Christian Libertarian Time Lord
2011-02-24 12:17:47 UTC
A specific example would be the War on Terror. Islamic radicals and militant politicians want to kill innocent people. As shown in 9/11, they are more than willing to kill anyone who they have any issue with, even if the people are innocent and have never done anything to them. Should we not stand up for the innocent as Jesus taught? Yes, we will have to kill terrorists, and that is not necessarily a good thing, but it _is_ the lesser of two evils, right? Is it better to let the terrorists live so that innocents die, or is it better to kill the terrorists to protect then innocents? God instituted the death penalty in the OT, and, although we are not bound by OT law, God never _condemned_ anything in the NT that He _commanded_ in the OT.
Which is more loving (the core of Jesus' teachings): to stand back and watch innocents die, or to fight the murderers to protect the innocents?