Should religion be allowed?
2009-08-14 17:24:53 UTC
I know, i know, but try to persuade me. Religion causes violence, war, crime, hate, discrimination, social classes, and many other bad things. Do the good things exceed the negatives? have we reached a point in humanity in which people no longer need simple answers? Can a believer survive without a higher power that "watches" and "protects" them? If you have the need to cuss please do so with @$#@%. No one likes people that @$%@.
39 answers:
Something peculiar...
2009-08-14 18:13:19 UTC
I could give you an answer about how anti-religious governmental regimes have killed just as many people and have caused misery and violence to others. This question of yours shows a good deal of narrowmindness in the fact that you think that it's religion that's causing the problem. It's not.

The problem is that people are imperfect, flawed and yes, I could label some people in religions as hypocrites that basically use their religion as an escape clause to do all sorts of things that are violent and evil. It's not the religion that's wrong, it's the people.
2009-08-14 17:48:03 UTC
You bring up a pretty good question. People have been fighting wars for thousands of years for their religions and many people are discriminated against and treated unfairly because of their beliefs.

I know that this is gonna sound weird but just hear me out. In an episode of South Park called "Go God Go" they bring up a good point. Even if everyone was the same religion they would still find something to fight about. Its not religion that turn people against each other, thats just how people are, its just really not possible for everyone to be happy with the way things are.

But my personal opinion is that religions help more people than it hurts. Their will always be fanatics that take it too far.
2009-08-14 17:51:00 UTC
Religion doesn't cause wars, people do - with SIN!!! Breaking the Ten Commandments, God's Rules for Life, are the reason the world is in the mess it is!!

Greed, lust, and discrimination all cause those things you mention and they are all covered in the "rules", nothing to do with religion as such.

If our elected leaders had more 'backbone' and realized that the watering down of the basic, original rules, has made it that people can commit all sorts of crimes and not necessarily punished for them. If the lawmakers would 'simply' reinstate the Ten Commandment as the foundation for our laws, (as it used to be) we would have the boundaries necessary for society to function and if we followed them we would all live in a much better world.

God gave us the rules to live by and the choice to live by them, but people have chosen to dis-obey them.

Sometimes the simple answers are the best ones! And Yes, the believer can survive because they have the 'Life' that comes from that belief.

PS. Besides - the term 'religion' need not only apply to spiritual groups, any group of worshippers/believers, if you like - sporting fans, gamblers, drunks, drug takers or any group of people with a common interest/following who 'worship' their (sporting/drink,drug etc.) idols are a religion too - you know. Atheism is a religion in that sense.

As to your 'additional notes', that subtle way has already been happening for years. So subtle in fact that you probably haven't realized that God was included in all aspects of our lives until fairly recently when our leaders decided to separate "God and country". In the US and in Australia this separation is becoming larger and we are letting it happen! Our countries were forged with the blessing (and inclusion) of God, but now the moral decay is shining through. Our forefathers and past 'great' leaders would be turning in their graves if they could see what has been done (not) in the name of God.
2009-08-14 17:46:12 UTC
People need something to believe in, and if that makes them a better person then so be it. The wars, etc., you mention are all too real....but for the most part, I think that people are good and nobody should try to take away the right to worship in the manner they deem best--AS LONG AS they do NOT interferer with another individual's right to the same!! My opinion?? Keep your religion, follow it, but do not try to force it on others nor harm others in so doing.
2009-08-14 17:46:11 UTC
Can't you see that people have given up on what works. God. Giving up on God is what causes this stuff. They say that man is God. Well whats been happening lately with man as God. When I thing of all of those babies that have been murdered al for the name of convenience. God says that its murder and nobody wants to hear it. So they would rather believe that maybe He is different and we can do anything we want because we are all actually pretty good people. How about the condition that the country is in right now? God had nothing to do with it. We did. All of us. We allowed everything about the name of Jesus to be silenced in public. But you can not pray in public in Jesus name. You can mention any other name, but not Jesus. Actually this just shows that the devil is being given the lives of the people. By the people. While they blame God.
2009-08-14 17:41:04 UTC
If a government chooses to dictate what it's citizens can believe, then the result will not be a lack of belief, but a nation where the government presses people to believe only what it deems to be right. Many will believe any way. How would you control that, threats, death, hatred, anger, and frustration. It doesn't work. How could you force everyone to believe one thing. Man is geared to think for himself. If you remove the choices in the process of deciding what one believes then you limit creative thought as well. We would enter a type of dark age. Not that religion is the source of creativity, but free thought certainly is a big portion of innovation.
2009-08-14 17:41:51 UTC
Religion does not cause any of these things, people who have no relationship with God cause these things. People who are rebellious against the law cause violence, and some use the name of religion for their own agenda. Most of Islam is not violent, but the young and rebellious, who are militant in heart, have caused much harm. Even Christians who take it upon themselves to bomb abortion clinics have caused problems for Christianity. Neither is supported by their religion. You watch, a lot is about to happen in a short period of time, and lawlessness will abound. Satan is trying hard to cause a godless society, and he is having limited success. Without God in this earth it would be total Kaos; you'll see during the tribulation, if you are here.
2009-08-14 17:33:43 UTC
People say religion causes stuff. Let me ask a question to people who believe that.

