A question about the dark side of things?
Kasey pink is LOVE
2010-02-22 12:40:06 UTC
Does getting angry and upset about how certain aspects of life here play out...does this perpetuate the illusion of separation...for example, politics/government, wars, animal testing, famine and disease...stuff like that. Does tying our emotional energy to these causes actually prolong our experience of separation? Or on the other hand, does failing to voice concerns allow anger and pain to fester just beneath the surface because we aren't standing up for what we believe is worthy of our attention?

Something tells me that we need to try and be order to see with clarity. Can you please try to explain this. Is it just my ego that gets upset with things? Something tells me this is true. How can I learn to stop tying my emotions to external causes?
28 answers:
2010-02-22 15:09:15 UTC
This will sound like a stuck record, no doubt....

Still it is something that everyone must sooner or later analyze and understand.

One becomes angry or upset when one is confronted by something that one does not understand.

It can become very unsettling, and disruptive.

It can be compared to a state of helplessness.

When something is not understood the mind experiences a state of torpor.

What is it that allows one to understand?

Understanding comes with and through wisdom.

Wisdom gives the explanation regarding that which one does not understand.

The intellectual process drains one of valuable energy.

Intellectualizing something creates heat.

Wisdom provides a certain coolness.

A feeling of great relief.

Wisdom requires no energy. It is given to one when one has transcended the human mind.

It will be experienced periodically, and will progressively expand.

Illusion is everywhere, when the mind is clouded.

As the mind begins to clear, one can begin to see through some of the illusion.

It is easy to understand this if one has been fortunate enough to spend time with one that has transcended the human mind. That is a very rare experience.

The dark side of things that you have mentioned, are but an illusion.

Example: The sun always shines, but when the clouds get in the way it appears as though there is darkness, yet the sun is still shining. The darkness is but a shadow that is cast by the clouds. One has been captured by the shadows of the clouds. One must learn to fly above the clouds, like an eagle. An eagle's vision is very keen. A human beings vision must be made clear and keen.

Being non-judgmental aids one in the vision cleaning process.

Not finding faults within others aids in the vision cleaning process.

Finding ones own faults and discarding them, provides a 'quantum leap' in cleaning up ones own inner vision.

One must learn to find light within everything that seemingly appears to be dark.

A good attitude allows one to develop good intentions.

Peace be always with you.

2016-04-14 03:21:48 UTC
WE try to avoid these things definitely because the devil wants to attack us any chance he gets, so getting into the dark side of things would certainly bring that on.
Rob P
2010-02-22 15:54:39 UTC
Have you pondered about interdependence and reciprocity in a spiritual sense? Regarding nature & the universe is more accurate, I should mean.

Consider this, can there be a father without a son/daughter? Can there be a tree without a seed?

In our world of form, indeed of physicality, we are most intricately entangled. And in more ways than one human can absorb. We are but a beautiful pattern of intricate stitchings.

Now then, about this "dark side" you mention. Surely you refer to the emotions of despair and sadness. These are only responses to your judgments, which flow so wonderfully simple and easy. We know not why we attach ourselves so to the perception of life versus death. Perhaps its only because we fear what we cannot control. Yes?

Understand that there are only two ways to receive the gift of Life. It is either with Love or without Love, however something must fill the void of Love when it is made absent and that is fear, my dear. When you receive any gift of Life without Love, fear fills the vacuum and we are forced, so to speak, to respond in our survival mode thinking (e.g. our ego, you see... ego has a purpose).

To always "see", "feel", "hear" in Absolute & Unconditional Love is our purpose. Fear does not exist and yet it must somewhere if it can fill where Love is not. Or can it? Fear is simply our own creation to help this drama we call Life moving along?

Emotions will only lead one to expectations of judgments, which only lead to suffering. This is what you are experiencing. Releasing the attachment to your beliefs will arrive you down what Buddha calls the middle path. Here will you find Love Everlasting waiting to embrace you.

