Do you think I should end my life and go to heaven?
2007-04-11 12:33:14 UTC
I hate working at UPS, I am a part-time package handler.I get wrote up everyday. My supervisor and boss yells at me. I get disrespected everytime I go to work. Everytime I look up it is time for work. I make $8.50 a hour and I am 22 years old.

Why is God torturing me. I can't take it anymore. I just want to give up and die. I hate my job, I hate it. I am so scared of life. I am so scared. I just want to give up.

I am in so much debt, from credit cards, and going to Chicago State University.

I owe Chicago State University $5500.00
I owe my credit cards over $1500.00. All I did was buy gas for my car.

I don't have any kids, who is going to take care of me when I get old.

I can't even see my face. I have no clue what my face looks like. I look in the mirror, but I don't think that what my face looks like. It looks a lot different to other people. I have never seen my face.

I hate my job, I hate it so much. I go to work in the next hour.
61 answers:
2007-04-11 12:39:17 UTC
Suicide isn't going to get you into Heaven. God will come for you when he's ready to take you, if that's today, he'll find a way to get you there. You're only 22 yrs. old, you're still young, you have a lot to live for. Good things come to those who wait and endure. Stick it out or find a new job man, seriously. Financial troubles, everyone has. Pay them down, work something out. Ending your life is not an option at all.
2007-04-11 12:49:43 UTC
Welcome to the real world we all owe bills we all have bad days but it could be alot worse! Look around everyday someone has it worse than you do! I have a 22 year old and you and him have the same thing in common scared to death to grow up! Dont even want too would rather be taken care and told what to do! Its ok we all have been there and felt the way you do we get up look in the mirror and push our selfs thru the rest of the day. Day by day and realize that it is the little things that will make it all ok you will grow up you will get a good job one day and if you turned your attitude around you probably already have one but with negative attitude that job will not last! Try realizing your cup is 1/2 full not empty. You have a job you have money you have food you have your health and most of all you have your youth you are just starting out your not 50 with a part time job and believe me there are plenty of 50 year olds that would love an oppurtinty to even find a job! Oh and you have a car and you have gas! Cuicidal go to Doctor that in not good thoughts you have brought your self way down being so hard on yourself seek help pull your boot straps on and smile you will be ok! I was! Good Luck!
2007-04-11 12:50:24 UTC
The first thing I notice is the volume of people that are responding to your cry for help. You can see that there are a lot of people out there that care.

We all have job problems at one time or another. We learn to do our jobs properly and hope that people will recognize our good efforts. If that isn't happening, then we try to find another job with better working conditions and better people.

Debt is also a normal condition of life. We work, earn a living and try to live within our earnings. If we are careful and only spend what we absolutely have to spend, then we can save up and pay off some of our debts. As time goes on, our income increases and we are able to pay off more.

There was a time when my wife and I did not know how we were ever going to be able to pay our debts, but we kept trying and opportunities eventuall came to us allowing us to manage our debts and carry on. I am now in deeper debt than ever but the debt is tied to real estate so the debt will eventually be turned into income.

The last thing is prayer. God knows your circumstances and knows your needs. Ask Him for guidance and comfort and work toward a worthy goal and I am sure that if you don't give up, you will eventually prevail.

Best wishes and never give up.
2007-04-11 13:07:41 UTC
Well it sounds like you need mental health Help.


I would sooner wait until I go naturally I just might win the lotto or the scratchers.

The student loan you just make any good payment that your budget can handle.

Just cut up that gas card and pay it off.

If you can't pay cash you don't go.

You do not make $8.50/hr.

$8.50 X 40 = $340 - (340 X .12 (%) income tax =40.80)

So your take home less than $300.

$300 divided by 40hr = +-$7.50

You need a second job.

$300 is the amount you plan your budget on AFTER you put 10% away for retirement ,, Apx 1 hours pay.

