beretta Molla who sacrificed her life in order to save her unborn baby's life.


Saint Gianna Beretta Molla A Woman' s Life 1922-1962
Orla C
2019-10-28 22:20:38 UTC
Feck sake. Religion is stupid. If you love your son and want him to live, get him the blood transfusion already.
2019-10-28 17:30:20 UTC
Get him the blood transfusion and the Jehovah witness religion is a cult.
2019-10-28 04:32:00 UTC
Whether you're a Jehovah's Witness or not, I'm guessing you're talking about Jesus Christ, and Scripture makes it clear that DRINKING blood is a sin... not receiving a transfusion. In fact, didn't Jesus work on the Sabbath to make a man whole?
2019-10-28 01:05:37 UTC
The bible said we are not to drink blood. Blood transfusion is not drinking blood.
2019-10-28 00:05:32 UTC
you should go troll on yahoo.
2019-10-27 18:33:14 UTC
Causing your son to die by refusing necessary medical treatment is both a sin and highly illegal. You should allow the necessary transfusion and worry about your church's imaginary sins when nobody else's life is at stake. Surely, your God will understand and forgive you if you act to preserve your son's life.

I suggest you save your son's life before it's too late and then pray for forgiveness.
2019-10-27 00:33:25 UTC
There’s a Chinese saying that goes like this: “If I don't enter hell, who will?” It means if I don't help, who will? Or, in your case, to sacrifice yourself in order to save your son.

By bringing your child for blood transfusion, you will be saving your child’s life. The transgressions against god will be yours to bear.

Is your child not worth the sacrifice you have to make? I would if I am in your situation.

People might say god is testing your faith by making your child sick and that you must be unwavering in you faith. But is it possible that god is testing your love, not your faith, to see whether your love is true to the extent that you are willing to sacrifice yourself. The same love you professed for god.
2019-10-26 21:30:46 UTC
Who told you that is a sin? I am Catholic and trust me that is not a sin!
2019-10-26 20:12:29 UTC
That is conscientious.   No one should tell you what to do in that matter.  The Bible says to let each one carry his own load.  Ga.6:5.  or his responsibility.  Pray to Jehovah for his direction, then ask the doctor if there is any other way besides that.  No matter what pray, pray and pray.  It is not easy for anyone to answer for you.  Why?  We do not have all of the facts.  Proverbs 18:13.  When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, It is foolish and humiliating.
2019-10-26 19:28:43 UTC
If he is an adult, then it's his decision.
2019-10-26 17:46:28 UTC
Why help your son to stay out of heaven longer?

I mean according to JWs you’re the only ones that will end up there: so how selfish of you to delay his departure.
2019-10-26 17:25:36 UTC
The God of the Holy Bible says that we should put love above all things and that love conquers every problem. It is not a sin to God to love your son enough to get a blood transfusion and save his life. Do you not know 1 Peter 4:8 in the New Testament that "And above all things have fervent love among yourselves, for love shall cover the multitude of sins." No where in the Holy Bible does it say a blood transfusion is a sin. You are living by JW traditions of man.

Apostle Peter says "love covers a multitude of sins." So if you think it a sin, let love for your son cover that sin.

May the Lord Bless you and heal the body of your son in Jesus' name I ask. Amen.
2019-10-26 17:09:38 UTC
Is it really a question?
2019-10-26 14:59:47 UTC
It shouldn't be difficult to get a court order compelling you to allow life-saving treatment. Then it will be out of your hands, and so won't be a sin.
2019-10-26 10:31:34 UTC
In the scriptures doesn't God give life.  Didn't Jesus come to give life and to give it abundantly?  Isn't life what is important to God?  Save your son's life.  If you have sinned by the action then have someone who is spiritual restore you.  God can forgive.  Your son needs you so that he can live.