Ok, let's say we're talking about videogames. I like them. You do (for the purposes of this conversation, at least). I've seen tons of teen murderers on the news that say they did what they did due to Grand Theft Auto or the like.

But we all know that's bull, at least, 95% of the time. It's just an escuse. A cover-up.

Similarly, if I'm a king, and i want to start a war, do I say "I feel like starting a war with you because I need land and I'm an asshole."? Or do I find a scapegoat for my cause?

Do guns kill people? Or do people kill people?

In short, your answer is "Yes".
2009-08-14 17:37:00 UTC
Of course it should be allowed! It's in the US Constitution, and in the Constitutions of most other democracies.

Religion should stay out of politics though. If they're "preaching" politics, they are a political organization, not a religious organization. They should not be given tax breaks, except for the genuinely charitable work they do (e.g., a church running a soup kitchen to feed the poor should get a break on taxes for the value of the food and the equipment and utilities used to create such meals). Churches should get no tax breaks though! They get the same fire and police protection. The big churches cause traffic jams and may require road construction.

Religion has no place in education! Get the religion out of science class! The US is falling way behind most of the industrialized world in science, simply because some people won't allow other people's children to be taught science facts, but get it enshrined into law that their "fairy tales" are "theories" equal to a scientific "theory".
Crabby Patty
2009-08-14 17:43:29 UTC

Look, I am an atheist and an outspoken one at that. But to forbid religion goes against what we believe as much as it does the faithful. Sure, bad things come from it. But you can't force people. You have to let mankind grow out of it (grow up).

It is my fond wish that Religion will someday grow up too. As alchemy gave way to chemistry and astrology gave way to astronomy. Someday I hope that religion will become part of a greater philosophy.
2009-08-14 17:30:42 UTC
If a member of PETA is seen torturing an animal, do you also assume that ALL of PETA is hypocritical? No, you usually don't. Same as the case here. It's the people who cause these problems, not the religion. If the religion is followed to the letter, then we wouldn't have those problems. Seriously, that's as bad as me saying that atheists are the cause of all our problems. Which they aren't. Nor are religions. It's the people, to blame, not what they believe.
2009-08-14 17:32:31 UTC
Right now there are Christians missionary homes in Africa providing food, water, blankets, elements, and disease treatments to people that really need it. The only ones who use religion to wage war are not true Christians rather using it as a scapegoat.

Edit: On second thought, your right, we should nuke all the churches and people with religions so that only atheists are left and the world will be a much better place :)

Miss Daisy G
2009-08-14 17:37:14 UTC
First, Never bother to make a law that you can not enforce.

Second, Never waste your time trying to enforce a law that tells people to refrain from believing in their hearts that which they honestly do believe in their hearts.

Third resist blaming God and Religion for the things that people do who are not actually listening to the full message of either one.
2009-08-14 17:32:58 UTC
Religion is "Way of Life" and Law and Politics and worship of even false Gods.

Every one of us is religious and follow rules and laws which make up our religion.

Whatever you obey blindly is your God.

Democracy is a religious sect of Christianity.

Laws and the difference in beliefs and laws are what bring about the wars.

Those who worship multiple Gods under whatever disguise are those who wage wars on those who worship One God.
2009-08-14 17:31:14 UTC
It's a human tenancy to believe in something greater than they. They organize it and gather and then called it religion. Now it's humans who cause war and all the negative things you wrote, not religion. Most religions teach good things. It's always the person who decides what to do with that info.
2009-08-14 17:35:41 UTC
Religion should be allowed.

People have a right to what they want to believe not what one person thinks.
2009-08-14 17:34:14 UTC
Religion is not the cause of those things, that's the enemy of religion.

Satan uses 'religious' arguments to foment trouble among believers.
2009-08-14 17:30:32 UTC
religion should be allowed but as we are coming into a new age in thinking religion will be obsolete most people are already starting to come to terms with the truth of all religions, so in a hundred years or so no religion will be prominent only few people will stick to them everyone is starting to see that they are sun worshiping pagan beliefs so whatever, believe in science, super string theory is the way to go

answer mine someone please
2009-08-14 17:31:47 UTC
Yes. Religion is not the cause of war, pal. Greediness for what does not belong to you is.
2009-08-14 17:41:49 UTC
False Religion . . .

MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS: “Across Asia and beyond,” says the journal Asiaweek, “power-hungry leaders are cynically manipulating people’s religious sentiments for their own needs.” As a result, the journal warns: “The world threatens to sink into madness.” A prominent religious leader in the United States declared: “You’ve got to kill the terrorists before the killing stops.” His solution? “Blow them all away in the name of the Lord.” By contrast, the Bible says: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.” (1 John 4:20) Jesus even said: “Continue to love your enemies.” (Matthew 5:44) How many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?

SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE: Most religions teach that the soul or spirit is some invisible part of a human that survives the death of the physical body. By means of this teaching, many of these religions exploit their members, charging money to pray for departed souls. However, the Bible teaches a different doctrine. “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Jesus taught that the dead will be resurrected—an unnecessary action if humans had an immortal soul. (John 11:11-25) Does your religion teach that the soul does not die?

TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: In Western lands, church groups ordain gay and lesbian members of the clergy and urge governments to recognize same-sex marriages. Even churches that condemn immorality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children. What, though, does the Bible teach? It plainly states: “Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men . . . will inherit God’s kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) Do you know of religions that condone immoral sex?

True Religion . . .

PRACTICES LOVE: True worshippers are “no part of the world,” are not divided by race or culture, and display ‘love among themselves.’ (John 13:35; 17:16; Acts 10:34, 35) Rather than killing one another, they are willing to die for one another.—1 John 3:16.

TRUSTS GOD’S WORD: Instead of teaching “tradition” and “commands of men as doctrines,” true religion bases its doctrine on God’s Word, the Bible. (Matthew 15:6-9) Why? Because “all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.”—2 Timothy 3:16.

STRENGTHENS FAMILIES AND UPHOLDS HIGH MORAL STANDARDS: True religion trains husbands to ‘love their wives as their own bodies,’ helps wives to develop ‘deep respect for their husbands,’ and teaches children to ‘be obedient to their parents.’ (Ephesians 5:28, 33; 6:1) In addition, those entrusted with positions of authority must have exemplary morals.—1 Timothy 3:1-10.
2009-08-14 18:54:51 UTC
It was eliminated with communism - and that turned out great, right?
2009-08-14 17:29:22 UTC
You cannot ban belief and police people's thoughts and convictions. Each person has the right to live by their own convictions, so long as they do not use them to do damage to others.
2009-08-14 17:29:50 UTC
By all of the "How can atheists have morals?" questions, I suspect a good percentage of those people would actually kill and steal if it wasn't for their book. Which is a bit sad, but whatever.. SO I say, yes.
Secular Penguinist
2009-08-14 17:28:31 UTC
Absolutely religion should be allowed along with all personal beliefs.

What shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances is religion affecting government and education.
(sassy and tangy) is ho ho hoing
2009-08-14 17:28:31 UTC
Religion doesn't cause all of that. People do.

edit: In response to your email: Subject: answer on shoudl religion b allowed.

Message: "People who believe in religion, salvation, and God, not just people, people are people until exposed to a belief or an idea about a higher power. "

**I completely disagree with the notion that it is religion that causes all of the 'bad' things in the world. Social classes are usually socio-economic. Wars are initiated by governments (even when they do it in the name of a religion).

It's our attachment to ourselves that causes suffering. If I am fighting with my husband and tell him to go stuff himself because I desire to feel that I am smarter, more empathetic or superior to him in some way, is that my religion's fault or mine? While I know this is not true, I react because I am attached to myself, to his perception of me and the desire to be 'better' than him.

If I steal food for my children because they need to eat, is it Buddha's fault? Or is it my own because I have more children than I can afford to feed?

It would be nice to put everything in its proper place and trap it all in boxes. But to say that religion is the root of all of our suffering is just voluntary stupidity (feel free to pick your own label).
2009-08-14 17:28:45 UTC
All thoughts should be allowed. Only actions may be prohibited. And even then only those which don't unreasonably impinge upon exercise of mind, that is, belief.
2009-08-14 17:28:01 UTC

And I'll just ignore the rest of your idiotic question. If you would prefer that everyone was denied freedom, then go live in 1950s China or something.
A friend
2009-08-14 17:30:37 UTC
yes it should be and not all war is caused by religion
2009-08-14 17:29:16 UTC
ALL religion should be banned

ALL spirituality/enlightenment should be encouraged

what do you think would happen if every soul in the entire world sat in silence ((at the exact same time)) for 5 minutes breathing in love and breathing out love for their fellow souls all over the world

too bad this can be tested
2009-08-14 17:30:30 UTC
you cant stop people thinking and you have to respect others beliefs otherwise what makes you better then the people who started those wars

2009-08-14 17:29:00 UTC
Last time I checked, the last 2 major wars were not caused by religion.
Doug O
2009-08-14 17:28:29 UTC
I don't believe in religion, but places that outlaw it (USSR, Burma, North Korea) tend to suck.
Geoff T
2009-08-14 17:31:49 UTC
NO .. we need more modern progressive Governments like Fiji ... jail ALL clergy ( paedophiles ) ... there is NO god ..

religion is a scam
2009-08-14 17:29:25 UTC
Studies have proven that there are fewer people going to church than ever before. That an only be a good thing.
2009-08-14 17:31:51 UTC
wat do you mean allowed? r u saying if it shud be legal? if so how are you going to make a law saying your not allowed to believe in something? n wat if it was ilegal? would u throw ppl in jail for their personal belifs? u make no sense dude
2009-08-14 17:33:05 UTC
yes of course why shouldnt it be
Karl P
2009-08-14 17:28:33 UTC
"Fake religion" causes that!! Not Pure Religion: James 1:27. <'))):><
2009-08-14 17:27:58 UTC
well yeah .. if you believe in America and what it stands for anyway ..
2009-08-14 17:28:36 UTC

Worst question ever

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