Creationism/ alternate theories to evolution?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Creationism/ alternate theories to evolution?
24 answers:
2014-01-09 06:01:33 UTC
Creationism is not an alternative theory. It is not a theory in the scientific sense. Actually, evolution is not a theory, it is an observed fact. There are theories to explain evolution and the most successful, which has so far stood every test, is natural selection.

But I think a lot of Americans (I am not American, so I am making assumptions based on what I read and hear) don't really understand what 'theory' means and dismiss evolution as 'only a theory'. They also seem to cling to 'straw man' versions of evolution of the 'man descended from monkeys' variety, or the 'some fish just decided to grow legs' type, which of course are so ludicrous it is easy to reject. I think the biggest fallacy is the idea that evolution is just random. If that were true it would be easy to criticise; it would be hard to imagine complex organs evolving 'by chance' - but chance has nothing to do with it, selection by environmental pressure is a powerful engine, driving evolution.
2014-01-08 12:52:20 UTC
Let's be clear about the meaning of a key word here: Theory. By it's scientific meaning, there are NO alternative theories to evolution. Zero. Nada. Rien. Zilch.

Evolution is well supported by tons of tested evidence. No other idea about how life developed here can honestly say the same.

Christers are, well, willfully ignorant. I have yet, in over 30 years of evolution being a religiously raised issue, to run across one who knew the slightest thing right about science and about the science of evolution. The ONLY reason that such loony tunes diss evolution is because what they do know that is that evolution being true makes their fictional deity *completely unnecessary*. What they don't get, is that astronomy does the same. The Universe neither needs a deity to make it, or would find such a deity at all useful.

-If the Universe needs a creator, why doesn't god?

If god doesn't need a creator, why does the Universe ?-

-You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe.- Carl Sagan
2014-01-08 13:36:19 UTC
No, it's a higher percent who accept evolution.

If you want details, the words you want are

creationism or Creation Science (LOL -- yes, they call it science).


Intelligent Design

Use those search terms and you'll find websites, with "evidence" and refutations.

Apes and monkeys are different. There's primates, which consist of lemurs, monkeys, and apes. (The quick way to tell is apes don't have tails.)

Yes, the Catholic church has come out with the official acceptance of evolution.

Well, no, the rabbit did NOT "evolve to be fast to escape from its predators" -- that's a misunderstanding. Critters that pre-dated rabbits, but had some rabbitiness who managed to escape predators left off-spring and those that didn't didn't live long enough to leave off-spring.

Seal-like critters whose blubber was thicker tended to leave more off-spring than those with thinner.

What you have is design WITHOUT any designer. It's not that nature figured out good design and made it; it's a blind process.
2014-01-08 13:51:07 UTC

Evolution IS the alternative theory, invented by unbelievers who never OBEYED God.

The ROMAN Catholics do not believe the Bible and do believe evolution, for

which there has never been any hard evidence (evolution is a religious belief)

The Bible records earth's history in Genesis as it actually happened.

Dinosaurs were created on day six just before mankind, so the co-existed.

And again - there is NO conclusive evidence for evolution - it is a MYTH.

As to "Joe" he appears to be a product of the ROMAN Catholic education system

and is just repeating the bullshit they teach believing it to be gospel.

To quote you - "that evolution seems the most likely solution, and despite going to a catholic school, they teach facts with evidence instead of just theories based on stories"

In other words they taught what the ROMAN Catholic church told them to teach, and not the truth as contained in the Holy Bible.

A question for you - - How long have you been able to OWN and READ your own Bible in Ireland?

I used to live is a small town (pop, 4500) where I became a Christian about 1980. The church I went to organised a Bible quizz, all churches invited, but the RCC had to seek a special dispensation from their bishop to have and read their own Bible to study for the quizz, and this was 1980.