Chi girl
2019-10-25 18:14:43 UTC
You should troll better.
2019-10-25 17:34:19 UTC
Apply your beliefs to YOURSELF. Be a good parent and save your son by allowing the blood transfusion.
2019-10-25 16:46:43 UTC
Switch religions.
Pray to the Lord Our Savior
2019-10-28 05:00:31 UTC
Pray to the Lord, for HE will help your son achieve PEACE.
2019-10-28 00:55:35 UTC
Learn to tell a better fairy tale.
2019-10-27 17:43:39 UTC
Pray to God and God will make him better.
2019-10-27 13:24:18 UTC
1. Whether or not it is a sin according to some silly book/religion is irrelevant. If you truly care for your son then you would do everything to keep them alive.

2. The very concept of sin is hilarious. It is defined as doing something against the law of the divine or a law put in place by a god. Since no god has ever been proven to be real, you are not committing any sin.
2019-10-27 10:32:29 UTC
God didn't say that. You save your son.

God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. God is a mystery even to the spirits. Spirits are not eternal beings but their lifetime is long. Spirits are separate elements. A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. A mind is you. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism. After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives in any form after death. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
Shabhaz (aka Bazzle)
2019-10-27 02:18:37 UTC
God gave us brains to use not waste, and its a sin not to deploy some intelligence and common sense.

get the blood transfusion done. God leaves the decision to you though, either way your child will always be protected by God in his kingdom.
2019-10-27 01:50:37 UTC
Get ready to say goodbye to him.
2019-10-26 21:07:10 UTC
You should save your sons life. That is what Jesus and God would you like to do. Otherwise you will always blame yourself in life. Please do not listen to those who claim that a law is more important than life. You do something good to save life. After all, God is not the devil.
2019-10-26 18:02:54 UTC
Remember, Jehovah requires that we abstain from blood.

This means that true Christians will not accept a blood transfusion. They wil accept other kinds of medical treatment, such as transfusion of nonblood products.

Is your son still alive ?
2019-10-26 15:59:38 UTC
You have to get your priorities in order, what is more important between your sons life and your religion?. No contest, I presume that your religion would want your son to live a healthy life, so give him the transfusion without any guilt.
Road Trip
2019-10-26 12:59:11 UTC
I’m not going to dispute any of your religious believes. But as far as your son getting a blood transfusion, I can certainly tell you that it is NOT

a sin. There’s nowhere in the Bible that says such

a thing. What would be a sin, however, is if you let your son die without a blood transfusion.
Hannah J Paul
2019-10-26 11:02:26 UTC
Serpent: Did God REALLY say you couldn’t have any fruit from that tree of knowledge?

Eve: Yes, he said we should leave it alone and if we didn’t we would positively die.

Serpent: THAT’S A LIE! It’s not wrong to eat it. Help yourself. You’ll be like God and you won’t die.

Eve: Hmm. Does look pretty delicious.

Dissenter: Did God REALLY say you should abstain from blood?

Parent: Yep. He said abstaining from blood is necessary.

Dissenter: But your child will DIE if you don’t take that transfusion! What kind of parent are you? Are you seriously taking the commandments of God over love for your kid?!

Parent: Well…God knows better and I love and worship God.

Dissenter: What a moron you are. It's God's will that your kid live. It's God's will that you do whatever it takes, even if it means you gotta break his command. It’s a sin to let your kid die!

'JW is just a cult! How can you possibly love a non-entity more than your own son?' 'Blood transfusion is not a sin. Murder is a sin! If you don’t give him a transfusion, you’re murdering your own kid. Then God will be mad at you.'

'Do the transfusion. I had one once so it’s okay.'

'Jesus said you can break the sabbath to save a sheep so you can break God’s law on blood to take a transfusion. Besides, a real parent would not choose their love of God over the life of their child!'

Once you are done wading through all of the above foolish, twisted, unscriptural reasoning, go back and read your question. Because you answered it yourself.

Hannah J Paul
2019-10-26 06:55:05 UTC
Sorry, but nobody believes you
2019-10-26 03:00:17 UTC
The sin is in letting your son die when you have the means to save him. Where in God's word is allowing your son to have a blood transfusion a sin? Being a Jehovah's witness don't make saving a life a sin.
2019-10-26 00:15:02 UTC
It is not a sin. JW is merely a cult, not a religion. Do you want your child to die?
2019-10-25 20:50:48 UTC
Give him the blood transfusion and any other medical treatment to live a long and happy life. This is the will of our Father in heaven.
2019-10-25 17:49:19 UTC
It is declared a "sin" by the JW's. Never mind what Scripture says; that a Christian is dead to sin, and freed from sin.