Blessings be upon you Kasey Pink
2010-02-22 15:24:11 UTC
One of the best things I learned was from a CD by Abraham-Hicks. The Astonishing Power of Emotions. They say our emotions are like idiot lights going off & showing us what we need to know abot what we are thinking. If we don't like how we feel we can change what we think. I picture a line like the one in math class with a zero at the center. Positve on the right & negative on the left. So I see where I am feeling & if I want it to go up the positive scale more. So I then reach for a higher thought. So I then feel better. Well get this CD & you will know what I mean & if you need help understand this let me know but remind me of your question.
2010-02-22 12:57:08 UTC
You hit the nail on the head and that is a great question. The simple and short answer that will SOLVE what you think, feel, and experience daily is forget about what is taught in a local church and just start walking by faith each day. It is so simple to do but is lost in church teachings. In the Old Testament era Believers had to physically walk from west to east and also pray to the east. Thanks to Christ and the Holy Spirit, you only have to PURPOSE in your heart to LEAD yourself east every day of your life and the deal with what comes your way. That is called "walking by faith" - Do this daily for the rest of your life and I guarantee you will AUTOMATICALLY END up in the invisible Kingdom of Christ. The Holy Spirit is your guide and He will lead, teach and open your understanding concerning all things spiritual that you ask, seek, or desire to know. How do I know these things? Because I am a Bride of Christ and come into the United States daily and I come in from the east and NO ONE knows unless I tell them who I am and I am NOT a Christian. Christians live naturally in the United States which is the land of their flesh. To become a Bride they MUST give up living naturally on natural soil in order to live supernaturally on spiritual soil.

Everything I've told you is Scriptural. For anyone who follows tradition they will nauturally head west on the land and end up in Lucifer's Kingdom! That's a horrible price to pay because they have NOT been given the opportunity to walk east on the land by faith.
B Knott Wildered
2010-02-22 16:21:22 UTC
(Said with a grin.) I am trying to choose between offering a very long and profound answer and not being understood or offering a short and profound answer and being misunderstood.

God made emotions, or at least made us with emotions as a part of our being. If emotions are a gift of God, then there are no bad human emotions, just incorrect applications of them. Is anger bad? Not if one is angry with racism. Can one hate? I hate injustice, even if it is against someone I will never meet living on the other side of the world.
2010-02-22 12:46:41 UTC
When ignorance becomes bliss, the truth becomes painful.

The more we realise, the more we are alive.

When we refuse to acknowledge something, we cut ourselves off from it,

but it is always there, and this problem will manifest itself in some form.

You can stop tying yourself by ignoring them in a way, but since your daily routines are influenced by them, you can not be free from them.

You can just accept whatever comes your way, but without fighting for anything everything could be taken away from you.

I guess it really is up to you in the end whatever you want to do.
2010-02-22 12:51:41 UTC
"experience of separation" -- separation from what, exactly?

You can stop being emotionally invested in things without ceasing to judge things. In fact, that's probably quite a good idea. For example, I judge the evidence for the big bang to be quite sufficient to show it's the explanation for the origin and expansion of our universe that best fits the evidence. But I'm not emotionally invested in that -- if better evidence came along to show a different origin, I'd accept that without having to overcome any emotional attachment to my previous rational judgment.

You can judge something to be good or bad for yourself or your community without being emotionally tied to it. Doing so simply involves rational thought rather than emotion reactions. It's a point most religious believers miss...