Check with your payroll staff put money in 401's You will get more in your take home because you don't pay taxes on it

22 YO ??? did you burn your bridges to get back home?

Quit being a wimp. Join the military, Or did you mess that up too.
2007-04-11 12:44:35 UTC
Definatly not. What many people don't know and refuse to believe is that if you commit suicide, you have to come back to earth and live that life again. You'll have a different family and a different enviornment, but the problems will be the same. You will grow up and have the debts, and you will have another deadbeat job. You may not believe this, but lets say, for arguments sake, that it is true. Would you really want to repeat 22 years of your life. Please don't end your life, try to fix it. Even though it seems helpless now, look past all of that. Try and find a new job, one that you would actually enjoy. Get a hobby, play an instrument (guitar works) go out with your friends, try to meet new friends. I'm only 15 and you may ask what gives me the authority to tell you all of this. I have thought of suicide many times, but the pain it would inflict on my loved ones is not something I'm willing to put them through. God is not torturering you, life is a learning experience. You are here on this earth to learn, you are learning about coping with your issues. Please don't give up.

; )
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-04-11 12:40:33 UTC
Work is a hardship sometimes.

If you are struggling with a bad job and considering ending your life over it. Why not end the job? Suicide is permanent your employment at UPS isn't.

Try going after a dream, drop the mundane and reach for happiness. It sounds as if you are already in trouble with money. There is no time like the present to change things.

you need to think about what could possibly make you happy. Write out a plan that might get you there, break it down into manageable daily tasks. AND DO IT.

You have nothing to lose. Now is your opportunity to LIVE
2007-04-11 12:40:43 UTC
First of all, you are only 22. Second of all, stand up for yourself. If you really hate your job so much, the power lies with you to change it. God isn't torturing you. He is sitting back and letting you take control of your own life, which you apparently are having a hard time doing. You need to quit blaming God and everything else for all your troubles, and take control of your life. Stand up, take a breath, and get out there and fix what you don't like. People all over the world have a much harder time than you. Just do it. Suicide is the most selfish thing you can do and not only that, it is not intelligent. Don't be a failure.
2007-04-11 12:56:50 UTC
The answer is "No". Suicide is not a Godly act so definitely, you won't go to heaven. The only way to get to heaven is to accept the Lord as your personal Savior.

Try not to look at the negative things in your life. If your life is that bad, you'd be dead by now. Just think of the many unemployed and homeless people around you. Many kids would want to go to college but they don't have the means. They probably want to get a loan but they don't have that luxury. People walk miles because they don't have a car. I bet a million would kill for your job just to have one.

Think positive and focus on your job. Don't give people the reason to yell at you. When you finish college, you will be able to step up. You'll look back at everything you've been through, the experience you've had, and the lessons you've learned and then you'll smile and tell yourself, it's good that you didn't give up. You'll look forward to a life worth living and who knows someday, with a spouse and kids to share it with.
2007-04-11 12:45:44 UTC
First thing first where did you get the idea it was "your" life, in 1 Cor. 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

As you see your body is not your own and plus within the ten commandments [Not suggestions by the way] it says THOU [that means you] shall NOT kill [murder] even yourself, turn your life over to Jesus the second member of The Godhead Has a plan for your life, i owe a lot of money too, but trust in Jesus, trials are NOT to tell God about you, He already knows about you, trials are to tell YOU about YOU, also if your a Christ centered persons facing the same problems see perhaps God in you and may be tempted to ask you about Your Jesus, and if you don't know then find out more free bible lessons OR God bless talk to me also
Pastor Iblis
2007-04-11 12:40:22 UTC
The general idea with Christianity is if you take your own life you do not go to heaven. Instead you go straight to hell.

One thought is why not stop the poor me act and suck it up. If you're not nuts you could join the military and try to actually do some good. Yes you could get killed but it wouldn't be by your own hand and you'd be making a possitive impact on the world in the process.

Besides if you have a college degree the military would start you out at a higher rank. Possible PFC or Specialist.