It is NOT a sin, and I have known JW's that understand this. Does God require of you human sacrifices? 


Wake up.  
2019-10-25 17:33:36 UTC
Human blood transfusions are not prohibited in the Bible, despite the completely erroneous attempt to tie it to the Biblical prohibition of "drinking the blood" (of animals). Get the transfusion done for your son and dump the false religion that fails to properly interpret God's word.
2019-10-25 17:16:35 UTC
If he is a minor, give up your custody to the state, so in this way you won't be responsible for his transfusion and your son will be saved, both from illness and yourself 
Campbell Hayden
2019-10-25 17:09:00 UTC
Sorry, but I don't believe 1-word that you are saying. 
2019-10-28 23:57:58 UTC
It is not a sin to give or receive a blood transfusion. God helped us discover that we can do that. So do it.
2019-10-28 18:17:22 UTC
Contact child human services to have your son taken away from you and placed in a foster home where (even though it's not their actual son) they will get him the medical help he needs.
2019-10-28 17:20:25 UTC
That is simple go get an alternative medicine it is legit now. People don't use blood transfussions anymore, honestly I would get a physician specializing in this advance medicine. Many Jehovah's witnesses have chosen the medicine over the blood. I don't really know what its called but here is a link. Much research is needed before you get a medical opinion.
2019-10-27 13:21:28 UTC
Voltaire ( 1694 - 1778 ) had a response to ones dilemma

240 years ago holds TRUE ( correct ) today

Those who can convince you of ABSURDITIES .

can convince you to commit ATROCITIES

perhaps one is willing to IMITATE the CHRISTIAN "god " mentality

demand a BLOOD SACRIFICE ... cause the god finds it PLEASING

( according to the book )

LEVITICUS 3 :16 ALL the FAT is the Lords

the SWORD of the LORD is filled with Blood Isaiah 34:6

the god KILLED Job's 10 children in a BET with Satan

some say IMITATION is the best FLATTERY

may i suggest reading STEVE WELLS book

" Drunk with Blood " ( gods killing in the bible )

I suspect one is BETTER than ones asserted "god"

if not extremely gullible

2019-10-27 11:52:06 UTC
You need to think. If your son were to die, you could never feel truly happy again.You have to go for a blood transfusion - 99 % of the World would support you. 99% can't be wrong - it stands to reason - good luck to your son.
2019-10-27 11:05:42 UTC
throw your bible in the bin and take your son to the hospital u foolish woman.
2019-10-27 09:10:46 UTC
Do the human thing and save your son.
2019-10-27 05:31:11 UTC
I don't know how you can love God more than your son. Remember also that account in the Christian bible about Abraham who was going to sacrifice his son, and then God said not to. 
2019-10-26 23:01:38 UTC
And it is not a sin to not put your son first? It is an official criminal offence to neglect your child and you will be locked up. LMAO
2019-10-26 19:25:03 UTC
It is a sin, don't do it.
2019-10-26 15:28:13 UTC
I'm sure God will be very proud of you if you let your Son die from an easily preventable illness. I'm sure, if you effectively murder your child, God will be more than willing to accept you both into heaven.

In case you didn't realise, I'm being sarcastic. If you allow your son to die from a preventable illness because of your personal beliefs about a harmless and life saving treatment, then you will end up in hell. And you'll deserve it.
2019-10-26 11:32:45 UTC
first place I do not believe you are a Jehovah Witness. second, if your son was in the hospital you would be with him, not on the computer asking people what you should do. I have a feeling you are trying to give Jehovah Witnesses a bad name
2019-10-26 10:42:13 UTC
You should follow whatever your conscience tells you to do. The question is for you alone to decide, nobody "out there" can help you, least of all anybody outside your religion.