2014-01-08 13:35:12 UTC
you know for a majority of my life i was an evolutionist until i started searching for this evidence you speak of because i wanted to outsmart someone i deamed a "dumb creationist" (i think i thought myself as an interlectual based on the fact that i agreed with evolution, ha) it was only when i started looking when i began to see the propoganda telling us that there is evidence and yet not presenting any, the deeper i looked the more i found there was none, there was some for micro evolution or adaptation, but none for macro evolution. even quickly scrolling through these respoces it occurs that they are so quick to assert that evolution is fact and yet not present evidence. then i came across this book and thatwas full of repeatable testable experiments which back up young earth creationism. and i looked further not wanting to be decieved by some "manipulative book" and read others some arguing on each side. in the end i simply couldn't deny the facts. so i encourage you dont take my word for it, read that book read a few others on both side and see where the certifiable evidence points you. because the evidence you have put down is not enough to base evolution as factuaal based upon it
2014-01-08 13:32:16 UTC
**** a brick must be some form of constipation. Of course evolution is a fact. That's not what the controversy is about. It's the sort of what 'evolved' and what was created which is.

Most dinosaurs were re created - in a smaller version for when mankind were ready to "have a go ".

Who asks whom ? % shouldn't be taken notice of.

There aren't any baby angels. One to be a human to know life from the start.

Morton L.
2014-01-08 12:59:03 UTC
The only "alternate theory" is the crackpot idea from the late 60s/early 70s that some "ancient aliens" somehow intervened and "created" humans on earth for some reason. I believe the name of the first book to express this idea was "Chariots of the Gods."
2014-01-08 13:07:02 UTC
This is a complicated question that is not going to get answered in a forum like this. But if you were only taught one side of the story then you have not been educated, you have been indoctrinated. In order to make an informed decision one should take a look at all the information.

But yes I believe in Adam and Eve and dinosaurs existed at the same time as humans. The similarities between apes and humans are because they share a common designer, not because they evolved. If we evolved then we would have many things in common with cabbage because we supposedly share a common ancestor with cabbage also. I can give you a list of millions of things, that we know the origin of, that are similar because they have a common designer, can you name me one that has a common ancestor with out starting with the assumption that it has a common designer? Everything we know the origin of had a designer, why do you assume the things that we do not know the origin of did not have a designer, that is not logical.
2014-01-08 13:35:46 UTC
It's not just "shocking" as you put it, it's actually scary. America are supposed to be at the forefront of innovation in science and technology and they can't even get the basics right.

It is their right to deny evolution but they do not have the same right to stop children being educated about it, they are the next generation of scientists and if America is going to continue to be at the top they need them.
2014-01-08 12:54:56 UTC
Excellent question and very sound thinking. Firstly, has a 7-video series that talks thoroughly about this as well as numerous Christian videos that discuss this question (eg. "12 Greatest Lies", "Expelled"). To attempt to briefly answer your question, creation is, obviously, the alternative to atheism hence the word atheist (against theism or belief in God). Its more complicated than just God plunking Adam & Eve here. He also, created the whole earth as well as the entire universe by the utterance of His Word (Genesis, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1:1-3, 1 John 1, John 1). There are several different kinds of evolution. Micro-evolution is genuinely scientific and was actually first thought of by priests long b4 Darwin's grandfather was thought of. Its what we obviously see. A chihuahua & great Dane, for example, are both dogs but have evolved into different strains over time like all other major species of plants or animals. We don't have any evidence of different kinds developing after from the crossing of other species (Macro-evolution). We have noone seeing a star form (stellar\planetary evolution), Organic, Chemical evolutions also have no evidence like micro-evolution have. This is the major problem with Darwinian evolution is that scientific communities have generally attached other definitions to evolution which are not scientific or necessary but just theories that don't hold water. Watch the video series and tell me what you think. Video #3 talks about dinosaurs and there history that most educational institutions will not consider because it goes against there belief system of Darwinian evolution. Hope this gets you started.
2014-01-08 12:41:50 UTC
Evolution is a fact.

There are two accepted mechanisms of evolution (this is the theory part).

