Christians, Did You know Jehovah God had witnesses on earth?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Christians, Did You know Jehovah God had witnesses on earth?
Fourteen answers:
General Patten
2009-07-25 16:26:24 UTC
Yes, he did! And the Hebrew, Jewish nation ones you are referring to, stayed in the OT.

Have you ever asked yourself: Why did Jesus always refer to God as "His Father" as opposed to using the YHWH tetragrammaton? (which, by-the-way, has no place in the Greek NT)

It's because when you bring the tetragrammaton into the NT, you obscure the identity of who Jesus Christ is. In the NT there is a change of covenants, and a fulfilling of OT promises. Now, instead of the blood of goats, and lambs, we approach to God by a new and living way. And that's why God puts such an emphasis on his Son for salvation. Now, they are called 'witnesses' for CHRIST. Mark 16:17;Acts 1:8.

"This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Nether is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:11-12. And that name is Jesus, not the tetragrammaton.
2009-07-25 08:59:06 UTC
Abel, Heb.12:22-24, was not forgotten in scriptures.

Matt.1:1-17; Acts 7:1-60; Heb.11:1-40, 12:1,2; Rev.1:1-3,5; 3:14;

N. T. goes back to O. T. Genesis, in genealogy, Jesus is son #62.

Abraham son #20, David Son #34, Judah kings end at Babylon with Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, 14 generations before Jesus, now at 2009 CE ], that was 2615 years ago [ Satan and enemies down, Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12, at 2520th years after Babylon ], there will be no king until king Jesus at 2nd coming, with his firstfruits, 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, Rev.14:1-6,7, first resurrected as priest of God and Christ, Rev.20:1-6, to reign with him 1000 years, with Satan in the pit.

Satan from Eden, Eze.28:13-15; Gen.3:1-5; Adam and Eve knew facts, Job and Jesus face Satan, Job.2:1-6, Matt.4:1-11, Jesus age 30, Luke 22:2, Jesus age 33 1/2, Luke 23:46; Satan god of this world, 2Cor. 4: 3,4; that ends, Matt.24:3, after his short time down, Rev.9:1-5 [ 5x 30 = ] 150, pit open for Satan, God's sealed are there, down with enemies, Rev. 12:3,4,6-11,12; in the time of the end with Michael, Dan.12:1-9, as Heb.1:1-13, enemies are to be down, Michael is there to the last are with Jesus, 1Thes.4:15-17, [ if 6130 years after Eden, to Rev.20:1-6, no Satan 1000 years, then resurrection goes back 6000 years to Abel, all witnesses time covered ], Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-22-[ days can be shortened ], 23, 24, 34,36 [ God alone knows the day and the hour ], times and seasons to be understood, 1Thes.5:1-9,21,22; for those alive, of Matt.25:31-34, sheep, Rev.7:9-17; great tribulation survivors, Rev.11:18, earth lovers concerned, for Jesus 2nd coming.
2009-07-25 14:57:18 UTC
Thanks for sharing. I love this chapter and often refer to it as the “Hebrews Hall of Faith.” These men and women whose faith assured them of the things they hoped for (just like ours does today) so much so that without having received the fulfillment of the New Covenant in their lifetimes, they welcomed God’s promises and accepted His provision even from their place on the timeline. They considered themselves aliens and strangers in the land in which they dwelled, just pilgrims passing through, as their desire was for a better country—a heavenly one. We have that very same assurance today, only better, because we have a better hope, a better covenant, better promises, a better sacrifice, we’re covered under better blood, we have a better possession and a lasting one, and Something Greater dwells in us.

Chapter 12 is wonderful, too! If these witnesses were able to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, from a distance before the promise came to fulfillment, how much easier it is for us today to fix our eyes on Jesus looking backward, now that the promise has been fulfilled, the work has been completed, and Jesus has already defeated our enemy so that he is unable to touch us?

12:26-7: And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.” And this expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Nothing that is created will remain following this last shaking…only spiritual things will remain. This is why Jesus says in John 5:24, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” If we are to withstand this second shaking, it is imperative that we be born again of Spirit.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2009-07-25 12:09:21 UTC
Yes. In contrast to the garbage that some have posted, there is a lot of good historical information about Jehovah's modern-day Witnesses on this site:

And, of course, at the official website:

And in the Proclaimers book.
2009-07-25 15:21:37 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses are occultist and are in spiritual error and default of God's holy Word. They are not witnesses of God and the doctrines of their belief is leading millions of their believers to the very pit of hell itself. They deny the Trinity of God. They deny the personality of the Holy Spirit, they deny the two natures of Christ, both God and Human, they deny the body resurrection of Christ. They have a distorted view of the second coming of Christ, on the infallibility of God's word, on the final judgment and eternal life in heaven, They deny the gifts of the Holy Spirit and they teach there is no salvation out from their own ranks. They believe you must earn your way to heaven and false prophecies given have been in total error and false. They are spiritually blinded of Satan and they are in need of spiritual deliverance to escape the deceptions they are in..
2009-07-25 14:57:50 UTC
Yes, I did...thank you for bringing that out...even with the sited scriptures some hearts are too hard to believe.....sad indeed!
2009-07-25 04:34:58 UTC
Yes, it is true that the Lord had people who were His witnesses over the centuries before Jesus ever came to earth.