Note that very few religions consider blood transfusions to be a sin. Maybe time to change your religion?
2019-10-26 05:10:41 UTC
How can you possibly love a non entity more than your own son. Disgusted.
2019-10-26 00:18:42 UTC
Racist it’s not a sin bible read it
2019-10-25 22:56:51 UTC
Some PEOPLE told YOU that GOD told THEM to tell YOU that GOD told THEM that a blood transfusion is a "sin".

Maybe THOSE people were NOT told by GOD, but by the mere mortal PEOPLE who were peddling their variation of the Christian religion.

IF IF IF you TRULY BELIEVE that there is an ALL-Powerful GOD which really CARES what you do ( same GOD which had the Power to push the Earth into its current orbit, TRUST your GOD, not the men who run your church.

Write YES and NO on opposite sides of a coin, drop it in a clear jar, fasten the lid, and shake the jar while praying

"Oh GOD, will you allow me to give my son a blood transfusion?"

Then GOD will use His POWER to nudge the coin, so when you STOP shaking the jar, HIS perfect Plan will be revealed unto thee.

IF IF IF you're just a Troll, and/or do not BELIEVE that GOD cares enough to GIVE you an honest answer, well then, you're done.
2019-10-25 20:56:44 UTC
God never told you not to get a blood transfusion for your son.
2019-10-25 20:19:41 UTC
Please ask yourself what Jesus would want you to do and that should help
2019-10-25 17:08:27 UTC
The Bible never says that a transfusion is a sin.

"Jehovah's witness" (JW) leads to hell, because they reject the truth that Jesus is God and they reject the true Gospel. So get away from JW, and get the transfusion.

The true Gospel: Nobody can be good enough to avoid hell. The truth is that death leads to immediate heaven or hell, depending only on whether the person believed in Jesus for eternal life, or not.


The truth is that Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death
Crim Liar
2019-10-25 16:49:05 UTC
So if I understand you correctly you are fine with ideas such as Leviticus 14:7 "The priest will then sprinkle the blood of the dead bird seven times on the person being purified of the skin disease.". But you believe that blood transfusions are sinful?

......  I really don't think it is possible for any normal person to help you!
2019-10-28 12:46:32 UTC
I hope to god this is a joke. If you don't treat your son because you're following some primitive religion, you have no right to even have him.

Ill be reporting this question to Yahoo and ill also be contacting child services (and mention that Yahoo has also been contacted).
2019-10-28 11:37:54 UTC
Nothing to think about. If you love Jehovah then you know what to do. Remember the resurrection hope. Your son may not even die. Remember more lives are at stake than your sons. By standing firm yo uh are giving a witness to those around you.....keeping you in prayer
Christian Robinson
2019-10-27 03:23:27 UTC
So your still under the old testament? People miss the LAW because it was meant to point to Christ. Christ already died for your sins. We are NO longer under the law. If your still following laws, then if you break ONE law you have broke them all.... under the new testament we have grace. Ive read the bible many times and never saw a place where you cant have a blood transfusion, matter of fact in biblical days there were no such thing, so how can that be a sin? think about that. I have had 3 from a motorcycle accident and I am not going to hell because of it. No different than some parents dont let kids have medicine siting religious reasons, so they will let their children die because they misinterpret the law. The principals of the commandments are based on love and if you LOVE your child you will save your child. I would switch Gods really quick, so you can save your son. We have way too many religions and they all came from Christianity... no where in my bible does it say you have to go to church on a specific day of the way. In fact Jesus went to the sanctuary daily. was he in sin? Jesus broke many of the "traditions" and laws of man to show that LOVE was the way not laws. So you would let your child die because of a law made by a man? Its your choice, its your decision. But what if your wrong? I would choose God and let that child live.
2019-10-26 22:07:39 UTC
Blood transfusion is not drinking blood. It is not a sin.
2019-10-26 19:49:11 UTC
Try this. Your son is REAL.

GOD is imaginary figment of someone's imagination from the Bronze Age and smoking that burning bush.

Choice is pretty simple.

Son gets the blood transfusion and Lives until he is 100 years old. It will be his problem, not yours. That is why god gave you a brain.

JW are not suppose to eat pork and yet they have eaten mystery meat called Tube steaks or MacDonalds burgers. So already you have sinned.

