What evidence for evolution is there?
2011-02-18 23:29:10 UTC
Evolution is a theory. Theory, not fact. Theory. The only reason for existing with the theory of evolution is to
1) Reproduce
2) Survive.
Why do we love one another? Love does not fall into any of those categories. (Love, not lust)
Why do we think deeper than those 2 reasons of living?
Why do we care about one another?
Why is there a dinosaur bone that had red blood cells in it when red clood cells are supposed to die within a couple thousand years?
Why are you too stubborn to just realize that God is real.
Yes its true that we adapt. But besides that, there is no evidence to evolution.
32 answers:
2011-02-18 23:42:11 UTC
Well, theory has it that at any moment a monkey is going to come shooting out of my butt. Wait for it.........wait for it..........wait for it..........nope, no monkey. Oh, and have you seen a human shoot out a monkey lately? If evolution is a process, and if we came from monkeys, you'd think there would be a transition specimen somewhere in the world. Oh, wait a minute........nope, just a fart. God bless everyone!
2011-02-18 23:39:05 UTC
Why do we love one another? Love does not fall into any of those categories. (Love, not lust) Why do we think deeper than those 2 reasons of living?

=> The feeling of attachment for another person is evolved to establish long-term pair-bonding because it ensures better survival for our offspring when the male and female work together. And also, I can biochemically induce the feeling of love by injection of certain key hormone and stimulation of certain parts in your brain => how does that make your concept of love sound? not so special anymore right?

Why do we care about one another? => again, it relates to the concept of building a stable society for the survival of our offsprings

Why is there a dinosaur bone that had red blood cells in it when red clood cells are supposed to die within a couple thousand years? => source, please. i'm sure the scientists who discover this has an explanation that does not involve disproving evolution.

Why are you too stubborn to just realize that God is real. => I believe in Jesus AND evolution. I can repeat the question back to you: why are you so stubborn to realize evolution and God can coexist?

Yes its true that we adapt. But besides that, there is no evidence to evolution. => by what evidence will you be satisfied? Do you need to see a species transforming to another? If yes, let me ask you this first: How do you define a species? A tiger and lion look different and live on different continents, yet they can mate and produce viable offspring -> does this make them the same species? The term "species" is defined in 1800s and has since then been more or less discarded. It's outdated.

This theory was created a hundred year ago (or so) yet is claims to have been acting for millions and millions of years. Kinda ironic dontcha think? => um.. gravity, which is also a theory, is only really discovered relatively recently despite being around since like...forever.
2011-02-19 00:22:02 UTC
You've asked a good question. Many of the ideas & concepts advanced in the earlier days of scientific research have now been thrown out as more modern scientific understanding has made them irrelevant. Darwinistic evolution, proposed in the 1850s, is just such an idea & concept that has long past its 'sell-by' date & should now be rejected!

The problem is that NO-ONE has come up with any alternative view or opinion that doesn't involved a Creator God & this is unaccceptable to many research scientists.

I put forward, over 2 years ago, a series of points on the Yahoo UK science messageboard in a thread that spreads over 5 parts. For those of you who wish to view these posts, you should follow the links below. By the way, I'll regard it as VERY HYPOCRITICAL & SPINELESS if you give me a 'thumbs down' without first addressing the specific points that I've made.
2011-02-19 00:26:18 UTC
Well, the evidence can be found when comparing anatomy of species, by studying embryology, by studying paleontology and by studying biochemistry. And of course by watching evolution happen right in front of us. Evolution doesn't always happen over the course of millions of years, bacteria are quite snappy about it.

Yes, evolution is a theory. Just like gravity. I think you are confused with the concept 'hypothesis'. Evolution is not a mere hypothesis.

Why do we love, why do we care etc. Aside from the fact that that may have evolutionary advantages, why do you want evolution to explain EVERYTHING? The theory doesn't claim to be a unified theory of everything you know.

Why are you too stubborn to know that maybe, just MAYBE you may be wrong about there being a god?

Lots and lots of science has been around for a hundred years or less. So? Do you think gravity was not around before the apple hit Newton?

You may want to brush up on evolution. It does not state that al but the strongest simply drop dead.

Okay, I'm listening. Prove your god exists. You claim it can be done, so go ahead.
Citizen Justin
2011-02-18 23:49:37 UTC
The shared genetic material in all of Earth's living organisms is proof (i.e. evidence beyond reasonable doubt) of common descent.

Point by point: Love and caring do fall into the above categories if you think about it. The ability to feel for your fellow being would be practically a must in a social animal like a human.

Human philosophical thinking is more a side effect of how we've developed; our big brains will go off on tangents by default, having evolved to do so in order that we may anticipate problems before they happen and therefore enjoy a higher standard of survival.