However, the organization you are referring to is not one of them. They are false witnesses who have lied about God's Truths. Sadly, you think that by adopting a title for yourself makes it so, just because it is mentioned in the OT Scriptures! Isa 43:10-11 was NOT talking about you guys! He was talking to the Jewish nation. They were supposed to be God's witnesses to the nations, but they had become corrupt.
neville r
2009-07-25 06:06:01 UTC
Hi, you need to examine your history before you try to convert others. If you are prepared to seek the truth you will find countless Bible believing Christians who are witnessing that Jesus is the substitute for sinners. The following is my prepared article. KOSHER------ NO BLOOD!!!

An answer to Jehovah Witness refusal to accept blood transfusion,

and that they are called false prophets by God Himself

Kosher is meat killed and drained so that no blood is left in it. Certain texts in the Old Testament “The Torah - Law” instructed the Israelites (Jewish now) not to eat (or drink) blood or fat or meat containing blood or strangled animals(not kosher) Lev 3:17 and other verses. There were also rules about what was clean. Jewish people today will not eat meat from an ordinary butcher as it is not kosher. They have lists of places to go to for kosher food. Peter’s

vision in Acts ch 10: 9-16 and Jesus words, “Whatever goes into the stomach is not what makes anyone unclean but what comes out of the mouth. Mt 15:16-20. Also see James ch 3 warning about the tongue. False worship, blasphemy, cursing and lies come out of the mouth from an unclean heart. So now even pork (bacon - pig), horse, prawns, oysters, squid, crocodile, snake and frogs etc are eaten by Christians and everyone else except the religious Jewish

people. This has nothing to do with blood transfusion and the real test is that even the Jewish people including the strict Priests who will only eat Kosher food as required by their Old Testament law accept blood transfusion. The real reason for God to command not to eat or

drink blood was because Baal worship and still Satanic Rituals include drinking blood and human sacrifice (even children). Satanists still practise these things today. So the teaching of Jehovah Witnesses is wrong. One day they may change. They have changed other wrong

teaching like Golden Age 4-2-31(2-4-31) p293 states vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant, but now it is approved. Organ transplant was also called cannibalism in

W.T.11-15-67(15-11-67) p702 but in W.T.3-15-80(15-3-80) p31 it is allowed. They have made other changes. In Thy Kingdom Come 1891 p313, 314; W.T. 15-6-22 p187 and W.T.15-5-25

they state Jehovah Himself gave the divine plan in the measurements in the great pyramid. They used these to predict times and the end. But in W.T.15-11-28 p341 and 344 they state the

pyramids were built under the direction of Satan the Devil. Worst of all they have changed the Word of God to fit their errors. Also they no longer like to acknowledge that in “Thy Kingdom

Come” vol 3 1891 ed of 1903 p327 they state that Jehovah lived on the star Alcyone in the Pleides group better known as the seven sisters.

When someone claims to be the only way and to have the only truth that leads to eternal life their records need to add up especially when we consider their claim that Jehovah was

the editor of their papers. Their leader stated this in his testimony under court trial, Kings County clerk’s record 1940 vol 2.

So now anyone eating non kosher food (fat, pork, bacon, prawns, etc) is breaking the O.T. law. Some of these prohibitions are in the same verses forbidding eating blood. The J.W.s

have no rules against these foods showing again their teaching is from false interpretation of Scripture. They only use the part of the text to prove their teaching about blood and ignore the

rest even in the same verse. This is not their only error. They have prophesied the end of this system in their papers for the last 100 years. At least 1914, 25, and 75 came and went proving

them to be false. Mistakes are made by everyone but when they claim to be the “discrete slave of Jehovah” and that there is no salvation outside the Kingdom of Jehovah Witnesses and that their words in past papers were the words of Jehovah, then it is serious. They are

really saying Jehovah made mistakes. We know someone made mistakes but it wasn’t God (Jehovah, Yahweh)

According to their own books W.T. 15-2-81 p117-118 we are invited to scrutinise it (the organisation) very critically. Deut 18:20-22 N.W.T. (Their own altered Bible) gives the test for false prophets. If a prophecy does not come to pass the prophet is false and not

of God (Jehovah). We should not listen to that prophet. The evidence is in their own writings. False prophecies, contradictions and scriptural errors is their record for more than 100 years. The exact opposite to their claim. They are also wrong about who Jesus is

along other false doctrines but worst of all they are wrong about how to be saved.

Further details of their bondage and errors is best found from J W’s who have woken up to their false claims and with great difficulty have left. Many have done this after the failure of

each end of the world prophecy. Of course the organisation has excommunicated, condemned and ostracised these and forbidden J.W’s from communication with them, even
An Earthly Hope
2009-07-25 09:12:26 UTC
Yes ma'am! For I am one of them!
2009-07-25 10:45:59 UTC
Yes I did know that. I believe every prophecy in the Bible.