Now you are playing GOD over your child. He should live so a child in Africa shall die. You are a greedy SOB, so allow the transfusion. With another 6 million dollars we can make him run faster and jump higher than any other man. Or Hulkify him with radioactive he can go green.

Have got no time for illogical religions.
2019-10-26 19:13:39 UTC
I’m sorry about your son, but if you have these type of serious religious questions then maybe you should ask a priest, or someone at your church or other religious community instead of going on yahoo answers. I feel like a professional who is trained in dealing with these kinds of situations would be a more reliable source than a random person online.
Climate Realist
2019-10-26 18:41:57 UTC
Do you love your son?

If you do, you should not care about what your cult says. And, you should even be willing to be annihilated by God, if that was your choice, for your son.
2019-10-26 18:02:07 UTC
I know this is made up, but I'd still like to share a fun fact. I've given blood transfusions to more than a few Jehovah's witness. I simply let them know that they have the option to be transfused without their friends (or even family) finding out. Then at 1-3AM, we move them to a different hospital room and put a "do not disturb" sign on the door. When the transfusion is complete, we discard the evidence and move them back.

From what I've seen, most people will choose to preserve their life when things become very serious. For less serious circumstances, they'll usually stick with alternatives.
2019-10-26 17:26:21 UTC
You should know that several years ago, the JW's changed that. They no longer consider that a sin.
2019-10-26 16:58:53 UTC
You're trolling, dear. No JW would be here asking people on YA what to do.
2019-10-26 16:09:43 UTC
If you were chocking, would you want me to give you the Heimlich maneuver or pray for you to not choke to death?  There is your answer. 
2019-10-26 14:21:59 UTC
Really  it's not a sin. When Jesus died he gave his body to us so Jesus is in you so a blood transfusion would be like taking a blessing from Jesus.
2019-10-26 13:48:09 UTC
It's NOT a sin....God wouldn't have made it possible with compatible blood groups if it were. You must be a JW....Charles Taze Russell made the rules for your sect in the 19th C. Allowing your child to die unnecessarily is the sin!
2019-10-26 11:53:19 UTC
This is 100% troll fake question. No mother who has a dying son will ask such a question to a bunch of strangers online. Stop lying and get a life!
Edward B Bear
2019-10-26 11:37:03 UTC
Let your son die and hope you made the right decision as you while away the rest of your miserable life.

If you can save your son and choose not to you are a worthless piece of sh*t

the bible says to abstain from blood but deadsh*ts take the blood of christ in church.
2019-10-26 00:21:00 UTC
It is not a sin.. Murder is a sin
2019-10-25 17:09:19 UTC
Don't worry, everything is part of God's plan. I'm sure everything will work out just fine.
2019-10-25 17:08:53 UTC
So, you are a Jehovah's witness (although I would call that "witless") but is you son? Have you asked him?

What kind of foolish interpretation is there about not *drinking* blood and not having transfusions, in a text that was written nearly 2000 years ago, by people who believed the Earth was the center of the universe?

You are asking "what should I do?"

Let the doctors do their job.

And drop that silly religion of yours.
2019-10-25 17:06:09 UTC
Turn your child over to the state. They will save his life, and you avoid a trial.
2019-10-25 16:45:57 UTC
2019-10-28 10:21:01 UTC
You are NOT a JW

so stop your lying
2019-10-28 03:25:45 UTC
i think if it will save his life, you must do it.If the Jehovah's Witnesses do not approve, their are other Christian sects you can belong to as a member. I believe G-d would choose preservation of life.
Ghert Qux
2019-10-28 02:49:25 UTC
If you feel that you are pressured by the watchtower to refuse him treatment and you don't want to do what they say, Call your local Child protective services.  Tell them you are confused as to what you should do, and they should help you.
2019-10-28 00:36:10 UTC
Always obey Jehovah. 
☆ Modern Messiah™ ☆ †`°º·¤.¸✲
2019-10-27 20:42:31 UTC
No worry your faith is stronger than your sin.
2019-10-27 16:52:37 UTC
Is it a sin to save your child through blood transfusions!? Wake up!