2010-02-28 19:47:19 UTC
Ego? Yes, that is a good way to look at it. I would use the word persona, which is really mechanized and has nothing to do with awareness or consciousness. (and we all have persona that holds us back)


Getting angry is not the problem. Anger is healthy - it is the first step in holding boundaries. I get angry too: at injustice, abuse of power, usury, mistreatment, etc. It is getting stuck in the vibration of anger, mired in it, that yes, 'prolongs our experience of separation'. Being angry and confronting what we need to confront is not wrong. But it's important to bring our focus back to our internal journey asap. You can intend to un-invert yourself. You can intend to flip yourself inward (being outer-directed more than half of the time is an inversion, a game that keeps you from processing your stuff). Best to keep the energy moving, feeling the anger and then transmuting that red ray with the next higher vibration: the pink of forgiveness.


The energetics of judgment cause the energy field to stop spinning and have stuck, rigid parts that don't move or function optimally. Think of judgment as a sticky glue in a place where wheels are supposed to spin freely. We were created to have moving energy systems. When things slow down, or get stuck in the sticky goo of judgment, we are less vibrant, eventually heading toward disease. But! Most of us are stuck in this vibration to some degree. That's okay. We just start wherever we are. Intending to complete with and forgive the dance of judgment is a good, regular intention to make. It will bubble up those parts that sit in extreme judgment as you clear the patterns over time, lessening and lessening the non-movement of judgment, freeing you up to step more and more into your evolving truth. More truth and more consciousness, and less judgment, all contribute to greater clarity.


Taking up causes, however, doesn't change anything in the larger dance. It just moves things around, polarizing the destructive energetics elsewhere. With causes, nothing is actually solved or healed for the planet. What is necessary is being less outer-directed and instead turning inward. Forgiveness of your own destructive patterns, as mirrored by what you see outside of you. We all hold destruction and harm, and if we believe we don't, it's because we have disowned it and unconsciously sloughed our unwanted darkness onto others. We get nowhere spiritually unless we have all our parts present with which to process those things we agreed to process when we agreed to incarnate in our current body / life.

As each looks within to create forgiveness of patterns, karma, and ancestral cause, world mirrors (and minor daily mirrors) will shift. To just think about it or philosophize about it does nothing. Remember you cannot process for another, and that's the lie behind taking up causes: this thought that you can look outward and make change without making changes internal to Self. The best help any person can give this planet is to process one's own set of patterns, karma, thoughtforms, emotions, etc., ongoing and as they appear.


It is supportive to sit with emotions and process them, but if you don't experience catharsis within an hour, you are holding emotion that is not yours. Drain whatever it is (pain, anger, fear, whatever) it to Earth's aurora for recasting, so that you are owning only your own emotions. Intend to complete with the lesson at hand, learning and integrating what you need to at this time for your unique journey.

This is the only way you can thoroughly process or clear that which is up for you. You can never really clear another's emotions, patterns or karma - you can only return it to them so each can do their own clearing.
2010-02-22 14:11:10 UTC
What is within. is outside you, You can only ever be responsible for you and who you are inside you not outside you. When you look outside the window in the morning at all the things set in motion they were once just someones consciousness. You cannot be responsible for that, all you can be responsible for is your own consciousness. Your right, unhappiness comes about through non acceptance of the present moment, if you live your life in this moment and not in the future as we are taught and not to be a slave to who you were in the past then that's all you can do. When we move outside this present moment our minds cannot cope with this. The gap in our minds causes us nothing but pain. pain of the what ifs and maybe's. We are obsessed with time, our ego's need time and so does our mind, its wonderful to live in the present moment it takes oh so much practise but when you do the power of your true consciousness comes out like a light, so bright. Don't worry about the Morrow let the morrow worry about itself, who was that man, 2000 years ahead of his time ,
2010-02-22 16:26:31 UTC
Our mind is the cause of our bondage, and in turn of our liberation. When darkened by the powers of passion it is the cause of bondage, and when pure of passion and darkness it is the cause of liberation. The latter allows the higher Self to emerge.

"How can I learn to stop tying my emotions to external causes?" One must learn to check their imagination.

This is hard.... it has to do with not attributing to Self things not Self. When we are not indifferent to objects of perception, the fire of personality is kindled and the mind images are those of passion. The higher Self will withdraw.