Something to consider.
Mrs. J
2007-04-11 12:51:12 UTC
Self murder and abomination of God are two sins for which you CANNOT be forgiven, according to the Holy Bible. The reason given in the bible (Im going to paraphrase here) that self murder will result in eternal separation from God is that the person who fails to put his faith and trust in God is without God and has not done all he or she could do, because life begins when one puts his or her trust and faith in God.

Now, as a 40 year old, who has been 22 and had very similar circumstances and a very similar attitude at that age.....please dont give up five minutes before the miracle. It is when you reach the place you are right now in your life, attitude and understanding of life, that things can be substancially and remarkably changed.....and this time in your life is crucial for your development and growth with God.

When YOU realize how meaningless life is for you, then you are at a place, personally, that is empowering and can be life altering. I know, I've been there.

Around the age of 23, I felt EXACTLY like you do. That is when I prayed and started looking for God to open up avenues for my life. I realized much later that if I had not been through the experience, I would have wasted away the opportunities, had they come before the self realization and self change. When I was 23, I had a very strong desire to not live the rest of my life like I was living at 23. I was living paycheck to paycheck (and not getting anywhere except maybe a little further in debt). I decided within myself to change my course and join the wide world of people who have financial success, business success, and a REAL LIFE.

I started to take my job serious, and prayed that God move mountains to help me reach success. For that, God gave me newer jobs with more responsibilities and money.....and as I did well with each, more and more opportunities happened. I met and married a wonderful man, formed a family, and became A RESPONSIBLE priorities had to change and they did.

Today, I am in the top 5% of income earners. I have financial success, a wonderful and fully intact marriage, well adjusted children, and most of all, I live without real fear, because I have practiced putting my faith in God for so many years, that I KNOW He cares for me and moves mountains in my life.

I have been richly blessed by the Father, and have a track record to prove it is easy for me to know that you will be ok and that your life will unfold in many beautiful ways.....You may not know that right this minute, but all you need to do is put your faith out there to Him, and then put one foot in front of the other......making your choices ON PURPOSE as you go your way.
2007-04-11 12:39:43 UTC
If you are for real, do not end any life. Life is precious.

Jesus said the meek will inherit Paradise earth, Matthew 5:5, so the dead are in the grave as dust waiting to come out, John 5:28,29.

Those going down in death cannot praise God.

The credit card co. is not going to put you in jail, and I'd think about changing the job.

Do you pray? It's not to late yet.

Best Wishes, tiena
2007-04-11 12:48:55 UTC
listen. The first thing you need to do is realize that if a man works at something he loves to do he will never work a day in his life!! you are young enough to say flip what you owe!,