God gave you a conscience heart to distinguish right from wrong. It would be ignorant and foolish of you, to not save your child.

May God be with you and your son!
2019-10-27 14:30:58 UTC
The Love of God is more important than The Love of Family. 

Do you want to damn yourself and  your Son to Hell because you "love" him or because you secretly hate God?

Thankfully, God is not this arbitrary and capricious and does not bar you from seeking and receiving life saving medical remedies.
2019-10-27 14:14:05 UTC
Had a devote JW for a friend once and she told me that if her daughter ever needed a blood transfusion after all other safe options were considered she would of been very glad secretly if she had an unbelieving husband that would of used his headship to save her life if needed in such a situation. But the *** left her in the past when her child was four and she died not knowing if he cared or not. She had not desire at all to be around him ever after the last time he abandoned her and it was many many times.
2019-10-27 13:36:06 UTC
If you were committed to your belief system, 'blood transfusion' is not even in your vocabulary so it would never come up. It is like being devotedly Jewish and starving while surrounded by pork. There is no food there to a Jew. There might as well be nothing there but poisonous mushrooms. They are not an option.

If there is no option being offered by science, then it has failed YOU. You have not failed. Do you trust in GOD, (Who gave us science also inside the original 'university' system founded by Christians inspired by the Holy Spirit), or do you trust in science? Science is a tool created by GOD and obviously not a very good one anymore, otherwise it would have a solution for YOU, not just for people willing to be disobedient to GOD. Its 'price of Progress' since rejecting GOD has been horrendous and grows worse by the day.

Do you really believe that GOD has no other options, or have you just decided not to look? If you don't search, who will? Certainly not the wicked.

It sounds like you have decided for GOD what MUST happen in order to prove some point. GOD doesn't need help from you determining what is right. If you want to admit your true beliefs and side with those who oppose your religion, that is your option, but don't blame GOD or anyone else for YOUR choice. He isn't 'learning' from us. We are learning from Him.
2019-10-27 13:04:56 UTC
You have two choices: 1: let your son get the blood transfusion or 2: let your son die.

I'm sorry you're going through this and I'll pray for6you but those are the only options you have.
2019-10-26 18:40:07 UTC
The scriptures JWs use to condemn blood transfusions are speaking of eating blood. They do not address transfusions at all!

Also the "blood" spoken of in those verses would have been animal blood. Of course they would not have eaten human blood. So the restrictions against eating blood is against eating animal blood!

If you love your children, you will do what is best for them.

The decision you have to make is between allowing your child to suffer or hold on to the JW's false interpretation of a few verses.
Kazoo M
2019-10-26 18:15:00 UTC
Actually, the rule you noted has been abolished by the JW.

One characteristic of a false religion is the changes its doctrinal system undergoes in order to “adjust” teachings and prophecies that prove to be false.

A recent example of this was noted in the June 14, 2000 edition of the Times of London.

In an article entitled “U-Turn on Blood Transfusions by Witnesses,” the Times noted that, “Elders have decreed that Jehovah’s Witnesses who accept blood transfusions under life-or-death conditions will no longer face excommunication from their religion.” Paul Gillies, a spokesman for JWs in Britain, confirmed this position.

This “adjustment” in Watchtower Society (WTS) teaching began in March 1998, when the WTS voiced the same change to the European Human Rights Commission.

Additionally, this alteration was made on behalf of JWs in Bulgaria, where their status as a religion was threatened because of their prohibition against transfusions.

Therefore, in order to safeguard its religious status, the WTS did a U-turn on transfusions, allowing JWs to receive one with “no religious sanctions” imposed on them.

These events go contrary to what had been the WTS’s long-standing policy on transfusions, namely that a JW who receives one “. . . must be cut off from God’s people by excommunication or disfellowshiping,” being labeled “a rebellious opposer and unfaithful example to fellow members of the Christian congregation” (The Watchtower, January 15, 1961, 64). This was true regardless of the circumstances.

Many JW continue to look past their authorities that have clearly stated the above "allowing" a blood transfusion under a life/death health condition.

