Evolution is an old theory without much evidence. Modern science would show that it is much more likely
that Humans were genetically modified.
1. 10 million years of humans on earth and they don't begin to evolve until the last 6,000
2. Humans are the only creatures to undergo such evolution. Learning to farm, work with tools, etc.
3. If we evolved from apes, why haven't all apes evolves.
4. Human remains can be found that pre-date Neanderthal's, So humans were alive at the same time, not originating from.
If you put the bible next to the Sumerian text, along with book from India, Eastern Europe, South America, and China. You see many similarities in the stories. Someone came down from the Heavens (Space), and made man is there image (genetic modification). They set up rules, and often took people up to the heavens (space travel). All of these distant places have the same basic story without contact.
You are going to put your trust in a scientist who also thought blood letting was good, from the 1800's?
Do we have alien genes in our human DNA? Could this be the ultimate proof of alien life? According to a team of researchers working at the Human Genome Project, this appears to be the case. The team believes that more than 95% of the non-coding sequences (also called junk DNA) found in human DNA is actually the genetic codes of alien lifeforms. These sequences are actually found in all lifeforms found on Earth but they make up a larger portion of the human genome than in any other species known. It is these sequences that the team is using to explain many gaps in our understanding of how human beings have “evolved” over the ages.
EDIT: I say using tools as an example. In a blink of an eye we went from wondering to farming, raising live stock, developing language, and math, etc. This is far from what you are saying apes can do. My dog uses his mouth to open cabinets for treats, but again...it is different. You may find the book Megalithic Yard Revealed very interesting.
I grew up in Westmeath but now live in the states, and my children learned evolution in the Catholic school here.