Flip what anybody says about what they think you are!,You have to deside what it is that you want to do and do it now while you still have time to repair it all with success. The only difference between winners and losers is a winner will do things that a loser won't. Put 100% in yourself, stay legal, look yourself in the mirror and talk to your self and ask yourself who you are. don't tie yourself to nothing but your goals. I am 51 and wished I could have followed my own advice before now.
2007-04-11 12:45:27 UTC
I'm going to tell you the honest truth, and I want you to pay attention. First of all DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE! You will go to Hell, and that means you have a life way worse and way more painful, only it never ends! So if I were you I would pray and ask God to lead you to a church that is right for you. To get to heaven you must repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost. And sometimes God gives us trials to bring us closer to him. Maybe he is using this as a way to lead you to him. But the only way you will get out of this is by turning to God. Believe me when I say he is My Saviour and I know he can help you or anyone with their problems. I hope you follow what I said......feel free to contact me if you want more info. And Good Luck
2007-04-11 12:42:55 UTC
Im sorry to hear your thinking about doing away with you life i understand how stressful life can be. And I dont mean to come out as a jerk sorry if i do. But you could find another job (keep the one you have and be grateful until you find a better one) Theres people to talk to that can help with your debt and maybe work out payments in order to help or find what would work for you ... just need to talk to the right people. Also As for your problems theres councilors to talk to whom may help you more than someone on yahoo answers. Whatever you do please dont kill yourself its selfish b/c other ppl have to sufer you may not think they do or care but they really do. And again i dont mean to sound like a jerk but other ppl have worse problems and make it just fine. I hope that everything works out for you and if you cant talk to a concler for some reason then find a friend or anyone to talk to .. Please dont do anything you would regret. (death is only a temp fix to your problems)
Blue Oyster Kel
2007-04-11 12:40:31 UTC
Dude...don't despair (yeah. I know, easier said than done) - Life can really suck sometimes, but you've got to remember that to get to the good parts, you have to get through these parts (as the Moody Blues once sang "...every happy ending needs to have a start"). Look at what you do have... a job, a car..everybody's got lots of bills (and how do I tell the IRS I don't have enough for my taxes right now??) The other good stuff is coming. I know it's hard to believe, sometimes it's hard for me to believe, but find something you can really get playing guitar, or writing..something that you can really express yourself with. It helps.
2007-04-11 12:43:05 UTC
You talk of going to heaven. Now this suggests you are a religious individual who believes in such things. If this is the case you should be aware that suicide is supposed to be a sin which would mean that if it is real you would not go to heaven but the opposite place.

I would suggest getting help. Call the Samaritans initially and maybe look into counselling services which may be able to provide coping mechanisms.
2007-04-11 12:39:54 UTC
Who said life was supposed to be easy?? God is doing this to see if you can get past the test. At 22 years old your still very young. I'm 27 and I hate my job and I make the same as you and I have a ton of money in debt that I owe. You are not alone. I know life will get better for me and it will for you. I will pray for you/us. FYI... you don't go to heaven when you commit suicide. It is a sin and you will not be in heaven. Trust me, life will get better. You'll get married and have children, I have so much faith.
2007-04-11 12:40:01 UTC
Don't end your life. Find another job.

Actively search for another place to work and ask God to help you.

Btw.. i worked for UPS a long time ago.. and it does bite.

Whenever we feel we're trapped it seems desperate. But cheer up . It wont be forever. Bite the bullet til you can get out of there. Concentrate on the positive areas in your life and be brave.

God Bless
2007-04-11 12:38:51 UTC
Find a new job, I'm sure your not spending that much on college to work at McDonalds, so I'm sure you will make more money when your finished with college, you can get out of the debt it just takes time.

or if you need to now file for bankrutcy.

But there is NEVER a reason to kill yourself over it.
2007-04-11 12:40:06 UTC
God does not torture anybody! He loves you so much! It is satan that is doing this to you! He knows that you are weak, so he will start playing tricks on your mind. He is a liar! You should not kill yourself or anything. And the only way you will go to heaven is through Jesus Christ! I will be praying for you, and you will get better.

Here is how you can receive Christ:

1. Admit your need (I am a sinner.)

2. Change your attitude that you can save yourself. Change your attitude to the fact that only Christ can save you by what He did on the cross (Repent...means a change of mind or attitude)

3. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and rose from the grave.

4. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive Him as Lord and Savior)
Lil bit
2007-04-11 12:52:10 UTC
Hello Dear,

You are precious in his site. If this job depress you to the point of killing yourself, that is not the job for you.

Do you think that you are the only human being alive with credit problems.

Precious child of God, find another job, and pray to the father in heaven and tell him all your troubles.

He will fix it if you ask him. He will give you wisdom in all your doings. God Bless you Precious.
2007-04-11 12:41:29 UTC
I think you need to get laid & relieve some of that stress.

Everything will turn out for the better once you get things on track. No worries! Just stick with it until you can get something better. You're not in this UPS job forever, so don't let it get to you. It's not going to be your career so who gives a rat's @$$ what your bosses think. Just do what you gotta do & it will pay off in the end.
2007-04-11 12:40:01 UTC
$8.50 an hour. . . in Chicago?