Furthermore, when certain JW go against their own teaching/changes they are no different then a broken synod; they might as well start their own religion.
2019-10-26 17:04:27 UTC
Get your head out of the clouds and come back to earth. You son needs a blood transfusion, you should now weigh your son's life against your beliefs. Do you have the right and authority to sentence another person to death when you can easily avoid this.
2019-10-26 02:46:33 UTC
AAA. (Acts 15:20) but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.


and...P.S. I have had a triple bypass WITHOUT needing a transfusion AND DO have CLL leukemia....SO I AM BEING OBEDIENT to scripture...So WHO is keeping me alive to TELL you people???
2019-10-25 23:55:23 UTC
If that’s what you believe, than I guess that he will die. If religion is holding you back from healing your son, than I guess he’s as dead as dead as jesus is.
2019-10-25 23:17:17 UTC
Acts 15:29 says to abstain from blood, so in addition to blood transfusions there are other alternatives. Please read this article from JW.ORG
2019-10-25 20:24:42 UTC
Oh my goodness, I'm in agreement with the local bible thumpers here. GET THE TRANSFUSION. I know this is trolling but GET THE TRANSFUSION. Your kid's life counts more than a very wrong take on the OT's view on blood. Even if the JW fucktwats were right about this [they're not], your kid needing a life-saving whatever should and always should come before any religious dogma or decree. That's just common sense and actual good parenting. M'kay? M'kay!
2019-10-25 20:06:23 UTC
Jesus said you can break the Sabbath to go and save a lost sheep. Jesus was down to earth, compassionate, and practical. You don't want to be a Sadducee, for the are sad, you see.
2019-10-25 17:44:58 UTC
As God’s people we must obey his command not to eat blood. Genesis 9:3,4. Also Acts 21:25. As worshippers of Jehovah, we must always obey because he knows what’s best for us because he created all things. Revelation 4:11. Acts 15:28,29. Please be reassured of the resurrection, Acts 24:15.
2019-10-25 16:46:27 UTC
A real parent would not choose their love of God over the life of their child - is God telling you to let your son die...?
2019-10-29 02:43:14 UTC
What commanment makes a blood transfusion a sin?
2019-10-28 22:09:12 UTC
God is bringing him home. You must do nothing, but believe in your faith.
2019-10-28 18:01:00 UTC
God didn't write your JW rules. Man did.

You're a troll anyway.
2019-10-28 16:41:48 UTC
that is child cruelty, and if he dies it is murder.
2019-10-28 12:51:28 UTC
Give your own blood, and other family members, too. You have the same DNA so it’s ok. I think God would be angry at you if you let him die for lack of a blood transfusion.
2019-10-27 12:48:58 UTC
So what if YOU think its a sin?

the more important question is - what does your SON think?

letting him die cos of what YOU think is destroying any chance HE has to make up his OWN mind what HE thinks
2019-10-27 04:49:19 UTC
i mean, the fact that you value "God" over your own son, speaks alot about you.
2019-10-26 22:08:39 UTC
go for transfusion

do you think you can rest in peace if matter got worst without transfusion?
2019-10-26 21:34:19 UTC
Only Jehovah's Witnesses think it is a sin. Get out of that cult and save your son's life.

I am a retired nurse. Blood is used to save lives every day.
2019-10-26 19:53:34 UTC
Ask yourself "Why is it a "sin"?
2019-10-26 18:44:46 UTC
Your options are limited to these:

1. Refuse a transfusion at all costs. But first a,sk your son if he wants to be a martyr for Jehovah. That seems a rather difficult decision for a child to make, but if you can't face it, he will have to.

2. Pray for a miracle, not blaming God if you don't get one.

3. Arrange for your son to receive a transfusion, and hope your kingdom hall never finds out.

4. Arrange for your son to receive a transfusion, and let the chips fall where they will.

5. Realize that the Watchtower Society has deliberately, systematically deceived you and millions of JWs for decades, and arrange for your son to receive a transfusion.

6. Arrange your son's funeral.

I profoundly disagree with nearly everything that the Watchtower Society believes. But NO parent should have to watch his or her child die, so I will pray, with all my heart, that your beloved son survives.
2019-10-26 16:35:25 UTC
Tea Bag him and chant Peace Be Upon Him
2019-10-26 09:57:48 UTC
Hey, Sweetie. I take it from your question that you are Jehovah Witness. I also take it that the doctors have already tried other IV fluids that are not blood or blood related.

