This will sound like a stuck record, no doubt....
Still it is something that everyone must sooner or later analyze and understand.
One becomes angry or upset when one is confronted by something that one does not understand.
It can become very unsettling, and disruptive.
It can be compared to a state of helplessness.
When something is not understood the mind experiences a state of torpor.
What is it that allows one to understand?
Understanding comes with and through wisdom.
Wisdom gives the explanation regarding that which one does not understand.
The intellectual process drains one of valuable energy.
Intellectualizing something creates heat.
Wisdom provides a certain coolness.
A feeling of great relief.
Wisdom requires no energy. It is given to one when one has transcended the human mind.
It will be experienced periodically, and will progressively expand.
Illusion is everywhere, when the mind is clouded.
As the mind begins to clear, one can begin to see through some of the illusion.
It is easy to understand this if one has been fortunate enough to spend time with one that has transcended the human mind. That is a very rare experience.
The dark side of things that you have mentioned, are but an illusion.
Example: The sun always shines, but when the clouds get in the way it appears as though there is darkness, yet the sun is still shining. The darkness is but a shadow that is cast by the clouds. One has been captured by the shadows of the clouds. One must learn to fly above the clouds, like an eagle. An eagle's vision is very keen. A human beings vision must be made clear and keen.
Being non-judgmental aids one in the vision cleaning process.
Not finding faults within others aids in the vision cleaning process.
Finding ones own faults and discarding them, provides a 'quantum leap' in cleaning up ones own inner vision.
One must learn to find light within everything that seemingly appears to be dark.
A good attitude allows one to develop good intentions.
Peace be always with you.