1. Natural Selection

2. Genetic Drift

Natural selection is by far the more important one. Genetic drift only works in very small breeding populations.
2014-01-08 12:49:17 UTC
There are no "alternate theories."

"Creationism" is an argument from ignorance and incredulity, not a "theory."

And evolution isn't an issue of "belief" -- it's an observed fact. Facts don't require "belief." People who think they do have missed the point entirely.
2014-01-08 12:45:32 UTC
Evolution is an old theory without much evidence. Modern science would show that it is much more likely

that Humans were genetically modified.

1. 10 million years of humans on earth and they don't begin to evolve until the last 6,000

2. Humans are the only creatures to undergo such evolution. Learning to farm, work with tools, etc.

3. If we evolved from apes, why haven't all apes evolves.

4. Human remains can be found that pre-date Neanderthal's, So humans were alive at the same time, not originating from.

If you put the bible next to the Sumerian text, along with book from India, Eastern Europe, South America, and China. You see many similarities in the stories. Someone came down from the Heavens (Space), and made man is there image (genetic modification). They set up rules, and often took people up to the heavens (space travel). All of these distant places have the same basic story without contact.

You are going to put your trust in a scientist who also thought blood letting was good, from the 1800's?

Do we have alien genes in our human DNA? Could this be the ultimate proof of alien life? According to a team of researchers working at the Human Genome Project, this appears to be the case. The team believes that more than 95% of the non-coding sequences (also called junk DNA) found in human DNA is actually the genetic codes of alien lifeforms. These sequences are actually found in all lifeforms found on Earth but they make up a larger portion of the human genome than in any other species known. It is these sequences that the team is using to explain many gaps in our understanding of how human beings have “evolved” over the ages.

EDIT: I say using tools as an example. In a blink of an eye we went from wondering to farming, raising live stock, developing language, and math, etc. This is far from what you are saying apes can do. My dog uses his mouth to open cabinets for treats, but is different. You may find the book Megalithic Yard Revealed very interesting.

I grew up in Westmeath but now live in the states, and my children learned evolution in the Catholic school here.
2014-01-08 12:42:26 UTC
The percentage of creationists has actually gone down 13 points since last year (f you believe Gallup). Your staggering poll numbers look like progress to me. Sad, isn't it?
2014-01-08 12:40:48 UTC
There are zero new theories that can stand up to evolution. Evolution is a FACT not a belief. Anyone that supports the fairy tale of creationism should be put in jail.
2014-01-08 12:46:58 UTC
I believe that science has a long way to go and that we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle yet. It is possible that some evolution happened; to what extent I have no idea. But I personally don't think it's anything to worry about. It is much more important to have faith in Christ and draw close to God than it is to worry about evolution and all the fine details of how Creation happened.
2014-01-08 12:39:16 UTC
There is no alternate theory to evolution. Every other conjecture is either disproven or baseless.

Joe: I really hope you're a poe. Anyway, don't quit your day job for that study.
2014-01-08 12:40:18 UTC
Such is the clash between actual evidence and religious claims and dogma...

Captain Sarcastic
2014-01-08 12:38:23 UTC
There are no "alternate theories to evolution," only fantasies that everything happened by magic.

Creationism is a delusional fiction, with no bearing on reality.
2014-01-08 12:56:04 UTC
There is no alternative theory. Creationism is NOT a theory. It is a belief.
2014-01-08 12:53:43 UTC
Possum there is No hard evidence for evolution, the fossils say NOTHING about evolution and DNA say NOTHING about evolution, if you think I am wrong provide the evidence then lets talk.
2014-01-08 12:54:50 UTC
I find it hard to believe you went to a religious school and do not know about Creation. That should be impossible.
2014-01-08 12:37:57 UTC
Yes, sadly, Americans are dumbasses.

Not all of them mind you, but there is no other way to say it. Anyone who denies Evolution is a dumbass.
2014-01-08 12:43:44 UTC
Adam and Eve were real people, dinosaurs and man co-existed, similarity does not prove ancestry. Assuming ancestry is just that...a leap of faith.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.