. ----- an idea .......... what about giving him is own blood back?

. When the rules prohibiting blood transfusions by JW were made, the only transfusions our technology had was that from another person.

. But now we have technologies that allow us to take a person's blood and give it back to him/her.

. And i'm thinking we also have technologies that allow the doctors to take a small about of cells and reproduce them, so the cells would still be your son's, not someone else's.

. Would your leaders allow that?

. I believe that bone marrow, where the blood cells are made, are also the kind of cells that can be reproduced quickly in the lab.
2019-10-26 06:49:41 UTC
God does not want you to sacrifice your child, in the same way he did not want Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
2019-10-26 05:50:37 UTC
No, it is not a sin.
I care
2019-10-26 05:46:52 UTC
Do what God wants, for you to save your child. No where is it written to not do blood transfusions. I believe.

Share where in GOD'S WORD THIS IS MENTIONED if I hadn't seen it. Thanks.
2019-10-25 18:47:10 UTC
Stop putting religion before love and remember the commandment - THOU SHALL NOT KILL!
2019-10-25 17:30:09 UTC're really a JW then you need to update your thinking!

NOWHERE in the bible does it say a blood transfusion is not permitted, isn't good, or anything.   

Drinking blood is not the same as a blood transfusion.  If you have any doubt, try injecting Coca Cola into your veins and watch yourself die, or try drinking blood platelets and get sick.

If you study the blood verses you will find that the prohibition on blood was all connected to pagan festivals or rituals, which are abhorrent to God.  Conversely, God tells us that life is a precious gift and we should preserve it where possible and that INCLUDES blood transfusion!

Irrespective, I might have a modicum of respect for JWs position on blood were it not for the ASSUMED consequence.   They argue that it's better to live a shorter life than to displease God.  What kind of stupidity is that?    As if we all don't displease God pretty much most of everyday.... and what is the consequence?    If JWs were going to be consistent then they'd jump of a bridge and then try to save themselves on the way down!

God loves you and your son, get him the blood he needs!
2019-10-25 16:45:00 UTC
First of all, it's not a sin. Second of all, because you are making your own laws by adding to that of Gods', THAT will count as a sin. Third, like Bill B said, it's negligence of a child is a criminal offence. Finally, if you really were serious about your son (if you have one), I think we all know that you wouldn't be here trolling about it.
2019-10-25 16:44:36 UTC
Geez, you took time out from talking to the docs at the pretend hospital to post on ya. Admirable and stupid, at the same time. 
2019-10-30 01:47:21 UTC
Then be a witness to the "lord jesus christ" as laws, faith, and love is all three wise gifts of experience as the witness that see its not a sin of god or the spirit of god.
2019-10-28 15:09:35 UTC
If you really love your son you will give him the medical treatment he needs.
2019-10-28 00:36:42 UTC
Get the transfusion. Not even a question, is it?
2019-10-27 13:08:22 UTC
Give him your blood

2019-10-27 01:59:45 UTC
This is one of the reasons i dislike religion

I mean no disrespect i never engage in internet stuff but somehow i saw this i respect your beliefs even tho i disagree but i wanted to share this; maybe the ability to have a blood transfusion and save him is sent from god? Theres a story of a man in a flood and he turns down all help because hes waiting for god unknowingly he turns down all of gods help do whatever u need to do to protect ur son period
2019-10-26 11:51:37 UTC
Killing a person is a sin also! I would let him have the blood. 

As long as no one else was killed. 
2019-10-26 10:44:49 UTC
2019-10-26 07:40:56 UTC
"Abraham, no need to keep on about this Sacrifice crap." "I Command you to save your son, because you didn't witness _hit yet."
2019-10-26 05:26:51 UTC
troll smarter - not harder
Olive Garden
2019-10-25 18:10:27 UTC
Not a sin anymore. There is a recent development that the GB said, transfusion is food, thus your son could get that transfusion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.