When Muslims say that Rasulullah (pbuh) authorized that the adulteress be stoned to death, contrary to what the Quran (The Final Revelation) teaches, then these Muslims are setting up prophet Muhammad as a Rival to Allah and as a false God. It may well be for this reason that Muslims were called Mohammedans since Christians are so called because they preach the Gospel and the Epistles of Jesus Christ instead of the Injeel.
Many Muslim scholars support the stoning to death for adultery as legislation of the prophet Muhammad outside of the Quran and contrary to Quran, and they claim to find justification for this in Hadith.
Adultery in Islam requires four witnesses, but in the absence of these witnesses both parties are allowed to swear by Allah etc. etc. Allah commands that adultery can lead to greater sin.
It is the greatest of sins to give partners to Allah as much as it is to judge by other than the Quran.
Let those who trust put their trust in Allah. Never said I what I had no authority to say.
No man alive today or those who lived during the days of the Revelation of the Quran and up until today, had or has the authority to override Quran, and Muslims who do so or who condone such behaviour are guilty of Shirk.
" "Say! It is not for me of my own accord to change it. I follow naught but what is revealed unto me. If I were to disobey my Lord I fear the penalty of a Great Day. Say! If Allah had so willed I should not have rehearsed it to you, nor would He have made it known to you." Quran 10: 15-16
It has taken mankind more than 1400 years, with 20th. Century technology and University scientists and research resources, to begin to unravel the simple scientific information contained in the Quran about:
" Human Embryonic Development,
" Mountains,
" The Origins of the Universe,
" The Cerebrum,
" Seas and Rivers,
" Deep Seas and Internal Waves, and
" Clouds.
The prophet (pbuh) was quite illiterate, but had he been the most educated man in the World, he would still have been unable to understand the meaning of probably more than half of the knowledge contained in the Quran.
It is no small wonder then that there isn't one single Hadith that reports the prophet's scientific explanation of any one of the above topics.
None of those who reported having heard the prophet say, so and so and so, were able to elaborate on anything scientific. The prophet lacked the knowledge and the authority and they lacked the knowledge, and no one was able to understand the scientific information contained in the Revelation that is the Quran, not even the enemies of the Messenger, hence the lack of such Hadith being documented, since none could have invented such sayings. Such information would surely have silenced the critics and enhanced the credibility of the prophet and his companions, but Allah is the Exalted in Power, the Wise.
None of the prophets had the authority to explain the Message, and they had no reason to, since they spoke the same language of their respective people to whom they were sent. They all simply brought the Message and lived the example of the Message: Worship none but Allah.
Muhammad (pbuh) spoke to his companions with this Message from Allah, and the Message, the Quran therefore commands obedience to Allah and the Messenger, not that the Messenger should be obeyed separately, or that he was allowed to legislate on his own, but that the obedience must be to the Message and therefore to Allah and His Messenger. In the absence of the Messenger, the obedience is to Allah and the Quran, for which the Messenger is remembered, but the Messenger is dead and absent and therefore no longer speaks to his people or to those who accept Islam and the Quran.
To make the prophet present in speech as if he never died is to immortalise the man in a racist form of worship. To speak of obeying the Messenger, who died close to 1400 years ago, through hearsay reports that had no Divine authority, some of which override Quran, is again nothing short of Shirk and blasphemy
Muslim scholars speak about the chronological significance of certain verses of the Quran and their relation to certain events, yet they refuse to address the chronological significance of the life of the prophet, and they choose to refer to him as an immortal and still present with the Quran, in order to justify Hadith that compete with or override Quran, and in order to satisfy the lust for power by kings and emirs and scholars and others as the phantom vicegerents of Allah, when Allah is Omnipresent, needs no partners and never had need of partners or of man.
1400 years on and the Muslims are still unable or unwilling to produce a true meaning of the Quran, not even in Arabic, far less in some translation, so the teachings of the Quran seem to be lost in the mad rush for illusionary power and intellectual self-gratification and moronic awe among Muslims.