When the outward is checked, there is restfulness from emotion; when emotion is at rest, there is vision of the supreme Self. When the Self is seen, the bondage of the world is destroyed; the checking of the outward is the path of freedom.

Kasey, I do not mean to sound like I have succeeded in these things that I share but I feel they are definite clues to the untying of the knots of unwisdom. A lot of what I share at this time is from a study of "The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom" and other Writings (trans and commentaries by Charles Johnston) by Sankaracharya. I find it to be a real help concerning our desire for true Freedom.

It can be read online at:

This is basis of his teachings:

"Outward attachment arises through sensual objects; inward attachment, through personality. Only he who, resting in the Eternal, is free from passion, is able to give them up. Freedom from passion and awakening are the wings of the spirit. O wise man, understand these two wings! For without them you cannot rise to the crown of the tree of life."

You are loved here at the farm.
2010-02-22 15:46:53 UTC
Let me voice on the first few words. a/spect like re/spect pertains to spirit, the word specter, being angry solves nothing, this is a psychological war, hold on to your emotions, they are just that, external causes trying to erode your spiritual being inside. It is a rough road right now, many holes dug in the past. Listen to that inward intuition of being non-judgemental, it is just that right now, judge-mental. We are to accomplish even more, to exceed the pharisees and scribes, there is a lot of spiritual talent to exceed, but the world is not of one Mind, that was to come later, by a specific group of certain folds. LOL, I love how the spirit talks to people, and they testify to it. ↑Some thing tells me↑ Listen to words, hostility is anamosity, the spirit of animus/anama, host of anama, animating out, animal mate, animate, not a hewed human yet. The spirit of them, not the body.
free spirit
2010-02-22 12:41:48 UTC
It is the ego which allows us to be in this reality where there is duality. That is why we see this reality with 2 eyes. But, we must understand the Higher Truth - that all is One, One Energy Source - and that perception comes with seeing from a single eye, the spiritual eye. The ego's true purpose is to offer us choice by comparison. It helps us decide what we want to experience and learn in this lifetime. The ego controls emotions. We need it for our wide range of emotions, which we learn from - in this way we learn to work with energy and use it appropriately. Self sabotage is the ego in its lower vibration.

Listen to the Higher Self. The ego was designed to deal with polarity - neither side of which is the real truth. The Higher Truth is larger than, bigger than, either side of polarity. It is the point in the middle, the zero point, the neutral point where there is no attachment.

Honor where someone is in their development, what lessons they have set up to learn for themselves.
2010-02-23 20:14:27 UTC
We need to take a stand against evil,although against those on high as criminals we need to not do it without backup.God wants us to go against the evil & because so few obey God is why America is about to collapse as a nation.If we do nothing,then evil prevails.
2010-02-22 15:07:50 UTC
By not becoming attached to the emotion.

Notice it, and let it go. It's not really "yours"; it's just something you've experienced. You don't have to hold on to it.

The best way to remove a cloud from your personal sky is NOT to focus all your energy into dissolving it, but to simply remove it from your thinking.
2010-02-22 13:36:14 UTC
Developing compassion is a good thing and this stems from feelings... to have empathy is to begin in the development of love. God loves, and has compassion and notices if a sparrow falls to the ground. So I guess, seeing the dark and being grieved is okay, It is what sets us above the world of men! We are meant to have the heart and mind of God. Doing what we can to alleviate suffering, is the beginnings of compassion. So Kasey, be yourself in this. It would be a cold world without the special balances of heart which we all need... be loving and help where and when you can. Don't be conformed to the image of the world but conformed to the love of God, is something I see very much. Anger and sin not. We are given a wide range of emotions, and yes we stand, for the good. When emotional energy is put to use in positive matters and we lend a hand in constructive ways to help alleviate those who suffer, then good is being planted, we all grow! ((hugs and blessings))

Edit: I had shut the computer down,

but had to come back... I am not certain what I am about to add will help you Kasey, but here goes... Regarding how to stay separate...