Whether the particles in that dinosaur bone were or had once been red blood cells in it is highly disputed.

I did think God was real once but using the most of the evidence I was given I reluctantly decided that he or she almost certainly wasn't.

Evolution is an inevitable by-product of long-term adaptation.

It's not the strong who are most likely to survive but instead those who are BEST ABLE to survive. Even someone who is weak and sickly often has admirable traits that lead to them passing on their genes.

All 'proof of God' has visible flaws. Many people prefer not to look because they worry it would affect their faith. That's why I bet you won't bother reading this answer. The sad thing is, a faith that can be shaken by observed fact is not worthy in the first place.
2011-02-18 23:41:28 UTC
First off, theory is not the same in science as it is for you and me. The theory you are thinking of is a hypothesis. They're theory is something that's been tested time and time again, and helps explain everything. It is a fact. Evolution can and has been observed. Ever wonder why you need a new flu shot every year? It evolves. Name your proof of the existence of a god. Also, the Christian theory was founded only 2000 years ago, yet it claims to have been acting for all of time. Kind of ironic, don't you think?
2011-02-19 00:01:34 UTC
Miss Hanna, open your mind and broaden your myopic view.

First of all, the geologic column is evidence of evolution. DNA is evidence of evolution. The existence of elements heavier than helium is evidence of evolution. The accelerating expansion of the entire universe is evidence of evolution. Should I continue? There are literally books filled with evidence of evolution.

Think about life from the perspective of a tape worm and tell me exactly where love or deep thought fits into its lifecycle. If the tapeworm makes you to queasy, try substituting it with a rose. Both work equally well.

The “red blood cells” that Dr. Schweitzer found were not live “red blood cells”. What she found was the structures of a red blood cell. Those structures are made of proteins that can and do survive for millions of years. Perhaps you should do a little research into Dr. Schweitzer (a devout Christian) and her discoveries before you jump onto the young earth creationist bandwagon.

Your irrational belief in ancient myths is distorting your views of reality. If you ever have the strength and intellectual honesty to examine the universe with an open mind and an unbiased eye, you will clearly see that evolution is not only fact, it is the standard operational procedure for the entire universe.

There is no proof of god, there never has been.
ronald r
2011-02-18 23:57:28 UTC
None. While there are aberrations, mutations, and adaptation, these do not fit neatly into the evolutionary framework. Evolution is more of a crutch for those seeking a way to take the idea of an intelligent creator out of the equation. The theory might have credence if they could ever find this so-called missing link of theirs. But they never will. Many who claim evolution is fact and not fiction seem to change the parameters of it every time it is discussed. It's either survival of the fittest or lesser life forms (a pool of goo ends up being a man after several billion years) evolving into higher life forms and vice versa. They just cannot seem to make up their minds when it comes to their silly theory. And talk about having to have a lot of faith! It takes a hell of a lot of faith to believe in that load. While they will decry a 2,000 year old book (which is older than that, by the way), and study many other ancient texts and say,"Boy, we have a lot to learn from these ancient peoples" who built architectural wonders and systems of mathematics and astrology we can only wonder about, and be in awe of, we can't learn anything from the Bible, who was written by some of the wisest men in history. We will pick and choose with a nit-pickety sort of atheistic agenda where we get our knowledge from. Seems like a close-minded and ignorant lot. How can one listen to an answer like, "Cuz our atheist professor and atheist textbooks tell us it's so, so we know it's true, stupid" and get anything coherent out of these people? Your wasting your time trying to bring any sort of enlightenment or truth to these folks, who jumped on the evolution bandwagon long ago to escape the judgment and reality of God. Let them keep their delusions while they keep insisting on ours. Is it possible you are right and all of them are wrong? Is it possible for one man/woman to be right while the whole world is wrong? Look at Noah. Example from God. Bless you!
Brigalow Bloke
2011-02-18 23:55:14 UTC
Biological evolution is a change in the frequency of alleles in population of organisms. It has been defined that way since about 1940, based on mathematical analysis of genetic evidence collected since 1900 or so. Since changes in allele frequency have been observed in the wild, in captivity and in experimental organisms, biological evolution is a fact, not a theory. It does not involve fossils, and it does not involve the origin of life.

A species of organism is a population that either will not or cannot interbreed with a closely similar population (no matter how similar they appear) and produce fertile offspring. On these grounds, horses and donkeys are separate species since they can produce offspring but these are not fertile. No, this is not a "theory" but a working definition of "species".

Drosphila melanogaster has long been used for genetic experiments. Using specimens that had been used before would invalidate the experiments, therefore for each set of experiments new specimens are used. This means that biology laboratories, public and private maintain or subscribe to farms where these flies are raised. There are several of these farms. Many of them were stocked from the same source, and some have maintained separate populations for 70 to 90 years.

