Hi, you need to examine your history before you try to convert others. If you are prepared to seek the truth you will find countless Bible believing Christians who are witnessing that Jesus is the substitute for sinners. The following is my prepared article. KOSHER------ NO BLOOD!!!
An answer to Jehovah Witness refusal to accept blood transfusion,
and that they are called false prophets by God Himself
Kosher is meat killed and drained so that no blood is left in it. Certain texts in the Old Testament “The Torah - Law” instructed the Israelites (Jewish now) not to eat (or drink) blood or fat or meat containing blood or strangled animals(not kosher) Lev 3:17 and other verses. There were also rules about what was clean. Jewish people today will not eat meat from an ordinary butcher as it is not kosher. They have lists of places to go to for kosher food. Peter’s
vision in Acts ch 10: 9-16 and Jesus words, “Whatever goes into the stomach is not what makes anyone unclean but what comes out of the mouth. Mt 15:16-20. Also see James ch 3 warning about the tongue. False worship, blasphemy, cursing and lies come out of the mouth from an unclean heart. So now even pork (bacon - pig), horse, prawns, oysters, squid, crocodile, snake and frogs etc are eaten by Christians and everyone else except the religious Jewish
people. This has nothing to do with blood transfusion and the real test is that even the Jewish people including the strict Priests who will only eat Kosher food as required by their Old Testament law accept blood transfusion. The real reason for God to command not to eat or
drink blood was because Baal worship and still Satanic Rituals include drinking blood and human sacrifice (even children). Satanists still practise these things today. So the teaching of Jehovah Witnesses is wrong. One day they may change. They have changed other wrong
teaching like Golden Age 4-2-31(2-4-31) p293 states vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant, but now it is approved. Organ transplant was also called cannibalism in
W.T.11-15-67(15-11-67) p702 but in W.T.3-15-80(15-3-80) p31 it is allowed. They have made other changes. In Thy Kingdom Come 1891 p313, 314; W.T. 15-6-22 p187 and W.T.15-5-25
they state Jehovah Himself gave the divine plan in the measurements in the great pyramid. They used these to predict times and the end. But in W.T.15-11-28 p341 and 344 they state the
pyramids were built under the direction of Satan the Devil. Worst of all they have changed the Word of God to fit their errors. Also they no longer like to acknowledge that in “Thy Kingdom
Come” vol 3 1891 ed of 1903 p327 they state that Jehovah lived on the star Alcyone in the Pleides group better known as the seven sisters.
When someone claims to be the only way and to have the only truth that leads to eternal life their records need to add up especially when we consider their claim that Jehovah was
the editor of their papers. Their leader stated this in his testimony under court trial, Kings County clerk’s record 1940 vol 2.
So now anyone eating non kosher food (fat, pork, bacon, prawns, etc) is breaking the O.T. law. Some of these prohibitions are in the same verses forbidding eating blood. The J.W.s
have no rules against these foods showing again their teaching is from false interpretation of Scripture. They only use the part of the text to prove their teaching about blood and ignore the
rest even in the same verse. This is not their only error. They have prophesied the end of this system in their papers for the last 100 years. At least 1914, 25, and 75 came and went proving
them to be false. Mistakes are made by everyone but when they claim to be the “discrete slave of Jehovah” and that there is no salvation outside the Kingdom of Jehovah Witnesses and that their words in past papers were the words of Jehovah, then it is serious. They are
really saying Jehovah made mistakes. We know someone made mistakes but it wasn’t God (Jehovah, Yahweh)
According to their own books W.T. 15-2-81 p117-118 we are invited to scrutinise it (the organisation) very critically. Deut 18:20-22 N.W.T. (Their own altered Bible) gives the test for false prophets. If a prophecy does not come to pass the prophet is false and not
of God (Jehovah). We should not listen to that prophet. The evidence is in their own writings. False prophecies, contradictions and scriptural errors is their record for more than 100 years. The exact opposite to their claim. They are also wrong about who Jesus is
along other false doctrines but worst of all they are wrong about how to be saved.
Further details of their bondage and errors is best found from J W’s who have woken up to their false claims and with great difficulty have left. Many have done this after the failure of
each end of the world prophecy. Of course the organisation has excommunicated, condemned and ostracised these and forbidden J.W’s from communication with them, even