Find another job. Or show up to work on time, and change your attitude. 22 years old and you come across like a spoiled child that thinks work is to good for them.

Be an adult, act like an adult and people will treat you like one.
2007-04-11 12:39:47 UTC
First of all, those who commit suicide dont go to heaven. If you dont like your job, get a new one. As for the credit cards, i understand, you jus need to pay them off as you can. God does not tourture, he just tests people. Ive had my own trials and im still working threw them. if you can be patient, life will get better. Just remember, suicide doesnt solve anything. Good luck.
2007-04-11 12:38:21 UTC
Suicide won't get you into heaven. We all have debt, its a part of being a grown-up. So grow up already. Deal with it. If you hate your job then quit. You're only 22 years old. Life is too short to ***** about it so much.
2007-04-11 12:49:20 UTC
You are only 22 years old and there is a lifetime to pay those bills, get married, have children.

STOP - Bow your head and say "Jesus please come into my life and change it. Change me. Show me the way Lord. I'm putting my future into your hands. I don't know how to proceed and I am casting all of my burdens upon You. Father, show me the way and I will follow You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

2 Timothy 1:7

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Hebrews 13:6

"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."

1 John 4:18

there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear:

because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love."

Repeat over and over and over again.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Find a church in Illinois (Baptist, Pentecostal, Church of God) and tell the pastor that you want to know Jesus Christ and let him help you. GO TODAY!!
2007-04-11 12:40:25 UTC
Wake up man!Life is bigger than that..If you dont like your job..quit and find a new one..Kill yourself will prove to the world that you are a weak person and stupid too..Think rationally and be smart..Lots of other human being in the world suffer a great deal compare to you..At list your have place to stay and food to eat..hundred of kids is africa suffer because of the lack of food, clean water, disease, shelther but they still continue with their life until the end..Cheer up man!dont try to be God..aight..good luck
2007-04-11 12:42:09 UTC

Why should I spend hours talking to you if you're just going to ignore everything I tell you?

There is no heaven. There is no hell. When you die, you die. That's it.

The mirror shows you your actual face.

What have you done to get out of debt? We talked about this OVER A MONTH AGO.
wish I were
2007-04-11 12:39:37 UTC
NO if you kill yourself you go to hell not heaven! Quit your bit ching! You are only 22 and if you don't like your job then get a different one dumb ***! You make your own life so if you don't like where you are then do something about it!!! Pay your bills, change your job and your ATTITUDE!!! You have no reason to not be able to get out of debt. You have no wife, no children, work two jobs and then you won't have time to sit around and feel sorry for yourself, plus you'll get out of debt faster!!!
2007-04-11 12:39:04 UTC
You need help man!!

You are experiencing what is known as LIFE!!

Go see a psychiatrist. And if you don't want your boss or who ever to yell at you, do your work and quit screwing around. Look for a better job, and quit talking so stupid!
2007-04-11 19:05:12 UTC
My friend, you have no control over your life to take it.

because you lost your life when Adam and Eve sinned in

the garden of Eden. It was not your fault, you inherited death

from Adam and Eve. The wages of sin is death, the gift of

God, is eternal life. God made available to man 120 years to experience life, and decide if he want to live again. If man want to live again, he must go through the Lord Jesus Christ,

making a confession from the heart, believing that Jesus is his lord and savior and that he died and ressurected from

death, defeating it, and every one that believe in him, shall die and be ressurect with him in the last day. You must be born again, to enter into the kigdom of heaven.
Jason W
2007-04-11 12:39:24 UTC
Don't end your life, learn the truth about Jehovah God and his Son Jesus and I'm positive your life will get much better.

Life is like a roller coaster, we all have ups and downs. But things always get better. Pray to Jehovah through Jesus to help find another job where you are appreciated.
wilma m
2007-04-12 04:49:23 UTC
Dont loss hope. Do what I did about my misery that I wanted to be overrun by vehicle, cut my pulse, etc.