When attempts have been made to interbreed specimens of D. melanogaster from long separated populations, they have refused to breed together. So by definition, they are separate species. No, this is not a "theory" and it demonstrates evolution of a new species in less than a century in captivity.

North America has a wild population of insects known as Rhagoletis pomonella or the hawthorn maggot fly. These insects lay eggs on the flowers or young fruit of the American hawthorn. About 1606 the apple was introduced to North America. Apples are distantly related to hawthorns but flower and fruit at a different time. Thus in most cases if specimens of R. pomonella mated at the "wrong" time and laid eggs on the newly introduced apple, the eggs and larvae would not survive. However by 1861 apple growers in North America noticed the emergence of a new pest of apples, which was superficially identical to the hawthorn maggot fly.

Subsequent work has shown that the original hawthorn maggot fly has diversified into a variety which infests apples and some other introduced fruits. Attempts to cross breed the apple version and the hawthorn version fail in 19 cases out of 20, which indicates that the two populations have almost (but not quite) formed two different species. In the wild, crossbreeding would rarely happen and the two varieties are virtually distinct species and will diverge more rapidly now as the populations genetically drift apart. Further, there is evidence that mites which are parasites on these flies are becoming different too. No, this is not a "theory" and it demonstrates the appearance of what are almost two different species in the wild in less than 300 years. Since apples are an economic crop, rather a lot is known about the pests that infest them.

The genomes of humans and chimpanzees are almost identical and contain about 3 billion base pairs each. This is by direct chemical analysis, not by "theory". In both genomes the remains of retroviruses that once infected germ line cells but did not kill the cells may be found. These are inherited. In the case of humans and chimps, there are seven (or perhaps more by now) identical retroviral sequences in identical locations in both genomes. This is not a "theory" but observed facts. The chances that a retrovirus will insert itself in any particular spot are one in three billion. The chances that it will insert itself in identical spots in both species are even smaller. something like 1 in 9 billion. The chance that seven of them will do it independently are something like 1 in 10 to the 80th power. That number approaches the number of atoms in the known Universe. That is apart from any anatomical, biochemical or behavioral similarities between chimpanzees and humans. Therefore the chance that humans and chimpanzees did not have a common ancestor are less than 1 in 10 to the 80th power.

You will not find this material in your "science books" because (a) creationists on educational boards take care to remove any direct evidence of evolution from school level textbooks and (b) these results come from ongoing science and such material does not appear in school level textbooks, which are there to provide the utter basics of fact and theory and merely repeat material that has been known for decades.
2011-02-18 23:37:30 UTC
1) we are social animals. Having feelings for others and wanting to protect your love ones ensures the population continues.

2) read number 1

3) read number 1

4) There isn't. Read an article within the last 5 years.

5) Why won't you produce any evidence to support your statement?

6) Adaptation IS evolution

7) actually, the theory was formulated a thousand years ago with the ancient greeks. The first reasonable mechanism was proposed about 150 years ago.

8) You don't know what ironic means.

There is proof of your god? Really? Care to point it out?

You should also know, we aren't the only social animals. Primates, wolves, penguins, deer, cows, horses, zebras, lions...all of them exhibit protective behavior to preserve their groups.
2011-02-18 23:58:41 UTC
Here are 283,789!

Here's another 3.49 MILLION,5&as_sdtp=on

Edit: Hmm. Ronald R above me has decided to post more information as to why there is no proof for evolution. Lets discuss him as your original comment has been sliced to bits.

Mutations and Adaptation ARE evolution. Evolution is caused by Mutations, some of which allow the organism with the mutation to become more adapted, more fit, for the environment they find themselves in. It is not a crutch. I am Christian, and there is nothing wrong with believing in evolution as one (in fact, the majority of Christians around the world DO believe in evolution).

We have found missing links. THOUSANDS of them. The problem is, it will never be 'the' missing link, because between any two fossils, there is room for a link between them that, until it is found, will be 'missing'. We have a lovely line for hominid evolution at least going back millions of years to a common ancestor. This does not take God out of the equation. God could be running Evolution. He could have reached down at some point and given man his soul and his purpose in life. These things are not negated by a scientific theory for our God is the God of Science. It is only when you are unwilling to accept the discoveries of science that reveal the miraculous workings of God's creation that you run into these sorts of inane issues.

Survival of the Fittest and the transition from lesser to 'greater' life forms are both evolution. One is natural selection on the individual generation to generation level, the other is the summation of that over thousands of such generations.