I even looked up the information about the time of the end

the witness will come forward..

I have been "on the watch" a long time.

Comparing, contrasting, listening, reading, studying.

I have seen the power of God's love, I have felt the helping

hand, I have been able to recall scripture when confronted.

Matthew 10:19

I am a witness to Jehovah God and have seen those that

have a form of Godly devotion PROVE true to it's power.

1 tim 3:

And so have over 7 million others who have been watching, searching and in wonder. All over the inhabited Earth. Matthew 24 Acts 1

You will find us everywhere. On the Watch and Witnessing about what we see.
2009-07-25 09:28:39 UTC
God has ,any titles, but only one personal name. No one today knows for sure how it was originally pronounced in Hebrew, but the English word we have for it is Jehovah. Original all Hebrew was written in only consonants, and by the time that vowel signs began to be used the Jews had a superstition that God's name was not to be pronounced aloud and so used other vowel markings with it. The J here comes from Latin, which is one of the roots of the English language. People who argue against this pronunciation still use the word "Jesus" even though that is not what his name was originally either, and they use a host of other names too, like Jeremiah.

During any period of Bible history if you actually read the Bible you will see that God's servants used his name.

For example in the book of Ruth:

(Ruth 2:4) 4 And, look! Bo´az came from Beth´le·hem and proceeded to say to the harvesters: "Jehovah be with YOU." In turn they would say to him: "Jehovah bless you."

Even outside of the Bible his people in Bible times used his name. An example of this is the "Lachish letters" which are from one of the last fortresses to fall to the Babylonians. 

 Letter number IV contains the statement: "May YHWH [that is, Jehovah] let my lord hear even now tidings of good. . . . we are watching for the fire signals of Lachish, according to all the signs which my lord gives, because we do not see Azekah." This passage remarkably expresses the situation described at Jeremiah 34:7 and apparently indicates that Azekah had already fallen or at least was failing to send out the fire or smoke signals expected. Letter number III, written by "Hoshaiah," includes the following: "May YHWH [that is, Jehovah] cause my lord to hear tidings of peace! . . . And it has been reported to your servant saying, ‘The commander of the army, Coniah son of Elnathan, has come down in order to go into Egypt and to Hodaviah son of Ahijah and his men he has sent to obtain [supplies] from him.’" Of special interest is the frequent use of the Tetragrammaton in these letters, thus manifesting that at that time the Jews had no aversion to the use of the divine name. 

The very frequency of the appearance of the name attests its importance to the Bible’s author, whose name it is. The Tetragrammaton occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text (BHK and BHS). This is confirmed by the Theologisches Handwörterbuch zum Alten Testament, Vol. I, edited by E. Jenni and C. Westermann, 3rd ed., Munich and Zurich, 1978, cols. 703, 704.Among God’s people of ancient Israel the Divine Name indeed held an honored place. The people expressed God’s name in their worship and Scripture readings, in their daily conversations, as well as in their contacts with other nations. Thus they became known far and wide as the people who worshiped Jehovah. the Scriptures draw a contrast between Israel and "the kingdoms that have not called upon your own name."—Ps. 79:6; Jer. 10:25.(Psalm 79:6)  6 Pour out your rage upon the nations that have not known you, And upon the kingdoms that have not called upon your own name.

(Jeremiah 10:25) 25 Pour out your rage upon the nations who have ignored you, and upon the families who have not called even upon your name. For they have eaten up Jacob. Yes, they have eaten him up, and they keep at exterminating him; and his abiding place they have desolated.

To know and use God's name is essential to salvation and that is why Jehovah has made his name known:

(Exodus 9:15-16) 15 For by now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the earth. 16 But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth.

 Years later, the woman Rahab living in distant Jericho said: "We have heard how Jehovah dried up the waters of the Red Sea from before you when you came out of Egypt . . . Jehovah your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath." Rahab did not merely use a title such as ‘God,’ but also used God’s distinctive name.—Josh. 2:10, 11.When the temple was built God's name, Jehovah, as we pronounce it in English, was of paramount importance:

(1 Kings 8:16) 16 ‘From the day that I brought my people Israel out from Egypt I have not chosen a city out of all the tribes of Israel to build a house for my name to continue there; but I shall choose David to come to be over my people Israel.’(1 Kings 8:41-43) 41 "And also to the foreigner, who is no part of your people Israel and who actually comes from a distant land by reason of your name 42 (for they shall hear of your great name and of your strong hand and of your stretched-out arm), and he actually comes and prays toward this house, 43 may you yourself listen from the heavens, your established place of dwelling, and you must do according to all that for which the foreigner calls to you; in order that all the peoples of the earth may get to k
2009-07-25 04:39:56 UTC
Yes I know there are ancient believers. It seems the JW's have left the Bible and made a few rules on their own, and changed the Bible when God told us not to. Most Christians put you in a category with mormons as a "cult". I have to agree.
2009-07-25 04:39:49 UTC
So did the CIA, who are older than the known universe, so old they even had god under surveillance (and still do).

I'd like to show you the proof, but then I'd have to kill you.
2009-07-25 04:32:18 UTC
Prove it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.