Born Muslim Syndrome: The “Born-Muslim Syndrome,” is a disease that humans contract from Iblis in his statement of claim to be better than Adam, “I am better than he.”
The prophet and his companions were successful in Islam because they accepted Quran as instructions from Allah by which they conducted their lives. They had nothing to distract from Quran and desired only the Word of Allah in their sincere devotion to Allah.
Islam has failed in people who became complacent because of their self-acclaimed “born-Muslim” status.
Islam places a serious responsibility upon the one who begins his life with Muslim parents, too serious for him to allow himself to suffer the loss of awareness and guidance as he slips into false pride and gullibility within a racist group, for Iblis was being racist when he refused to bow at the creation of Adam.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Ø“Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour, and out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility, and say, My Lord, bestow on them Thy mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.” Sura Bani Israel, xvii: 23,24
Ø“We have enjoined on man, kindness to parents, but if they strive (to force you to join with Me in worship) anything of which you have no knowledge, OBEY THEM NOT, YOU HAVE TO RETURN TO ME AND I WILL TELL YOU ALL THAT YOU DID.” Sura Ankabul, xxix: 8.
Ø“And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents; in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: Show gratitude to Me and to your parents: to Me is your Goal. But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge, OBEY THEM NOT, yet bear them company in this life with justice and follow the way of those who turn to Me: in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth of all that you did.” Sura Luqman, xxxi: 14, 15.
The parents are duty bound to guide the child as commanded by the Quran just as the child is expected to honour the parents by the command of the Quran. Allah speaks the Truth.
The parent-to-child/child-to-parent command goes around and comes around, and this is instruction that begins with the birth of the Muslim to the child as well as to the parents who are first in line for shaping the life of the Muslim, and this command calls on the child to accept responsibility with the parents as witness and as first teacher.
No man who reads the Quran in submission to the Will of Allah will imagine himself to be fortunate to be born of Muslim parents and therefore born in possession of the favours without any effort of his own.
When one accepts his Islam as a gift from his parents, this Islam that he imagines then comes, not from Allah, but from someone who was commanded to be a slave of Allah and failed in his duty towards Allah and towards his offspring:
Ø“They impress upon thee as a favour they have embraced Islam. Allah has conferred a favour upon you that He has guided you to the Faith if you be true and sincere.” Q. XLIX: 17
The Muslim is duty bound to make every effort to convey to others the purity of the Quran, to the best of his ability, in which he must avoid fabrications to make up for his lack of knowledge or lack of understanding, which misleads others.
Islam gives to the man his rightful place and his manhood, which he earns by his obedience and his sincere devotion to Allah. Womanhood is a gift from Allah to the woman and to the man, but a man must earn his manhood in obedience to his Lord and with his fear for the displeasure of his Lord.
If a man is blinded by the Light of the Quran and he fails to see this Light because he places the sayings that are attributed to the man other than the Revelation from Allah before the Word of Allah, then he ignores this:
Ø“Were We to send down this Quran on a mountain you would see it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah.” Quran lix, 22
And he becomes a living example of this:
Ø“We did indeed offer the trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains but they refused to undertake it being afraid thereof, but man undertook is. He was indeed unjust and foolish.” Quran xxxiii, 72
The above information from the Quran provides a picture of proof for success or for the failure of the Deen of Islam. Any belief that ignores the Power of the Quran, even if it is presented as operating alongside the Quran, it joins another in worship of Allah in derogation of Allah.
The Born-Muslim Syndrome provides us with a Greek God as a prophet of Islam who will return from the sky, and orders the Biblical stoning to death of women for adultery only to satisfy cowardly racist desires, and this leads men away from the Path of Allah.
Muslims have strayed from Quran and are now as close to the Fire as any infidel.
Muslim scholars betray the prohet and ALLAH and the Quran when they pretend to be priests. Islam is not a Church and has no clergy and Abu j should take note of this.
Muslims corrupt the Quran to seek political benefits in Christian countries. Some accept the sociual benefits that Christian priests collect, along with tax-free favours, and this is NOT Islam.