The Bible gives us some words of wisdom... it says

We are in the world but not to be of the world. So this says something of how to live. The mind of Christ, understood the world, but did Christ act like the world, no he did not.He is the greatest example of how to stay separated....He knew how to divide ... the two...

He separated his heart, mind and soul from worldly things yet he had all the compassion of the Godhead! He was love in action, showing the very merciful heart of God everywhere. And for me, looking at the very Life of Christ, teaches me much of how to be. He was separated, from the dark and lived in Spirit, and delivered all the compassionate grace and truth of God to all he encountered! Yet He himself had no darkness. He separated but held on to the Wonderful Counselor of God. All of His actions and words remained pure! Christ kept his emotional balance in this. Christ lived in the world ....but was not of the world, and he loved... emotionally and rationally... male/female! heart and mind joined in Oneness with God...for eternity. Everlasting peace..

Love Kar
Bilbo Baggins
2010-02-23 03:52:48 UTC
Hi there Kasey!

Darkness of actions and attitude are self made. When there is no humility in a person they become puffed up with pride.

Pride and prejudice go hand in hand, and always proceed a human failing of themselves and others!
udaya k
2010-02-22 12:52:51 UTC
God's language is silence. Sun is giving us energy without talking to us. Wind is giving us air to breathe without murmering, water is giving us life without agitation or heat, but keeps us cool, fire is giving us chaitanya, glow and beauty and form without burning us down. They are all potent in their language of silence. Then why this impotency on our part to silence others through sound? Silencing others is not in our mandate, Each should know how to silence himself, and speak even only when absolutely necessary.
Texas Hill Country Christian
2010-02-27 04:26:25 UTC
Jesus intended for those who follow Him to be able to see this world as He does. To be able to accept this sinful world as it is and not as we as men wish or want it to be. Jesus lets us see the beauty in the day, the beauty and good and God in others and in ourselves.
Thimmappa M.S.
2010-02-23 00:30:33 UTC
Our internal is also part of existence and it must not be allowed to fester. It must find its own expression. and we can be so. We can communicate without being aggressive or submissive but be assertive. Otherwise we would be committing disservice/crime to our own self.
2010-02-24 04:11:58 UTC
Emotional attachment is the source of all discomfort...just realize that all this means nothing.
2010-02-23 18:36:14 UTC
getting angry is da funnest part of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2!!!

i always yell in2 da mic on free for all wen me & my mates are in party chat (its epic winz0r)

yea angry = 4 TEH LULZ
2010-02-22 16:30:35 UTC

Sweet Kasey .... you ask the questions I too would like to know the answers to ...

Your Questions bring forth Answers of such deep wisdom, that I am filled with gratitude both for your Questions and for those who bountifully share their deep and loving wisdom in answering.

The poetry of these Answers reaches right to the heart of me ....

My answer to your question .... is simply to say that I agree wholeheartedly with Rob P, Will Rogers, Udaya K, Kar ... Loves, Claptic and many others and I thank them all.

Namaste (((hugs)))

fake n
2010-02-26 16:16:11 UTC
stand for something for fall for everything...what you do is partly who you are. Choices and freewill.
2010-02-24 21:32:13 UTC
yes to the non-judgmental part couse you will be juded the same way
i am Sirius
2010-02-23 01:50:41 UTC
dear kasey...simply put: look to what is eternal...all else is error...

(and remember is we who put meaning to everything we see...and our only function is to forgive these wrong perceptions/errors of our own making. thus coming to right perception...until even this is dropped and only Truth/Light remains)

i am Sirius
2010-02-28 14:08:47 UTC
Could be
2010-02-22 12:43:38 UTC
it is definitely frustrating with all the greed down here....yeah the govt doesnt listen anyway and how is this to do with relig?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.