Surf the web on: PIONEER THINKING, MIND AND BODY, SELF Development

Go to Divination

Gems and their power

Give tithes so you become rich, meet a wife, have new job,

2007-04-11 12:41:42 UTC
go to the banks see if thay can cut down what you owe on the cards and the boss at ups got to the boss above him and tell him what thay are dowing that might help
2007-04-11 12:40:19 UTC
Hang in there, brother. Your life is just beginning. Things will get better.

Do look for a different job, one that you won't HATE! God helps those who help themselves.
Indiana Jones
2007-04-11 12:45:38 UTC
Apply at Motorola
2007-04-11 12:39:30 UTC
Stay alive. The most important thing to anyone is their life. Things may only get better for you, but there's no chance for that if you die.
2007-04-11 12:40:52 UTC
You can turn your own life around bud. first check into therapy to help you with problems then get into credit counseling. God doesn't change your life around YOU can if you help yourself.
Simply Samantha.
2007-04-11 12:39:08 UTC
Suicide is a way of saying, "I quit."

But death is a way of saying "We're letting you go."

Honey, You've got a lot on your plate. Suicide is not the answer. That's giving up on getting older.

You should consider counseling. You should see if there are any free clinics in your area.
2007-04-11 12:36:40 UTC
Why don't you just get another job? You can probably find a job you like a lot better for $8.50/hr or more!
2007-04-11 12:47:19 UTC
I'd look for a new job. Income is something that can be improved if you work hard at it. I hope you find something you like!
سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎
2007-04-11 12:40:52 UTC
Don't kill yourself. I'm sure things will get better. It could be worse and there are MANY people worse than you who are older than you (I see some on the train on my way to work).
Josh D
2007-04-11 12:37:10 UTC
No don't end your life. God can use you as a UPS driver or whatever you do. Just pray to God to and He show will you what to do.
2007-04-11 12:39:02 UTC
Have you tried praying to Jesus Christ for comfort?God does not torture but can make it bearable if necessary and to lead you out of it if that's his will.Life will get better if you follow Jesus.
Austen T
2007-04-11 12:46:32 UTC
Am i supposed to feel sorry?

Get a better job you loser.

One less person on this earth.
2007-04-11 12:38:42 UTC
No. This will pass if you put in action to help yourself. It is difficult for most people at times. You are loved.
2007-04-11 12:37:08 UTC
Sorry to hear...Look for other Job
2007-04-11 12:39:39 UTC
You have been enjoying Yahoo! Answer so your situation is not totally helpless.
2007-04-11 12:38:02 UTC
Go for me..your young you'll adjust..
2007-04-11 12:42:24 UTC
I read between the lines and I know you really do like your job.

It temporary--thats why your in college. To let you know you are not alone--there are many like you. Welcome to life
2007-04-11 12:37:36 UTC
Get help immediately - call a suicide hotline right now!
2007-04-11 12:36:29 UTC
Hey man , need a Change in life ? Go to
2007-04-11 12:36:06 UTC
I will pray for you. And if you want to talk ever, my

plus R&S will always be here to cheer you up!! (well, most of us)
2007-04-11 13:20:15 UTC
Do something you like
*ThA mOdEl*
2007-04-11 12:38:03 UTC
dont get so depressed all u have to do is find a better job!!!! and plus if u kiil urself u will go to hell!!!! so dont do it!!!
2007-04-11 12:37:07 UTC
ok...........dont end your life just try to keep on living ask your friends to help you...good luck
2007-04-11 12:37:00 UTC
I can help u in that dear :)
2007-04-11 12:41:35 UTC
Please don't be too hasty.

See this video:

God gives grace to the humble.
2007-04-11 12:37:54 UTC
dont do it!!!!please
2007-04-11 12:36:11 UTC
Go ahead and do it so i don't have to read garbage like this. Loser.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.