And Faith? We have the genomes. We can ACTUALLY see how things are changing in real time, and extrapolate that back to find common ancestors. We can compare diverse organisms and see how they share common genetic features indicative of a single origin. Sure, there is some faith involved, but it is the same sort of faith that the sun will come up tomorrow. Believing in God is far harder than belief in Evolution.

There are millitant Atheists. There are millitant Christians. Both of them think the others are everything that is wrong with the world today. Both of them can't raise a mirror to their own faces and see that they don't exactly look all that dissimilar. Of course the Bible has something to tell us. Then again, so does Science. We have been given minds by our Creator so we can USE them, not cower in fear from what they might reveal.

I mean, LOOK at you. Generalizations like crazy, accusing everyone who believes in evolution of being an atheist. Accusing all scientists of having secret conspiracies against Christianity. Hyperbole stacked on hyperbole! I beg of you, at least ATTEMPT to read up on what other people say about the topic. Attempt to understand why the majority of Christians disagree with you. Attempt to understand why God gave us a brain and senses for something other than reading the bible.
2011-02-18 23:38:17 UTC
Theories ARE facts...sigh...gravity and the concept of germs are also theories.

1) Dopamine, Oxytocin, community, survival of the species

2) We evolved.

3) Community, nurturing instinct. And humans are pretty selfish, actually.

4) So this means Jesus is lord? I'm also pretty sure there's an explanation for this.

5) Ego trip time!

6) There is, you're just to lazy to look for it.

7) I don't follow...our dating systems have only come about recently.
2011-02-18 23:34:11 UTC
Love facilitates reproduction.

We think deeper because we have evolved a brain that allows us to do as much.

We care about one another because we lived for most of our history in small groups and kinship was important for survival.

Red blood cells in fossils read this

I'm not too stubborn I just don't believe everything I read.

There is much evidence for evolution and compared to your God hypothesis there's infinitely more credible data on the subject.
2011-02-18 23:40:31 UTC
"Evolution is a theory. Theory, not fact. Theory."

"That word you keep using. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Theory of Gravity, Germ Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Atomic Theory...
2011-02-18 23:32:06 UTC
2011-02-18 23:34:45 UTC
The coccyx, the little bone at the end of the spinal cord, lays the "theory" we once had tails.
2011-02-18 23:48:45 UTC
You are right,

There is not another human being that has ever been on this earth that is the same as you.

God treats you as if you were the only one He ever created.

Your value is beyond our minds to comprehend.

When you accept Christ all heaven rejoices.

Keep up that banner.


2011-02-18 23:34:06 UTC
Love is something we learned to get what we a baby that cries to get attention.
2011-02-18 23:45:10 UTC
Evolution is a FACT, that has a theory behind it.

It's a pity creationists dont feel the same about the theory of gravity and just float away...

How your car engine works - theory.

That you car engine does work - fact.
2011-02-18 23:30:17 UTC
None if you take the theory seriously.

Plenty if you don't.

This is how evolutionists think: if your baby isn't a carbon copy of you, evolution is true. Few people who actually believe evolution understand that evidence must fit the theory (and that means it must be in proportion to the theory). You can't have a change of eye color as evidence that a fish can turn into a land-walking lizard.

It's funny. Atheists will demand visible, physical proof of God, and they'll claim that you MUST first disbelieve until the proof is offered. Don't you think they'd be smart enough to treat evolution by the same standard?
2011-02-18 23:45:58 UTC
Wow, sure are a lot of people in here who knows nothing about evolution and science, yet feel compelled to make assertions about it....

Ignorance is bliss....
2011-02-18 23:31:22 UTC
Im in high school learning about this... so im like a pro at this. you dismiss it as a theory... ahaha. a theory is an idea vigorously tested and supported very well. trust me, get a high school biology book. real simple. weak die off, strong reproduce, produce strong.
2011-02-18 23:33:36 UTC
This slideshow.

What I don't understand, is how people believe that the Bible, even though it was written 2000 years ago, is completely factual but any other mythology is considered, well......mythology.
2011-02-18 23:31:03 UTC
GOD IS REAL GOD IS REAL Nahaahahahhananahah (covers ears) Atheists I'm not listening to your superior logic, God Did it (covers ears) nananahnahahanahahanahnahahanahanh
2011-02-18 23:38:16 UTC
i don't know what to put here
2011-02-18 23:30:56 UTC
There is no evidence of God either. So your thinking falls flat.
2011-02-18 23:33:18 UTC

Young Lady, you need to pay attention when you are in science class! There really is no excuse for such stupidity! Shame on you!
2011-02-18 23:32:35 UTC
fossils are the main thing
2011-02-18 23:32:48 UTC
Evolution is just a LIE
2011-02-18 23:33:14 UTC
2011-02-18 23:30:31 UTC
Voice in the Wilderness
2011-02-18 23:30:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.